※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2018-12-01 18:12:01
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [新聞] 印度公狗被4名吸毒者輪姦後死亡
時間 Sat Dec 1 16:19:33 2018
Dog dies after being gang raped, mutilated by 4 alleged drug addicts
Dog dies after being gang raped, mutilated by 4 alleged drug addicts - World | The Star Online MUMBAI (Philippine Daily Inquirer/Asia News Network): A male dog in Mumbai, India succumbed to the injuries he sustained after being gang-raped and mu ...
MUMBAI (Philippine Daily Inquirer/Asia News Network): A male dog in Mumbai,
India succumbed to the injuries he sustained after being gang-raped and
mutilated by four unidentified men under the influence of drugs.
The dog, Courage, passed away in his sleep on Wednesday, Nov. 21, as per a
post by the animal welfare non-government organization Animals Matter To Me
(AMTM) via Facebook on the same day.
The dog’s remains will be sent for a post-mortem examination.
Courage suffered from excessive bleeding and internal damage resulting from
the crime, according to an earlier post by AMTM on Tuesday, Nov 20.
One local resident, Sudha Fernandes, saw the bleeding dog in great pain, with
its penis mutilated, on Nov 17 at 12pm, as reported by The Asian Age on Nov
An auto rickshaw driver told her that Courage was gang-raped by four men who
were under the influence of drugs on the same day at 2am.
“He told me that the dog needed to be immediately admitted,” Fernandes said
in the report. “The dog’s front legs were tied and its mouth gagged while
it was sexually tortured. Its loud screams alerted the driver, but the
accused fled from the spot.”
Courage then disappeared after Fernandes tried to get ahold of him, the
report stated. She found him a day after near a temple. The dog was later
sent to a veterinary clinic with the help of AMTM to get stabilized.
Aside from the suspects, the police are also on the lookout for the auto
rickshaw driver. – Philippine Daily Inquirer/Asia News Network
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→ : 吸獨真的影響智商1F 12/01 16:20
→ : 五樓被毒甲當公狗輪肛2F 12/01 16:20
→ : 印度 不意外3F 12/01 16:20
→ : 為什麼駕駛知道4F 12/01 16:20
→ : 印度不意外5F 12/01 16:20
推 : 印度不意外6F 12/01 16:20
推 : 不過是隻狗7F 12/01 16:20
推 : 標題有夠悚動8F 12/01 16:21
推 : 印度男生已經飢不擇食了9F 12/01 16:21
→ : 標題就正常敘述吧10F 12/01 16:22
推 : 印度人腦長在老二上?11F 12/01 16:22
推 : 駕駛從頭看到尾啊12F 12/01 16:22
→ : 所以駕駛可能也有play one
→ : 所以駕駛可能也有play one
推 : 抓到通通送去恆河姦鱷魚14F 12/01 16:24
推 : 專產強暴犯的國家15F 12/01 16:25
推 : ...............16F 12/01 16:26
推 : 印度大神了,連狗都不放過17F 12/01 16:27
→ : 印度其實也毒品氾濫18F 12/01 16:27
→ : 某些性病都是變態搞出來的
→ : 可憐的動物
→ : 某些性病都是變態搞出來的
→ : 可憐的動物
推 : 三洨??????21F 12/01 16:29
推 : 乾 這三小22F 12/01 16:29
→ : 這種新聞就會感覺台灣其實真不錯...23F 12/01 16:30
推 : 印度不意外24F 12/01 16:31
推 : 印度到底還有甚麼東西不能強姦的?25F 12/01 16:32
推 : 會不會有新興病毒要出現了26F 12/01 16:32
推 : 吸毒甲連狗都不放過...27F 12/01 16:33
推 : 連狗也不放過…28F 12/01 16:34
→ : ..........29F 12/01 16:34
推 : 甲?30F 12/01 16:37
推 : 吸毒甲日常31F 12/01 16:38
噓 : 阻擋人性發展的國家就是會變成變態......32F 12/01 16:38
推 : 這國家是有多飢渴才會這樣33F 12/01 16:38
推 : ………34F 12/01 16:39
推 : 噁,畜牲不如35F 12/01 16:39
→ : 強姦大國真的沒讓我失望36F 12/01 16:39
推 : 嘔嘔嘔嘔37F 12/01 16:41
→ : 幹 ………這到底殺小國家38F 12/01 16:42
推 : 硬督國日常39F 12/01 16:42
推 : 硬督幹狗甲40F 12/01 16:42
推 : 這個世界...真的太離奇了...41F 12/01 16:46
→ : 公狗耶~~~印度人現在是有個洞就可以了嗎42F 12/01 16:48
推 : Rip43F 12/01 16:49
推 : 我看了什麼44F 12/01 16:49
→ : 去印度前請把自己身上的洞縫起來
→ : 去印度前請把自己身上的洞縫起來
→ : 印度人什麼都幹...46F 12/01 16:56
→ : 7.77覺青:沒事兒沒事兒,支持毒品合法化47F 12/01 16:56
→ k44754 …
推 : 硬督欸49F 12/01 16:59
→ : 智障低能50F 12/01 16:59
推 : 印度不意外51F 12/01 17:00
噓 : 低能垃圾公豬 白癡52F 12/01 17:01
推 : 印度是白癡人產地53F 12/01 17:05
推 : 我建議把台灣的強姦犯送到印度給印度人肛54F 12/01 17:05
→ : 八卦最愛的先進國家55F 12/01 17:11
→ : 矮額跟甲甲一樣56F 12/01 17:20
噓 : 印度男人就是哥布林57F 12/01 17:21
推 : 真的會笑死58F 12/01 17:22
推 : 你說母狗就算了…59F 12/01 17:28
噓 : 悲哀的賤種印度人60F 12/01 17:36
→ Wand …
推 : 最噁心的國家62F 12/01 17:55
※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: -1 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 1044