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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2017-06-11 14:27:25
看板 Gossiping
作者 vagr8 (波多野結衣不蔽體)
標題 [問卦] 無奈的英文是什麼?
時間 Sun Jun 11 12:08:27 2017


請問各位多益1000分 托福ibt_150 的各位






還有我知道不是ikea 跟costco


他很有興趣 我想說翻個沒有菸抽得日子給他

 [問卦] 胖子懶叫特別短是真的嗎?
Raymar: 是啊 五樓就是例子04/25 21:54
t00012: 請5樓示範04/25 21:54
alucardlai: 冒險蓋04/25 21:54
bonfferoni: 五樓就是04/25 21:54
reinforce15: 是啊 五樓就是例子

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1PFC8_eU (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1497154111.A.A1E.html
tonica: goodnight1F 06/11 12:08
ANiZan9991: woonai2F 06/11 12:08
louis10452: Guten nicht3F 06/11 12:09
saiulbb: WooNight4F 06/11 12:09
TommyWu1991: No nine5F 06/11 12:09
oten: ok. ˊˋ愁眉苦臉樣6F 06/11 12:09
yuan55226: 谷奶7F 06/11 12:09
cpylislv: moneychan8F 06/11 12:09
saniblue: wu nei9F 06/11 12:09
Simonfenix: So be it?  好像也不太像10F 06/11 12:09
yuan55226: 溫拿11F 06/11 12:09
nextpage: No nine12F 06/11 12:09
tiffcmh: woo low is shit13F 06/11 12:10
DarkIllusion: *shrug*14F 06/11 12:10
※ 編輯: vagr8 (, 06/11/2017 12:11:46
fastmonster: mo nine15F 06/11 12:10
saniblue: there’s nothing i can do16F 06/11 12:10
johnhmj: zdravstvuyte17F 06/11 12:10
s505015: How do you turn this on18F 06/11 12:11
eddie909: www.ptt.cc/bbs/Eng-Class/M.1282931408.A.CD9.html19F 06/11 12:11
shevchen: So Bad20F 06/11 12:11
vancepeng: If you can't fix it , gonna stand it.21F 06/11 12:12
Spitfire168: Tsai22F 06/11 12:12
Neymar: have no choice,如果要翻"也只能如此吧"23F 06/11 12:12
manlike: have no choice24F 06/11 12:13
vango: so be it25F 06/11 12:13
manlike: g8 學我26F 06/11 12:13
manlike: here we go
CYCUTalker: Hopeless. Without choice. Maybe.28F 06/11 12:14
kiuyeah: heil hitler29F 06/11 12:15
manlike: Come on30F 06/11 12:15
pttworld: only do so31F 06/11 12:15
suhs: Sadly32F 06/11 12:17
suhs: 要看前後文
jimcheer: 德文是Du bister麞osenscheißer34F 06/11 12:18
hsuaba: No nipple35F 06/11 12:18
linmoon: so it goes36F 06/11 12:18
colleer: shoganai37F 06/11 12:19
alog: good night38F 06/11 12:19
jimcheer: du bist der hosenscheisser39F 06/11 12:19
kop5236: I told you so40F 06/11 12:20
chiz2: costco41F 06/11 12:21
op840906: That's it42F 06/11 12:21
decom: Bitch please43F 06/11 12:21
TJCombo: what did I tell you -- 這個才是正確的44F 06/11 12:22
cybergenie: 樓上那是「早就跟你說了」45F 06/11 12:23
lavign: sign46F 06/11 12:24
cybergenie: 我建議:What I can say...47F 06/11 12:24
essvasot: i don't give a fuck48F 06/11 12:24
a0986188522: n'avoir pas d'autre solution49F 06/11 12:24
tnssh211448: fine50F 06/11 12:25
vfiloveu: ok, fine~51F 06/11 12:25
c24253994: fuck off motherfucker52F 06/11 12:26
andrew321: No life53F 06/11 12:28
reigon1126: 無奈(英文)54F 06/11 12:30
yeap193: c'est la vie 人生如此阿55F 06/11 12:30
ckgc2002: niggle56F 06/11 12:32
jonsauwi: shikata nai57F 06/11 12:33
tommyhunter: fine~(攤手)58F 06/11 12:33
lunasiao: What choice have I?我有什麼選擇呢?59F 06/11 12:34
qwer04230423: Fine~60F 06/11 12:35
jewish123: 樓上文法哪裡教的61F 06/11 12:35
jewish123: 樓樓上
abxtpml56: WHATEVER63F 06/11 12:35
vagr8: What choice can I have.64F 06/11 12:35
vagr8: 純粹幫lun訂正 XD
ruby02162000: Okay, fine.67F 06/11 12:37
waloloo: biblethump68F 06/11 12:40
PeterL: That's it.69F 06/11 12:40
grandzxcv: sign70F 06/11 12:41
Spartan117: 說幫人訂正也別訂正錯好ㄇ71F 06/11 12:42
a129123659: what can I say ++72F 06/11 12:44
www8787: Taiwan73F 06/11 12:46
fastmonster: 圖XDD74F 06/11 12:46
shiro0701: c'est la vie75F 06/11 12:47
liebes: Nothing helps76F 06/11 12:49
asdf6630: engineer77F 06/11 12:49
hank11431: 圖XDDDDDD78F 06/11 12:55
ROBrandenbur: 圖文相符79F 06/11 13:02
brad001: 給他圖就懂了80F 06/11 13:02
leew633: 推圖81F 06/11 13:03
wrytus: I have nothing to say...82F 06/11 13:05
tosakashiron: 66樓正解 大家可以出去囉83F 06/11 13:06
anions: No nice84F 06/11 13:06
gaddafi: wunai85F 06/11 13:06
xxx83221: Well, that's it.86F 06/11 13:07
ORK: goodnight87F 06/11 13:12
roisac: smh88F 06/11 13:17
bob20228: whatever89F 06/11 13:18
liudwan: someone is left hopeless90F 06/11 13:20
holybless: whosyourdaddy91F 06/11 13:21
a1qazbgt5: 幹圖片正解XD92F 06/11 13:22
KMTfatty5566: U mother fker93F 06/11 13:22
wz70403: 直接來個emojo 就好啦?94F 06/11 13:24
s8800892000: 圖正解XDD95F 06/11 13:26
wiiam1005: 交給我處理96F 06/11 13:27
Minegun: XDD97F 06/11 13:28
xu3ej04zj3: 查字典很難嗎98F 06/11 13:30
xu3ej04zj3: http://i.imgur.com/yL31nuA.jpg
chloeslover: SO BE IT100F 06/11 13:44
u5484: Winter is coming101F 06/11 13:44
open73: OK, then.102F 06/11 14:16
yolasiku: 無奶103F 06/11 14:17

※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 1 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 1239 
分享網址: 複製 已複製
( ̄︶ ̄)b zzz111zzz111 說讚!
1樓 時間: 2017-06-11 14:00:23 (香港)
  06-11 14:00 HK
You know
2樓 時間: 2017-06-11 15:19:59 (美國)
  06-11 15:19 US
have no choice
3樓 時間: 2017-06-11 16:09:23 (台灣)
  06-11 16:09 TW
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