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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2016-08-16 08:57:07
看板 Gossiping
作者 Django (Cython)
標題 [新聞] 英國航空把飛機餐改為巧克力棒
時間 Tue Aug 16 02:35:57 2016


Chocs away! British Airways angers passengers after cutting second meal on
long-haul flights and replacing it with tiny chocolate bars



British Airways customers have been left fuming after the carrier stopped
serving a second meal on some flights - replacing it with snacks such as mini
chocolate bars.


Passengers on certain medium- and long-haul routes, including London-New
York, no longer get a sandwich or a similar meal shortly before landing -
meaning they may be forced to bring their own food on board to stave off
hunger later in the flight.


It's one of a number of noticeable cutbacks implemented by the Heathrow-based
airline this summer in attempt to trim costs.


Travellers in all classes will still get a main meal earlier in flights, but
the second meal has been axed.
A passenger who paid £500 to travel from Heathrow to New York's JFK Airport
called the cutback an 'insult' after paying so much to fly in premium economy
(World Traveller Plus) on the seven-hour flight.



The traveller told the Sun: 'It was a joke. I paid £500 for a World
Traveller Plus seat and the breakfast was OK but to then get just a fun-size
chocolate bar six hours later is outrageous.
'The cabin attendant who served me was clearly embarrassed and when I asked
for another she said she wasn't supposed to but handed another one over as
she could see I was hungry.'



A flight attendant told the Sun: 'It's actually quite embarrassing for us and
quite rightly passengers are outraged.'
A British Airways spokesman told MailOnline Travel the changes apply to
economy class (World Traveller) on flights under eight-and-a-half hours and
premium economy on flights under seven hours.

一名空服員表示: 這真的很尷尬 而且乘客會生氣完全合情合理


On those flights, flight attendants will pass through with baskets full of
snacks, the spokesman said.


He added: 'We offer customers on all of our transatlantic flights a
three-course meal, bar service and snacks and on our longer transatlantic
flights, including to the west coast, customers are offered an extra meal
during the flight.
'We regularly review our catering to ensure we are investing where it matters
most to our customers.'

發言人表示: 我們會定期檢視我們的供餐以確定我們的餐費是用在消費者最需要的部分

The changes were reported by the UK-based travel blog Head for Points in
It claimed there would be changes to in-flight meals in every cabin - from
first class all the way down to economy.
Amuse bouche was to be removed from the meal service in first class, while
business class (Club World) would see a move away from expensive fresh items
to even more ambient items, such as chocolate bars, the blog reported.
The blog also said newspapers will no longer be offered to passengers at the
airport gate on short-haul flights to London starting from 1 September.





In May, British Airways faced a passenger backlash after it was reported that
the airline was considering charging for meals on short-haul flights.

4.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):

British Airways stops serving second meal on certain flights | Daily Mail Online
Passengers on certain long-haul routes, including London-New York, used to receive a small meal, such as a sandwich, shortly before landing - but it's ...



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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1471286160.A.F94.html
lovesooman: 看版規好不好1F 08/16 02:36
tigerblue663: 我也想吃巧克力棒2F 08/16 02:36
blackzero1: costdown的先驅3F 08/16 02:36
kai6366: 幹是多窮 到底4F 08/16 02:36
liliumeow: 惱羞 震怒XDD5F 08/16 02:37
nacy204327: 乾脆不要給==6F 08/16 02:37
ImBBCALL: 漢堡三明治變黑人棒棒7F 08/16 02:38
tmcharvard: 確定是巧克力棒?  不是從廁所拿出來的...8F 08/16 02:38
ThreekRoger: 機票那種價格,機上這種服務9F 08/16 02:38
yuugen2: 我褲子裡有啊10F 08/16 02:38
arrenwu: 那些飛機上的餐點這麼難吃 我還以為本來就很便宜11F 08/16 02:39
andyxstussy: 台灣化12F 08/16 02:39
doom3: 發這個不如不要發 羞辱式巧克力13F 08/16 02:39
doomhammer: 我可以再要一條巧味棒嗎 空姐:不 行 (微笑14F 08/16 02:39
ramirez: 有夠爛15F 08/16 02:39
arrenwu: 沒想到在這上面省一筆對他們有差16F 08/16 02:39
doomhammer: 這是什麼play......17F 08/16 02:39
※ 編輯: Django (, 08/16/2016 02:40:53
ckshchen: 會不會是他們比較想吃玉米棒??18F 08/16 02:40
penta: 太扯了吧…19F 08/16 02:40
benomy: 完了完了,滑航和腸茸要跟進了,飛機餐全面改發茶葉蛋20F 08/16 02:41
a2156700: 航程8.5小時以內(經濟艙)或7小時以內(特級經濟艙)的班機21F 08/16 02:41
chivalry70: http://i.imgur.com/dnJoNGB.jpg 能入口的程度而已22F 08/16 02:42
F16V: 改飛機杯23F 08/16 02:43
arrenwu: 樓上那餐點不錯啦 算是比較不難吃的24F 08/16 02:43
LIONDODO: 下面英國人噴爆了25F 08/16 02:43
kevin751231: 黑糖營養口糧棒26F 08/16 02:43
chivalry70: http://i.imgur.com/GbzKvhv.jpg 商務艙也不過如此27F 08/16 02:43
arrenwu: 不過我覺得餐點跟航空公司的種類也有關係28F 08/16 02:44
drigo: 樓上餐盒那根好大好粗29F 08/16 02:44
kkksteve: 比如美國 不准帶飲料上機, 長途飛行怎麼辦?30F 08/16 02:44
chivalry70: 飛機餐有吃就好 http://i.imgur.com/U3TcOu9.jpg31F 08/16 02:45
chivalry70: drigo髒髒32F 08/16 02:45
LIONDODO: 樓上你主餐哪去惹33F 08/16 02:45
arrenwu: 美國有不准帶飲料上機嗎? 是不准帶液體過海關吧34F 08/16 02:46
arrenwu: 你還是可以在 Gate 附近的商店買東西上去爆食啊
kkksteve: 對喔 記錯了...也就是要進海關後在裡面買好..36F 08/16 02:46
arrenwu: 不過我在飛機上面傾向少喝飲料就是 上廁所麻煩37F 08/16 02:47
jesil: 一個太少了... 多給幾個倒是不錯38F 08/16 02:47
chivalry70: 巧克力棒也太寒酸...飛機餐就吃墊胃的了,是開嘲諷嗎39F 08/16 02:47
arrenwu: 飛機上餐點我覺得醬料類的最雷40F 08/16 02:47
chivalry70: LIONDODO主餐不是在上面嗎…0.041F 08/16 02:48
limitpanda: 飛十四小時也兩餐而已42F 08/16 02:48
ImBBCALL: 長途飛機都吃飽睡睡飽吃,跟養豬一樣43F 08/16 02:49
chivalry70: http://i.imgur.com/zhGocKV.jpg 吃過最雷的飛機餐44F 08/16 02:49
F16V: 口味真重45F 08/16 02:49
arrenwu: 14 小時會給三次食物吧?46F 08/16 02:49
chivalry70: 雷到炸掉,麵包不像麵包蛋不像蛋,差點吐出來47F 08/16 02:50
arrenwu: 那個可頌看起來還不錯啊XD48F 08/16 02:50
LIONDODO: 喔喔喔,原來分兩張哈哈49F 08/16 02:51
arrenwu: 水果和優格布丁類的最穩 圓麵包固定超級乾硬50F 08/16 02:51
arrenwu: 每次搭飛機其實那過程都讓我頭皮發麻
chivalry70: 優格更是噁心http://i.imgur.com/WXjA2Fw.jpg52F 08/16 02:51
arrenwu: 那個是過期的嗎@@"53F 08/16 02:52
chivalry70: 商務分三次上,所以就分開拍了...金拍謝沒註明好54F 08/16 02:52
thatsauce: 也太雷,又是不是廉航55F 08/16 02:52
raindrops: 那張優格看起來像嬰兒食品XD56F 08/16 02:53
arrenwu: 我比較好奇的是省這個能省多少錢57F 08/16 02:53
chivalry70: 我有習慣看保存期限是沒過期,但是口感味道都很噁58F 08/16 02:53
shintz: 精緻餐具搭便宜餐點XDDD59F 08/16 02:53
raindrops: 阿聯酋的麵包我覺得好吃60F 08/16 02:53
litcurler: 從重量省下來的燃油錢應該頗可觀的61F 08/16 02:53
arrenwu: 阿聯酋整架飛機都很爽啊62F 08/16 02:54
arrenwu: 今年回台灣就是搭阿聯酋 東西真的是不錯吃
arrenwu: 連耳機也比較高級
arrenwu: 回程搭Delta就又是12小時的空中監獄
asgardgogo: 嫌乘客太多66F 08/16 02:55
chivalry70: 吃優格但是卻有喝雪碧加管灌食品的口感67F 08/16 02:55
raindrops: 對啊 餅乾也好吃XD 點餐看的menu蠻精緻的68F 08/16 02:55
chivalry70: 最近商務艙的菜單為什麼有些換成紙本,很沒質感69F 08/16 02:57
EfiwymsiAros: 重點不是巧克力棒 重點是竟然上飛機了才講 讓乘客毫70F 08/16 02:59
EfiwymsiAros: 無準備 只能餓肚子 這種服務不被噴爆才怪
KasmirLo: 商務艙那個看了完全沒食欲72F 08/16 03:02
vincentx5566: 巴黎航空的超好吃73F 08/16 03:18
andyll2: http://i.imgur.com/4WCiTeD.jpg 你們在爭什麼?74F 08/16 03:24
a28095448: 連巧克力棒都只能給一個是有多窮75F 08/16 03:36
chivalry70: andyll2那是什麼鬼XDDD76F 08/16 03:41
afking: 阿酋聯的還算不錯,甜點很讚77F 08/16 03:56
nns327: 惱羞?78F 08/16 04:04
Ycosmos: 呃,吃不飽吧79F 08/16 04:14
CCfss: 阿提哈德航空 和 阿聯酋 搭起來都挺不錯的~80F 08/16 04:46
CCfss: 英航連商務艙都用巧克力棒實在太超過了@@
lovelebron24: 呵呵那華航長榮不就更糟呵呵82F 08/16 06:07
Freak5566: 巧克男孩的O棒83F 08/16 06:09
pony666: 這種就叫雷?中國航空給的餐才叫雷 第一次不懂事打開來84F 08/16 07:49
pony666: 第二次就知道放在桌上完全不要去動它了
dslite: 英航超爛86F 08/16 08:11
Leeng: 幹 寒酸87F 08/16 08:28
ace7432: andy的那個好像是長榮的88F 08/16 08:32
lili300: 最好吃的絕對是泡麵 可惜現在好像沒有了89F 08/16 08:43
bcd: 最好是都不要吃,密閉空間吃太多放屁,會讓機艙變成毒氣室90F 08/16 08:46
crazypeo45: 國泰跟新航表示91F 08/16 08:49
ruby02162000: 中國航空的餐真的雷,明明都是中式餐點但可以超難吃92F 08/16 08:51
ruby02162000: ,華航跟長榮算不錯了

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