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※ 本文為 Knuckles 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2015-03-10 21:38:08
看板 Gossiping
作者 irene2772193 (阿芸)
標題 [爆卦] 各國發生的事情簡報3
時間 Tue Mar 10 20:39:38 2015

Russian authorities charged two men in the Feb. 27 assassination of Boris
Nemtsov, a prominent leader of the opposition to President Vladimir Putin.
Three additional men have been detained in the investigation. One of the men
charged reportedly has ties to Ramazan Kadyrov, the leader of Kremlin-backed
leader of Chechnya. The other suspects also have ties to Russia’s Muslim
population, according to Russian media, and one may have been a police
officer in Chechnya. Police are still searching for other suspects.

俄羅斯當局控告兩殺手於2月27號試圖暗殺Boris Nemtsov,一位傑出的反對黨領袖
另外還有三人遭到拘留調查中,其中一人被爆出與Ramazan Kadyrov一位深受克里姆林
所支持的車臣領袖 有所關聯. 剩於的人也與俄羅斯穆斯林有關聯,
根據俄羅斯媒體的報導  有一位可能是車臣的警察

Kadyrov said that the former policeman who has been charged in the crime may
have been angered by the cartoons depicting the Prophet Muhammad in Charlie
Hebdo, a French satirical newspaper. “All who know Zaur confirm that he is a
deep believer and also that he, like all Muslims, was shocked by the
activities of Charlie and comments in support of printing the cartoons,”
 Kadyrov wrote on his Instagram account.

可能是因為受到一個法國報紙,Charlie Hebdo,對於先知穆哈穆德的諷刺的刺激
Zaur,被逮捕的前警官, 是一個非常虔誠的穆斯林教徒

Court documents said that the killings were "committed for financial gain," a
charge often used in contract killings.

根據法庭檔案的紀錄 這些刺殺行動是為了 經濟效益而行動的



1.  China’s premier announced that the country has lowered its GDP growth
target to “around 7 percent” as development slows down.


2.  One of India’s largest commercial broadcasters stopped broadcasting to
protest the government’s decision to ban a BBC documentary about a 2012 gang
rape on a Delhi bus.


3. China will implement new legislation to fight corruption as part of an
ongoing crackdown on graft



1. St. Lucia’s police force kept “death lists” and planted guns on suspected
criminals, according to an investigation into police conduct on the island

    聖露西亞警察部門有一份"應死亡名單" 並會藏槍在嫌疑犯上試圖嫁禍他們

2. Colombia’s government and the FARC rebel group have reached an agreement to
jointly clear landmines across the country.


3. Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff delivered a speech calling on Brazilians
to support her austerity policies.

   巴西總統Dilma Rousseff發表了一份演說


1. An al Qaeda-linked group fired some 30 rockets on a United Nations
peacekeepers’ base in northern Mali, killing at least three people.


2.  Chad and Niger launched a major offensive against the Nigeria-based Boko
Haram, the jihadi group based in northern Nigeria.

    查德和尼日對在奈及利亞的Boko Haram武裝份子發動了一次大規模的進攻

3. United Nation Secretary General Ban Ki-moon expressed “profound
disappointment” in the failure of peace talks in South Sudan’s civil war.

   聯合國秘書長Ban Ki-moon將軍表示和平會議對於南蘇丹的內戰的結果


1.   European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said that the European
Union needs its own army in order to demonstrate to be “taken seriously” by

     歐洲委員會首長 Jean-Claude Juncker表示

2.   Greece’s finance minister said his country would consider holding a
popular referendum on fiscal policy.


3.   Eastern Ukraine’s separatist rebels have pulled their heavy weaponry away
from the frontlines as a cease-fire seems to hold.


Middle East中東

1.   Saudi Arabia became the world’s largest arms importer in 2014, according
to analysts.


2.   Islamic State militants destroyed the ruins of the ancient Mesopotamian
city of Hatra, a UNESCO world heritage site.

      一個列入世界遺產的古蹟 (就這樣被毀惹 T.T)

3.   An airstrike by the U.S.-led coalition on an Islamic State-controlled oil
refinery on the Syria-Turkey border killed 30 people, including both
militants and refinery workers.


備註 :

譯者Kare: 本來翻譯希望8點可以貼沒想到
晚了整整30分鐘= =
目前另外兩人魏桑大大 和 cornfan大大也會加入行列唷

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1K_kOCsS (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1425991180.A.D9C.html
sali921: 原po是正妹..1F 03/10 20:40
IronCube: 別上那個爛色好嗎 根本看不到2F 03/10 20:40
lpbrother: 其實中央社都有報導,只是鄉民不愛貼而已3F 03/10 20:40
HiranoMiu: 圖呢4F 03/10 20:40
Hudba5566: 推5F 03/10 20:40
iiooiioou: 有心幫推 但本篇已被一樓轉移焦點6F 03/10 20:41
azt911231: 元po正妹推7F 03/10 20:41
※ 編輯: irene2772193 (, 03/10/2015 20:42:28
deepdish: IA版可以貼十篇新聞阿8F 03/10 20:42
※ 編輯: irene2772193 (, 03/10/2015 20:44:43
a121359329: 有看有推9F 03/10 20:45
lpbrother: 向俄羅斯這麼大的新聞,http://goo.gl/AZYu3X10F 03/10 20:46
涅姆佐夫命案 戴達耶夫犯罪為信仰 | 國際焦點 | 中央社即時新聞 CNA NEWS
(中央社莫斯科9日電)俄羅斯檢調單位表示,5名涉案的嫌犯中,車臣共和國內政部「北方」軍營副團長戴達耶夫已承認犯行,理由是涅姆佐夫曾對穆斯林和伊斯蘭發表負面言論。 | 國際焦點 ...

j31404: 正妹給推11F 03/10 20:46
Hateson: 推12F 03/10 20:46
lpbrother: 中央社都有報13F 03/10 20:46
feelsnow: 有新聞有推14F 03/10 20:48
Kietiary: 挑錯字「落網」15F 03/10 20:48
se2422: 推16F 03/10 20:49
eternity0005: 推17F 03/10 20:49
j31404: 建議直接中文全上色 跟英文區別18F 03/10 20:50
canucksteve: 其實自己看也行,不過看在你幫別人用心整理給推19F 03/10 20:50
godpigchiu:20F 03/10 20:51
xfirex: 推  感謝整理21F 03/10 20:51
MAYDAYJJ: 可以開發訂閱功能嗎QAQ22F 03/10 20:52
taimu: 3q23F 03/10 20:52
dan310546: 博柯聖地,  秘書長潘基文24F 03/10 20:52
leekt52: 推 !25F 03/10 20:53
frogha1: 唷26F 03/10 20:53
chana:27F 03/10 20:54
dan310546: 撒哈拉非洲實在很亂~"~28F 03/10 20:54
PAULVC: 推29F 03/10 20:55
Ryomine: 推!30F 03/10 20:55
riker729: 推給車臣就對了31F 03/10 20:57
std92050: 推32F 03/10 20:57
nick80151: 安安你好給虧嗎33F 03/10 20:59
eo8h1: 好文給推34F 03/10 21:00
kning: 推35F 03/10 21:02
Bookdaily: 今天種族歧視的新聞也很大36F 03/10 21:02
cloudin: 推37F 03/10 21:04
joesarira:38F 03/10 21:05
noobismeok:39F 03/10 21:05
man700: 推~增加國際觀!40F 03/10 21:07
lenzi0: 推41F 03/10 21:08
skybrest: 我覺得標題可改用日期了42F 03/10 21:09
shiounio: 推43F 03/10 21:10
modn: 支持你們 只是如果有固定網站更好44F 03/10 21:12
c7683fh6: 推45F 03/10 21:13
fukawa947: 推個整理46F 03/10 21:13
WrongHole:47F 03/10 21:13
collector:48F 03/10 21:13
BoiceSun: 推 <349F 03/10 21:15
emily996633:50F 03/10 21:16
Saaski: ,51F 03/10 21:16
Mues: push thx52F 03/10 21:20
hackerman: PP53F 03/10 21:21
earthstar: 幹 爽推54F 03/10 21:21
Sinreigensou: 未看先推55F 03/10 21:21
holybless: po56F 03/10 21:23
kai91: 推清流57F 03/10 21:24
clecer: PUSH58F 03/10 21:25
joesarira:59F 03/10 21:26
kshtainan:60F 03/10 21:26
ilovecim: 讚61F 03/10 21:27
teapot43: 推整理 謝謝62F 03/10 21:28
ipodnapin: 辛苦了 推63F 03/10 21:28
mirabellee: 推64F 03/10 21:29
wuchidu: 推65F 03/10 21:31
lisia: 推66F 03/10 21:32
jiaxie: 讚! 曾到過聖露西亞的人路過67F 03/10 21:34
hsgreent: 推 謝謝68F 03/10 21:36

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