※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2015-07-31 02:50:25
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [爆卦] 學生用生命抗議違調課綱已投上CNN ireport
時間 Fri Jul 31 00:53:17 2015
剛剛看 CNN ireport
學生用生命抗議教育部違法調整課綱 已投上CNN ireport
請大家一起幫高調 讓國際一起關注!
留言點選 <this belongs to CNN>
以下為CNN ireport 連結
A student against illegal education adjustment using his life to protest the government in Taiwan - CNN iReport
A student against illegal education adjustment using his life to protest the government in Taiwan The conflict induced by illegal education adjustment had gone to a higher level. After illegal arr... ...
A student against illegal education adjustment using his life to protest
the government
The conflict induced by illegal education adjustment had gone to a higher
After illegal arrest of news reporter, the minister of education Sehua Wu
even sued all the students under the will of political party, KMT.
3 days later after the breaking in the ministry of education, a protest
student “Lin” who is also arrested sent a coded message "HELP" before
he was found dead at home on his birthday,7/30/2015. This is believed to be
his most serious protest against this cold-blood government.
The picture 1
8, 5, 12, 16 was the alphabet order for “ H. E. L. P”
And this is his birthday will that the Minister to take back the
illegal adjustment.
The tragedy began with the minister of education filed an order asking all
chiefs of schools to investigate the background of all the students arrested
and inform their parents.
This gave all the students tremendous psychological pressure after they being
held prison over night in jail with real criminals in 6/23. It is believed
that the government is using their parents' fear to control their children.
The same pattern controlling people used by the government in white terror
ear when KMT invaded Taiwan and took over the control after World War II.
But the plan of KMT all went wrong after one the speech man of student's
league against illegal education adjustment committed suicide to protest the
government and the leading party KMT, who supported pressing charges on
students the most.
The student, with "Lin" as his family name, left messages to his friend on LINE
"I have thought of a way to stop this illegal education adjustment,
on my birthday 7/30."
"This is the only way I can do it now"
"I will let the media and people all discuss about this widely"
"As long as I am alive, I will respect my own value"
「要讓輿論瘋狂燃燒」 綠委公布林冠華Line | 新頭殼 newtalk
接著陳其邁拿出Line群組的對話記錄,裡面可以看到林冠華先說「我要讓媒體輿論瘋狂燃燒」,其他人則問「怎麼做?」林回「不能說,有些事只 ...
The movement of against illegal education adjustment has started 3 years ago
but never rose much attention until recently they have no choice but broke
into the Ministry of Education.
Before it, the students had tried everything they could, including open
discussion, setting a law of monitor education adjustment, public debate, etc.
But the leading party behind the Minister of education never took a serious
look at them.
The students said they are ignored because they are under 20 and can't vote.
And this made them very frustrating and felt no one really understand them.
"Why are they doing this so dangerous and so tiresome?"
"Is there no adults really care about us?"
There might have been chances to avoid this.
If the lowering of voting age to 18 has not been technically blocked by the
leading party KMT this year in Jun, when the DPP, second big party try to
revise the law, the student "Lin" may have a better way to express himself ,
like running a campaign, instead of committing suicide.
It is believed that the leading party has lost most of the vote in the young
generation after 318 Sun flower movement in 2014 and so KMT won't let DPP,
the second big party, to revise the constitutional law along with the voting
of president in next January, 2016. (Due to the high attendance demand on
revising the constitutional law, this is the only chance for public voting
of lowering voting age to work in Taiwan)
After the student's death, the leading party soon announced this student has
psychological problem (which is violating the law of personal privacy even
it is true) and claimed this has nothing to do with the government’s act.
After the minister Sehua Wu finally came to visit the parents of this young,
20 in age student, who just appeared on TV interview talking about why he is
being accused for doing a rightful thing in a clear mind, the minister still
think he is not the one to be blamed and even held a news press meeting in
the victim's home.
However, when being asked whether taking back the illegal education adjustment
and drop all the charges on students, the minister Sehua Wu just said
"of course I will think of all options to press my good intention" instead of
solid answer after a long pause before live camera.
As the minister could not make any solid promise, the friends of this student
"Lin" began to yell "Killer minister" and Sehua Wu soon left the building.
These students kept gathering around the minister Sehua Wu and calling him a
killer, but soon they were pulled down to ground by a black shirt plain clothes
police. He was identified due to leaving with a vehicle registered as property
of New Taipei city, where the Mayor Eric Chu or Chu Li-luan is the chief of KMT.
This even provoked more anger in people at Taiwan due to KMT using police force
like their personal body guard to hurt students.
Picture 2 and 3 police and his car
The news soon covered all the news media and internet in Taiwan, including
facebook, google+, Twitter, PTT website, Linkedin. There are people gathering
around the Ministry of Education moaning for the loss of this young life in
the evening. Driven by anger, people broke into the Legislation Yuan again
later to urge the government to hold a meeting to stop illegal adjustment and
the minister Sehua Wu might step down.
Picture 4 people protesting against KMT and Minister Sehua Wu 7/30/15
It is an ironic coincidence, the police Chief who arrest the students, was
also the same one who tried to arrest Cheng Nan-Jung 26 years ago.
Students against illegal educational adjustment breaking into Education Ministry in Taiwan - CNN iReport
Students against illegal educational adjustment breaking into Education Ministry in Taiwan Jul-23 11:50PM The leading party KMT has a pro-China policy and determined to apply an illegal educational ... ...
As mentioned before in CNN ireport, this became the third largest movement
since 318 Sunflower movement and 926 Umbrella revolution in 2014. People in
Taiwan will always remember freedom and democracy are earned by the sacrifice
of so many heroes, like Cheng Nan-Jung, and his follower Chan I-hua who set
themself on fire 26 years ago to protest the martial law. They finally earned
the speech freedom for every single person in Taiwan with the cost of their
own life.
Picture 5 Cheng Nan-Jung, the speech freedom fighter who sacrifice himself
26 years ago
We sincerely hope this is the last life we have to pay to make Taiwan a normal,
free and democratic country and the education free from brain-washing.
Although there is a still long way to go, people in Taiwan never give up.
Because the dawn is coming, the whole generations are now all awakened and
fighting for themselves.
The live SNG was on
鬥爭 on Livestream
Watch 公民實況轉播組-阿凱公民覺醒紀錄's 鬥爭 on Livestream.com. ...
Watch 公民實況轉播組-阿凱公民覺醒紀錄's 鬥爭 on Livestream.com. ...
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1LkbQ1oD (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1438275201.A.C8D.html
推 : 樓下vegina1F 07/31 00:53
推 : 投這沒用啦2F 07/31 00:53
→ : 我是第一個3F 07/31 00:53
推 : 推!!!!5F 07/31 00:53
推 : 水啦6F 07/31 00:54
7月隨機直播 on Livestream
Watch 公民實況轉播組-文森直播-Ex's 7月隨機直播 on Livestream.com. ...
Watch 公民實況轉播組-文森直播-Ex's 7月隨機直播 on Livestream.com. ...
推 : 又要找美國,美國最近忙非洲才不理你8F 07/31 00:54
→ : 2016 立委總統「發誓絕對不會」投給國民黨! 繼續貼9F 07/31 00:54
→ : 推10F 07/31 00:54
推 : 嗯11F 07/31 00:54
→ : 推12F 07/31 00:54
推 : 沒什麼用阿13F 07/31 00:54
推 : 投這真的沒啥用 台灣在自HIGH而已14F 07/31 00:54
推 : 認真問 為什麼每次都要投CNN?15F 07/31 00:54
推 :16F 07/31 00:54
→ : 丟臉丟到國外去?17F 07/31 00:54
推 : 推18F 07/31 00:54
※ 編輯: sdfzxc (, 07/31/2015 00:55:23推 : 憂鬱症患者以死諫的方式幫助台灣成長19F 07/31 00:55
推 : 推20F 07/31 00:55
噓 : 這個就自己翻譯打上去而已 又不是官方報導21F 07/31 00:55
推 : 怎麼這次沒白宮連署???22F 07/31 00:55
→ : 難不成投NCC23F 07/31 00:55
→ : KMT:都是民進黨的外圍組織 蔡英文出來負責24F 07/31 00:55
推 : 推25F 07/31 00:55
→ : 689抹黑的憂鬱症患者 事實上沒有憂鬱症病史26F 07/31 00:55
推 : 沒辦法 台灣媒體哪家可信27F 07/31 00:55
→ : 現場有人用英文錄畫面28F 07/31 00:55
推 : 推29F 07/31 00:55
推 :30F 07/31 00:55
推 : 推31F 07/31 00:55
推 : 推32F 07/31 00:55
→ : 這英文有不少地方要修一下......33F 07/31 00:55
推 : 高調34F 07/31 00:56
推 : 推35F 07/31 00:56
→ : 全部一起燒炭自殺!!好壯烈 好壯觀 !!加油勇士們36F 07/31 00:56
噓 : 這英文......37F 07/31 00:56
推 : 國民黨 過橋喔38F 07/31 00:56
推 : 推39F 07/31 00:56
→ : 馬英九 : 我把你當人看囉40F 07/31 00:56
→ : 又要叫美國表態嗎???41F 07/31 00:56
→ : CNN會不會覺得煩XD 三不五時就丟那42F 07/31 00:56
推 : 投了。 前面一推黨工也 Xd43F 07/31 00:56
推 : 【法扶律師陪偵請撥02-25592119(關鍵字:反課綱)】44F 07/31 00:57
推 : 推45F 07/31 00:57
推 : 垃圾國民黨....真的是垃圾..46F 07/31 00:57
推 : 推!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!47F 07/31 00:57
推 : 國民黨一直上演丟臉丟到國外的戲碼 不停被外媒認證XD48F 07/31 00:57
→ : 丟臉丟到國外 幹 垃圾KMT49F 07/31 00:57
推 : 推50F 07/31 00:58
推 : 推51F 07/31 00:58
→ : 推52F 07/31 00:58
→ : 推
→ : 推
推 : 讚!54F 07/31 00:58
推 : 推55F 07/31 00:58
→ : 推56F 07/31 00:58
推 : done57F 07/31 00:58
→ : 哈哈哈58F 07/31 00:58
→ : 推59F 07/31 00:59
推 : 終結kmt是我們這一代的責任60F 07/31 00:59
推 : 推61F 07/31 00:59
推 : 推62F 07/31 00:59
推 : 高調63F 07/31 01:00
→ : 用語蠻重的64F 07/31 01:00
推 :65F 07/31 01:00
推 : 推66F 07/31 01:01
推 : 推67F 07/31 01:01
推 : 推68F 07/31 01:01
推 : 又是你!!感謝推!!69F 07/31 01:02
推 : 推70F 07/31 01:02
推 : 推71F 07/31 01:03
推 : 推72F 07/31 01:03
推 : 幹!!推不夠啦!!73F 07/31 01:03
推 : 推74F 07/31 01:03
推 : gσσ∂75F 07/31 01:04
推 : 再推!!!!76F 07/31 01:04
推 : 推77F 07/31 01:04
推 : 高調78F 07/31 01:04
推 :79F 07/31 01:05
推 : 推啦80F 07/31 01:05
推 : 推!黨工滾回去啦81F 07/31 01:05
推 : 推82F 07/31 01:06
推 : 推83F 07/31 01:07
推 : 幫推84F 07/31 01:08
推 : 靠北原來我已經有帳號了,看了看日期 3/28 XDDDD85F 07/31 01:08
推 : 2016 立委總統「發誓絕對不會」投給國民黨! 繼續貼86F 07/31 01:08
推 : 加油!!87F 07/31 01:08
推 : 推88F 07/31 01:08
→ : 覺得帶太多個人價值觀在裡面 箭頭嘍89F 07/31 01:09
→ : 無聊90F 07/31 01:09
推 : 推91F 07/31 01:09
→ amano …
→ : 干CNN什麼事…?93F 07/31 01:11
推 : help us94F 07/31 01:11
推 : 推95F 07/31 01:11
推 : 推96F 07/31 01:12
推 : 推97F 07/31 01:14
推 : 推98F 07/31 01:15
→ eileen7516 …
噓 : 丟臉丟到外國囉,原來臺灣這麼落後有暴民100F 07/31 01:17
推 :101F 07/31 01:17
→ : 推CNN102F 07/31 01:18
→ : 為什麼丟臉?103F 07/31 01:18
推 : 推104F 07/31 01:18
→ : 原來爭取對的事是暴民的行為喔!笑死105F 07/31 01:19
推 : 推106F 07/31 01:19
噓 : 用自殺爭取事情?107F 07/31 01:20
推 : 推!!108F 07/31 01:21
推 : 先推再說109F 07/31 01:21
推 : 已推!!!110F 07/31 01:21
推 : 推111F 07/31 01:22
推 :112F 07/31 01:22
推 : 推113F 07/31 01:23
推 : 推114F 07/31 01:23
推 : 推115F 07/31 01:27
推 : 丟臉是因為有暴民為了自己的利益違法微調課綱116F 07/31 01:28
推 : 是暴君違法微調課綱117F 07/31 01:30
推 : 幫推 幫分享!118F 07/31 01:33
推 : 推119F 07/31 01:35
推 :120F 07/31 01:42
推 : 高調121F 07/31 01:42
推 : 高調122F 07/31 02:15
推 : 推 黨工滾123F 07/31 02:19
推 : 火要燒更旺!!124F 07/31 02:26
推 : 推125F 07/31 02:48
※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 1896
作者 sdfzxc 的最新發文:
- 這是太誠實還是... 綠的會不會想聯合揍飛姚文呀σ(^_^;) 感覺勝文內心應該會吶喊: 不公平,為什麼我的對手不是......(╥﹏╥) 。 」 文102F 77推 2噓
- FB卦點說明: 美國在台協會AIT特別Po文,歡迎台北市長柯文哲參觀內湖新館,美方此舉有什麼用意就 看大家自己解讀囉。 FB連結: FB內容: 今天很高興能歡迎第一位台灣的VIP訪客到我們AIT內湖新 …69F 25推 2噓
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- FB卦點說明: 想保住認真的好立委,反對財團保守勢力反撲罷免,但對新的罷免達標條件不清楚,不知 該如何做的朋友,劉醫師簡單的整理了一下,希望有所幫助,也希望讓真正認真做事的人 可以繼續改革。 FB連結 …141F 97推 10噓