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看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 Re: [爆卦] BBC正式英文新聞稿!!! (中譯版)
時間 Wed Mar 19 13:07:26 2014
※ 引述《dimblackjQ (#8)》之銘言:
: Protesters occupy Taiwan parliament over China trade deal
: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-26641525
BBC News - Protesters occupy Taiwan parliament over China trade deal
Hundreds of students and activists opposed to a trade deal with China occupy Taiwan's parliament and defy police efforts to evict them. ...
: Hundreds of students and activists opposed to a trade deal with China have
: occupied Taiwan's parliament and defied police efforts to evict them.
: 椅子守門攻防戰照片BBC貼上去了!!
The protesters, who burst into the chamber late on Tuesday, say the agreement
with China would hurt Taiwan's economy and leave it vulnerable to pressure
from Beijing.
The deal was signed in June 2013 but has not yet been ratified by MPs.
服貿在2013/6簽署但還沒被通過 ↑
? Magic Points?
It would allow the two to invest more freely in each other's services market.
The protesters moved in after ruling party lawmakers said a review of the
pact by a joint committee was concluded.
在執政黨立委說已經達成協議後 抗議者開始行動
The opposition had accused the government of going back on a pledge to review
the agreement on a clause-by-clause basis.
China is Taiwan's biggest trading partner and in recent years ties between
the two have improved.
支那是台灣最大的貿易夥伴 最近幾年兩邊的連結更加緊密
The two sides split at the end of the Chinese civil war in 1949, and China
regards Taiwan as part of its territory.
1949國共內戰後兩邊分裂, 中國認為台灣是他的一部分
Earlier this year, however, they held their first direct
government-to-government talks. In the past, all talks have gone via
quasi-official organisations.
They have also signed several trade and investment agreements in recent years
- but some fear greater economic integration with China could threaten Taiwan.
- 但有些人害怕和中國加強經濟的統合可能威脅台灣。
Taiwan's Central News Agency described the occupation of the legislature as
"without precedent" and said that crowds had gathered outside the complex.
這句怎麼翻比較對? 我用自己覺得高潮的方式翻就是了Orz
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◆ From:
※ 編輯: B0988698088 來自: (03/19 13:08)
推 :推1F 03/19 13:08
推 :2F 03/19 13:08
推 :MP:國會議員 立委3F 03/19 13:09
推 :mp=立法委員4F 03/19 13:09
推 :立場很中立5F 03/19 13:09
→ pz5202 …
推 :Member of Parliament 國會議員7F 03/19 13:10
噓 :紅的明顯 艾未未轉推了反服貿相關訊息8F 03/19 13:11
→ :我一開始以為MP是再寫憲兵9F 03/19 13:11
推 :MP是國會議員 外國政治新聞很常出現11F 03/19 13:11
推 :中立給推12F 03/19 13:12
※ 編輯: B0988698088 來自: (03/19 13:14)推 :最後一句:這是史上首次發生抗議群眾佔領國會事件,群眾已13F 03/19 13:17
→ :在會場外集結成群
→ :在會場外集結成群
推 :MP=Ma. President(?)15F 03/19 13:19
推 :"從未有過"啦,什麼高潮 XD16F 03/19 13:19
→ : "m"ember of" P"arliament >MP 國會議員17F 03/19 13:26
推 :應該是反對黨控訴政府對於逐條審查的協議食言19F 03/19 13:37
→ :這文有毒,程序正義都表過不提,直接擺在政治鬥爭20F 03/19 13:59
→ :有人能協助澄清的嗎
→ :有人能協助澄清的嗎
推 :這篇沒提到非法程序通過22F 03/19 14:01
※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 1 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 4465
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