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※ 本文為 civiltensai.bbs. 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-03-20 01:29:36
看板 Gossiping
作者 Zuyi (it's Zuyi柔依)
標題 [爆卦] 佔領立法院 國際新聞整理
時間 Wed Mar 19 15:37:38 2014


China trade pact foes occupy Taiwanese legislature - The Washington Post
Hundreds of opponents of a trade pact with China demonstrated in and around Taiwan’s legislature Wednesday, in the most serious challenge to date to President Ma Ying-jeou’s policy of moving the democratic island of 23 million people economically closer to Communist China. ...

Studenten stürmen Taiwans Parlament
Ist das noch außerparlamentarische Opposition? Studenten übernachten im Plenarsaal und drängen die Polizei zurück. Sie... jetzt lesen ...

Taiwan students occupy legislature over China trade deal | Reuters
TAIPEI (Reuters) - Hundreds of protesters in Taiwan opposed to a trade pact with China which they fear gives the mainland too much economic influence and access to opportunities have occupied Taiwan's ...

BBC News - Protesters occupy Taiwan parliament over China trade deal
Hundreds of students and activists opposed to a trade deal with China occupy Taiwan's parliament and defy police efforts to evict them. ...

Wegen Pakt mit China: Aktivisten besetzen Parlament in Taiwan - News-Ticker - NZZ.ch
Aus Protest gegen einen Handelspakt mit China haben Hunderte Demonstranten das Parlament Taiwans besetzt. ...

Protesters Storm and Occupy Taiwan Parliament - TIME
Disagreements over a trade pact with China cause tempers to flare ...

Taiwan Protesters Occupy Legislature
Hundreds of protesters have burst into Taiwan's legislature to demand the government scrap a planned trade deal with China. The protesters knocked down a large metal gate as they entered th... ...

*ABC News:http://abcn.ws/1cYgvpY
China Trade Pact Foes Occupy Taiwanese Legislature - ABC News China Trade Pact Foes Occupy Taiwanese Legislature ...

Taiwan MPs stage fast to protest at China trade pact | GlobalPost
Three Taiwanese opposition legislators on Tuesday started a 70-hour hunger strike to protest at what they term illegal moves by the ruling party to ratify a contentious trade agreement with China. ...

*Solar News:http://bit.ly/1cYgRNo
*The Times of India:http://bit.ly/1cYh430
Taiwan protesters occupy parliament over China trade pact - The Times of India
The protesters are vehemently opposed to what they term illegal moves by the ruling Kuomintang party to pass the trade pact with China. ...

*Fremont Tribune:http://bit.ly/1cYhfLE
China pact opponents occupy Taiwan legislature
TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) — Several hundred opponents of a far-reaching trade pact with China have occupied Taiwan's legislature, further delaying action on a measure that Beijing strongly favors. ...

*Caracal Radio:http://bit.ly/1cYi7zZ
Estudiantes ocuparon parlamento taiwanés en protesta por pacto con China | 20140318
[img=1,1]http://www.caracol.com.co/images/UXU.GIF[/img]Un grupo de unos doscientos estudiantes han ocupado y paralizado hoy el Parlamento taiwanés en protesta por el intento oficialista de utilizar su mayoría absoluta para aprobar un pacto de comercio en servicios con China. ...

*法國 Le Figaro:http://bit.ly/1eQNwQ6
*Russia Today:http://bit.ly/1cYiiLB

*CNN iReport 條目:http://bit.ly/CNN_occu_tw
*CNN iReport 新聞:http://cnn.it/1eQNI1J
Taiwan now in democracy crisis - CNN iReport
Recently, Taiwan’s government eagerly wants to sign Cross-Strait Agreement on Trade in Services with China. President Ma asks lawmakers to pass the treaty as soon as possible; however, government deni... ...





※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
pz5202:==>要有流血的決心,才可能打贏這場仗!是革命,還是猴戲?1F 03/19 15:37
kning:讓國際聽到台灣人民的聲音2F 03/19 15:38
Ksinmei:整理推3F 03/19 15:38
d90493:馬根本不把人民當人看4F 03/19 15:38
Pagert:推5F 03/19 15:38
kent:新華社呢6F 03/19 15:38
cbate:暴民7F 03/19 15:38
Sunnyfu:推8F 03/19 15:38
vul3wl6:0.09F 03/19 15:38
green0953:推10F 03/19 15:38
email6566:苔霉:雷神、港女、都教授11F 03/19 15:38
kaoru1992:幫高調12F 03/19 15:38
iverlung:推13F 03/19 15:38
Willian123:推14F 03/19 15:38
chann:推整理15F 03/19 15:39
alvar:16F 03/19 15:39
putik541:>要有流血的決心,才可能打贏這場仗!是革命,還是猴戲?17F 03/19 15:39
catbro:推18F 03/19 15:39
meinyu:請大家收集各國知名媒體網站 臉書 社群19F 03/19 15:39
kkyyk:推20F 03/19 15:39
compromice:Fight for people. Fight for Taiwan.21F 03/19 15:39
jeff0323:GOGOGOGO22F 03/19 15:39
haoguy:馬英九國際認證23F 03/19 15:40
GARRETH:GOGO24F 03/19 15:40
xxxcristo:great! 用心推!!25F 03/19 15:40
whalelover:華盛頓郵報,ABC....很多家都是直接用美聯社的26F 03/19 15:40
chx64:丟臉丟到國外去27F 03/19 15:40
asdkone7:推28F 03/19 15:40
KrisNYC:29F 03/19 15:40
cherrylover:推30F 03/19 15:40
giveme520:推31F 03/19 15:41
wjv:gj32F 03/19 15:41
elle:毀壞民主的總統33F 03/19 15:41
caca199020:推34F 03/19 15:41
whale1112:推35F 03/19 15:41
masasla:推!!!36F 03/19 15:41
bloodmickey:推 推爆37F 03/19 15:41
bettyshinn:推推38F 03/19 15:41
manyqq:高調39F 03/19 15:41
sho8379:幫高調40F 03/19 15:42
GenHanMon:41F 03/19 15:42
Imaga:台媒在幹嗎?42F 03/19 15:42
j7191990:推43F 03/19 15:42
Cj3636736:全世界都有的抗議活動 何來丟臉可言? 可笑44F 03/19 15:42
calebfang:45F 03/19 15:43
Moratti:馬英九民主殺手46F 03/19 15:43
OrzJ:47F 03/19 15:43
millia62219:別讓馬英九好過!48F 03/19 15:44
stvken:49F 03/19 15:44
ckpioneer: 50F 03/19 15:44
hxhjerry:推51F 03/19 15:44
johtom811113:52F 03/19 15:44
caffeine34ko:馬英九  中國國民黨  退回賣台服貿(不要再丟自己臉了53F 03/19 15:45
ronlai:54F 03/19 15:45
qiao:寫下歷史了,水母心願已了55F 03/19 15:45
zipizza:狗民黨吃屎56F 03/19 15:45
CowBLay:讓他爆!!!57F 03/19 15:46
Ives20130:推58F 03/19 15:46
ivan4161:推59F 03/19 15:47
satyrs05:麻煩用反人類罪辦那隻馬,他跋扈蠻橫,專行剛愎60F 03/19 15:47
Kapenza:高調更高調!!61F 03/19 15:47
johnny0399:整理推62F 03/19 15:48
rutw:推63F 03/19 15:48
e9690:http://ppt.cc/gt~o 日本產經新聞64F 03/19 15:48
「中台協定」反対の学生らが議場占拠 台湾 「産業切り捨てにつながる」 - MSN産経ニュース
【台北=吉村剛史】台湾の立法院(国会に相当)で18日夜、中台間のサービス分野の市場開放を目指す「サービス貿易協定」の批准に反対する民間団体の学生たち数百人が警備… ...

rutw:可惡 cd 樓下幫65F 03/19 15:48
jboys75:推66F 03/19 15:48
alexYu:本串專收9.2。噓者即是67F 03/19 15:48
CowBaoGan:高調68F 03/19 15:49
johnny1300:推69F 03/19 15:49
after1:高調70F 03/19 15:50
lunaoath:大部分外媒只提到反服貿 少了b8q擅自通過的黑箱過程QQ71F 03/19 15:50
fireleon:推整理!!72F 03/19 15:50
catcherry:超爽73F 03/19 15:52
child1027:推74F 03/19 15:53
be2788gi6:推整理75F 03/19 15:53
pan5138:推76F 03/19 15:54
Muzque:推77F 03/19 15:56
angel84326:高調推78F 03/19 15:56
Deesu:79F 03/19 15:56
meinyu:請努力點進各個外國媒體 按讚 或轉發 讓人氣衝到頭版頭條去80F 03/19 15:57
watermony:推推81F 03/19 15:57
ipomic:82F 03/19 15:57
geniusjackie:高調推!!!!!!!!!!83F 03/19 15:58
lemonland:幫高調84F 03/19 15:58
memidase:用心推!!!!!!!!!!!85F 03/19 15:58
kaoru16:幫高調86F 03/19 16:00
ha99:希望有報導比較詳細的外媒,而不是只講大概87F 03/19 16:00
honercek:88F 03/19 16:01
jcto04:push89F 03/19 16:01
gina3129:推90F 03/19 16:01
redbeanlisa:推91F 03/19 16:02
KazumiLin:感謝整理!!!92F 03/19 16:03
shs916018:這是好事嗎......?93F 03/19 16:03
RX0UNICORN:推94F 03/19 16:04
ownnina:推95F 03/19 16:06
tinachan:推!96F 03/19 16:08
toro313:一堆CCR捧烏克蘭反台灣的遊行97F 03/19 16:08
mosquiton:是好事 面子根本比不上主權丟失98F 03/19 16:09
hot4321:push99F 03/19 16:14
sizumaru:馬總統說要提高國家能見度  他做到了100F 03/19 16:15
remprogress:幫高調101F 03/19 16:15
sma7061:推!!!!!!!!!!!102F 03/19 16:16
winloudy:推 讓世界知道台灣的現狀 不要被黑箱埋了!103F 03/19 16:17
forest6601:大推104F 03/19 16:19
althea0724:推105F 03/19 16:20
TD11:106F 03/19 16:22
TNTKK:推107F 03/19 16:22
sontocant:讚108F 03/19 16:22
iMANIA:推109F 03/19 16:23
silverysky:推110F 03/19 16:23
kaku216:給外國關注才有壓力111F 03/19 16:24
Bluebear:推!!!!!112F 03/19 16:31
KingKingCold:台媒還在雷神、港女、都教授中,沒空113F 03/19 16:31
heerowei0802:推114F 03/19 16:32
Moratti:台媒無恥可以解散了115F 03/19 16:37
HermesKing:116F 03/19 16:38
mermaidhan:117F 03/19 16:39
Trionychidae:推118F 03/19 16:43
val2425:幫高調119F 03/19 16:57
youngmmi:幫推120F 03/19 17:01
tantamount:push121F 03/19 17:04
Islo:推122F 03/19 17:04
bear122877:推123F 03/19 17:04
tantamount:有沒有認識新加坡/馬來西亞媒體的也請轉一下124F 03/19 17:05
hsiuying:沒針對他個人給極度負面評價他是不會在乎的啦126F 03/19 17:07
b44966882002:推127F 03/19 17:08
tantamount:《奧地利國家公共廣播集團》ORF影音報導使用美聯社畫面128F 03/19 17:12
tantamount:同上 http://iptv.orf.at/stories/2222674/
Taiwans Parlament besetzt - iptv.ORF.at
Aus Protest gegen ein Handelsabkommen mit China haben Hunderte Demonstranten das taiwanesische Parlament besetzt. ...

ccs95209:高調推130F 03/19 17:14
mmnnm:推~~~  馬冏吃屎~~131F 03/19 17:15
tantamount:132F 03/19 17:21
lovemit:133F 03/19 17:23
tantamount:134F 03/19 17:23
c90611:德國電視二台ZDF晨間新聞,1:20開始135F 03/19 17:35
bernicellu:繼續投..寫信給聯合國,米國國會議員136F 03/19 17:37
c90611:http://ppt.cc/3Qy3137F 03/19 17:38
Das ZDF im Livestream - Live TV - ZDFmediathek - ZDF Mediathek Sehen Sie hier das ZDF-Hauptprogramm im Livestream. Wenn Sie unser Angebot im Ausland nutzen, finden Sie die Übersicht der weltweit verfügbaren einzelnen Live-Sendungen unter live.zdf.de/start ...

girlabc90:幫高調~~!!!!138F 03/19 18:01
jimmy1992419:讚啦!139F 03/19 18:06
faxy:!140F 03/19 22:06

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  03-19 15:58 TW
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