※ 本文為 morion 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-03-19 17:29:39
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [爆卦] BBC正式英文新聞稿!!! (非中文版)
時間 Wed Mar 19 12:41:47 2014
Protesters occupy Taiwan parliament over China trade dealhttp://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-26641525
BBC News - Protesters occupy Taiwan parliament over China trade deal
Hundreds of students and activists opposed to a trade deal with China occupy Taiwan's parliament and defy police efforts to evict them. ...
Hundreds of students and activists opposed to a trade deal with China occupy Taiwan's parliament and defy police efforts to evict them. ...
抗議對中國服貿政策群眾 佔領台灣國會
Hundreds of students and activists opposed to a trade deal with China have
occupied Taiwan's parliament and defied police efforts to evict them.
..... (全文不全貼 可自己看)
ps.(這則新聞 已經在BBC亞洲新聞 僅次於馬航頭條消息)
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◆ From:
→ :推推1F 03/19 12:42
推 :BBC真有心,謝謝。2F 03/19 12:42
→ pz5202 …
推 :推阿!4F 03/19 12:42
推 :推5F 03/19 12:42
→ :讓全世界都知道!6F 03/19 12:42
推 :推7F 03/19 12:42
推 :排ㄟ你真有心8F 03/19 12:42
→ :BBC 英國的 不可信阿XDDD9F 03/19 12:43
推 :推!10F 03/19 12:43
→ :ㄘ我的椅子啦11F 03/19 12:43
推 :推啊!12F 03/19 12:43
推 :推13F 03/19 12:43
推 :恩 BBC還沒挺反黑箱 還不算什麼14F 03/19 12:43
推 :可以開始整理外媒的報導 目前日韓英法美都有報了15F 03/19 12:43
推 :推16F 03/19 12:43
推 :讚辣17F 03/19 12:43
推 :推18F 03/19 12:43
推 :剛才經過場面真的很熱血,還有一堆媒體跟老外19F 03/19 12:43
推 :讓全世界都知道我們有個智障總統20F 03/19 12:43
推 :推21F 03/19 12:43
推 :幸好是英國報導不是英國研究22F 03/19 12:43
推 : 先佔個位子23F 03/19 12:43
推 :存亡危及之時24F 03/19 12:44
推 :推25F 03/19 12:44
推 :推26F 03/19 12:44
推 :推!27F 03/19 12:44
→ :英國研究!!!28F 03/19 12:44
推 :台灣椅子品質好29F 03/19 12:44
推 :可是英國的....不信30F 03/19 12:44
推 :全世界都知道我們有智障KMT31F 03/19 12:44
推 :推推32F 03/19 12:44
推 :推鄉民33F 03/19 12:44
推 :推34F 03/19 12:45
推 :照這氣勢 乾脆成立新政府算了35F 03/19 12:45
推 :BBC不信,你難道要信聯合重工嗎?36F 03/19 12:45
推 :推!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!37F 03/19 12:45
→ :官逼民反38F 03/19 12:45
推 :馬卡茸總統 快下台39F 03/19 12:45
→ :=====入陣去=====40F 03/19 12:45
推 :推41F 03/19 12:45
推 :good!42F 03/19 12:45
推 :來了43F 03/19 12:45
→ :垃圾政府44F 03/19 12:45
推 :推45F 03/19 12:46
→ :推的CD怎麼這麼久阿46F 03/19 12:46
推 :讚47F 03/19 12:46
推 :推48F 03/19 12:46
推 :推!49F 03/19 12:46
推 :太神了50F 03/19 12:46
推 :推高調51F 03/19 12:46
推 :推52F 03/19 12:46
推 :再推53F 03/19 12:46
→ pz5202 …
推 :55F 03/19 12:46
推 :推阿 讓全世界知道馬夠賣台有多不要臉56F 03/19 12:46
推 :推!!!57F 03/19 12:46
推 :馬卡茸看到沒有??58F 03/19 12:46
推 :不是反服貿是反黑箱吧 報導還是不太正確?!59F 03/19 12:46
推 :幫高調!!60F 03/19 12:46
推 :推!61F 03/19 12:47
推 :62F 03/19 12:47
推 :推63F 03/19 12:47
推 :推啊~~~~~~~~~~~~64F 03/19 12:47
BBC News - Taiwan trade services deal with China faces opposition
In Taiwan, a trade services agreement signed with China earlier this year has been stalled in Taiwanese parliament. Cindy Sui reports from Taipei. ...
In Taiwan, a trade services agreement signed with China earlier this year has been stalled in Taiwanese parliament. Cindy Sui reports from Taipei. ...
推 :推66F 03/19 12:47
推 :會不會台灣變成別的國家的旅遊橙色警戒阿????67F 03/19 12:47
推 :推68F 03/19 12:47
推 :高調69F 03/19 12:47
→ :這篇有新聞採訪畫面70F 03/19 12:47
推 :台灣國際能見度大增 可喜可賀 感謝馬政府71F 03/19 12:47
推 :寫的不錯72F 03/19 12:47
推 :非常中立的報導 但能讓全世界知道是好的73F 03/19 12:48
推 :高調74F 03/19 12:48
→ :看鬼島執政黨的不擇手段. 強過沒問題?75F 03/19 12:48
推 :76F 03/19 12:48
推 :台灣有白癡總統已經不是新聞了77F 03/19 12:48
推 :推78F 03/19 12:49
推 :推79F 03/19 12:49
推 :幹 推拉80F 03/19 12:49
→ :幫博馬81F 03/19 12:49
推 :推82F 03/19 12:52
推 :推!83F 03/19 12:52
推 :有上BBC app 的 Topstories84F 03/19 12:53
推 :HK CEPA早就證明給妳看惹 相關的報告都出爐一堆了85F 03/19 12:53
推 :推啊 上BBC了 馬英九你死定惹86F 03/19 12:54
推 :推87F 03/19 12:54
推 :!!88F 03/19 12:55
→ :幫高89F 03/19 12:55
推 :連鹿茸都不懂的總統會懂服貿???90F 03/19 12:56
推 :推91F 03/19 12:56
推 :推92F 03/19 12:56
推 :幫高調壓93F 03/19 12:57
推 :謝謝BBC!!!!!!!94F 03/19 12:59
推 :馬卡茸看到沒有??95F 03/19 12:59
推 :幫高調96F 03/19 13:00
推 :水97F 03/19 13:01
→ :推98F 03/19 13:01
推 : 椅子上阿99F 03/19 13:01
推 :100F 03/19 13:01
推 :耶上馬英九會在意的BBC了101F 03/19 13:03
推 :謝謝BBC!103F 03/19 13:03
推 :推104F 03/19 13:03
推 :推!!!!!!!105F 03/19 13:04
→ :BBC沒寫出草率送審的方面106F 03/19 13:04
推 :NCC: BBC是民進黨外圍組織107F 03/19 13:07
推 :推108F 03/19 13:07
推 :推109F 03/19 13:07
推 :對阿,只提學生攻佔立院,卻不提草率送審110F 03/19 13:08
推 :111F 03/19 13:08
→ :還說兩國已有多次對談與簽訂協議112F 03/19 13:08
→ :紅的明顯 艾未未轉推了占領立院資訊113F 03/19 13:12
推 :根本在 kiss china's ass114F 03/19 13:12
推 :推115F 03/19 13:18
推 :推116F 03/19 13:18
推 :高調!!117F 03/19 13:21
推 :推119F 03/19 13:24
推 :推120F 03/19 13:29
推 :光頭哥又上照片了耶!讚啦!121F 03/19 13:33
推 :!!!!!!122F 03/19 13:52
推 :爆吧~123F 03/19 14:03
推 :推124F 03/19 14:10
推 :bbc要被689抹綠了125F 03/19 14:11
推 :大推126F 03/19 14:12
噓 :報導根本偏了啊隻字未提黑箱的事,只說反對的人擔心過度開放127F 03/19 14:27
推 :高調推!!128F 03/19 14:44
推 :爆129F 03/19 14:57
推 :推130F 03/19 14:59
推 :高調推131F 03/19 14:59
推 :推阿!132F 03/19 15:05
推 :133F 03/19 16:24
推 :有光頭戰神XDD134F 03/19 17:01