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看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [新聞] 俄國擬修法簡化領土合併
時間 Mon Mar 3 00:53:20 2014
以及簡化取得俄公民資格的程序草案;立場親克林姆林宮的A Just Russia政黨
合併為俄羅斯聯邦的法律上主體;A Just Russian副主席
Mikhail Yemelyanov認為現行俄國法僅適用於承平時節,
Mikhail Yemelyanov認為現行俄國法僅適用於承平時節,
Mikhail Yemelyanov主張
自2008起,喬治亞的分離領土Abkhazia(艾布哈茲)以及South Ossetia(南奧賽蒂亞)
(brown threat係意指二戰期間身著棕色制服的法西斯分子)
提出草案的政黨主席Sergei Mironov已於周四在Sevastopol宣布
數名俄國議員已動身到克里米亞,其中包括前奧運金牌得主Irina Rodnina,
前太空人Tereshkova及重量級拳擊手Nikolai Valuev
Russian MPs have proposed new laws that would make it easier for Russia to
incorporate parts of Ukraine, and allow Russian citizenship to be
Pro-Kremlin party A Just Russia put forward both bills, and linked them
directly to the situation in Ukraine.
Separatist and pro-Russian feelings are strong in Ukraine's Crimea region,
which is now the focus of the crisis.
Russian MPs say a referendum or a plea from a territory's leaders would be
enough to trigger the new provisions.
There are already many Russian citizens in Crimea.
In Sevastopol, base of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, a majority hold Russian
Under Russia's existing law, a neighbouring state would have to sign a treaty
with Russia to allow part of its territory to become a new "subject" of the
Russian Federation.
But Mikhail Yemelyanov, deputy leader of A Just Russia, said the law had been
drafted for peaceful times, and did not go far enough for situations where a
state was falling apart.
"In conditions where a neighbouring state is disintegrating I don't think the
Russian Federation should be restricted in its ability to accept a territory
whose people have expressed a clear will and desire to be in Russia," he said.
Map of the Crimean peninsula
Since Russia's war with Georgia in 2008, the breakaway Georgian territories
of Abkhazia and South Ossetia have come under Moscow's control.
Russia poured troops into both regions to help pro-Russian separatists who
did not recognise Georgia's authority.
The other bill to be considered by the Duma - Russia's lower house - would
speed up the procedures for issuing Russian passports.
Passport applicants would not have to pay a state tax, and previous residence
in Russia would no longer be required.
In addition, they would not have to have sufficient funds to support
themselves and would not have to give up their Ukrainian citizenship.
'Fascist threat'
The bill's preamble says it is aimed "at supporting the fraternal people of
Ukraine, especially the Russian-speaking ones, who are defenceless in the
face of the 'brown threat'," a reference to World War Two fascists who wore
brown uniforms.
The bill would allow Ukrainians to apply for Russian passports at Russian
diplomatic missions before 1 August, and they could become citizens after two
months, instead of waiting a year, as is currently the norm.
The plan to have a new fast-track procedure for issuing Russian passports was
announced in Sevastopol on Thursday by A Just Russia leader Sergei Mironov.
Several Russian MPs have also gone to Crimea, including Russian celebrities -
former Olympic ice skating champion Irina Rodnina, former cosmonaut Valentina
Tereshkova and heavyweight boxer Nikolai Valuev.
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BBC News - Ukraine crisis: Russia mulls new land-grab law
Russian MPs propose new laws that would make it easier for Russia to incorporate parts of Ukraine and to fast-track Russian citizenship. ...
Russian MPs propose new laws that would make it easier for Russia to incorporate parts of Ukraine and to fast-track Russian citizenship. ...
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◆ From:
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→ :所以要公投就整塊烏克蘭一起公投回歸
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→ :所以要公投就整塊烏克蘭一起公投回歸
→ :西烏民眾如果不服公投結果,可以移民波蘭
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→ :它它們可以據此法領戰鬥護照囉~
→ :它它們可以據此法領戰鬥護照囉~
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→ :還是留在Sevastopol的基地,人員保持武裝並拒絕投降。
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→ s10112 …
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→ :esteemfor那種沒有民主素養的推文真的是只能搖頭
→ :esteemfor那種沒有民主素養的推文真的是只能搖頭