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看板 Gossiping
作者 Ethan45 (ETHAN)
標題 [爆卦] 世界最大的Trance派對現場直播中
時間 Sun Feb 16 04:33:30 2014


在電子音樂大國荷蘭Utrecht舉行的Trance派對 A State of Trance 650 - New Horizons
由五屆百大DJ第一名的Armin Van Buuren舉辦
A State of Trance是Armin Van Buuren所主持的電子音樂廣播節目

DJ 陣容(台灣時間):
4:00 ~ 5:15 Audien
5:15 ~ 6:30 Cosmic Gate
6:30 ~ 7:45 Dash Berlin
7:45 ~ 9:00 Armin Van Buuren
9:00 ~ 10:15 New World Punx(Ferry Corsten & Markus Schulz)
10:15 ~ 11:30 Andrew Rayel
11:30 ~ 12:45 Jorn Van Deynhoven
12:45 ~ 14:00 Aly & Fila VS John O'Callaghan

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◆ From:
zkow:推1F 02/16 04:34
heylisa:天啊!!!! Armin Van Buuren!!!!!!2F 02/16 04:34
ctes940008:快推3F 02/16 04:35
electricer:記者口中的老外dancer4F 02/16 04:38
jeffreyshe:Trance類型的音樂怎麼聽都不習慣 orz5F 02/16 04:39
electricer:先去睡  早點起來看阿明QQ6F 02/16 04:40
Ethan45:你都聽electro/prograssive house吧?!7F 02/16 04:40
※ 編輯: Ethan45         來自:       (02/16 04:40)
jeffreyshe:純推了8F 02/16 04:40
a001ou:trance真的很難聽習慣9F 02/16 04:41
LAKobeBryant:來聽聽看好了10F 02/16 04:41
livtyler0828:Trance好啊!11F 02/16 04:41
Ethan45:Trance是我最愛的電子音樂類型耶12F 02/16 04:42
carousel1864:等Cosmic Gate13F 02/16 04:43
Ethan45:不過我是先認識David Guetta才認識Armin的 聽電音也才四年14F 02/16 04:44
Ethan45:Cosmic Gate的Barra我很喜歡 http://ppt.cc/plJs
Cosmic Gate - Barra (Official Music Video) - YouTube
 Subscribe to Black Hole Recordings TV:  Spotify:

Ethan45:Cosmic Gate的F.A.V.也很愛 http://ppt.cc/AIXE16F 02/16 04:47
Cosmic Gate - F.A.V. (Official Video) - YouTube
 Subscribe to Black Hole Recordings TV:  ...

Ethan45:Cosmic Gate Remix的Carte Blanche超愛http://ppt.cc/220W17F 02/16 04:49
Veracocha - Carte Blanche (Cosmic Gate Remix) HD - YouTube
Veracocha - Carte Blanche (Cosmic Gate Remix). If you have a problem with the content of this video, contact me through youtube, and I will take it down imme...

※ 編輯: Ethan45         來自:       (02/16 04:50)
LAKobeBryant:聽了20min沒什麼感覺......18F 02/16 05:01
Ethan45:哈哈 你都聽什麼音樂呢?!19F 02/16 05:01
LAKobeBryant:這類型的可能不適合我 感謝分享20F 02/16 05:01
losel:有五月天嗎21F 02/16 05:20
LAKobeBryant:沒特殊類型耶  (剛斷線..22F 02/16 05:21
LAKobeBryant:red hot chili peppers 聯合公園 Adele
Ethan45:聽流行樂的話會比較不適應 可能會覺得電子音樂冗長24F 02/16 05:22
Ethan45:Likin Park - Numb(Hardwell mashup) http://ppt.cc/XzO6
Ethan45:Adele - Rolling in the Deep(Mashup) http://ppt.cc/fQrj26F 02/16 05:27
Gareth Emery - Arrival vs. Adele vs. Eurythmics - Rolling In Sweet Dreams (Daft Beatles mashup) - YouTube "Gareth Emery - Arrival (Ashley Wallbridge remix) vs. Adele vs. Eurythmics - Rolling In Sweet Dreams (Daft Beatles mashup)" as Gareth Emery played it live @ ...

Ethan45:超脫-Smells Like Teen Spirit(Mashup)http://ppt.cc/j-yw27F 02/16 05:31
Blur vs. Nirvana - Smells Like Song 2 (ATB Mashup) [ASOT600 Miami] - YouTube ATB playing Blur vs. Nirvana - Smell Like Song 2 (ATB Mashup) at ASOT600 Miami.

heylisa:!!! 感謝E大的推文!!28F 02/16 05:32
LAKobeBryant:嗯! E大感覺起來就是專業啊29F 02/16 05:33
Ethan45:哈哈 不客氣 推的都是我的愛歌30F 02/16 05:34
LAKobeBryant:XDD31F 02/16 05:34
jk155242:Armin!!!!32F 02/16 05:34
Ethan45:因為我在聽電音 我媽都覺得旋律一直重複 他都聽席琳狄翁33F 02/16 05:35
Ethan45:湖人沒有KOBE真無聊 NBA版也變得無聊許多...
arianis:oh yeah35F 02/16 05:38
teddygoodgoo:沒一個認識36F 02/16 05:42
LAKobeBryant:Kobe退休NBA板可以戰的大概就少一半了吧XD37F 02/16 05:43
Ethan45:聽美國流行歌的話 不認識很正常 頂多認識Guetta, Avicii38F 02/16 05:43
Ethan45:Swedish House Mafia, Calvin Harris
teddygoodgoo:說的真好!  就只認識那兩個,還有其他幾個跨流行的40F 02/16 05:44
teddygoodgoo:你真是棒棒!  把我知道的都列出來了!
Ethan45:因為他們都有上排行榜 被認識很正常的42F 02/16 05:45
Ethan45:Zedd - Clarity http://ppt.cc/YH0p 今年葛萊美有得獎
Zedd - Clarity (Official Video) ft. Foxes - YouTube
Limited Time Sale at iTunes:  ($7.99)  ($9.99) Directed by Jodeb Download "Clarity" on iTunes: http...

※ 編輯: Ethan45         來自:       (02/16 05:51)
Ethan45:Armin - This Is What It Feels Like http://ppt.cc/lZBt44F 02/16 05:53
Armin van Buuren feat. Trevor Guthrie - This Is What It Feels Like (Official Music Video) - YouTube Subscribe to Armada TV:  Watch the music video of Armin van Buuren 'Save My Night':  Download on iTu...

Ethan45:今年也入圍葛萊美~ 最猛的還是Daft Punk 贏了五個大獎45F 02/16 05:57
Ethan45:Daft Punk - Random Access Memories http://ppt.cc/5WZO
Daft Punk - Give Life Back To Music (Random Access Memories) - YouTube 01. Daft Punk - Give Life Back To Music Random Access Memories LP

LAKobeBryant:先去吃早餐再回來聽~47F 02/16 06:05
LAKobeBryant:人氣:1253  這時候人真少啊
Ethan45:哈哈 對阿 都還在睡覺中49F 02/16 06:07
Sipaloy:trance我只聽東方改的...50F 02/16 06:09
Imhuang:新知來推!51F 02/16 06:10
Ethan45:                    誰呢?! 推薦幾個或幾首聽聽看吧!52F 02/16 06:10
Ethan45:                    還沒聽過東方的 真好奇!
ott:http://disp.cc/b/18-7jzt (A State of Trance 650 - ott板 -54F 02/16 06:16
A State of Trance 650 - ott板 - Disp BBS
 2014年02月15日 開始 尚無說明。                在電子音樂大國荷蘭Utrecht舉行的Trance派對 由五屆百大DJ第一名的Armin Van Buuren舉辦 A State of Trance是Armin Van Buuren所主持的電子音樂廣播節目 在每50集的廣播節 ...
Ethan45:ott耶! 酷喔!55F 02/16 06:18
※ 編輯: Ethan45         來自:       (02/16 06:26)
Ethan45:Dash Berlin開始了~ 他算是比較偏流行樂的56F 02/16 06:32
Ethan45:A State of Trance 650 live from Yekaterinburg
Ethan45:http://ppt.cc/c7ED 前幾個禮拜在俄羅斯表演的所有影片
A State of Trance 650 live from Yekaterinburg - YouTube
A State of Trance 650 live from Yekaterinburg Russia Subscribe to A State Of Trance:

tellmetruth:只聽過e-turn可以跟嗎??59F 02/16 06:42
Ethan45:當然阿 伊藤很強耶!!! 小弟學DJ入門都靠他的教學影片60F 02/16 06:44
Ethan45:DJ E-turn教接歌 http://ppt.cc/a02P

teddygoodgoo:受不了了!!   睡醒再來看影片好了62F 02/16 06:46
tellmetruth:其實我對管那塊螢幕和燈光的比較有興趣63F 02/16 06:47
teddygoodgoo:晚安了...剛剛發現dash跟armin都在歌單裡面,可是撐64F 02/16 06:47
teddygoodgoo:不住了...       晚安..
Ethan45:哈 先去睡吧 晚安!66F 02/16 06:48
Ethan45:哇!你興趣很特別!音響也超重要 台灣的音響有時候都會破音
※ 編輯: Ethan45         來自:       (02/16 06:55)
l8lcm:這種感覺好柔和,我比較喜歡重節奏的68F 02/16 07:01
Ethan45:重節奏直接想到Prodigy 曲風:Big Beat http://ppt.cc/WlV269F 02/16 07:03
The Prodigy - Live Rock Am Ring 2009 Full Concert [720p] - YouTube Tracklist: 01. Worlds on Fire 02. Their Law 03. Breathe 04. Breathe Dubstep 05. Omen 06. Poison 07. Warrior's Dance 08. Firestarter 09. Run With The Wolves 1...

Ethan45:ASOT650 Anthem - New Horizons http://ppt.cc/MrPK70F 02/16 07:06
Jorn van Deynhoven - New Horizons (A State Of Trance 650 Anthem) - YouTube Grab your copy on Beatport:  Grab your copy on iTunes (Part of ASOT 650 Compilation):

Ethan45:Armin Only: Imagine 2008 http://ppt.cc/t4je71F 02/16 07:08
Armin Only: Imagine 2008 (Full DVD) - YouTube
Get the limited DVD + 3CD Box on ArmadaShop.com:  Get the 2DVD Box on ArmadaShop.com:  Get the...

l8lcm:對對我喜歡 New Horizons 這種風格的XDDDD72F 02/16 07:08
Ethan45:Armin Only: Mirage http://ppt.cc/9tFR74F 02/16 07:10
Armin Only - Mirage (Full DVD) - YouTube
Download 'Mirage' on iTunes:  Get the Blu-Ray + DVD version on ArmadaShop.com:  Listen to 'Mirage'...

l8lcm:挖賽...為什麼現場都這麼多人,好強大的電音盛會75F 02/16 07:12
Ethan45:對阿 而且只有一個DJ在放歌 超酷!76F 02/16 07:13
l8lcm:Armin(筆記中)77F 02/16 07:13
swim08152003:born slippy!!78F 02/16 07:14
Ethan45:剛剛放Underworld-Born Slippy 猜火車 http://ppt.cc/HgJg79F 02/16 07:15
Underworld - Born Slippy [Trainspotting] - YouTube
Music video using clips of the movie Trainspotting Twitter:

Ethan45:想到另首電影歌Need To Feel Loved http://ppt.cc/n3C~80F 02/16 07:18
Reflekt - Need To Feel Loved (Adam K & Soha Vocal Mix) FULL HD - YouTube Link to photo:  Reflekt - Need To Feel Loved (Adam K & Soha Vocal Mix) FULL HIGH DEFINITION

Ethan45:It's All Gone Pete Tong http://ppt.cc/aUZk81F 02/16 07:21
Pete Tong Historia Głuchego Didżeja - It's All Gone Pete Tong - Lektor PL (2004) - YouTube Historia tragicznego życia legendarnego Frankie'go Wilde'a. Jednego z najlepszych, żyjących DJ-ów na świecie. Opowieść o tym jak stał się sławny i jego walce...

este1a:爛透了,還是5566好聽82F 02/16 07:23
Ethan45:剛放The Killers的Human(Mashup) http://ppt.cc/6XCW 好聽83F 02/16 07:32
The Killers - Human - YouTube
Music video by The Killers performing Human. YouTube view counts pre-VEVO: 15,686,000. (C) 2008 The Island Def Jam Music Group

fluterway:正在聽84F 02/16 07:36
fishaquariu:天啊有Andrew Rayel!!!!!!85F 02/16 07:42
Ethan45:RAM - RAMelia http://ppt.cc/JVWi 目前最喜歡的歌!86F 02/16 07:43
RAM's Tribute set for Amelia @ Grotesque Indoor Festival 2013 - YouTube Tribute to the most amazing & pure person i ever knew my wife Amelia !! # R.I.P. Amelia Love you for ever ... With RAM & Susana - RAMelia @ FSOE Lyrics; With...

LAKobeBryant:是現在這首嗎87F 02/16 07:43
Ethan45:對阿 我還沒看過Andrew Rayel放歌的影片 期待中88F 02/16 07:44
LAKobeBryant:結束後在整個找一找好了89F 02/16 07:45
apxd:推90F 02/16 07:45
Ethan45:嗯嗯 現在這首 是DJ RAM寫給死去妻子Amelia的歌 RAMelia91F 02/16 07:45
LAKobeBryant:先繼續聽92F 02/16 07:45
apxd:好難得有人會貼這個壓!!!!!!93F 02/16 07:45
eszqscro:E大真的很厲害耶!!94F 02/16 07:45
apxd:RAMelia 是去年 tune of year95F 02/16 07:46
Ethan45:換Armin Van Buuren放歌了 大家鼓噪中! God of Trance96F 02/16 07:47
※ 編輯: Ethan45         來自:       (02/16 07:48)
fishaquariu:ARMIN來了!!!!!97F 02/16 07:48
apxd:比較期待Andrew 去年馬沙溝太讚98F 02/16 07:50
fishaquariu:好想去現場啊啊啊啊啊啊99F 02/16 07:50
iHELP:我以為電音很多人聽耶 台灣音樂再進化吧100F 02/16 07:52
Ethan45:電子音樂超少人聽的! 電音版人蠻少的...101F 02/16 07:53
apxd:有再增加了阿~~102F 02/16 07:54
fishaquariu:在台灣都會跟壞事或台劃上等號 沒辦法...103F 02/16 07:54
Ethan45:對阿 吸毒 台客 夜店咖...純粹喜歡電子音樂不行嗎104F 02/16 07:56
apxd:去年和今年都很多大咖~今年比較偏house~~慢慢進步了!!!105F 02/16 07:57
fishaquariu:我還記得有人問過我喜歡電音怎麼不會想用一下106F 02/16 07:57
Ethan45:Eat Sleep Rave Repeat~107F 02/16 07:57
fishaquariu:如果是真心喜歡ㄧ個東西 才不會去汙衊它的形象-_-108F 02/16 07:57
Ethan45:拉K一時 尿布一世109F 02/16 07:59
jung7458:來推囉!阿明~~~~~~~110F 02/16 08:01
Ethan45:Armin換菲利浦的新耳機了 之前用Technics RP-DH1200 好用!111F 02/16 08:05
jackghost:用性命推阿112F 02/16 08:06
LAKobeBryant:身體受不了了來睏113F 02/16 08:11
Ethan45:快去休息吧~114F 02/16 08:12
bbbruce:Armin115F 02/16 08:14
Ethan45:去年最紅的浩室Hardwell@Tomorrowland http://ppt.cc/cFR6116F 02/16 08:15
Hardwell Live @ Tomorrowland 2013 - YouTube
Out now! I AM HARDWELL The Documentary: Download on iTunes:  Hardwell ft. Matthew Koma - Dare You: Download on iTunes: http:...

wymca:還不錯聽耶117F 02/16 08:24
Ethan45:哈哈 喜歡就好喔 Trance可以很柔 也可以很重 很多變的曲風118F 02/16 08:26
jerry88838:剛好輪到Armin的時候看到   yayaya!!!119F 02/16 08:29
alex888999:超級正點!!120F 02/16 08:30
sakon:OMG!!! Ferry corsten + Markus Schulz 也太太太大牌121F 02/16 08:30
fishaquariu:Trance真的很好聽!另外也推一下d&b!122F 02/16 08:30
sakon:推純電音咖!我後來就不想去夜店了,老是有人遞藥來123F 02/16 08:33
Ethan45:Drum & Bass 我想推Pendulum124F 02/16 08:33
sakon:Markus是老好人,會自己準備麥克筆幫人簽名XD125F 02/16 08:34
Ethan45:Prodigy-Voodoo People(Pendulum mix) http://ppt.cc/ABY2126F 02/16 08:35
The Prodigy - Voodoo People (Pendulum Remix) - YouTube
Directed by Ron Scalpello  iTunes:

bbbruce:舉國旗耶127F 02/16 08:35
Ethan45:Markus Schulz - DJsounds Show http://ppt.cc/83Ag128F 02/16 08:36
Markus Schulz - DJsounds Show 2013 - YouTube
 Joining Dan Tait for the first show of 2013 is America's Best DJ and Cold Harbour Records big ...

Ethan45:之前在吉隆坡舉辦的ASOT 有看到台灣國旗!129F 02/16 08:37
Ethan45:http://i.imgur.com/FXsiZqG.jpg 台灣國旗@ ASOT
jagotti:Tomorrowland門票好貴 超想去的= =131F 02/16 08:42
Ethan45:昨天看到有版友在預訂今年Tomorrowland門票 超羨慕!132F 02/16 08:43
jagotti:之前上網看 三天聯票要450美金 不知道是否正確133F 02/16 08:44
Ethan45:Armin後段常會把節奏加快 放Uplifting Trance~134F 02/16 08:47
jerry88838:問一下 Armin是不是只有來台灣過一次??135F 02/16 08:47
Spontania:很多次了136F 02/16 08:48
Ethan45:應該蠻多次的 上次白色派對有來 被記者寫成是dancer137F 02/16 08:49
jerry88838:感謝 XDD  Follow他的時間只有一年  了解的還不是很多138F 02/16 08:50
Ethan45:http://bit.ly/1g0JO7J Armin跟濱崎步被寫成是dancer139F 02/16 08:51
titan7585:剛起床就跟到Armin的時段 超讚!!!140F 02/16 08:51
Ethan45:2011年12月9日也有在新北工商展覽館演出 那次放很久!141F 02/16 08:52
jerry88838:台灣記者水準GG  好想去一次現場阿QAQ  何時才有機會><142F 02/16 08:54
Ethan45:今年不知道有無可能 說不定有Armin替菲利浦耳機代言的商演143F 02/16 08:56
Ethan45:去的話要戴降噪耳塞比較好 要不然會耳鳴 現場放很大聲!
sakon:阿明來很多次了145F 02/16 09:09
Ethan45:台灣DJShogun-Erhu http://ppt.cc/lEIi將二胡融入Trance146F 02/16 09:12
Shogun - Erhu (As Played By Armin van Buuren on ASOT 650) - YouTube Subscribe to A State Of Trance  Follow the ASOT Spotify Playlist:

alex888999:Armin放真的比較HIGH~147F 02/16 09:24
Ethan45:Fatboy Slim - Praise You148F 02/16 09:27
Ethan45:Delerium - Silence ft. Sarah McLachlan
Ethan45:Tiesto - Traffic
Phater:Trance是我寫程式的動力啊151F 02/16 10:03
simonohmygod:推 好聽152F 02/16 10:07
anita79979:Andrew Rayel 要來了!!!153F 02/16 10:08
fffink1689:台灣都沒有自己的TRANCE派對 非常可惜 只好靠飛利浦惹154F 02/16 10:10
Ethan45:Andrew Rayel 古典樂融入trance 他的歌很史詩!155F 02/16 10:11
anita79979:他超讚阿  一堆mashup都超級棒156F 02/16 10:12
anita79979:直接Dark Warrior XD
Ethan45:接Dark Warrior接得不錯!158F 02/16 10:21
Spontania:Zedd feat. Foxes - Clarity( Andrew Rayel Remix)!!!159F 02/16 10:22
anita79979:現在這首超經典芭樂歌 :P160F 02/16 10:23
Ethan45:Andrew Rayel 2013 Yearmix http://ppt.cc/bIxC161F 02/16 10:25
Ethan45:要放Intense了!162F 02/16 10:27
anita79979:來了  intense!!163F 02/16 10:27
Ethan45:epic!164F 02/16 10:27
jerry88838:intense 超級讚啊!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!165F 02/16 10:28
reaper8046:trance一聽就上癮 就聽到現在166F 02/16 10:29
Ethan45:我也是 四年前聽到in and out of love 就愛上trance了167F 02/16 10:30
marker515:哦,原來是他...我也喜歡in&out 但不知是trance168F 02/16 10:32
anita79979:in and out 是Armin的169F 02/16 10:33
Ethan45:Armin van Buuren-In and Out of Love http://ppt.cc/HcZY170F 02/16 10:34
Armin van Buuren ft. Sharon den Adel - In and Out of Love (Official Music Video) - YouTube Subscribe to Armada TV:  Watch the music video of Armin van Buuren 'Save My Night':  Check out the A...

anita79979:Dare you - Hardwell feat. Matthew Koma171F 02/16 10:35
Ethan45:ATB-In And Out Of Love http://ppt.cc/h~N- ATB也有172F 02/16 10:35
ATB with Rudee feat. Ramona Nerra - In And Out Of Love (Official Video HD) - YouTube ATB with Rudee feat. Ramona Nerra - In And Out Of Love // taken from the album 'ATB - ALL THE BEST' - available here:  Also available on h...

anita79979:http://youtu.be/0XuXmifGJPk 這版的mashup也很棒173F 02/16 10:40
John O' Callaghan vs. Armin van Buuren - In and Out of a Raw Deal (AvB Mashup)(JOC Edit) - YouTube Top Mashup by Irish Legend John O' Callaghan ripped from his set at FSOE 200 In Egypt :D

Ethan45:Zeus VS We'll Be Coming Back174F 02/16 10:41
anita79979:where do we begin !!175F 02/16 10:42
Ethan45:好強的mashup 突然換歌又切回where do we begin!176F 02/16 10:45
Ethan45:Above & Beyond-Sun & Moon http://ppt.cc/6IaX
Above & Beyond feat. Richard Bedford "Sun & Moon" (OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO) - YouTube ABGT050 at Alexandra Palace:  Director: Ferry Gouw Inspired by a song that combines bittersweet lyrics with uplifting ele...

Ethan45:Andrew Rayel - How Do I Know http://ppt.cc/~8D3178F 02/16 10:50
Andrew Rayel feat. Jano - How Do I Know [Music Video] [HD] - YouTube Download on iTunes:  Listen on Spotify:  Download on Beatport:  Check this item on ArmadaMusic...

anita79979:這版本的in my mind好讚179F 02/16 10:57
Ethan45:對阿 沒想到他這麼強! 我一直以為Andrew Rayel是創作型的180F 02/16 10:59
anita79979:他去年有來馬沙溝 那場炸翻了182F 02/16 11:00
anita79979:until the end了  感動~
Ethan45:An Angel's Love(Andrew Rayel Remix) http://ppt.cc/QZYH184F 02/16 11:06
Alex M.O.R.P.H. feat. Sylvia Tosun -- An Angel's Love ( Andrew Rayel Remix ) - YouTube ASOT 650 Tunisia ( The Official Campaign ) Facebook : www.Facebook.com/ASOT650Tunisia Twitter : www.Twitter.com/ASOT650Tunisia

Ethan45:Faithless-Insomnia(Andrew Rayel Mix)http://ppt.cc/2q78185F 02/16 11:09
Faithless - Insomnia (Andrew Rayel Remix) (As played on Global Gathering 2013) - YouTube TOP100 DJ'S 2013, VOTE ANDREW RAYEL: www.top100djs.net Faithless - Insomnia ( Andrew Rayel Remix ) Live @ Global Gathering (United Kingdom) - 27.07.2013

Ethan45:Aeon Of Revenge VS Just be186F 02/16 11:22
anita79979:這mash太威了187F 02/16 11:22
Ethan45:對阿 這個mashup好聽!188F 02/16 11:22
Ethan45:Andrew Rayel - Aeon Of Revenge http://ppt.cc/hx3u
Andrew Rayel - Aeon Of Revenge (Original Mix) - YouTube
Download on iTunes:  Listen on Spotify:  Download on Beatport:  ...

anita79979:just be 是誰的呀?190F 02/16 11:26
Ethan45:Tiesto-Just Be(Antillas Club Mix) http://ppt.cc/Dr9j191F 02/16 11:26
DJ Tiësto ~ Just Be (Antillas Club Mix) HD Motion Video - YouTube Classic track by Tiësto featuring the beautiful voice of Kirsty Hawkshaw... Enjoy :-) MAIN CHANNEL:

ASOT:比起一年前  他的現場放功好多了192F 02/16 11:26
Ethan45:Just be很經典!193F 02/16 11:27
jerry88838:真的有人ID是ASOT  XDDDDD196F 02/16 11:29
anita79979:先去吃飯  等等回來聽埃及雙人組 :D197F 02/16 11:39
sakon:ID ASOT好威啊XDDD198F 02/16 11:42
Ethan45:轉錄至看板 electronic                                   02/16 12:02
anna816:Zedd!199F 02/16 12:18
apxd:ANdrew 是去年DJ MAG 上升最高的~馬沙溝真的是炸翻了200F 02/16 12:26
anita79979:Black Hole這段飛到外太空了201F 02/16 12:32
Ethan45:Craig Connelly & Christina Novelli - Black Hole202F 02/16 12:37
Ethan45:(Jorn Van Deynhoven Remix) http://ppt.cc/y2LN
Ethan45:Armin van Buuren ft. Richard Bedford - Love Never Came204F 02/16 12:40
Ethan45:(Jorn van Deynhoven Remix) http://ppt.cc/vyaf
Armin van Buuren feat. Richard Bedford - Love Never Came (Jorn van Deynhoven Remix) - YouTube Get your copy on iTunes:  Get the CD:  An album that'll live on in the legacy of one of electronic dan...

anita79979:來了! FSOE!!206F 02/16 12:45
Ethan45:Aly & Fila are not afraid of 138!207F 02/16 12:53
apxd:問一下138到底是有什麼特別涵義.....208F 02/16 13:00
anita79979:138 BPM209F 02/16 13:01
anita79979:I don't Deserve you!!
Ethan45:BPM-Beats Per Minute 一首歌一分鐘之內有多少次鼓聲211F 02/16 13:02
Ethan45:就是說他們放得歌 BPM超過138!
apxd:thx^^213F 02/16 13:04
anita79979:等待他們兩個光頭放 Your Heart Is Mine...214F 02/16 13:09
Vere:aly&fila!!215F 02/16 13:28
anita79979:國歌!!!216F 02/16 13:29
Phater:Beautiful Things,經典啊217F 02/16 13:30
anita79979:連Burned With Desire都出來了218F 02/16 13:47
Vere:我覺得全部的lineup裡只有現在這組有聽的價值219F 02/16 13:49
Ethan45:下次若有相關連結 再貼來分享~ 感謝各位 假期愉快!220F 02/16 14:04
Ethan45:好讀版: http://disp.cc/b/18-7jzs
johnruby:推!!!!!222F 02/16 14:20
※ 編輯: Ethan45         來自:       (02/16 14:23)
※ 編輯: Ethan45         來自:       (02/16 14:24)
Ethan45:已更新重播網址!223F 02/16 14:26
leon7777:!!!224F 02/16 14:27
shehand:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3hhy43it_HE Armin感覺很225F 02/16 15:21
Anton Firtich & Cramp - Amazing - YouTube
Download on iTunes:  Listen on Spotify:  Download on Beatport:

shehand:愛捧自己人,例如Emma Hewwitt,但我覺得就so so226F 02/16 15:23
shehand:有一些神曲例如Anton Firtich的Amazing知名度反而低
Anton Firtich & Cramp - Amazing - YouTube
Download on iTunes:  Listen on Spotify:  Download on Beatport:

shehand:謝謝E大的分享啦,在台灣大家還是對EDM知道的稍微多一點229F 02/16 15:26
Octopuster:推 超愛 EDM230F 02/16 16:02

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