※ 本文為 Knuckles 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-02-16 17:49:25
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [爆卦] 世界最大的Trance派對現場直播中
時間 Sun Feb 16 04:33:30 2014
在電子音樂大國荷蘭Utrecht舉行的Trance派對 A State of Trance 650 - New Horizons
由五屆百大DJ第一名的Armin Van Buuren舉辦
A State of Trance是Armin Van Buuren所主持的電子音樂廣播節目
DJ 陣容(台灣時間):
4:00 ~ 5:15 Audien
5:15 ~ 6:30 Cosmic Gate
6:30 ~ 7:45 Dash Berlin
7:45 ~ 9:00 Armin Van Buuren
9:00 ~ 10:15 New World Punx(Ferry Corsten & Markus Schulz)
10:15 ~ 11:30 Andrew Rayel
11:30 ~ 12:45 Jorn Van Deynhoven
12:45 ~ 14:00 Aly & Fila VS John O'Callaghan
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 :推1F 02/16 04:34
推 :天啊!!!! Armin Van Buuren!!!!!!2F 02/16 04:34
推 :快推3F 02/16 04:35
推 :記者口中的老外dancer4F 02/16 04:38
→ :Trance類型的音樂怎麼聽都不習慣 orz5F 02/16 04:39
→ :先去睡 早點起來看阿明QQ6F 02/16 04:40
→ :你都聽electro/prograssive house吧?!7F 02/16 04:40
※ 編輯: Ethan45 來自: (02/16 04:40)→ :純推了8F 02/16 04:40
→ :trance真的很難聽習慣9F 02/16 04:41
推 :來聽聽看好了10F 02/16 04:41
推 :Trance好啊!11F 02/16 04:41
→ :Trance是我最愛的電子音樂類型耶12F 02/16 04:42
推 :等Cosmic Gate13F 02/16 04:43
Cosmic Gate - Barra (Official Music Video) - YouTube
Subscribe to Black Hole Recordings TV: Spotify:
Subscribe to Black Hole Recordings TV: Spotify:

Veracocha - Carte Blanche (Cosmic Gate Remix) HD - YouTube
Veracocha - Carte Blanche (Cosmic Gate Remix). If you have a problem with the content of this video, contact me through youtube, and I will take it down imme...
Veracocha - Carte Blanche (Cosmic Gate Remix). If you have a problem with the content of this video, contact me through youtube, and I will take it down imme...

推 :聽了20min沒什麼感覺......18F 02/16 05:01
→ :哈哈 你都聽什麼音樂呢?!19F 02/16 05:01
→ :這類型的可能不適合我 感謝分享20F 02/16 05:01
→ :有五月天嗎21F 02/16 05:20
推 :沒特殊類型耶 (剛斷線..22F 02/16 05:21
→ :red hot chili peppers 聯合公園 Adele
→ :red hot chili peppers 聯合公園 Adele
Gareth Emery - Arrival vs. Adele vs. Eurythmics - Rolling In Sweet Dreams (Daft Beatles mashup) - YouTube "Gareth Emery - Arrival (Ashley Wallbridge remix) vs. Adele vs. Eurythmics - Rolling In Sweet Dreams (Daft Beatles mashup)" as Gareth Emery played it live @ ...

Blur vs. Nirvana - Smells Like Song 2 (ATB Mashup) [ASOT600 Miami] - YouTube ATB playing Blur vs. Nirvana - Smell Like Song 2 (ATB Mashup) at ASOT600 Miami.

推 :!!! 感謝E大的推文!!28F 02/16 05:32
推 :嗯! E大感覺起來就是專業啊29F 02/16 05:33
→ :哈哈 不客氣 推的都是我的愛歌30F 02/16 05:34
→ :XDD31F 02/16 05:34
推 :Armin!!!!32F 02/16 05:34
→ :因為我在聽電音 我媽都覺得旋律一直重複 他都聽席琳狄翁33F 02/16 05:35
→ :湖人沒有KOBE真無聊 NBA版也變得無聊許多...
→ :湖人沒有KOBE真無聊 NBA版也變得無聊許多...
推 :oh yeah35F 02/16 05:38
推 :沒一個認識36F 02/16 05:42
推 :Kobe退休NBA板可以戰的大概就少一半了吧XD37F 02/16 05:43
→ :聽美國流行歌的話 不認識很正常 頂多認識Guetta, Avicii38F 02/16 05:43
→ :Swedish House Mafia, Calvin Harris
→ :Swedish House Mafia, Calvin Harris
推 :說的真好! 就只認識那兩個,還有其他幾個跨流行的40F 02/16 05:44
→ :你真是棒棒! 把我知道的都列出來了!
→ :你真是棒棒! 把我知道的都列出來了!
Zedd - Clarity (Official Video) ft. Foxes - YouTube
Limited Time Sale at iTunes: ($7.99) ($9.99) Directed by Jodeb Download "Clarity" on iTunes: http...
Limited Time Sale at iTunes: ($7.99) ($9.99) Directed by Jodeb Download "Clarity" on iTunes: http...

Armin van Buuren feat. Trevor Guthrie - This Is What It Feels Like (Official Music Video) - YouTube Subscribe to Armada TV: Watch the music video of Armin van Buuren 'Save My Night': Download on iTu...

→ :今年也入圍葛萊美~ 最猛的還是Daft Punk 贏了五個大獎45F 02/16 05:57
→ :Daft Punk - Random Access Memories http://ppt.cc/5WZO
→ :Daft Punk - Random Access Memories http://ppt.cc/5WZO
Daft Punk - Give Life Back To Music (Random Access Memories) - YouTube 01. Daft Punk - Give Life Back To Music Random Access Memories LP

→ :先去吃早餐再回來聽~47F 02/16 06:05
→ :人氣:1253 這時候人真少啊
→ :人氣:1253 這時候人真少啊
→ :哈哈 對阿 都還在睡覺中49F 02/16 06:07
推 :trance我只聽東方改的...50F 02/16 06:09
推 :新知來推!51F 02/16 06:10
→ : 誰呢?! 推薦幾個或幾首聽聽看吧!52F 02/16 06:10
→ : 還沒聽過東方的 真好奇!
→ : 還沒聽過東方的 真好奇!
A State of Trance 650 - ott板 - Disp BBS
2014年02月15日 開始 尚無說明。 在電子音樂大國荷蘭Utrecht舉行的Trance派對 由五屆百大DJ第一名的Armin Van Buuren舉辦 A State of Trance是Armin Van Buuren所主持的電子音樂廣播節目 在每50集的廣播節 ...
→ :ott耶! 酷喔!55F 02/16 06:18
※ 編輯: Ethan45 來自: (02/16 06:26)→ :Dash Berlin開始了~ 他算是比較偏流行樂的56F 02/16 06:32
→ :A State of Trance 650 live from Yekaterinburg
→ :http://ppt.cc/c7ED 前幾個禮拜在俄羅斯表演的所有影片
→ :A State of Trance 650 live from Yekaterinburg
→ :http://ppt.cc/c7ED 前幾個禮拜在俄羅斯表演的所有影片
A State of Trance 650 live from Yekaterinburg - YouTube
A State of Trance 650 live from Yekaterinburg Russia Subscribe to A State Of Trance:
A State of Trance 650 live from Yekaterinburg Russia Subscribe to A State Of Trance:

推 :只聽過e-turn可以跟嗎??59F 02/16 06:42
推 :受不了了!! 睡醒再來看影片好了62F 02/16 06:46
推 :其實我對管那塊螢幕和燈光的比較有興趣63F 02/16 06:47
→ :晚安了...剛剛發現dash跟armin都在歌單裡面,可是撐64F 02/16 06:47
→ :不住了... 晚安..
→ :不住了... 晚安..
→ :哈 先去睡吧 晚安!66F 02/16 06:48
→ :哇!你興趣很特別!音響也超重要 台灣的音響有時候都會破音
※ 編輯: Ethan45 來自: (02/16 06:55)→ :哇!你興趣很特別!音響也超重要 台灣的音響有時候都會破音
推 :這種感覺好柔和,我比較喜歡重節奏的68F 02/16 07:01
The Prodigy - Live Rock Am Ring 2009 Full Concert [720p] - YouTube Tracklist: 01. Worlds on Fire 02. Their Law 03. Breathe 04. Breathe Dubstep 05. Omen 06. Poison 07. Warrior's Dance 08. Firestarter 09. Run With The Wolves 1...

Jorn van Deynhoven - New Horizons (A State Of Trance 650 Anthem) - YouTube Grab your copy on Beatport: Grab your copy on iTunes (Part of ASOT 650 Compilation):

Armin Only: Imagine 2008 (Full DVD) - YouTube
Get the limited DVD + 3CD Box on ArmadaShop.com: Get the 2DVD Box on ArmadaShop.com: Get the...
Get the limited DVD + 3CD Box on ArmadaShop.com: Get the 2DVD Box on ArmadaShop.com: Get the...

推 :對對我喜歡 New Horizons 這種風格的XDDDD72F 02/16 07:08
→ :E大真是太專業了XDDDDD
→ :E大真是太專業了XDDDDD
Armin Only - Mirage (Full DVD) - YouTube
Download 'Mirage' on iTunes: Get the Blu-Ray + DVD version on ArmadaShop.com: Listen to 'Mirage'...
Download 'Mirage' on iTunes: Get the Blu-Ray + DVD version on ArmadaShop.com: Listen to 'Mirage'...

推 :挖賽...為什麼現場都這麼多人,好強大的電音盛會75F 02/16 07:12
→ :對阿 而且只有一個DJ在放歌 超酷!76F 02/16 07:13
→ :Armin(筆記中)77F 02/16 07:13
推 :born slippy!!78F 02/16 07:14
Underworld - Born Slippy [Trainspotting] - YouTube
Music video using clips of the movie Trainspotting Twitter:
Music video using clips of the movie Trainspotting Twitter:

Reflekt - Need To Feel Loved (Adam K & Soha Vocal Mix) FULL HD - YouTube Link to photo: Reflekt - Need To Feel Loved (Adam K & Soha Vocal Mix) FULL HIGH DEFINITION

Pete Tong Historia Głuchego Didżeja - It's All Gone Pete Tong - Lektor PL (2004) - YouTube Historia tragicznego życia legendarnego Frankie'go Wilde'a. Jednego z najlepszych, żyjących DJ-ów na świecie. Opowieść o tym jak stał się sławny i jego walce...

噓 :爛透了,還是5566好聽82F 02/16 07:23
The Killers - Human - YouTube
Music video by The Killers performing Human. YouTube view counts pre-VEVO: 15,686,000. (C) 2008 The Island Def Jam Music Group
Music video by The Killers performing Human. YouTube view counts pre-VEVO: 15,686,000. (C) 2008 The Island Def Jam Music Group

推 :正在聽84F 02/16 07:36
推 :天啊有Andrew Rayel!!!!!!85F 02/16 07:42
RAM's Tribute set for Amelia @ Grotesque Indoor Festival 2013 - YouTube Tribute to the most amazing & pure person i ever knew my wife Amelia !! # R.I.P. Amelia Love you for ever ... With RAM & Susana - RAMelia @ FSOE Lyrics; With...

推 :是現在這首嗎87F 02/16 07:43
→ :對阿 我還沒看過Andrew Rayel放歌的影片 期待中88F 02/16 07:44
→ :結束後在整個找一找好了89F 02/16 07:45
→ apxd …
→ :嗯嗯 現在這首 是DJ RAM寫給死去妻子Amelia的歌 RAMelia91F 02/16 07:45
→ :先繼續聽92F 02/16 07:45
→ apxd …
推 :E大真的很厲害耶!!94F 02/16 07:45
→ apxd …
→ :換Armin Van Buuren放歌了 大家鼓噪中! God of Trance96F 02/16 07:47
※ 編輯: Ethan45 來自: (02/16 07:48)推 :ARMIN來了!!!!!97F 02/16 07:48
→ apxd …
推 :好想去現場啊啊啊啊啊啊99F 02/16 07:50
推 :我以為電音很多人聽耶 台灣音樂再進化吧100F 02/16 07:52
→ :電子音樂超少人聽的! 電音版人蠻少的...101F 02/16 07:53
→ apxd …
推 :在台灣都會跟壞事或台劃上等號 沒辦法...103F 02/16 07:54
→ :對阿 吸毒 台客 夜店咖...純粹喜歡電子音樂不行嗎104F 02/16 07:56
→ apxd …
推 :我還記得有人問過我喜歡電音怎麼不會想用一下106F 02/16 07:57
→ :Eat Sleep Rave Repeat~107F 02/16 07:57
→ :如果是真心喜歡ㄧ個東西 才不會去汙衊它的形象-_-108F 02/16 07:57
→ :拉K一時 尿布一世109F 02/16 07:59
推 :來推囉!阿明~~~~~~~110F 02/16 08:01
→ :Armin換菲利浦的新耳機了 之前用Technics RP-DH1200 好用!111F 02/16 08:05
推 :用性命推阿112F 02/16 08:06
推 :身體受不了了來睏113F 02/16 08:11
→ :快去休息吧~114F 02/16 08:12
推 :Armin115F 02/16 08:14
Hardwell Live @ Tomorrowland 2013 - YouTube
Out now! I AM HARDWELL The Documentary: Download on iTunes: Hardwell ft. Matthew Koma - Dare You: Download on iTunes: http:...
Out now! I AM HARDWELL The Documentary: Download on iTunes: Hardwell ft. Matthew Koma - Dare You: Download on iTunes: http:...

推 :還不錯聽耶117F 02/16 08:24
→ :哈哈 喜歡就好喔 Trance可以很柔 也可以很重 很多變的曲風118F 02/16 08:26
推 :剛好輪到Armin的時候看到 yayaya!!!119F 02/16 08:29
推 :超級正點!!120F 02/16 08:30
推 :OMG!!! Ferry corsten + Markus Schulz 也太太太大牌121F 02/16 08:30
推 :Trance真的很好聽!另外也推一下d&b!122F 02/16 08:30
推 :推純電音咖!我後來就不想去夜店了,老是有人遞藥來123F 02/16 08:33
→ :Drum & Bass 我想推Pendulum124F 02/16 08:33
→ :Markus是老好人,會自己準備麥克筆幫人簽名XD125F 02/16 08:34
推 :舉國旗耶127F 02/16 08:35
Markus Schulz - DJsounds Show 2013 - YouTube
Joining Dan Tait for the first show of 2013 is America's Best DJ and Cold Harbour Records big ...
Joining Dan Tait for the first show of 2013 is America's Best DJ and Cold Harbour Records big ...

推 :Tomorrowland門票好貴 超想去的= =131F 02/16 08:42
→ :昨天看到有版友在預訂今年Tomorrowland門票 超羨慕!132F 02/16 08:43
→ :之前上網看 三天聯票要450美金 不知道是否正確133F 02/16 08:44
→ :Armin後段常會把節奏加快 放Uplifting Trance~134F 02/16 08:47
→ :問一下 Armin是不是只有來台灣過一次??135F 02/16 08:47
推 :很多次了136F 02/16 08:48
→ :應該蠻多次的 上次白色派對有來 被記者寫成是dancer137F 02/16 08:49
推 :感謝 XDD Follow他的時間只有一年 了解的還不是很多138F 02/16 08:50
推 :剛起床就跟到Armin的時段 超讚!!!140F 02/16 08:51
→ :2011年12月9日也有在新北工商展覽館演出 那次放很久!141F 02/16 08:52
→ :台灣記者水準GG 好想去一次現場阿QAQ 何時才有機會><142F 02/16 08:54
→ :今年不知道有無可能 說不定有Armin替菲利浦耳機代言的商演143F 02/16 08:56
→ :去的話要戴降噪耳塞比較好 要不然會耳鳴 現場放很大聲!
→ :去的話要戴降噪耳塞比較好 要不然會耳鳴 現場放很大聲!
推 :阿明來很多次了145F 02/16 09:09
Shogun - Erhu (As Played By Armin van Buuren on ASOT 650) - YouTube Subscribe to A State Of Trance Follow the ASOT Spotify Playlist:

推 :Armin放真的比較HIGH~147F 02/16 09:24
→ :Fatboy Slim - Praise You148F 02/16 09:27
→ :Delerium - Silence ft. Sarah McLachlan
→ :Tiesto - Traffic
→ :Delerium - Silence ft. Sarah McLachlan
→ :Tiesto - Traffic
推 :Trance是我寫程式的動力啊151F 02/16 10:03
推 :推 好聽152F 02/16 10:07
推 :Andrew Rayel 要來了!!!153F 02/16 10:08
推 :台灣都沒有自己的TRANCE派對 非常可惜 只好靠飛利浦惹154F 02/16 10:10
→ :Andrew Rayel 古典樂融入trance 他的歌很史詩!155F 02/16 10:11
推 :他超讚阿 一堆mashup都超級棒156F 02/16 10:12
推 :直接Dark Warrior XD
推 :直接Dark Warrior XD
→ :接Dark Warrior接得不錯!158F 02/16 10:21
推 :Zedd feat. Foxes - Clarity( Andrew Rayel Remix)!!!159F 02/16 10:22
推 :現在這首超經典芭樂歌 :P160F 02/16 10:23
→ :要放Intense了!162F 02/16 10:27
推 :來了 intense!!163F 02/16 10:27
→ :epic!164F 02/16 10:27
推 :intense 超級讚啊!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!165F 02/16 10:28
推 :trance一聽就上癮 就聽到現在166F 02/16 10:29
→ :我也是 四年前聽到in and out of love 就愛上trance了167F 02/16 10:30
推 :哦,原來是他...我也喜歡in&out 但不知是trance168F 02/16 10:32
推 :in and out 是Armin的169F 02/16 10:33
Armin van Buuren ft. Sharon den Adel - In and Out of Love (Official Music Video) - YouTube Subscribe to Armada TV: Watch the music video of Armin van Buuren 'Save My Night': Check out the A...

推 :Dare you - Hardwell feat. Matthew Koma171F 02/16 10:35
ATB with Rudee feat. Ramona Nerra - In And Out Of Love (Official Video HD) - YouTube ATB with Rudee feat. Ramona Nerra - In And Out Of Love // taken from the album 'ATB - ALL THE BEST' - available here: Also available on h...

John O' Callaghan vs. Armin van Buuren - In and Out of a Raw Deal (AvB Mashup)(JOC Edit) - YouTube Top Mashup by Irish Legend John O' Callaghan ripped from his set at FSOE 200 In Egypt :D

→ :Zeus VS We'll Be Coming Back174F 02/16 10:41
推 :where do we begin !!175F 02/16 10:42
→ :好強的mashup 突然換歌又切回where do we begin!176F 02/16 10:45
→ :Above & Beyond-Sun & Moon http://ppt.cc/6IaX
→ :Above & Beyond-Sun & Moon http://ppt.cc/6IaX
Above & Beyond feat. Richard Bedford "Sun & Moon" (OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO) - YouTube ABGT050 at Alexandra Palace: Director: Ferry Gouw Inspired by a song that combines bittersweet lyrics with uplifting ele...

Andrew Rayel feat. Jano - How Do I Know [Music Video] [HD] - YouTube Download on iTunes: Listen on Spotify: Download on Beatport: Check this item on ArmadaMusic...

推 :這版本的in my mind好讚179F 02/16 10:57
→ :對阿 沒想到他這麼強! 我一直以為Andrew Rayel是創作型的180F 02/16 10:59
→ :沒想到現場放歌的功力也很棒!
→ :沒想到現場放歌的功力也很棒!
推 :他去年有來馬沙溝 那場炸翻了182F 02/16 11:00
→ :until the end了 感動~
→ :until the end了 感動~
Alex M.O.R.P.H. feat. Sylvia Tosun -- An Angel's Love ( Andrew Rayel Remix ) - YouTube ASOT 650 Tunisia ( The Official Campaign ) Facebook : www.Facebook.com/ASOT650Tunisia Twitter : www.Twitter.com/ASOT650Tunisia

Faithless - Insomnia (Andrew Rayel Remix) (As played on Global Gathering 2013) - YouTube TOP100 DJ'S 2013, VOTE ANDREW RAYEL: www.top100djs.net Faithless - Insomnia ( Andrew Rayel Remix ) Live @ Global Gathering (United Kingdom) - 27.07.2013

→ :Aeon Of Revenge VS Just be186F 02/16 11:22
推 :這mash太威了187F 02/16 11:22
Andrew Rayel - Aeon Of Revenge (Original Mix) - YouTube
Download on iTunes: Listen on Spotify: Download on Beatport: ...
Download on iTunes: Listen on Spotify: Download on Beatport: ...

推 :just be 是誰的呀?190F 02/16 11:26
DJ Tiësto ~ Just Be (Antillas Club Mix) HD Motion Video - YouTube Classic track by Tiësto featuring the beautiful voice of Kirsty Hawkshaw... Enjoy :-) MAIN CHANNEL:

推 :比起一年前 他的現場放功好多了192F 02/16 11:26
→ :Just be很經典!193F 02/16 11:27
→ :結束得有點突然XD
→ :結束得有點突然XD
推 :真的有人ID是ASOT XDDDDD196F 02/16 11:29
推 :先去吃飯 等等回來聽埃及雙人組 :D197F 02/16 11:39
推 :ID ASOT好威啊XDDD198F 02/16 11:42
※ Ethan45:轉錄至看板 electronic 02/16 12:02推 :Zedd!199F 02/16 12:18
→ apxd …
推 :Black Hole這段飛到外太空了201F 02/16 12:32
→ :Craig Connelly & Christina Novelli - Black Hole202F 02/16 12:37
→ :(Jorn Van Deynhoven Remix) http://ppt.cc/y2LN
→ :(Jorn Van Deynhoven Remix) http://ppt.cc/y2LN

→ :Armin van Buuren ft. Richard Bedford - Love Never Came204F 02/16 12:40
→ :(Jorn van Deynhoven Remix) http://ppt.cc/vyaf
→ :(Jorn van Deynhoven Remix) http://ppt.cc/vyaf
Armin van Buuren feat. Richard Bedford - Love Never Came (Jorn van Deynhoven Remix) - YouTube Get your copy on iTunes: Get the CD: An album that'll live on in the legacy of one of electronic dan...

推 :來了! FSOE!!206F 02/16 12:45
→ :Aly & Fila are not afraid of 138!207F 02/16 12:53
→ apxd …
推 :138 BPM209F 02/16 13:01
→ :I don't Deserve you!!
→ :I don't Deserve you!!
→ :BPM-Beats Per Minute 一首歌一分鐘之內有多少次鼓聲211F 02/16 13:02
→ :就是說他們放得歌 BPM超過138!
→ :就是說他們放得歌 BPM超過138!
→ apxd …
推 :等待他們兩個光頭放 Your Heart Is Mine...214F 02/16 13:09
推 :aly&fila!!215F 02/16 13:28
推 :國歌!!!216F 02/16 13:29
推 :Beautiful Things,經典啊217F 02/16 13:30
推 :連Burned With Desire都出來了218F 02/16 13:47
推 :我覺得全部的lineup裡只有現在這組有聽的價值219F 02/16 13:49
推 :推!!!!!222F 02/16 14:20
※ 編輯: Ethan45 來自: (02/16 14:23)※ 編輯: Ethan45 來自: (02/16 14:24)
→ :已更新重播網址!223F 02/16 14:26
推 :!!!224F 02/16 14:27
Anton Firtich & Cramp - Amazing - YouTube
Download on iTunes: Listen on Spotify: Download on Beatport:
Download on iTunes: Listen on Spotify: Download on Beatport:

→ :愛捧自己人,例如Emma Hewwitt,但我覺得就so so226F 02/16 15:23
→ :有一些神曲例如Anton Firtich的Amazing知名度反而低
→ :http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3hhy43it_HE
→ :有一些神曲例如Anton Firtich的Amazing知名度反而低
→ :http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3hhy43it_HE
Anton Firtich & Cramp - Amazing - YouTube
Download on iTunes: Listen on Spotify: Download on Beatport:
Download on iTunes: Listen on Spotify: Download on Beatport:

→ :謝謝E大的分享啦,在台灣大家還是對EDM知道的稍微多一點229F 02/16 15:26
推 :推 超愛 EDM230F 02/16 16:02