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看板 Gossiping
作者 gay3300459 (很忙的人)
標題 [問卦] 史上最神的電影配樂是哪一首
時間 Sat Jan 18 21:12:21 2014




The Rock
The Rock - Main Theme~Hans Zimmer - YouTube
The Rock is a 1996 action film that primarily takes place on Alcatraz Island, and the San Francisco Bay area. It was directed by Michael Bay, director of Bad...


Star Wars- The Imperial March (Darth Vader's Theme) - YouTube This music is Darth Vader's theme, also known as "The Imperial March"


神鬼戰士電影原聲帶 - YouTube
Gladiator(2000) Hans Zimmer 配樂


Lord of the Rings Medley - Lindsey Stirling - YouTube
Unfortunately I can't sell or even give away this recording, but you can check out my other music here: My store:  Y...


Jurassic Park theme song. - YouTube
Probably the most beautiful piece of music ever made! After reading a lot of comments, i started to get a bit emotional. So much people that have the same fe...







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◆ From:
nIckNonAme:遠離非洲1F 01/18 21:12
zone:賭神2F 01/18 21:12
Guerrieri:強者我同學超愛教父3F 01/18 21:13
jesusQQ:我難過4F 01/18 21:13
erilinda:大白鯊5F 01/18 21:13
tyrande:末代皇帝6F 01/18 21:13
hyjoly:賭神 黃飛鴻7F 01/18 21:13
BLACKLIONS:http://youtu.be/gMLeRX3-ZzY 這首吧8F 01/18 21:13

purin3333:追殺比爾9F 01/18 21:13
imgay5566:全面啟動 BW~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~10F 01/18 21:13
maybeblue:天空之城+111F 01/18 21:14
minoru04:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFS4zYWxzNA 剪片最愛12F 01/18 21:14
allen911007:當然是火戰車13F 01/18 21:15
Sayd20:鐵達尼號14F 01/18 21:15
outofdate:黑暗騎士的結尾15F 01/18 21:15
洛基 Rocky - Eye of The Tiger - YouTube

kingba:海上鋼琴師17F 01/18 21:15
jason050117:竟然沒有鐵達尼號18F 01/18 21:16
allen911007:感謝minoru大 這首找好久QQ19F 01/18 21:16
richardh:似曾相識20F 01/18 21:16
galilei503:魔戒21F 01/18 21:16
email5566:不可能的任務!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!22F 01/18 21:17
pololo61201:鐵達尼號 侏儸紀公園 名偵探柯南23F 01/18 21:17
germania:末代皇帝+1 另外加教父三部曲24F 01/18 21:18
snowyba:賭神25F 01/18 21:18
gacktmm7633:The rock26F 01/18 21:18
xevisu:我不信有人可以忍著不跟著哼 http://ppt.cc/zx3c27F 01/18 21:19
ssaw5166:猜火車28F 01/18 21:19
whatzup1124:播牛 不是 波妞拉29F 01/18 21:20
Tenging:大白鯊30F 01/18 21:22
Kamelie:第一個想到的是末代皇帝 lol31F 01/18 21:22
Europe - The Final Countdown - YouTube
Music video by Europe performing The Final Countdown. (C) 1986 SONY BMG MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT

g3sg1:http://youtu.be/s_R2l4ujlao 最近的環太平洋不錯33F 01/18 21:23
All Rights Belong to Their Respective Owners. Pacific Rim Theme by Ramin Djawadi.

jyue:大白鯊34F 01/18 21:23
aspes:當然是MI阿  http://youtu.be/XAYhNHhxN0A35F 01/18 21:24
Mission Impossible Theme(full theme) - YouTube
the mission impossible full theme tune _really annoying nd catchy!

X Ray Dog Here Comes the King - YouTube
Der König kommt... Viel Spaß! (HD) Wallpaper:

Colossus:在台灣是鐵達尼號,當年電影原聲帶賣超過百萬張37F 01/18 21:25
梅爾吉勃遜之英雄本色電影原聲帶 - YouTube
Braveheart(1995) James Horner 配樂

rock666:漢斯季默 久石讓 澤野弘之 川井憲次39F 01/18 21:25
Riyuberg:戀戀風塵41F 01/18 21:25
lepidoptera:The last of the Mohicans42F 01/18 21:26
Aliensoul:魔法公主43F 01/18 21:26
wasiqoo:無間道44F 01/18 21:27
NAHAy:漢斯季默+145F 01/18 21:27
rock666:中島澤也和昆汀塔倫提諾選的電影原聲47F 01/18 21:27
tustarosa:你把梶浦由記放哪了48F 01/18 21:28
EnXIII:推神鬼奇航!!!49F 01/18 21:31
adon0313:獅子王...50F 01/18 21:31
Requiem For A Dream Original Song - YouTube
Requiem for a Dream is the title of a soundtrack album released in 2000 to accompany the Darren Aronofsky film Requiem for a Dream. The soundtrack was compos...

metalj:單一首配樂最有名的應該是辛德勒的名單52F 01/18 21:31
g3sg1:洛基的主題曲不是這首嗎? http://youtu.be/DhlPAj38rHc53F 01/18 21:32
Rocky theme song - YouTube
just felt like uploading one of my favourite songs from one of the greatest movies ever made.

Khadgar:Brave Heart...雖然錄音很爛,但是洋蔥非常非常多54F 01/18 21:32
ty5ed:教父55F 01/18 21:32
homerunball:hw1那是XRAYDOG的Requiem Overture56F 01/18 21:32
metalj:一整部電影都超級威的已經改變遊戲規則的只能是銀翼殺手57F 01/18 21:33
imgay5566:絕地任務開頭 HANS ZIMMER+ED HARRIS.. 神開場58F 01/18 21:34
The Rock Full Movie Action Adventure Michael Bay Nicholas Cage Sean Connery - YouTube Learn How to trade like a Pro online for free make extra cash,limited slots available start Here  A renegade general and his group of...

rinsoukan:太多了吧60F 01/18 21:35
Blade Runner - TEARS IN RAIN [Hi-Res Video] - YouTube
The line "like tears in rain" was never scripted, Rutger Hauer just made it up.

Evoque:TDK62F 01/18 21:35
usoko:沒教父 失敗63F 01/18 21:35
ty5ed:大法師的也不錯 http://youtu.be/04EShclPAa064F 01/18 21:36
The Exorcist (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) - Tubular Bells - YouTube The Exorcist (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) ****PLEASE SUBSCRIBE****

rock666:改變電影開頭手法的不是星際大戰嗎? 還是不同意思65F 01/18 21:37
bluesky2:好多經典喔66F 01/18 21:37
Braveheart theme - For the love of a princess - YouTube
This is my first video on this channel. Subscribe for more great music, not only movie themes, also rock metal hardstyle hip hop dance etc. Everything will b...

ARodGodlike:我艱過68F 01/18 21:42
Harry Potter - The Complete Soundtrack - YouTube
Enjoy this 9hour of epicness ;) Harry Potter has been a huge influence in my life, from the first time i saw it as a little kid until now. I still watch it e...

CoreDown:http://ppt.cc/FrJh70F 01/18 21:42
PSRY:侏儸紀公園.......71F 01/18 21:42
CRPKT:沒教父真的失敗72F 01/18 21:45
g3sg1:Snake Plissken! MGS的SNAKE的原型73F 01/18 21:46
menyo:Hans Zimmer的全部74F 01/18 21:47
myericho:2001太空漫步 片很悶 但顯得配音超神,很多後來的片或美75F 01/18 21:48
booloo:Tokyo Hot的片頭曲~答拉答答達答答答 答拉答拉達拉答答答76F 01/18 21:48
myericho:劇都有引用或惡搞77F 01/18 21:48
fania:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kjm7wLompfE 當然是這個78F 01/18 21:48
【蘇貞昌 vs. 鄭弘儀】瞬間的永恆(配樂2) - YouTube
更多【配樂自由發揮】: 【配樂自由發揮】 蘇貞昌 vs. 鄭弘儀:瞬間的永恆(by戰鬥音樂學) 原始影片: Music: Za...

insominia:紅色十月79F 01/18 21:49
GAtely:新天堂樂園80F 01/18 21:52
charlie60508:大顆奶81F 01/18 21:55
bibby:夢的安魂曲 Lux Aeterna82F 01/18 21:56
a75267462007:當然是不可能的任務83F 01/18 22:03
knetlalala:Ennio Morricone全部 以及Requiem For A Dream84F 01/18 22:03
a8330028:不可能的任務是從影集開始啊~ 神也是影集神85F 01/18 22:10
joker2340:魔法公主+186F 01/18 22:10
sizumaru:論屌的話追殺比爾  每個配樂一下來都讓人拍手叫好87F 01/18 22:12
vincent120:神鬼認證系列88F 01/18 22:27
Rucca:Inception89F 01/18 22:33
adamashowdo:大白鯊啦,兩個音嚇死你90F 01/18 22:37
yuhurefu:宮崎駿的都很經典阿91F 01/18 22:44
hugo1986515: 獵殺紅色十月92F 01/18 22:44
v2ssili:環太平洋 不解釋 http://ppt.cc/KLst93F 01/18 22:45
The Pink Panther Theme (Full) - YouTube
My favorite cartoons theme. Enjoy!!!!!!

cuttlefish:inception tdk avatar95F 01/18 22:55
missin:翻滾吧~ 阿信~    甜。祕密96F 01/18 23:10
happy0321:GOD FATHER97F 01/18 23:13
Squidward:居然沒有人推 獅子王98F 01/18 23:18
myangel:東方怎麼能不推闖將令呢! 萬~佛~朝~宗99F 01/18 23:21
Leika:神氣活現 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bBQVrCflZ_E100F 01/18 23:43
Starship - "Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now" - ORIGINAL VIDEO - HQ - YouTube FIND ME AT  One of the various incarnations of Jefferson Airplane - but this hit #1 and features Grace Slick. It was used i...

summerass:神引少女無論如何103F 01/19 00:17
ginwine:居然沒有兩步下地獄104F 01/19 00:21
clothk60207:Hans Zimmer的赤色風暴 http://youtu.be/QYe4dSunbs8105F 01/19 01:07
Crimson Tide - Theme Song - YouTube
Crimson Tide - Theme Song This song is created by composer Hans Zimmer! It is a world-renowned composer who created not only this song, but is also famous by...

HenryHung:變臉跟絕地任務106F 01/19 01:24
joanying:教父亂世佳人107F 01/19 01:42
towachu:似曾相識 女人香108F 01/19 01:51
milkymi:Hans Zimmer 超愛全面啟動配樂!109F 01/19 02:39
Hibria:英雄本色110F 01/19 04:51
dogmimi:神鬼戰士! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lWwTAe_V-Hk111F 01/19 06:22
Hans Zimmer & Lisa Gerrard - Now We Are Free - YouTube
Hans Zimmer & Lisa Gerrard - Now We Are Free Gladiator

Algieba:Team America: World Police http://ppt.cc/y7me112F 01/19 06:30
team america theme with lyrics - YouTube
full version of the team america theme song finally able to ignore the copyrights

arcred:我難過113F 01/19 07:09
ilovenets:烈火戰車呢114F 01/19 07:20
gto37513:蝴蝶效應片尾曲115F 01/19 09:09

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1樓 時間: 2014-01-19 20:07:09 (台灣)
  01-19 20:07 TW
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Austin Powers: International Man Of Mystery Opening - YouTube Austin Powers: International Man Of Mystery Opening! I hope you enjoy! I know all austinpowers fans will!
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