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看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [問卦] 史上最神的電影配樂是哪一首
時間 Sat Jan 18 21:12:21 2014
The Rock
The Rock - Main Theme~Hans Zimmer - YouTube
The Rock is a 1996 action film that primarily takes place on Alcatraz Island, and the San Francisco Bay area. It was directed by Michael Bay, director of Bad...
The Rock is a 1996 action film that primarily takes place on Alcatraz Island, and the San Francisco Bay area. It was directed by Michael Bay, director of Bad...

Star Wars- The Imperial March (Darth Vader's Theme) - YouTube This music is Darth Vader's theme, also known as "The Imperial March"

Lord of the Rings Medley - Lindsey Stirling - YouTube
Unfortunately I can't sell or even give away this recording, but you can check out my other music here: My store: Y...
Unfortunately I can't sell or even give away this recording, but you can check out my other music here: My store: Y...

Jurassic Park theme song. - YouTube
Probably the most beautiful piece of music ever made! After reading a lot of comments, i started to get a bit emotional. So much people that have the same fe...
Probably the most beautiful piece of music ever made! After reading a lot of comments, i started to get a bit emotional. So much people that have the same fe...

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◆ From:
→ :遠離非洲1F 01/18 21:12
推 :賭神2F 01/18 21:12
推 :強者我同學超愛教父3F 01/18 21:13
噓 :我難過4F 01/18 21:13
→ :大白鯊5F 01/18 21:13
推 :末代皇帝6F 01/18 21:13
推 :賭神 黃飛鴻7F 01/18 21:13
→ :追殺比爾9F 01/18 21:13
→ :全面啟動 BW~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~10F 01/18 21:13
推 :天空之城+111F 01/18 21:14
推 :當然是火戰車13F 01/18 21:15
推 :鐵達尼號14F 01/18 21:15
推 :黑暗騎士的結尾15F 01/18 21:15
洛基 Rocky - Eye of The Tiger - YouTube

推 :海上鋼琴師17F 01/18 21:15
推 :竟然沒有鐵達尼號18F 01/18 21:16
→ :感謝minoru大 這首找好久QQ19F 01/18 21:16
推 :似曾相識20F 01/18 21:16
推 :魔戒21F 01/18 21:16
推 :不可能的任務!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!22F 01/18 21:17
推 :鐵達尼號 侏儸紀公園 名偵探柯南23F 01/18 21:17
推 :末代皇帝+1 另外加教父三部曲24F 01/18 21:18
推 :賭神25F 01/18 21:18
→ :The rock26F 01/18 21:18
推 :猜火車28F 01/18 21:19
推 :播牛 不是 波妞拉29F 01/18 21:20
推 :大白鯊30F 01/18 21:22
推 :第一個想到的是末代皇帝 lol31F 01/18 21:22
Europe - The Final Countdown - YouTube
Music video by Europe performing The Final Countdown. (C) 1986 SONY BMG MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT
Music video by Europe performing The Final Countdown. (C) 1986 SONY BMG MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT

All Rights Belong to Their Respective Owners. Pacific Rim Theme by Ramin Djawadi.
All Rights Belong to Their Respective Owners. Pacific Rim Theme by Ramin Djawadi.

→ :大白鯊34F 01/18 21:23
Mission Impossible Theme(full theme) - YouTube
the mission impossible full theme tune _really annoying nd catchy!
the mission impossible full theme tune _really annoying nd catchy!

推 :在台灣是鐵達尼號,當年電影原聲帶賣超過百萬張37F 01/18 21:25
→ :漢斯季默 久石讓 澤野弘之 川井憲次39F 01/18 21:25
推 :戀戀風塵41F 01/18 21:25
推 :The last of the Mohicans42F 01/18 21:26
推 :魔法公主43F 01/18 21:26
推 :無間道44F 01/18 21:27
推 :漢斯季默+145F 01/18 21:27
→ :中島澤也和昆汀塔倫提諾選的電影原聲47F 01/18 21:27
推 :你把梶浦由記放哪了48F 01/18 21:28
推 :推神鬼奇航!!!49F 01/18 21:31
推 :獅子王...50F 01/18 21:31
Requiem For A Dream Original Song - YouTube
Requiem for a Dream is the title of a soundtrack album released in 2000 to accompany the Darren Aronofsky film Requiem for a Dream. The soundtrack was compos...
Requiem for a Dream is the title of a soundtrack album released in 2000 to accompany the Darren Aronofsky film Requiem for a Dream. The soundtrack was compos...

推 :單一首配樂最有名的應該是辛德勒的名單52F 01/18 21:31
Rocky theme song - YouTube
just felt like uploading one of my favourite songs from one of the greatest movies ever made.
just felt like uploading one of my favourite songs from one of the greatest movies ever made.

→ :Brave Heart...雖然錄音很爛,但是洋蔥非常非常多54F 01/18 21:32
→ :教父55F 01/18 21:32
→ :hw1那是XRAYDOG的Requiem Overture56F 01/18 21:32
→ :一整部電影都超級威的已經改變遊戲規則的只能是銀翼殺手57F 01/18 21:33
The Rock Full Movie Action Adventure Michael Bay Nicholas Cage Sean Connery - YouTube Learn How to trade like a Pro online for free make extra cash,limited slots available start Here A renegade general and his group of...

推 :太多了吧60F 01/18 21:35
Blade Runner - TEARS IN RAIN [Hi-Res Video] - YouTube
The line "like tears in rain" was never scripted, Rutger Hauer just made it up.
The line "like tears in rain" was never scripted, Rutger Hauer just made it up.

推 :TDK62F 01/18 21:35
推 :沒教父 失敗63F 01/18 21:35
The Exorcist (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) - Tubular Bells - YouTube The Exorcist (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) ****PLEASE SUBSCRIBE****

推 :改變電影開頭手法的不是星際大戰嗎? 還是不同意思65F 01/18 21:37
推 :好多經典喔66F 01/18 21:37
Braveheart theme - For the love of a princess - YouTube
This is my first video on this channel. Subscribe for more great music, not only movie themes, also rock metal hardstyle hip hop dance etc. Everything will b...
This is my first video on this channel. Subscribe for more great music, not only movie themes, also rock metal hardstyle hip hop dance etc. Everything will b...

→ :我艱過68F 01/18 21:42
Harry Potter - The Complete Soundtrack - YouTube
Enjoy this 9hour of epicness ;) Harry Potter has been a huge influence in my life, from the first time i saw it as a little kid until now. I still watch it e...
Enjoy this 9hour of epicness ;) Harry Potter has been a huge influence in my life, from the first time i saw it as a little kid until now. I still watch it e...

→ :侏儸紀公園.......71F 01/18 21:42
推 :沒教父真的失敗72F 01/18 21:45
推 :Snake Plissken! MGS的SNAKE的原型73F 01/18 21:46
推 :Hans Zimmer的全部74F 01/18 21:47
推 :2001太空漫步 片很悶 但顯得配音超神,很多後來的片或美75F 01/18 21:48
→ :Tokyo Hot的片頭曲~答拉答答達答答答 答拉答拉達拉答答答76F 01/18 21:48
→ :劇都有引用或惡搞77F 01/18 21:48
【蘇貞昌 vs. 鄭弘儀】瞬間的永恆(配樂2) - YouTube
更多【配樂自由發揮】: 【配樂自由發揮】 蘇貞昌 vs. 鄭弘儀:瞬間的永恆(by戰鬥音樂學) 原始影片: Music: Za...
更多【配樂自由發揮】: 【配樂自由發揮】 蘇貞昌 vs. 鄭弘儀:瞬間的永恆(by戰鬥音樂學) 原始影片: Music: Za...

推 :紅色十月79F 01/18 21:49
→ :新天堂樂園80F 01/18 21:52
推 :大顆奶81F 01/18 21:55
推 :夢的安魂曲 Lux Aeterna82F 01/18 21:56
→ :當然是不可能的任務83F 01/18 22:03
推 :Ennio Morricone全部 以及Requiem For A Dream84F 01/18 22:03
→ :不可能的任務是從影集開始啊~ 神也是影集神85F 01/18 22:10
推 :魔法公主+186F 01/18 22:10
推 :論屌的話追殺比爾 每個配樂一下來都讓人拍手叫好87F 01/18 22:12
推 :神鬼認證系列88F 01/18 22:27
推 :Inception89F 01/18 22:33
推 :大白鯊啦,兩個音嚇死你90F 01/18 22:37
推 :宮崎駿的都很經典阿91F 01/18 22:44
推 : 獵殺紅色十月92F 01/18 22:44
Pacific Rim OST Soundtrack - 01 - MAIN THEME by Ramin Djawadi - YouTube This is the Main Theme of Pacific Rim !

推 :inception tdk avatar95F 01/18 22:55
推 :翻滾吧~ 阿信~ 甜。祕密96F 01/18 23:10
推 :GOD FATHER97F 01/18 23:13
推 :居然沒有人推 獅子王98F 01/18 23:18
推 :東方怎麼能不推闖將令呢! 萬~佛~朝~宗99F 01/18 23:21
Starship - "Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now" - ORIGINAL VIDEO - HQ - YouTube FIND ME AT One of the various incarnations of Jefferson Airplane - but this hit #1 and features Grace Slick. It was used i...

推 :神引少女無論如何103F 01/19 00:17
噓 :居然沒有兩步下地獄104F 01/19 00:21
Crimson Tide - Theme Song - YouTube
Crimson Tide - Theme Song This song is created by composer Hans Zimmer! It is a world-renowned composer who created not only this song, but is also famous by...
Crimson Tide - Theme Song This song is created by composer Hans Zimmer! It is a world-renowned composer who created not only this song, but is also famous by...

推 :變臉跟絕地任務106F 01/19 01:24
→ :教父亂世佳人107F 01/19 01:42
推 :似曾相識 女人香108F 01/19 01:51
推 :Hans Zimmer 超愛全面啟動配樂!109F 01/19 02:39
推 :英雄本色110F 01/19 04:51
Hans Zimmer & Lisa Gerrard - Now We Are Free - YouTube
Hans Zimmer & Lisa Gerrard - Now We Are Free Gladiator
Hans Zimmer & Lisa Gerrard - Now We Are Free Gladiator

team america theme with lyrics - YouTube
full version of the team america theme song finally able to ignore the copyrights
full version of the team america theme song finally able to ignore the copyrights

推 :我難過113F 01/19 07:09
推 :烈火戰車呢114F 01/19 07:20
推 :蝴蝶效應片尾曲115F 01/19 09:09
※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 1 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 2424
( ̄︶ ̄)b WazzZup 說讚!
1樓 時間: 2014-01-19 20:07:09 (台灣)
01-19 20:07 TW
王牌大間諜 超經典Austin Powers: International Man Of Mystery Opening - YouTube Austin Powers: International Man Of Mystery Opening! I hope you enjoy! I know all austinpowers fans will!