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看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [爆卦] 躺在大馬路上憑什麼噴水?
時間 Mon Apr 28 03:25:54 2014
英國抗議躺下封橋 沒噴水
We won't take this lying down: Thousands of demonstrators force Westminster Bridge to close with protest over Government health reforms | Mail Online
Westminster Bridge in London was shut to traffic as around 2,500 demonstrators took to the streets outside Parliament to highlight their concerns over cuts. ...
美國華爾街抗議封橋 沒噴水
柏克來大學抗議躺下封路 沒噴水
Berkeley students stage mass lie-down protest over Republicans' 'racist' bake sale | Mail Online
The Berkeley College Republicans held the 'Increase Diversity Bake Sale' to speak out against legislation that would allow California public universities to consider race and other factors in student admissions. ...
倫敦腳踏車騎士抗議躺下封路 沒噴水
Thousands of cyclists lie down in the road for rush hour protest outside TfL's Blackfriars HQ - London - News - London Evening Standard
More than 1,000 cyclists lay sprawled across a central London road this evening in protest at dangerous traffic conditions. ...
More than 1,000 cyclists lay sprawled across a central London road this evening in protest at dangerous traffic conditions. ...
法國 躺下封閉機場 沒噴水
Slaughterhouse workers blockade French airport - The Local
Angry workers in France’s food processing industry, who are refusing to lie down and accept hundreds of job cuts, blockaded an airport in Western France on Mo ...
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1398626762.A.2B9.html
推 :我們還是先噴水才拉人 世界首創1F 04/28 03:26
→ :你不懂 這叫超英趕美2F 04/28 03:26
→ :都能違憲了,噴水算什麼?3F 04/28 03:26
→ :天氣熱洗個澡臭了嗎4F 04/28 03:26
→ :台灣之光阿5F 04/28 03:26
噓 :清潔隊要打掃馬路, 把一些豬狗屎尿用水沖走很合理啊6F 04/28 03:26
→ :好多人故意自己跌倒 看到真不知道該說什麼7F 04/28 03:26
推 :台灣超英趕美向中共看齊啊, 意外嗎8F 04/28 03:26
→ :仁慈的政府幫忙洗澡提神齁9F 04/28 03:26
推 :我們是台灣 我們超英趕美10F 04/28 03:26
推 :灣灣有自己的玩法拉!!11F 04/28 03:27
推 :噴水比較有競爭力12F 04/28 03:27
推 :起手式是噴水13F 04/28 03:27
推 :不要拿民主國家跟台灣比好嗎 台灣是警察國家14F 04/28 03:27
推 :我們有自己的玩法15F 04/28 03:27
→ :代表我們是海洋國家16F 04/28 03:27
噓 :縮網址..17F 04/28 03:27
噓 :幹,根本症腐根本在學支那國18F 04/28 03:27
→ :哭哭摟?吃香焦配麵線摟19F 04/28 03:27
→ :你拿先進民主國家跟台灣比,太抬舉台灣了吧20F 04/28 03:27
→ :是有這麼怕噴水逆? XDDDDD21F 04/28 03:27
→ :保持理性 反對暴力 呼籲警察公正執法22F 04/28 03:27
噓 :我主張用泡沫噴噴爆民 盪滌他們無知的心靈23F 04/28 03:27
推 :幹!我們不但有超越憲法的局長,還有超英趕美的市長24F 04/28 03:27
推 :噴水警察還會先逃跑Q_Q25F 04/28 03:27
※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 4 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 4521
( ̄︶ ̄)b revive, crazydancer, bugman 說讚!
2樓 時間: 2014-04-28 04:40:32 (台灣)
04-28 04:40 TW
6樓 時間: 2014-04-28 12:10:31 (台灣)
04-28 12:10 TW
這些例子都是國際承認的"國家",台灣 ?? 是國際承認的"國家"嗎?懶教比雞腿!!