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看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [新聞] 菲律賓移工強烈要求菲政府面對爭議
時間 Sat May 18 00:44:24 2013
Philippine workers urge Manila to respond to Taiwan's demands | Latest | FOCUS TAIWAN - CNA ENGLISH NEWS Taipei, May 12 (CNA) Philippine workers in Taiwan on Sunday launched a petition that called on their government to respond immediately to Taiwan's demands over the shooting of a Taiwanese fisherman at sea. ...
Taipei, May 12 (CNA) Philippine workers in Taiwan on Sunday launched a
petition that called on their government to respond immediately to Taiwan's
demands over the shooting of a Taiwanese fisherman at sea.
Philippine nationals working in different parts of Taiwan gathered in Taipei
and handed out flyers on Taiwan's threat to suspend the processing of
applications by Filipinos seeking employment in the country, if Manila
fails to meet its demands by midnight Tuesday.
In addition to handing out the flyers to other Filipinos in Taiwan, the
group also launched a petition urging the Philippine government to take
"immediate action," said Norman Pinson, a 25-year-old Filipino worker at a
factory in the northern county of Taoyuan.
The group members told CNA they will later take the 143 signatures they have
collected to the Manila Economic and Cultural Office in Taipei, which
represents the Philippines' interests in Taiwan in the absence of diplomatic
The May 9 incident involving a Philippine patrol boat that opened fire on a
Taiwanese fishing boat, the Kuang Ta Hsing No. 28, has been widely
reported in the local media, but the group members said they did not know
much about the incident until Sunday morning.
Because of work, most of them do not have time to keep abreast of the latest
news, they said.
They were briefed on the incident and follow-up issues during their regular
Sunday gathering at the office of Taiwan International Workers' Association
in Taipei, they said. They launched the campaign after hearing about the
incident and its possible implications.
Meanwhile, the group of Philippine nationals said they "are deeply saddened"
by the death of the Taiwanese fisherman. The Philippine government vessel
should not have opened fire on the fishing boat, they said.
Asked about the Taiwan government's threat to suspend new job applications,
they described it as "unfair" and said they "hope the rights of immigrant
workers will not be affected."
Freezing the import of Philippine labor will not affect only applicants,
but also Filipino workers already in Taiwan as they will be subject to
hostility, they said.
Annie Evangelista, 34, told CNA she is worried that she will lose her job
because of the conflict between the Philippines and Taiwan, and that is
something she cannot afford.
"We are here because of our family. We need money. We need to send money to
our family," said Evangelista, who has worked in Taiwan for over four years.
"We pray, hoping that (the case) may be solved within 72 hours," said
Evangelista, adding that many of her compatriots prayed in church Sunday for
the dispute to be resolved peacefully.
Pareng Jomar, who learned about the dispute on Sunday, also said he is
worried about the status of Filipino workers in Taiwan and hopes the details
of the incident will be revealed soon.
"If it is proven that it's the Philippine coast guard's fault and the
Philippine government's fault, we must face reality. We must take action,"
said Pareng Jomar, who has been employed in Taiwan as a factory worker for 17
Betty Chen, an official with the Taiwan International Workers' Association,
called on the Taiwanese government not to freeze the import of Philippine
"The workers have become bargaining chips and it's not fair," she said,
adding that many of the Philippine employees in Taiwan are also fishermen and
from low income families.
On the question of what the Taiwan government should do, Chen said her group
has not yet come up with an alternative idea, but thinks the rights of
disadvantaged migrant workers should not be sacrificed.
Taiwan is asking the Philippines to issue a formal apology, compensate the
victim's family for their loss, investigate the incident and punish the
perpetrators, and open fishery agreement talks with Taiwan as soon as possible.
If Manila does not issue an appropriate response by midnight Tuesday,
the Taiwan government said it will suspend the importation of Filipino labor,
recall its representative to the Philippines and request that the Philippines'
representative to Taiwan return to Manila.
A 65-year-old Taiwanese fisherman, Hung Shih-cheng, was killed when a joint
patrol of the Philippine Coast Guard and Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic
Resources opened fire on the Kuang Ta Hsing No. 28 in an overlapping economic
zone of Taiwan and the Philippines.
今年25歲、在桃園工廠工作的Norman Pinson說,陳情書是希望政府立即採取行動;
在台工作超過四年的Annie Evangelista說,她很擔心因台菲衝突而失去工作,這是她無
平解決。」在工廠已工作17個月的Pareng Jomar說:「若證實是菲律賓方的錯,我們必須
在台工作超過四年的Annie Evangelista說,她很擔心因台菲衝突而失去工作,這是她無
平解決。」在工廠已工作17個月的Pareng Jomar說:「若證實是菲律賓方的錯,我們必須
(來源:FOCUS TAIWAN/節譯:曾芷筠)
Philippine workers urge Manila to respond to Taiwan's demands | Latest | FOCUS TAIWAN - CNA ENGLISH NEWS Taipei, May 12 (CNA) Philippine workers in Taiwan on Sunday launched a petition that called on their government to respond immediately to Taiwan's demands over the shooting of a Taiwanese fisherman at sea. ...
Philippine workers urge Manila to respond to Taiwan's demands | Latest | FOCUS TAIWAN - CNA ENGLISH NEWS Taipei, May 12 (CNA) Philippine workers in Taiwan on Sunday launched a petition that called on their government to respond immediately to Taiwan's demands over the shooting of a Taiwanese fisherman at sea. ...
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 :先推1F 05/18 00:45
→ :菲律賓好高高層會在意這幾百人的死活嗎?2F 05/18 00:45
→ :牠們政府很會打哈哈....沒在怕的3F 05/18 00:45
→ :這些人會被菲律賓黑心政府無視的吧4F 05/18 00:46
→ :油得要死 怎麼會理這些在台菲勞5F 05/18 00:46
推 :艾奎諾: 呵呵呵~~~~~~~~~~~~6F 05/18 00:46
→ :他們政府擺明不管人民死活阿zzz 政府面子重要多了7F 05/18 00:46
→ :面對爭議,大聲就能搞定!8F 05/18 00:46
推 :好菲勞 發便當給他們9F 05/18 00:46
我貼這篇其實是貼給台灣新聞媒體看的請不要一直亂報未經查證的便當排菲文 這種文才更更應該報導吧...
※ 編輯: applehpsh 來自: (05/18 00:48)
推 :Aquino III 看起來就像智障一樣,哪會管那麼多10F 05/18 00:47
推 :菲律賓發言人表示:哈哈哈哈,是這樣嗎?哈哈哈哈,噢11F 05/18 00:47
推 :可憐的勞工12F 05/18 00:47
推 :結合理性菲菲,繼續說服更多菲菲,形成更大壓力.13F 05/18 00:47
推 :便當文智商比較低 較容易吸收14F 05/18 00:47
推 :他們政府根本不管他們死活 所以讓巴丹島回歸我們是最好時機15F 05/18 00:48
推 :這個世界上弱勢的人永遠都是政客腳底下的犧牲品~16F 05/18 00:48
→ :他們當局會扯說是台灣逼的17F 05/18 00:48
推 :媒體鬥自家人就最在行,你要他耍別招豈不是太強人所難?18F 05/18 00:48
推 :人家都幫我們提供宣傳的材料了,還不快拿來用?19F 05/18 00:49
推 :呵呵 他們政府根本不把人命當回事 別做了回去革命吧20F 05/18 00:49
推 :搞不懂美國怎麼會這麼愛菲律賓21F 05/18 00:50
→ :要怪就怪自己政府吧 再皮阿22F 05/18 00:51
推 :幫媒體寫新聞XDDDDDDDD23F 05/18 00:51
推 :感覺菲律賓希望台灣幫他們多殺幾個菲籍人士 讓情勢24F 05/18 00:52
推 :用心良苦25F 05/18 00:52
→ :對他們更有利 政府的支持度更高26F 05/18 00:52
推 :推!!27F 05/18 00:53
推 :菲律賓政客忙污錢 誰理你菲勞死不死的28F 05/18 00:53
推 :我完全不相信便當文 我這是反串阿 大人29F 05/18 00:54
推 :他們選個舉都可以殺一堆人 海外勞工的權益不會太重視30F 05/18 00:54
推 :能來台灣工作 怎樣都贏過在菲工作 我們待他們也不薄31F 05/18 00:56
推 :推 亂報便當文==32F 05/18 00:57
推 :有想表達這個想法就給推何必酸理不理難道要跟他們政府一樣33F 05/18 00:57
推 :慘的都是生活在底層的人民~無論是哪個國家34F 05/18 00:58
推 :政府的態度決定了人民生存的條件…
推 :政府的態度決定了人民生存的條件…
※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 1 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 1260
作者 applehpsh 的最新發文:
- 其實我覺得可以 民眾黨雖然每次人都不多 但一開始還有點人會報導 後面慢慢沒有聲量 我覺得下一波可以集結大家一起剃頭 8席立委在台上一起剃 民眾黨各級幹部一起剃 各地民代一起剃頭 集結的小草在台下剃頭 …59F 32推
- 有時候在翻舊番來看 雖然評分這種系統都看看就好 但巴哈目前這套評分系統 通常超爆低的那種2.X分的應該都是地雷 大概就不會看 4.6以上這種大多熱門作 看各討論區也大概知道狀況 4.5~4.0 大概 …120F 66推
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2樓 時間: 2013-05-18 02:59:43 (台灣)
05-18 02:59 TW
我覺得這是無法避免的,該國的政府要為該國的人民負責,而不是讓我們同情他們的國民,還必需救濟他們。然後他們領的錢寄回家鄉,幾番輪轉化為稅收,再拿來買子彈對付我們。 同情心是一回事,但是有礙於國家利益的時候,就應該放一邊去。他們的窮困、他們不知道未來的工作在哪裡的茫然,應該由他們國家的政府負責。 今天他們如果是嫁來或是舉家來台,改國籍當然我雙手歡迎。 但是要讓我們以同情心氾濫的藉口予以資敵,抱歉我沒那麼大方,貴國的事情請由貴國處理。