※ 本文為 Knuckles 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-09-04 18:58:31
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [新聞] 天啊!終於出來了
時間 Tue Sep 4 16:57:35 2012
A virus that kills cancer: the cure that's waiting in the coldc - Telegraph
Sitting in a refrigerator in a Swedish laboratory is what promises to be a cheap and effective cancer treatment. So why are the trials to bring it to market not going ahead? ...
Cure for Cancer!! 治癒癌症啊!
A virus that kills cancer: the cure that's waiting in the cold
Sitting in a refrigerator in a Swedish laboratory is what promises to be a
cheap and effective cancer treatment. So why are the trials to bring it to
market not going ahead?
On the snow-clotted plains of central Sweden where Wotan and Thor, the
clamorous gods of magic and death, once held sway, a young, self-deprecating
gene therapist has invented a virus that eliminates the type of cancer that
killed Steve Jobs.
'Not "eliminates"! Not "invented", no!' interrupts Professor Magnus Essand,
panicked, when I Skype him to ask about this explosive achievement.
'Our results are only in the lab so far, not in humans, and many treatments
that work in the lab can turn out to be not so effective in humans. However,
adenovirus serotype 5 is a common virus in which we have achieved
transcriptional targeting by replacing an endogenous viral promoter sequence
It sounds too kindly of the gods to be true: a virus that eats cancer.
聽起來實在是太神了, 是真的嗎, 吃癌症的病毒
'I sometimes use the phrase "an assassin who kills all the bad guys",' Prof
Essand agrees contentedly.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 :一哭一哭1F 09/04 16:57
推 :其實這類的東西已經研究很久了...2F 09/04 16:58
→ :要出來了要出來了要出來了要出來了要出來了要出來了要出來了3F 09/04 16:58
推 :說不定是謠言...4F 09/04 16:58
→ :我是傳奇!5F 09/04 16:58
推 :我是傳奇6F 09/04 16:58
推 :五樓終於...出來了7F 09/04 16:58
推 :吃癌症病毒 順便把你的細胞也全吃了8F 09/04 16:58
→ :以毒攻毒9F 09/04 16:58
噓 :恩恩 跟我想的一樣10F 09/04 16:58
推 :喔是喔真的假的11F 09/04 16:59
推 :羅里士的眼淚可以治癌症 可惜他不會哭12F 09/04 16:59
推 :看一下Blackburn之前寫的paper就知道癌症大概無法治療了13F 09/04 16:59
推 :感覺比癌症還要毒14F 09/04 16:59
→ :如果是真的,可以得諾貝爾醫學獎了15F 09/04 16:59
推 :天啊! telnet:\\ptt.cc16F 09/04 16:59
→ :看不懂啦 譯文17F 09/04 16:59
→ :如果證實是真的那就要拿諾貝爾獎了~~~18F 09/04 16:59
推 :有的話,我阿公也不會死了。19F 09/04 16:59
推 :johnny3:羅里士的眼淚可以治癌症 可惜他不會哭 XDXDXDXDX20F 09/04 17:00
→ :結果副作用是啥?21F 09/04 17:00
推 :我有救了 繼續吃炸雞22F 09/04 17:00
→ :是爛掉的肉 有用嗎23F 09/04 17:00
→ :不用翻譯一下嗎24F 09/04 17:00
推 :癌症治好 一小時後死了25F 09/04 17:01
→ :烏龍派出所演過了..26F 09/04 17:01
推 :吃癌症結果病毒下一代卻致癌27F 09/04 17:01
推 :真的能救人的話 我老二切給你28F 09/04 17:01
推 :一堆人有救了 大家準備活到120歲30F 09/04 17:02
噓 :'Our results are only in the lab so far, not in humans31F 09/04 17:02
推 :感覺像烏龍派出所的劇情= = 正常的細胞會沒事?32F 09/04 17:02
推 :真假 結果地球人口爆增 大家都沒飯吃33F 09/04 17:02
→ :烏龍派出所 XDDD34F 09/04 17:02
推 :希望真的能治癌症 我爸也癌症早逝的35F 09/04 17:03
→ :T Virus?36F 09/04 17:03
推 :還沒有人體實驗都只是在實驗室初期啊~37F 09/04 17:03
→ :引外文只翻一句膩??還早十年jobs不會死咧38F 09/04 17:03
→ :但是可以期待一下就是了39F 09/04 17:03
→ :瑞典應該不會做假吧
→ :瑞典應該不會做假吧
噓 :你聽過安麗嗎41F 09/04 17:03
推 :呃 .... 我是傳奇?42F 09/04 17:03
推 :就算真發現了,借問一下要怎麼用副作用效果範圍效力長度43F 09/04 17:04
→ :離真正實用還有很長的路
→ :離真正實用還有很長的路
→ :天呀~~~你敢看嗎?45F 09/04 17:04
→ :就算沒有癌症 時間到了也是會死的 活到100歲是能幹嘛46F 09/04 17:05
推 :好好翹47F 09/04 17:06
推 :Not "eliminates"!48F 09/04 17:06
噓 :慘了... 這個世界要走向高年齡化了49F 09/04 17:07
推 :人類要無敵了50F 09/04 17:08
推 :想畢業的研究生沒有什麼研究作不出來的51F 09/04 17:08
→ :惡靈古堡6 真正滅絕?52F 09/04 17:08
推 :真希望可以有治癒癌症的藥53F 09/04 17:08
噓 :殺就殺為啥要翻成"吃"54F 09/04 17:08
→ :看標題以為你要丟了55F 09/04 17:09
→ :細胞也吃掉56F 09/04 17:09
噓 :你有看過殭屍得癌症嗎? 要變成我是傳奇還是惡靈古堡57F 09/04 17:09
→ :an turn out to be not so effective in humans58F 09/04 17:09
→ :惡靈古堡電影快上映了...9/12還1459F 09/04 17:11
推 :推Johnny3 XDDD60F 09/04 17:11
→ :出來了就該付錢啦61F 09/04 17:12
推 :保護傘公司62F 09/04 17:12
→ :結果異變變成吸血鬼 那我也可以63F 09/04 17:12
推 :+5腫瘤以上再用捲軸有機會爆掉腫瘤﹝喂~ ﹞64F 09/04 17:14
推 :如果要做就是會吃癌症的細胞病毒 但會被白血球吃掉65F 09/04 17:15
→ :結果癌症治好後,出門被酒駕撞死,哭哭66F 09/04 17:19
推 :羅禮士的細胞打進患者體內 癌細跑都自殺了67F 09/04 17:25
推 :dont believe u68F 09/04 17:26
→ :喪屍新人類~~~69F 09/04 17:28
推 :也要找得到這個病毒的剋星啊,不然又有新的病出來了70F 09/04 17:42
推 :無聊...71F 09/04 17:56
→ :會吃癌細胞的病毒 但男生的負作用是一輩子不舉 你要嗎72F 09/04 17:58
推 :這新聞可信度 就跟愛滋病可以治癒一樣~~73F 09/04 18:12
推 :只吃癌細胞嗎?還是順便吃其他的74F 09/04 18:13
推 :癌細胞都含有超過70%的一氧化二氫清掉這物質癌細胞就死了75F 09/04 18:15
推 :有沒有吃老二病毒?娘泡的最愛76F 09/04 18:49
推 :一槍把人打死癌細胞也死了,這也算治癒癌症嗎?77F 09/04 18:52
※ 文章分類: 舊文
2樓 時間: 2012-09-04 19:23:35 (台灣)
09-04 19:23 TW
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