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看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [爆卦] 比蔡衍明更勁爆的王效蘭發言
時間 Thu Feb 23 00:41:41 2012
訪問新聞稿:Lunch with the FT: Shaw-Lan Wang
Lunch with the FT: Shaw-Lan Wang - FT.com
Madame Wang enters the room at some velocity. The first thing I notice are her super-large eyebrows, arched like croquet hoops above her heavily made-up eyelids. Then I take in her fashionable haircut, short with a jagged fringe. Her hair is dyed ...
金融時報專訪王效蘭/天生嗅覺 讓浪凡復活 | 綜合 | 國內要聞 | 聯合新聞網
英國金融時報亞洲版主編皮林(David Pilling)日前專程來台北採訪聯合報發行人王效蘭女士,報導她如何使法國精品名牌浪凡(Lanvin)起死回生。 ...
She’s off on a tangent, telling a story about when
Jackie Chan annoyed the Taiwanese by suggesting that
Chinese people needed to be controlled and that
democracy in Taiwan was chaotic. “Jackie, he’s very
honest and straight. I called him and said, ‘You are
great. You have a very big market. If people here are
stupid, don’t come.’”
We talk about the recent thaw in relations between
Taiwan and mainland China. Although she is an
anti-communist and counts among her friends several
Tiananmen Square dissidents, she says the government
in Beijing has changed. “Now, I agree with what they
are doing. They are disciplined. Before you have the
law, don’t give too much freedom,” she says, wagging
her finger. “You have to teach people to respect the
law, even if the law is bad.”
She continues on the China-Taiwan theme, saying it has
been more than 60 years since the two separated. But
unification is not so easy, she says, referring to the
strong sense of Taiwanese independence. “We Chinese all
have patience. Next generation, let’s see what that brings.
I think in China one day, if they have freedom of the press
and liberty of election, we can negotiate to become one
big China.
“We have no reason to hate each other. The Japanese
killed many, many Chinese and Asian people. Why don’t
the people hate the Japanese?” she asks, referring to
the relatively warm relations between the Taiwanese and
their former Japanese colonists. “War kills, but not
the way the Japanese kill. They use ... ”
here she mimes the stabbing action of a bayonet.
“They kill women and babies with their cruel methods.
People say forgive, but I say, ‘I cannot.’”
To this day, she says, she refuses to meet Japanese
people, notwithstanding the fact that she is currently
negotiating to buy back the Japanese licence to Lanvin,
previously sold to trading house Itochu. “It doesn’t
matter what title they have. If people say,
‘Madame Wang, this is such and such,’ I never give
my hand. I never say hello to Japanese.” She turns
her head disdainfully. “Bye bye. I don’t care what
they think.”
The waitress brings pear and papaya. I nervously broach
the subject of who should pay for this feast. Wang’s
assistant had warned previously that, under no circumstances,
would Madame Wang allow the FT to pay. I try anyway.
“I am meant to invite you,” I say timidly.
“The FT really does insist on paying.” The riposte is swift
and brutal. “Here in China, no. Never, never, never,”
she shrieks. “This is my domain. Even if you are Chinese,
you cannot pay.”
I figure it is useless. Besides, she is already wrapping up,
telling me that on no account am I to refer to her as a
Taiwanese businesswoman. “I don’t consider myself Tai-wan-ese,”
she says, drawing out the word. “I am Chinese. And I don’t
consider myself a businesswoman either,” she adds without
explanation. Then she softens. “It’s true, I am a woman.
That I cannot say anything about.”
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
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→ :那早點游過去,順便把聯合報也帶過去吧..17F 02/23 00:50
推 :效蘭阿姨 樓下可以18F 02/23 00:51
→ :想當中國人就移民啊 賴在台灣不走還說自己不是台灣人19F 02/23 00:52
噓 :聯合報跟中國時報都不意外 戒嚴時期享盡特權吃乾抹淨台灣20F 02/23 00:53
→ :他們教養的下一代有些也是如此觀念21F 02/23 00:53
→ :在報禁的年代 只有這些人能辦報 當黨國傳聲筒鷹犬爪牙22F 02/23 00:54
推 :聯合報系在當年比中時更走狗23F 02/23 00:56
→ :認識某位馬姓女演員的兒子 就說台灣很爛中國應該直接打過來24F 02/23 00:57
噓 :好噁25F 02/23 00:58
推 :那豬油時報 不就是民粹黨的走狗 幹的事情都一樣阿26F 02/23 01:01
推 :可惜Lanvin真的很屌 竟然被她買去27F 02/23 01:01
推 :怪不得某報的記者水準愈來愈不怎麼樣28F 02/23 01:02
噓 :下去領五百塊吧29F 02/23 01:02
→ :聯合報社論:選宋楚瑜就是選蔡英文30F 02/23 01:02
推 :聯合報本來就是主張民主統一...31F 02/23 01:04
推 :台獨也有台獨的走狗媒體 幹的一樣台獨思想的走狗行徑32F 02/23 01:04
推 :聯合報…早就只剩副刊和週二附的紐時能看33F 02/23 01:06
噓 :噁~34F 02/23 01:09
→ :問題是台灣媒體不會報這種新聞35F 02/23 01:09
→ :樓上你錯了,韋禎兄會在自由寫的,等著看吧。36F 02/23 01:10
推 :扯豬油的很可笑,林榮三有這種離譜發言貼一篇來看37F 02/23 01:18
→ :這英文... 好中國38F 02/23 01:19
噓 :高級外省人 不意外39F 02/23 02:25
推 :抵制拉命啊!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!40F 02/23 03:45
→ :商人無祖國
→ :商人無祖國
→ :.............媒體亂源42F 02/23 06:26
推 :旺報立場已經倒戈支持PRC對抗ROC,UDN目前還沒。43F 02/23 07:56
推 :XDDDDD44F 02/23 08:08
推 :.45F 02/23 08:17
推 :滯台支那人46F 02/23 09:35
噓 :滾回去吧47F 02/23 09:38
推 :426化妝成台灣人 無恥 我打死不再買聯合報了48F 02/23 10:39
→ :這篇明明應該虛的, 怎麼那麼多人推... ?49F 02/23 12:07
推 :支持她的言論自由,有趣的事為什麼不公開講呢?50F 02/23 12:39
→ :選舉的時候,聯合報該把老闆的訪談放上來呀?偷偷摸摸?
→ :不懂這些人,既然相信自己言論是正確的 何必講給老外聽
→ :像郝伯村那些人的想法,盡量公開講才對呀 不是很自豪?
→ :選舉的時候,聯合報該把老闆的訪談放上來呀?偷偷摸摸?
→ :不懂這些人,既然相信自己言論是正確的 何必講給老外聽
→ :像郝伯村那些人的想法,盡量公開講才對呀 不是很自豪?
推 :同意樓上54F 02/23 16:52
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→ :中國人不是台灣人,那幹嘛還賴在台灣,快點搬去中國啊
→ :中國人不是台灣人,那幹嘛還賴在台灣,快點搬去中國啊
推 :僵屍臉57F 02/23 17:44
→ :你哪裏看到王效蘭? 那明明是樹妖姥姥58F 02/23 18:59
噓 :令人咋舌59F 02/23 19:01
噓 :台灣有新聞自由才可以讓這種人大放厥詞 中國人沒這種權利60F 02/23 19:45
噓 :這種人應該一直都有這種思想,為何當年沒被蔣中正抓起來?他61F 02/23 20:03
→ :報禁的年代不能講政治,聯合報就是靠炒社會新聞起家的62F 02/23 21:08
噓 :支那人63F 02/23 21:16
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