※ 本文為 Knuckles 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2024-01-25 00:59:05
看板 Steam
作者 標題 [閒聊] 對岸2023單機買斷制年榜銷量排名
時間 Tue Jan 23 20:59:58 2024
哔哩哔哩国游销量的个人动态,在这里可以看到国游销量动态分享、视频投稿的完整记录,了解国游销量的活动轨迹。 ...
哔哩哔哩国游销量的个人动态,在这里可以看到国游销量动态分享、视频投稿的完整记录,了解国游销量的活动轨迹。 ...
18人民幣以下及某些題材不入榜單 (不知道原因)
1.猛獸派對 約195萬銷量
Party Animals on Steam
Fight your friends as puppies, kittens and other fuzzy creatures in PARTY ANIMALS! Paw it out with your friends remotely, or huddle together for chaot ...
Fight your friends as puppies, kittens and other fuzzy creatures in PARTY ANIMALS! Paw it out with your friends remotely, or huddle together for chaot ...
2.完蛋!我被美女包圍了 約190萬銷量
Love Is All Around on Steam
The player becomes Gu Yi, uses the first-person perspective to immerse himself in meeting six beauties, and embarks on a joyful and sweet love journey ...
The player becomes Gu Yi, uses the first-person perspective to immerse himself in meeting six beauties, and embarks on a joyful and sweet love journey ...
3.火山的女兒 約100萬銷量
Volcano Princess on Steam
Prepare the next monarch by finding her hobbies, training her for battle, and befriending the citizens she'll one day protect. Dive into an all-new pa ...
Prepare the next monarch by finding her hobbies, training her for battle, and befriending the citizens she'll one day protect. Dive into an all-new pa ...
4.大俠立志傳 約54萬銷量
Hero's Adventure: Road to Passion on Steam
Hero's Adventure:Road to Passion is a wuxia open-world RPG. You will commence your journey as an underdog in the tumultuous Martial World and will be ...
Hero's Adventure:Road to Passion is a wuxia open-world RPG. You will commence your journey as an underdog in the tumultuous Martial World and will be ...
5.無人生還 約30萬銷量
No One Survived on Steam
This is a multiplayer cooperative open world construction survival sandbox game, where you and your friends must find supplies and build shelters in t ...
This is a multiplayer cooperative open world construction survival sandbox game, where you and your friends must find supplies and build shelters in t ...
6.逸劍風雲訣 約30萬銷量
Wandering Sword on Steam
Wandering Sword is a Chinese martial-arts RPG where you play a young swordsman caught up in a feud and nearly dies. Escaping the event puts you on the ...
Wandering Sword is a Chinese martial-arts RPG where you play a young swordsman caught up in a feud and nearly dies. Escaping the event puts you on the ...
7.飛越13號房 約28萬銷量
Breakout 13 on Steam
Breakout 13 is a thrilling narrative game with interactive cinematic experience. Based on true stories. Embark on a revealing journey as you attempt t ...
Breakout 13 is a thrilling narrative game with interactive cinematic experience. Based on true stories. Embark on a revealing journey as you attempt t ...
8.通神榜 約28萬銷量
Noobs Want to Live on Steam
Noobs Want to Live is a fast-paced roguelike featuring several characters and a large pool of skills to choose from (that synergize with one another, ...
Noobs Want to Live is a fast-paced roguelike featuring several characters and a large pool of skills to choose from (that synergize with one another, ...
9.鋼鐵指揮官 約26萬銷量
Mechabellum on Steam
Mechabellum is an epic auto-battler taking place on the newly colonized planet of Far-Away. You’re the Commander of an army of mechs fighting it out i ...
Mechabellum is an epic auto-battler taking place on the newly colonized planet of Far-Away. You’re the Commander of an army of mechs fighting it out i ...
10.心淵夢境 約25萬銷量
Afterimage on Steam
Afterimage is a hand-drawn 2D action adventure that emphasizes fast-paced combat with diversified character builds, non-linear levels, and a gripping ...
Afterimage is a hand-drawn 2D action adventure that emphasizes fast-paced combat with diversified character builds, non-linear levels, and a gripping ...
11.邊境 約25萬銷量
Boundary on Steam
Boundary is a multiplayer tactical space-based shooter game, engaging in fierce team vs team zero gravity firefights and executing low-gravity operati ...
Boundary is a multiplayer tactical space-based shooter game, engaging in fierce team vs team zero gravity firefights and executing low-gravity operati ...
12.三伏 約25萬銷量
Sanfu on Steam
2000年,山城市新闻频道的电视画面莫名跳出一则旧广告,而广告的代言人是已经去世的特异功能少年——三眼神童。有传闻三眼神童的亡魂劫持了电视信号。 调查局受命展开调查。随着调查的深入,一个藏在黑暗处的犯罪团伙逐渐浮出水面。 ...
2000年,山城市新闻频道的电视画面莫名跳出一则旧广告,而广告的代言人是已经去世的特异功能少年——三眼神童。有传闻三眼神童的亡魂劫持了电视信号。 调查局受命展开调查。随着调查的深入,一个藏在黑暗处的犯罪团伙逐渐浮出水面。 ...
13.魔法工藝 約22萬銷量
Magicraft on Steam
"Magicraft" is a Roguelike game that uses a variety of spells to match unimaginable spell effects, and the construction of ultra-high degree ...
"Magicraft" is a Roguelike game that uses a variety of spells to match unimaginable spell effects, and the construction of ultra-high degree ...
14.蒼翼:混沌效應 約20萬銷量
BlazBlue Entropy Effect on Steam
Artistic and Magnificent Combat Action, incredibly satisfying combos! Numerous characters, hundreds of moves! This unique action roguelite game will b ...
Artistic and Magnificent Combat Action, incredibly satisfying combos! Numerous characters, hundreds of moves! This unique action roguelite game will b ...
15.清零計畫2:天啟派對 約19萬銷量
Apocalypse Party on Steam
Apocalypse Party is a 3D top-down action Roguelike game. In this game, you will embark on a new mission to traverse through the Middle Ages and gradua ...
Apocalypse Party is a 3D top-down action Roguelike game. In this game, you will embark on a new mission to traverse through the Middle Ages and gradua ...
16.絕世好武功 約18萬銷量
The Matchless Kungfu on Steam
The Matchless Kungfu is an open world sandbox RPG game based on a WuXia background. You can play any martial arts role you imagine in this wild world. ...
The Matchless Kungfu is an open world sandbox RPG game based on a WuXia background. You can play any martial arts role you imagine in this wild world. ...
17.猶格索妥斯的庭院 約17.5萬銷量
Yog-Sothoth’s Yard on Steam
Manage a hotel and hire employees including Death, a dragon, a Demon-Slayer, and a bioroid maid. Build your wealth through various means and refine yo ...
Manage a hotel and hire employees including Death, a dragon, a Demon-Slayer, and a bioroid maid. Build your wealth through various means and refine yo ...
18.學園構想家 約16.5萬銷量
Let's School on Steam
Dive into the exhilarating role of a headmaster entrusted to revive your alma mater! Beyond just bricks and mortar, train teachers, recruit students. ...
Dive into the exhilarating role of a headmaster entrusted to revive your alma mater! Beyond just bricks and mortar, train teachers, recruit students. ...
19.滿庭芳:宋上繁華 約10萬銷量
Thriving City: Song on Steam
In 960 A.D., the Zhao Song Dynasty was established. As the mayor, you'll need to help the townspeople settle down, cultivate the land and expand. Howe ...
In 960 A.D., the Zhao Song Dynasty was established. As the mayor, you'll need to help the townspeople settle down, cultivate the land and expand. Howe ...
20.貪婪大地 約10萬銷量
Greedland on Steam
Greedland is a top-down shooter mixed with survivor-like and roguelike elements. Slaughter the monsters, break out of the siege, and welcome the dawn ...
Greedland is a top-down shooter mixed with survivor-like and roguelike elements. Slaughter the monsters, break out of the siege, and welcome the dawn ...
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: gn00011111 2024-01-23 20:59:58
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1bhxXHBB (Steam)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1706014801.A.2CB.html
推 : 邊境25萬XDDDDDD1F 01/23 21:03
當時廣告挺大的,沒多久就涼了XDDDD※ 編輯: gn00011111 ( 臺灣), 01/23/2024 21:04:22
→ : 對岸都在說邊境在線人數還沒國際太空站高2F 01/23 21:05
→ : 風帆紀元用HB週包入手,個人覺得蠻無聊的
→ : 風帆紀元用HB週包入手,個人覺得蠻無聊的
推 : 風帆我有買 還不錯玩啊~~意外賣很少哩....4F 01/23 21:09
※ 編輯: gn00011111 ( 臺灣), 01/23/2024 21:14:27
→ : 原來猛獸排隊是,一次列出來讓我排除剛剛好6F 01/23 21:18
→ : 怎麼感覺都沒聽過呀...7F 01/23 21:19
→ : 風帆紀元賣那麼差 有點可惜8F 01/23 21:36
→ : 難怪光榮自己也不出大航海9F 01/23 21:43
推 : 推資訊10F 01/23 21:59
推 : 我被美女包圍比較意外吧 這種看完影片救不會想完了吧11F 01/23 22:23
→ : 像13號房那樣
→ : 像13號房那樣
推 : 醒醒,帕魯破紀錄了13F 01/23 22:32
恩 我知道 今日峰值1864421※ 編輯: gn00011111 ( 臺灣), 01/23/2024 22:47:15
推 : 風帆紀元 還輸滿庭方喔,14F 01/23 23:04
→ : 這兩款我都有,風帆屌打 居然還輸
→ : 這兩款我都有,風帆屌打 居然還輸
推 : 話說帕魯186萬惹16F 01/23 23:16
推 : 看到最後也是蠻意外風帆沒上 遊戲類型已死嗎17F 01/23 23:35
推 : 推大俠跟逸劍 好玩18F 01/23 23:57
推 : 明年這榜肯定被帕魯屠榜了 對岸比我們還瘋這遊戲19F 01/24 00:38
→ : 基本上都自己架私服32人 20個主播一起同樂的20F 01/24 00:39
※ 編輯: gn00011111 ( 臺灣), 01/24/2024 00:46:00推 : 邊境真的可惜了21F 01/24 01:39
推 : 鋼鐵指毀官好玩22F 01/24 03:09
推 : 14億人口賣不到200萬 真的好大的市場23F 01/24 08:30
推 : 遊戲玩家(純手遊不算,pc+主機)大概佔人口10%,140024F 01/24 08:37
→ : 萬玩家賣出200萬還蠻厲害的吧
→ : 萬玩家賣出200萬還蠻厲害的吧
推 : 人口10%是1.4億吧?26F 01/24 08:46
→ : 對面的市場就是作單機會死 不是課金遊戲玩不起來27F 01/24 09:05
→ : 市場不大 你不要賣阿ㄏㄏ28F 01/24 09:25
推 : 對面還願意做單機的都算不錯了 課金比拚賺更爽29F 01/24 09:50
推 : 大俠跟逸劍都算是該類型大紅的,但相對手遊營收還是差30F 01/24 09:57
→ : 很多. 也難免越來越多人就算手遊已經紅海也是過去
→ : 很多. 也難免越來越多人就算手遊已經紅海也是過去
推 : 幹算錯了sorry1.4億才對,1.4億賣200萬就好不好我就不32F 01/24 10:03
→ : 知道了
→ : 知道了
推 : 風帆很對得起它的價格,可惜了34F 01/24 10:17
→ : 這兩百萬還是翻牆出來的 對岸蒸氣有沒有賣也是問題35F 01/24 10:18
→ : 風帆有點意外呢,其實遊戲本身滿有趣的說36F 01/24 10:26
→ : 感覺有些遊戲高估了 比如通神榜28萬 逸劍30萬37F 01/24 10:31
→ : 但線上人數跟評價數 逸劍高了好幾倍
→ : 但線上人數跟評價數 逸劍高了好幾倍
推 : 線上人數跟評價,跟購買數不一定正相關吧39F 01/24 10:33
→ : 因為這篇也是用估的 他也不是真實銷量阿40F 01/24 10:33
→ : 用估的通常就那幾個因素去加權 人數 評價數 追蹤數等等
→ : 用估的通常就那幾個因素去加權 人數 評價數 追蹤數等等
推 : 我比較好奇,台灣製應該也算他們的「國產」吧?42F 01/24 10:46
→ : 不過我一時也想不起來去年台製有哪款能入榜
→ : tevi?
在副榜,不算在TOP所以我沒PO→ : 不過我一時也想不起來去年台製有哪款能入榜
→ : tevi?
噓 : 不管是不是武俠 大俠 風雲這種玩類型我只會用錢教訓45F 01/24 10:48
推 : 他們那還在花錢買遊戲的過渡期 等到養起來消費的習慣46F 01/24 10:50
→ : 應該還要好幾年
→ : 應該還要好幾年
推 : 中國人仇恨台灣人 台製遊戲沒市場!48F 01/24 11:41
→ : 1成翻牆應該是高估了 會翻牆的估計只占個位數%而已49F 01/24 11:42
→ : 然後雖然翻牆黨跟遊戲族群應該高度重疊 但也一定有部分50F 01/24 11:42
→ : 翻牆不玩遊戲的 整體海外steam中國人在14E里占比有沒有
→ : 5%都是個問題
→ : 翻牆不玩遊戲的 整體海外steam中國人在14E里占比有沒有
→ : 5%都是個問題
推 : 通神榜會上榜好意外,我原本以為會是原點計畫53F 01/24 12:09
※ 編輯: gn00011111 ( 臺灣), 01/24/2024 12:28:44
推 : 中國市場就這樣?還是說遊玩禁令跟盜版影響很大?54F 01/24 12:26
※ 編輯: gn00011111 ( 臺灣), 01/24/2024 12:38:56
※ 編輯: gn00011111 ( 臺灣), 01/24/2024 12:45:10
→ : 覺得賣很少是新聞看多了 以為什麼遊戲都千萬套嗎55F 01/24 13:09
→ : 幾十萬套的遊戲 都可以在steam熱銷好幾週了
→ : 幾十萬套的遊戲 都可以在steam熱銷好幾週了
推 : 台灣真爛 別跟我說成本問題 前幾名都是超低成本57F 01/24 13:22
推 : tevi入榜大概是因為製作人是香港人,所以才會入榜58F 01/24 13:31
→ : 2024比較有看頭的是黑神話悟空,畢竟他們一開始就把這款
→ : 吹到最高點
→ : 然後成本有什麼問題?一堆高成本的3A都會爆炸了
→ : 2024比較有看頭的是黑神話悟空,畢竟他們一開始就把這款
→ : 吹到最高點
→ : 然後成本有什麼問題?一堆高成本的3A都會爆炸了
推 : 這銷量很好了吧 是覺得遊戲隨便都能破百萬是不是62F 01/24 13:35
→ : 人家成本超低 但是人才庫大啊 鬼島人才都變美國人了63F 01/24 13:43
推 : 台灣獨立遊戲又被無視惹,steam版有人整理,可以去看看64F 01/24 13:50
→ : 台灣獨立遊戲又沒上百萬銷量榜65F 01/24 13:51
→ : 你要看全球66F 01/24 13:59
→ : @ikr3699654 帕魯是日本公司…67F 01/24 14:31
推 : 欸?通神榜居然有上?70F 01/24 14:51
→ : R戴森球計劃咧?
→ : 喔是2023年而已
→ : R戴森球計劃咧?
→ : 喔是2023年而已
推 : 邊境當初宣傳的蠻多的吧?結果是上線遊戲性就暴死了...73F 01/24 16:07
推 : 可是大航海價格快風帆的三倍74F 01/24 17:17
→ : 不過大航海這類銷量原本就不太好 才會導致停在四代
→ : 手遊我是忽略拉
→ : 不過大航海這類銷量原本就不太好 才會導致停在四代
→ : 手遊我是忽略拉
→ : 14億人的銷量只有這樣,到底是平均消費力太差還是人口77F 01/24 18:17
→ : 膨風?
→ : 膨風?
推 : 不是都玩盜版的國家?不知道台灣人貢獻多少79F 01/24 18:33
→ : 這下不能怪光榮不做大航海續作了80F 01/24 22:03
→ : 還以為風帆賣得不錯 看直播跟測評都有好評81F 01/24 22:09
噓 : 不是正式數據,說真的這種東西跟手遊一樣都是炫耀…現在82F 01/24 22:17
→ : 應該是嘲諷用
→ : 應該是嘲諷用
推 : 14萬萬強國 居然才百萬套??84F 01/24 22:36
※ 看板: Games 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 80
作者 gn00011111 的最新發文:
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