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看板 Steam
作者 標題 [組包] HumbleBundle 2023 11月
時間 Wed Nov 8 02:21:03 2023
HumbleBundle 2023 11月
Humble Choice | Humble Bundle
Get November 2023 Humble Choice and more when you subscribe for just $11.99 per month! ...
Get November 2023 Humble Choice and more when you subscribe for just $11.99 per month! ...
Save 50% on Hardspace: Shipbreaker on Steam
Equipped with cutting-edge salvaging tech, carve & slice spaceships to recover valuable materials. Upgrade your gear to take on more lucrative con ...
Equipped with cutting-edge salvaging tech, carve & slice spaceships to recover valuable materials. Upgrade your gear to take on more lucrative con ...
2.WWE 2K23
Save 60% on WWE 2K23 on Steam
WWE 2K23 is Even Stronger with expanded features, gorgeous graphics and a deep roster of WWE Superstars and Legends. 2K Showcase returns as an interac ...
WWE 2K23 is Even Stronger with expanded features, gorgeous graphics and a deep roster of WWE Superstars and Legends. 2K Showcase returns as an interac ...
Unpacking on Steam
Unpacking is a zen puzzle game about the familiar experience of pulling possessions out of boxes and fitting them into a new home. Part block-fitting ...
Unpacking is a zen puzzle game about the familiar experience of pulling possessions out of boxes and fitting them into a new home. Part block-fitting ...
Friends vs Friends on Steam
A frantic, online PvP shooter that combines combat and deck building. Choose a character, customize your card-based loadout, and get ready for the fig ...
A frantic, online PvP shooter that combines combat and deck building. Choose a character, customize your card-based loadout, and get ready for the fig ...
5.廖添丁 - 稀代兇賊の最期
The Legend of Tianding on Steam
The Legend of Tianding is a sidescrolling action game about Liao Tianding, the legendary Taiwanese Folk Hero. Explore the dazzling streets of Colonial ...
The Legend of Tianding is a sidescrolling action game about Liao Tianding, the legendary Taiwanese Folk Hero. Explore the dazzling streets of Colonial ...
SCP: Secret Files on Steam
SCP: Secret Files is a collection of paranormal cases from the SCP Foundation, an organization tasked with containing dangerous anomalies. You join as ...
SCP: Secret Files is a collection of paranormal cases from the SCP Foundation, an organization tasked with containing dangerous anomalies. You join as ...
Souldiers on Steam
Fight for your freedom in a sprawling fantasy world caught between the living and the fallen. Hone your skills in a retro epic featuring puzzle platfo ...
Fight for your freedom in a sprawling fantasy world caught between the living and the fallen. Hone your skills in a retro epic featuring puzzle platfo ...
Prodeus on Steam
Prodeus is a first-person shooter of old, re-imagined using modern rendering techniques and technology. Experience the quality you’d expect from a mod ...
Prodeus is a first-person shooter of old, re-imagined using modern rendering techniques and technology. Experience the quality you’d expect from a mod ...
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: ETTom 2023-11-08 02:21:03
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1bIe0H2W (Steam)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1699381265.A.0A0.html
推 : 雙11不知道Line會不會發券,對岸的雙11優惠已經爛了1F 11/08 02:25
推 : 無慘2F 11/08 02:25
推 : SHIPBREAKER非常好玩但我有了3F 11/08 02:32
→ : 微妙的一包.. WWE 沒興趣、廖添丁已買4F 11/08 03:03
→ : Friends 線上遊戲、Souldiers 無法本地多人
→ : 我決定 Pass 好了 XD
→ : Friends 線上遊戲、Souldiers 無法本地多人
→ : 我決定 Pass 好了 XD
推 : PASS~7F 11/08 03:11
推 : Friends VS Friends 有鎖區,不過還好這PVP遊戲也快涼了8F 11/08 03:51
→ : 拿不拿也沒差
→ : 拿不拿也沒差
推 : 我覺得不行10F 11/08 03:52
推 : 覺得有廖添丁的話,這包就可以PASS了11F 11/08 03:56
推 : 這包滿喜歡的 等折價卷再買12F 11/08 04:19
推 : pass 希望年末來個好包13F 11/08 04:22
推 : 我是來做公益的 好不好玩其次14F 11/08 05:00
→ : unpacking我等他入包很久了,沒想到現在才入15F 11/08 06:18
→ : 廖添丁也算是入包會收來堆磚的片,可是最前面兩片完全
→ : 沒興趣,這包我收不下手...
→ : 廖添丁也算是入包會收來堆磚的片,可是最前面兩片完全
→ : 沒興趣,這包我收不下手...
→ : pass18F 11/08 07:11
→ : 這次暫停第兩次居然沒給折4美,只好pass了19F 11/08 07:20
推 : 這包算今年最慘吧,就算衝著廖添丁也寧願等特價20F 11/08 09:22
推 : WWE欸 可以21F 11/08 10:08
推 : 折扣是否也縮水啦 已經超過半年沒買 這次skip只給1鎂22F 11/08 10:09
推 : 現在Skip好像只給1鎂;Shipbreaker被放生沒做完,因23F 11/08 10:23
→ : 為Dev在弄Homeworld 3
→ : 為Dev在弄Homeworld 3
→ : Shipbreaker目前內容算完整了,遊戲性也不錯,只是25F 11/08 10:37
→ : 這包搭WWE……
→ : 這包搭WWE……
→ : 廖添丁有了 這包其他都沒興趣阿27F 11/08 10:40
→ : 一堆都是xgp進< 直接skip28F 11/08 10:57
推 : 廖添丁我有了 這包pass29F 11/08 11:05
推 : 廖添丁的故事不長歐30F 11/08 11:17
推 : 廖添丁只跑主線應該4~5小時吧31F 11/08 11:39
→ : WWE 2K22和23的操作模式玩起來手感不錯,修BUG還算勤勞32F 11/08 13:22
推 : 2K23算WWE非常好玩的一代了33F 11/08 14:41
推 : 這包跟前幾個月比是弱了點,但不是今年最弱(個人認
→ : 為今年最爛是Biomutant那包)
→ : 但總體來說,今年的Choice 品質還是屌打去年和前年
推 : 這包跟前幾個月比是弱了點,但不是今年最弱(個人認
→ : 為今年最爛是Biomutant那包)
→ : 但總體來說,今年的Choice 品質還是屌打去年和前年
推 : PASS 超爛37F 11/08 15:01
→ : 有廖添丁覺得可以38F 11/08 16:08
→ : SCP那款我覺得做的滿不錯的39F 11/08 17:09
→ : 除了廖添丁沒有個想玩的40F 11/08 17:18
推 : Skip剩1鎂41F 11/08 19:47
推 : 這包有搓到幾款,買了42F 11/08 19:50
推 : 這包很好了吧43F 11/08 23:48
推 : wwe跟廖添丁 覺得可以44F 11/09 08:18
※ 看板: Games 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 22
作者 ETTom 的最新發文:
- 別再為民進黨狡辯了好嗎,很難看耶。 各方面來說,真的就是民進黨的問題。 1.雙標問題,到底是誰先提出財劃法,好像就是民進黨 結果自己全面執政了8年卻生不出一點鳥屎? 結果沒用的八席上來就做了你很有用 …59F 20推
- HumbleBundle 2024 12月 傳送門: 縮圖: 1.Bomb Rush Cyberfunk 壓倒性好評 (10,550) 98% 史低 NT.299 註:要在2026/1/6號前兌換 …59F 32推 2噓
- 沒找到S2內容,S3的法說也只看到一頁,內容大概是 毛利 27.18% 較同期成長34% 毛利率 62.18% 較同期成長0.13% (S1毛利率為67.3%) S1 淨利59%,S3 淨利42% …61F 27推 3噓
- 這我也滿好奇理由,有去找一下對岸的影片。 他們給出的理由大致如下: 1.經濟不好 (主因): 1a.出社會一段時間的中產階級消費能力減弱 1b.就業及經濟導致剛出社會的新鮮人消費習慣改變 1c.財富 …86F 32推 2噓
- 56F 10推 13噓