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看板 Steam
作者 標題 [組包] HumbleBundle 2023 5月
時間 Wed May 3 04:41:27 2023
Humble Choice | Humble Bundle
Get May 2023 Humble Choice and more when you subscribe for just $11.99 per month! ...
Get May 2023 Humble Choice and more when you subscribe for just $11.99 per month! ...
1.Warhammer 40,000:混沌之門 - 惡魔獵人
Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate - Daemonhunters on Steam
Lead humanity’s greatest weapon, the Grey Knights, in this fast-paced turn-based tactical RPG. Root out and purge a galaxy-spanning plague in a cinema ...
Lead humanity’s greatest weapon, the Grey Knights, in this fast-paced turn-based tactical RPG. Root out and purge a galaxy-spanning plague in a cinema ...
史低 NT.565
2.Spiritfarer®: Farewell
Save 80% on Spiritfarer®: Farewell Edition on Steam
Spiritfarer® is a cozy management game about dying. As ferrymaster to the deceased, build a boat to explore the world, care for your spirit friends, a ...
Spiritfarer® is a cozy management game about dying. As ferrymaster to the deceased, build a boat to explore the world, care for your spirit friends, a ...
史低 NT.97 目前特價中
Bendy and the Dark Revival on Steam
Bendy and the Dark Revival® is a first-person survival horror game set in the creepiest cartoon studio to ever exist. Discover the truth. Escape the s ...
Bendy and the Dark Revival® is a first-person survival horror game set in the creepiest cartoon studio to ever exist. Discover the truth. Escape the s ...
史低 NT.219
Operation: Tango on Steam
It takes two to save the world in this cooperative spy adventure. Pair up with a friend as Agent or Hacker—with only your voices to connect you—and wo ...
It takes two to save the world in this cooperative spy adventure. Pair up with a friend as Agent or Hacker—with only your voices to connect you—and wo ...
Windjammers 2 on Steam
The best flying disc game of all time is back! With amazing hand-drawn graphics, crazy new moves, gameplay mechanics and awesome new characters and st ...
The best flying disc game of all time is back! With amazing hand-drawn graphics, crazy new moves, gameplay mechanics and awesome new characters and st ...
Builder Simulator on Steam
Builder Simulator is the perfect game for those who want to build a house, from the ground up, one brick at a time. On easy, the game will guide and t ...
Builder Simulator is the perfect game for those who want to build a house, from the ground up, one brick at a time. On easy, the game will guide and t ...
(傾聽畫語: 最美好的景色)
Behind the Frame: The Finest Scenery on Steam
Guide brush strokes and solve a variety of puzzles to help an aspiring artist complete her masterpiece amid her brusque neighbor’s gaze and his pesky ...
Guide brush strokes and solve a variety of puzzles to help an aspiring artist complete her masterpiece amid her brusque neighbor’s gaze and his pesky ...
史低 NT.159
The Invisible Hand on Steam
Want to get rich, quick? Welcome to FERIOS, where you’ll be empowered to pursue wealth and success as a mid-level stockbroker! Your wildest dreams of ...
Want to get rich, quick? Welcome to FERIOS, where you’ll be empowered to pursue wealth and success as a mid-level stockbroker! Your wildest dreams of ...
感覺 CP普普的一包,可能錢都花在上個禮拜了吧XD
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: ETTom 2023-05-03 04:41:27
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1aKNLzvO (Steam)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1683060093.A.E58.html
※ 編輯: ETTom ( 臺灣), 05/03/2023 04:41:43
※ 編輯: ETTom ( 臺灣), 05/03/2023 04:42:14
※ 編輯: ETTom ( 臺灣), 05/03/2023 04:42:14
推 : 又是暫停的一個月 這才是常態1F 05/03 06:12
推 : 個人覺得這個月還不錯 都是評價不錯的遊戲 用8美cp值還行2F 05/03 06:39
推 : 推整理3F 05/03 07:14
推 : 安定pass4F 05/03 07:32
推 : 推整理5F 05/03 07:33
推 : 毫無雜念6F 05/03 07:41
推 : 這不是號稱動力盔甲像紙糊一樣的混沌之門嗎7F 05/03 08:11
推 : 推整理8F 05/03 08:25
推 : 只有Spiritfarer和傾聽畫語想要 尷尬9F 05/03 08:27
推 : Spiritfarer建議STEAM單獨買即可 傾聽話語有點太過簡單10F 05/03 09:09
→ : 整個太短 沒啥遊戲性Orz
→ : 整個太短 沒啥遊戲性Orz
→ : 請問暫停一個月的選項是在那裡按啊,找半天沒看到12F 05/03 09:28
推 : 請問上個月用8鎂折價券,暫停再恢復的話會變回12鎂13F 05/03 09:35
→ : 嗎?
推 : 補充是三個月8鎂的折價券
→ : 嗎?
推 : 補充是三個月8鎂的折價券
推 : 樓上 會16F 05/03 09:44
推 : 感謝回覆,那這包我還是留著17F 05/03 09:48
推 : Spiritfarer還不錯18F 05/03 10:05
→ : 組成是還不錯,但主打的都有了。 pass19F 05/03 10:30
→ : Account -> Settings -> Manage Your Plan -> Skip A Mo
→ : nth 幾乎每次都有人問
→ : Account -> Settings -> Manage Your Plan -> Skip A Mo
→ : nth 幾乎每次都有人問
→ : 謝謝22F 05/03 10:46
推 : 馬的 之前其他組包已收傾聽畫語 擺渡人也沒打算這次入手23F 05/03 10:56
推 : 上個禮拜?啥意思24F 05/03 11:43
推 : 擺渡人已經有了,GG25F 05/03 11:56
推 : 為什麼這次暫停只給2鎂啊?26F 05/03 12:05
→ : 折價券
→ : 折價券
推 : PASS28F 05/03 12:18
推 : 迴轉(X 我也pass29F 05/03 12:29
推 : 想要8鎂券,HB從來都沒寄給我….30F 05/03 12:36
→ : 都是不會玩的遊戲31F 05/03 12:59
→ : Pass 了32F 05/03 13:08
→ : humble bundle台灣 line加好友有發66折券33F 05/03 13:46
推 : 只想要戰鎚QQ,傾聽畫語NS特價買了34F 05/03 17:36
推 : PASS 準備等薩爾達~35F 05/03 18:40
推 : 覺得這個月的禮包還蠻不錯的啊.都是蠻好的獨立製作小品36F 05/03 19:53
→ : 總不可能每個月都過年吧
推 : 大概就第3款沒中文,其他款都有中文,也算超值了
→ : 總不可能每個月都過年吧
推 : 大概就第3款沒中文,其他款都有中文,也算超值了
推 : 蠻喜歡這個月的39F 05/03 21:21
推 : 測試hbline456有打折40F 05/03 22:05
推 : 付11.99鎂後 會得到這8款的 steam key嗎?41F 05/04 01:08
→ : 會42F 05/04 01:16
推 : 如何只花8鎂?43F 05/04 01:19
→ : 長期PASS有機會在這個月結算前收到折價券44F 05/04 02:01
推 : 感謝大大們解答45F 05/04 07:49
推 : 感謝發文 這期應該pass了46F 05/04 10:19
※ 看板: Games 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 79
作者 ETTom 的最新發文:
- 別再為民進黨狡辯了好嗎,很難看耶。 各方面來說,真的就是民進黨的問題。 1.雙標問題,到底是誰先提出財劃法,好像就是民進黨 結果自己全面執政了8年卻生不出一點鳥屎? 結果沒用的八席上來就做了你很有用 …59F 20推
- HumbleBundle 2024 12月 傳送門: 縮圖: 1.Bomb Rush Cyberfunk 壓倒性好評 (10,550) 98% 史低 NT.299 註:要在2026/1/6號前兌換 …59F 32推 2噓
- 沒找到S2內容,S3的法說也只看到一頁,內容大概是 毛利 27.18% 較同期成長34% 毛利率 62.18% 較同期成長0.13% (S1毛利率為67.3%) S1 淨利59%,S3 淨利42% …61F 27推 3噓
- 這我也滿好奇理由,有去找一下對岸的影片。 他們給出的理由大致如下: 1.經濟不好 (主因): 1a.出社會一段時間的中產階級消費能力減弱 1b.就業及經濟導致剛出社會的新鮮人消費習慣改變 1c.財富 …86F 32推 2噓
- 56F 10推 13噓