※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2022-09-07 15:55:05
看板 Steam
作者 標題 [組包] HumbleBundle 2022 9月包
時間 Wed Sep 7 04:45:02 2022
1.Crusader Kings III
Crusader Kings III on Steam
Love, fight, scheme, and claim greatness. Determine your noble house’s legacy in the sprawling grand strategy of Crusader Kings III. Death is only the ...
Love, fight, scheme, and claim greatness. Determine your noble house’s legacy in the sprawling grand strategy of Crusader Kings III. Death is only the ...
Just Cause 4 Complete Edition on Steam
Unlock the true potential of Just Cause 4 with the Complete Edition! This ultimate all-in-one package includes all previously released improvements an ...
Unlock the true potential of Just Cause 4 with the Complete Edition! This ultimate all-in-one package includes all previously released improvements an ...
3.The Dungeon Of Naheulbeuk: The Amulet Of Chaos
The Dungeon Of Naheulbeuk: The Amulet Of Chaos on Steam
Step into the wacky heroic fantasy universe of the Dungeon of Naheulbeuk. Lead a team of unlikely and clumsy heroes in an epic and challenging tactica ...
Step into the wacky heroic fantasy universe of the Dungeon of Naheulbeuk. Lead a team of unlikely and clumsy heroes in an epic and challenging tactica ...
4.Forgive Me Father
Forgive Me Father on Steam
Forgive Me Father is a dark retro horror FPS set in a comic book style world inspired by the novels of H.P. Lovecraft. As the only one left with full ...
Forgive Me Father is a dark retro horror FPS set in a comic book style world inspired by the novels of H.P. Lovecraft. As the only one left with full ...
5.Crown Trick / 不思议的皇冠
Crown Trick on Steam
Enter a labyrinth that moves as you move, where mastering the elements is key to defeating enemies and uncovering the mysteries of this underground wo ...
Enter a labyrinth that moves as you move, where mastering the elements is key to defeating enemies and uncovering the mysteries of this underground wo ...
Descenders on Steam
Descenders is extreme downhill freeriding for the modern era, with procedurally generated worlds, and where mistakes have real consequences. Will you ...
Descenders is extreme downhill freeriding for the modern era, with procedurally generated worlds, and where mistakes have real consequences. Will you ...
INDUSTRIA is a first-person shooter that takes you from East Berlin into a parallel reality, shortly before the end of the Cold War. On the search for ...
INDUSTRIA is a first-person shooter that takes you from East Berlin into a parallel reality, shortly before the end of the Cold War. On the search for ...
shapez on Steam
shapez is a game about building factories to automate the creation and processing of increasingly complex shapes across an infinitely expanding map. ...
shapez is a game about building factories to automate the creation and processing of increasingly complex shapes across an infinitely expanding map. ...
9.shapez - Puzzle DLC
shapez - Puzzle DLC on Steam
You enjoyed scaling down and optimizing machines in shapez.io? Now it's its own game mode! Solve the puzzles by creating the given shapes, but space a ...
You enjoyed scaling down and optimizing machines in shapez.io? Now it's its own game mode! Solve the puzzles by creating the given shapes, but space a ...
[09.07] Humble Choice #34 / September 2022 内容公布 - 慈善包 - 其乐游戏 - 驱动正版游戏的引擎! [k3]Choice会员订阅地址:[/k3] 月 27 日为自动续费/解锁日期, ... [09.07] Humble Choice #34 / September 2022 内容公布 ,其乐游戏 ...
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1Z5x5Qi6 (Steam)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1662497114.A.B06.html
推 : 請問這個是月費制嗎1F 09/07 05:53
推 : 這是組包 只要花他指定的價格就是上面全部永久擁有2F 09/07 06:14
推 : 月3F 09/07 06:24
→ : 這是月包,月費制==
→ : 這是月包,月費制==
推 : 我沒找到六美四個月的方案 請問有連結嗎5F 09/07 06:37
推 : 我以為一樓問得是像game pass那樣的月費制 我誤會了嗎==6F 09/07 07:01
→ : 加Line好友有66折價卷7F 09/07 07:02
推 : 月包也算月費制啊,只是有很多怪招可以跳著訂而已8F 09/07 07:30
推 : 這個月真的是不錯9F 09/07 07:37
推 : ck3進包了喔 難道是dlc大法要狠狠開始的前兆嗎10F 09/07 07:40
推 : ck3未來一定是滿滿dlc阿 現在才只有幾個而已11F 09/07 07:43
→ : GamePass應該叫訂閱制 沒訂就完全沒了12F 09/07 07:51
→ : CK3估計會進1鎂包 然後新DLC 12鎂之類
→ : CK3估計會進1鎂包 然後新DLC 12鎂之類
→ : CK3讚14F 09/07 08:06
推 : 終於不用暫停了15F 09/07 09:06
噓 : 才剛出就進包 想割dlc想瘋了16F 09/07 09:17
推 : 訂了17F 09/07 10:24
推 : 停了半年總算可以把最後一個月花掉18F 09/07 10:43
→ : ck3鐵定進1鎂包的 但他真的好遊戲
推 : 告別Humble Choice
→ : ck3鐵定進1鎂包的 但他真的好遊戲
推 : 告別Humble Choice
→ : dlc才是本體21F 09/07 10:53
推 : 要進一鎂也是好幾年後吧22F 09/07 11:24
推 : 這包可以23F 09/07 11:30
推 : 這包整體都不錯 想要的有2-3個 但是 剩下的都買了 這時候24F 09/07 11:35
→ : 就很讓人猶豫了…
→ : 就很讓人猶豫了…
推 : 這包其實還行欸26F 09/07 11:37
→ : 之前暫停 這個月應該可以恢復了27F 09/07 11:51
推 : CK3發售一年多現在進包也差不多啦28F 09/07 12:27
推 : ck3後面一定超多DLC29F 09/07 13:06
推 : CK2有DLC訂閱制 三代不知會不會跟進?30F 09/07 13:09
推 : ck331F 09/07 13:28
→ : 終於沒暫停了32F 09/07 13:55
→ : 主要還是為了CK3,沒CK3,本月還是跳過
→ : 主要還是為了CK3,沒CK3,本月還是跳過
推 : 這包終於正常了34F 09/07 15:12
※ 看板: Games 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 29
作者 ctes940008 的最新發文:
- 18F 7推
- 原文恕刪 今天台南店TCL電視好像都剩低階款 75吋那台跟65C855都沒看到 (雖然台南店美食部有看到三台,但是店內沒有) TP Link x55三入組 希捷20TB硬碟應該是週五就完售 昨天已經 …48F 24推
- 22F 14推 1噓