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看板 Steam
作者 標題 [組包] HumbleBundle 2023 3月
時間 Thu Mar 9 09:44:23 2023
Humble Choice | Humble Bundle
Get March 2023 Humble Choice and more when you subscribe for just $11.99 per month! ...
Get March 2023 Humble Choice and more when you subscribe for just $11.99 per month! ...
BIOMUTANT® is an open-world, post-apocalyptic Kung-Fu fable RPG, with a unique martial arts styled combat system allowing you to mix melee, shooting a ...
BIOMUTANT® is an open-world, post-apocalyptic Kung-Fu fable RPG, with a unique martial arts styled combat system allowing you to mix melee, shooting a ...
Jurassic World Evolution 2 on Steam
Jurassic World Evolution 2 is the much-anticipated sequel to Frontier’s highly successful Jurassic World Evolution. This bold new era in the Jurassic ...
Jurassic World Evolution 2 is the much-anticipated sequel to Frontier’s highly successful Jurassic World Evolution. This bold new era in the Jurassic ...
Edge Of Eternity on Steam
Wage epic turn-based battles as you follow Daryon and Selene on their quest to find a cure to the all-consuming Corrosion in this grand tale of hope a ...
Wage epic turn-based battles as you follow Daryon and Selene on their quest to find a cure to the all-consuming Corrosion in this grand tale of hope a ...
4.HERO'S HOUR (英雄之時)
Save 40% on Hero's Hour on Steam
A fast turn-based strategy RPG with real-time combat. Develop your cities and armies, level up your heroes to gain new, powerful spells and skills, an ...
A fast turn-based strategy RPG with real-time combat. Develop your cities and armies, level up your heroes to gain new, powerful spells and skills, an ...
Rogue Lords on Steam
A dark fantasy roguelike where you play as the Devil! Lead famous evil geniuses through events and turn-based fights to spread terror and corruption. ...
A dark fantasy roguelike where you play as the Devil! Lead famous evil geniuses through events and turn-based fights to spread terror and corruption. ...
Save 50% on Demon Turf on Steam
The 3D platformer with attitude! Join Beebz in her ambitious goal of taking over the Demon Turfs and becoming the Demon Queen herself! Jump, spin and ...
The 3D platformer with attitude! Join Beebz in her ambitious goal of taking over the Demon Turfs and becoming the Demon Queen herself! Jump, spin and ...
7.GOLDEN LIGHT (金色的光芒)
Golden Light on Steam
Eat weapons, be scared and question your own mind in this Survival-Horror FPS Prop Hunt Roguelike about meat. Now with online Co-op and Versus modes. ...
Eat weapons, be scared and question your own mind in this Survival-Horror FPS Prop Hunt Roguelike about meat. Now with online Co-op and Versus modes. ...
Monster Crown on Steam
Dive into a dark world where monsters rule and make pacts with them to defeat an evil young woman seeking power. Hunt, battle, tame and breed monsters ...
Dive into a dark world where monsters rule and make pacts with them to defeat an evil young woman seeking power. Hunt, battle, tame and breed monsters ...
PO上來給有興趣或者是提醒該跳過的人跳過 ~
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: ETTom 2023-03-09 09:44:23
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1a2Jdzar (Steam)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1678326269.A.935.html
※ 編輯: ETTom ( 臺灣), 03/09/2023 09:44:55
推 : 怎麼我訂下去就給我來這種的啊QQ1F 03/09 09:45
推 : 前幾天正義之怒用7鎂Coupon出問題訂原價12鎂,原本2F 03/09 09:49
→ : 客服說可以重刷但看到這個月覺得還好沒用Coupon...
→ : 客服說可以重刷但看到這個月覺得還好沒用Coupon...
→ : 有人說不錯,我是沒興趣. .4F 03/09 09:53
推 : 在座的各位有人沒pause的嗎?5F 03/09 09:55
→ : EDGE OF ETERNITY致敬FF系列,地圖非常漂亮,劇情可6F 03/09 09:59
→ : 能是經費不足有頭沒尾,遊戲性還行輕度配裝跟輕度農
→ : ,坐騎貓貓可愛,該笑的地方尷尬該哭的地方想笑,評
→ : 價算是適當至少我有破完
→ : 能是經費不足有頭沒尾,遊戲性還行輕度配裝跟輕度農
→ : ,坐騎貓貓可愛,該笑的地方尷尬該哭的地方想笑,評
→ : 價算是適當至少我有破完
推 : 侏羅紀好像只有本體,這包是給升級用的折價券10F 03/09 09:59
推 : 不知道算好還是不好11F 03/09 10:00
→ : Hero’s Hour遊戲性足,算半個即時戰略,只是戰鬥採12F 03/09 10:03
→ : 取類似魔法門但是即時的形式,地圖、種族、建設跟流
→ : 派繁多,但多玩幾場就會慢慢找到最佳解跟最適種族,
→ : 然後就變成SOP了,如果喜歡探索不同種族的最佳解排
→ : 列組合還算不錯
→ : 侏羅紀2就1代的大型DLC,喜歡1代可以拿
推 : BIOMUTANT...觀賞地圖還算不錯,戰鬥勉強及格線上下
→ : ,然後就沒有然後了,有種EDGE OF ETERNITY劣化版的
→ : 感覺。其他就小遊戲
→ : 取類似魔法門但是即時的形式,地圖、種族、建設跟流
→ : 派繁多,但多玩幾場就會慢慢找到最佳解跟最適種族,
→ : 然後就變成SOP了,如果喜歡探索不同種族的最佳解排
→ : 列組合還算不錯
→ : 侏羅紀2就1代的大型DLC,喜歡1代可以拿
推 : BIOMUTANT...觀賞地圖還算不錯,戰鬥勉強及格線上下
→ : ,然後就沒有然後了,有種EDGE OF ETERNITY劣化版的
→ : 感覺。其他就小遊戲
→ : 已經有 Eternity 跟 Golden 了,其他興趣不大就 pass21F 03/09 10:38
推 : Hero’s Hour 是不是還要買dlc 遊戲才比較完整?22F 03/09 10:55
→ : 侏儸紀比較偏向造景還有開車打恐龍23F 03/09 11:21
→ : 蓋園區沒有美感的話挺痛苦的 不知道怎麼蓋
→ : 蓋園區沒有美感的話挺痛苦的 不知道怎麼蓋
推 : 侏羅紀只有本體不如等以後連dlc一起進包再買,biom25F 03/09 11:29
→ : utant糞遊戲
→ : utant糞遊戲
推 : 暫停沒有變便宜就暫停27F 03/09 11:31
推 : 我跳過這個月了 希望下個月別更差qqq28F 03/09 11:38
推 : 只有侏羅紀喜歡@@29F 03/09 11:44
→ : 先跳過好了
→ : 先跳過好了
推 : 感謝跳過提醒31F 03/09 11:55
→ : 普32F 03/09 13:22
推 : 封面竟然放褒貶不一的33F 03/09 16:02
※ 編輯: ETTom ( 臺灣), 03/09/2023 16:09:57推 : BIOMUTANT在PSN月包有,玩一下感覺普普就沒再玩34F 03/09 16:15
→ : 這包不合我的喜好,主要是評價(遊戲太多不上不下)35F 03/09 17:47
推 : 這個月真的很微妙,不過侏儸紀2外有一款願望就收了,侏36F 03/09 18:48
→ : 儸紀2也是沒進月包絕對不買的那種遊戲...
→ : 儸紀2也是沒進月包絕對不買的那種遊戲...
→ : 不上不下最後就只變成倉庫+138F 03/09 18:49
推 : 請教一下上個月我有訂,這個月要去那取消啊?我不是訂39F 03/09 20:02
→ : 整年的。
→ : 網頁最上面只有重新加入
→ : 整年的。
→ : 網頁最上面只有重新加入
推 : 設定頁面那邊應該有訂閱管理 月訂的話可以跳過一個月42F 03/09 20:11
推 : 感謝我去看看43F 03/09 20:30
推 : 謝提醒,skip44F 03/09 20:37
推 : 寧願玩一款壓倒性好評 也不要10款大多好評45F 03/10 00:26
→ : 一般人沒那麼多時間
→ : 一般人沒那麼多時間
推 : 第一次月包暫停的記得按到最後確定有暫停,他中間會跟47F 03/10 07:09
→ : 你確認好幾次
→ : 你確認好幾次
※ 看板: Games 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 37
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