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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-07-03 22:16:08
看板 Steam
作者 dickec35 (我不如我)
標題 [新聞] NIS America發行商部分遊戲定價大幅永漲
時間 Sat Jul  3 11:59:10 2021

NIS America官網公告:
[html format="nd_ckeditor" different_values="0"]Changes will take effect starting July 19[/html] ...


NIS America發行商部分遊戲將於7/19調漲定價


[新聞] NIS America發行商部分遊戲定價大幅永降
[新聞] NIS America發行商部分遊戲定價大幅永降 - 看板 Steam - 批踢踢實業坊
官方推特公告:  NIS AMERICA宣布他們發行的部分遊戲定價已大幅度永降 以下列出部分較知名的遊戲: Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of DANA


The 25th Ward: The Silver Case
Save 40% on The 25th Ward: The Silver Case on Steam
In the bayside area of Kanto, a murder with unknown motivations sets off a series of seemingly random events bringing together peculiar individuals, o ...

NT$ 198 → NT$ 688

Birthdays the Beginning
Save 40% on Birthdays the Beginning on Steam
The origins of the world are yours to decide in this engaging and open-ended builder experience! Shape the geography, control the temperature, and giv ...

NT$ 198 → NT$ 868

The Caligula Effect: Overdose
Save 40% on The Caligula Effect: Overdose on Steam
Mobius. An idyllic world that lets people forget about the pain and problems of reality. Created by a sentient vocaloid program, μ (Mu), reality and f ...

NT$ 438 → NT$ 1490

Cladun Returns: This Is Sengoku!
Save 40% on Cladun Returns: This Is Sengoku! on Steam
In the land of Arcanus Cella, the souls of the dead gather as they await reincarnation. However, some souls have unfinished business to resolve. Grant ...

NT$ 198 → NT$ 298

ClaDun x2
Save 50% on Cladun X2 on Steam
Cladun X2 is a hack n' slash dungeon crawler with a retro RPG finish and a nearly infinite level of character customization. From stats to equipment t ...

NT$ 148 → NT$ 278

Criminal Girls: Invite Only
Save 60% on Criminal Girls: Invite Only on Steam
You've been entrusted with the care of a crew of girls whose sins have damned their souls to Hell and an eternity of punishment... Their only hope of  ...

NT$ 198 → NT$ 468

Disgaea PC
Save 80% on Disgaea PC on Steam
The hotheaded Laharl seeks to be the next big Overlord in the Netherworld...and will destroy anyone that gets in his way! With his devious vassal Etna ...

NT$ 398 → NT$ 468

htoL#NiQ: The Firefly Diary
Save 60% on htoL#NiQ: The Firefly Diary on Steam
In the depths of a labyrinthine ruin, a young girl named Mion rises from a deep sleep. Lost, alone, and with no memory of how she got here or where he ...

NT$ 148 → NT$ 278

Labyrinth of Refrain: Coven of Dusk
Save 40% on Labyrinth of Refrain: Coven of Dusk on Steam
Beneath a small town lies an endless maze known as the Labyrinth of Refrain. Dusk Witch Dronya arrives, and with her puppet soldiers, endeavors to fin ...

NT$ 438 → NT$ 698

The Longest Five Minutes
Save 60% on The Longest Five Minutes on Steam
A hero faces his greatest foe, the Overlord. But there's one problem: Why can't he remember anything!? In the midst of battle, his allies' words and t ...

NT$ 198 → NT$ 298

Phantom Brave PC
Save 40% on Phantom Brave PC on Steam
In the world of Ivoire lives Marona, an orphan with the ability to speak with phantoms. Though shunned by society, she believes in helping others. Wit ...

NT$ 148 → NT$ 468

PSYCHO-PASS: Mandatory Happiness(鎖台灣區)
US$9.99 → $19.99

A Rose in the Twilight
Save 60% on A Rose in the Twilight on Steam
A girl awakens in a castle void of color and time, affixed with the Curse of Thorns upon her back. After meeting a sleeping giant, the two work togeth ...

NT$ 198 → NT$ 468

Yomawari: Night Alone
Save 60% on Yomawari: Night Alone on Steam
A quiet evening stroll takes a turn for the worse as a tragic accident befalls a little girl and her dog. When her sister goes missing later in the ni ...

NT$ 198 → NT$ 468

Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana
Save 40% on Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of DANA on Steam
Ys returns with a brand new adventure for the first time in 8 years! Adol awakens shipwrecked and stranded on a cursed island. There, he and the other ...

NT$ 598 → NT$ 1248

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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1625284759.A.512.html
feaze: 魯弗蘭漲到$49.9、伊蘇8漲到$59.9,哇阿!1F 07/03 12:04
lovinlover: Ys8調漲回去年6月價 https://steamdb.info/app/5791802F 07/03 12:16
randy123: 銀色案件聽說很棒?3F 07/03 12:16
lovinlover: 隨便看了幾個 都20年6月調降價格 現在又漲回去4F 07/03 12:18
rainxo6p: 魯弗蘭很棒 喜歡黑暗劇情和DRPG的可以快點入手5F 07/03 12:21
cczx123123: 好險伊蘇8夏特買了6F 07/03 12:26
ahinetn123: 蛤?7F 07/03 12:28
kysol: 厲害,用漲價逼人買8F 07/03 12:32
ab4daa: 佛心公司9F 07/03 12:41
Playonenight: 這價格比屎還臭10F 07/03 12:44
leo19981: Ys覺得賣太便宜11F 07/03 12:48
Clavius: 還會提早通知,算良心了12F 07/03 13:58
badend8769: 至少先把日本一幾款小品買下來了13F 07/03 13:58
jerrylin: 先漲價再特價  很會14F 07/03 14:05
sezna: 缺錢成這樣喔15F 07/03 14:10
lazioliz: 幹好險有看到  先收silver case16F 07/03 14:22
doomhammer: 靠 Labyrinth of Refrain現在$29.99->$49.......50%耶17F 07/03 14:27
ssarc: 日本邏輯真的搞不懂18F 07/03 14:35
wacoal: 有的漲幅程度太大了吧 一倍有19F 07/03 14:54
SecondRun: 賣不出去就加價賣20F 07/03 15:28
Jiajun0724: 日廠現在一堆都突然漲價 超詭異21F 07/03 16:07
tzouandy2818: 不愧是日廠 把玩家當狗 讚讚讚22F 07/03 16:23
tzouandy2818: 說錯 應該是只限定PC玩家才對
TimouVeryQ: 根本沒人要玩 慢慢漲24F 07/03 17:10
haxwx0: 反正都沒什麼興趣25F 07/03 18:14
efreet: 還好有看到,來收The 25th Ward26F 07/03 18:18
nba200308: 魔界戰記瘋狂跳出 bug不修 還漲價 我覺得不行27F 07/03 19:10
phoenix2010: 我沒玩過伊蘇系列 可以直接玩8嗎?28F 07/03 19:18
feaze: 可以的,我也是直接玩829F 07/03 19:44
vsepr55: 漲價再打折折數比較好看30F 07/03 20:04
osedax: 伊蘇8的泳裝要買哪個DLC31F 07/03 20:36
saiyuu: 謝資訊,本來想說沒時間玩之後再慢慢買,看來只好先買起32F 07/03 21:23
saiyuu: 來放了QQ

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