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標題:Taiwan Stands Behind Use of Force Against Protesters

TAIPEI, Taiwan — Taiwan’s prime minister said on Monday that the government
had been justified in using force to remove demonstrators from the cabinet
building earlier in the day, as students continued to occupy the nearby
legislature in a protest against a trade bill with China.

“What happened yesterday wasn’t police suppressing a street march,” Prime
Minister Jiang Yi-huah said. “It was protesters breaking into the Executive
Yuan, trying to occupy this building and paralyze our administrative workings,
” he added, referring to the cabinet building.

At least 174 people, including 119 police officers, were wounded as the
police wielded wooden clubs and later used water trucks to block the growing

In a statement posted online, the protesters who have occupied the
legislature, or Legislative Yuan, since last week said that they “strongly
condemn the violence against the unarmed, weaponless students.”

Mr. Jiang said that 61 people were arrested when the police cleared the
building Monday morning, and that 35 of them faced possible prosecution.

The government faces broadening concerns, as some student groups have now
called for a work and school strike across this self-governed island of 23
million to allow more to attend the demonstrations in Taipei, the capital.

In an hourlong news conference on Monday at the Executive Yuan, just hours
after it had been cleared of demonstrators, Mr. Jiang urged students not to
push for a strike.

“The nature of this matter is that all levels of society have different
views as to the signing of the service trade agreement, but that is no reason
to use as a pretext for a national work and school strike,” he said.

The China trade bill, which would allow cross-strait investment on dozens of
service trades ranging from banking to funeral parlors, has touched deep
roots of concern, including Taiwan’s own history of authoritarian rule and
its uneasy relationship with China, an emerging giant that considers the
island part of its own territory that must eventually be reunited.

While many of the student demonstrators opposed the deal outright, others
said they supported lowering trade barriers on some industries. Their most
fundamental objection, they said, was to the way the deal was moved through
Taiwan’s legislature. Members of Kuomintang, the governing party, forced the
motion through to the legislative floor without a promised item-by-item

The opposition Democratic Progressive Party cried foul. Many demonstrators
have described the moves by the Kuomintang as “authoritarian,” a pointed
reference to the party’s all-powerful role in Taiwan before democratization
in the 1980s and ’90s.

“Spread propaganda and ignore the opinion of the public, this is neither
democracy nor rule of law,” a student leader, Lin Fei-fan, chanted from the
rostrum of the occupied legislature on Sunday.

The Kuomintang holds a comfortable margin in the legislature, meaning it can
eventually ratify the trade pact, which was signed by semiofficial
organizations representing Taiwan and China last June.

“What the government has been doing is trying to play this as low-profile as
possible,” said Lin Jih-wen, a political science research fellow at Academia
Sinica, a state-funded research institution in Taipei. “It doesn’t want
society to discuss this and wanted to just pass this in a short period of
time. That exposed not only the outrage of the students but also the general
「政府一直想盡可能低調地處理此事。」中央研究院政治學研究所研究員Lin Jih-wen說

President Ma Ying-jeou, who has made closer relations with China a crucial
goal, said the accord was necessary for Taiwan to maintain its economic
competitiveness. He said that without this pact, which was a follow-up
agreement to the 2010 Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement between the
two sides, Taiwan will be unable to pursue agreements with other countries
and trade organizations, like the United States-led Trans-Pacific Partnership.

Trade between China and Taiwan has rapidly expanded during Mr. Ma’s six
years in office, nearly doubling to reach $197 billion last year. But some of
the debate over the trade pact revolves around concerns that China may use
economics to further its claims to Taiwan.

“Sovereignty lurks behind this at all times,” said Titus C. Chen, an
associate research fellow at the Institute of International Relations at
National Chengchi University in Taipei. “It’s a unique Taiwan concern. I
think this service agreement is just one more building block for President Ma
to inch toward a peace agreement or fundamental relations with China.”
「主權問題一直都隱藏在幕後。」國立政治大學國際關係研究所副研究員Titus C. Chen說

The students occupying the legislature said they will continue their protest
until the trade bill is returned to committee for an itemized review, and
they have asked for passage of a law that will allow for closer scrutiny of
agreements with China.

Unlike the protest in the Executive Yuan, the government has expressed a
willingness to tolerate the occupation of the legislature for the time being.
“The Legislative Yuan is a place for the people’s representatives to
discuss laws and governmental affairs, and sometimes, because there isn’t
consensus, things stop for several days,” Mr. Jiang said.

影片說明:Taiwan Uses Force Against Protesters
Taiwanese riot police used water cannons on protesters in Taipei as
demonstrations continued against a controversial trade pact with mainland

圖說:Students occupied the legislature in Taipei on Monday. Credit Lam Yik
Fei/Getty Images  佔領台北立法院的學生。攝於週一。


Carmelo:科科  好多警察受傷  要不要幫你呼呼?1F 03/25 11:38
iamcarrieok:謝謝翻譯,辛苦了2F 03/25 11:41
imdog:推3F 03/25 11:42
yabesoube:警方受傷他沒查證嗎……推翻譯5F 03/25 11:43
bluebrown:"其內容未涉及法律之修正或無須另以法律定之者"6F 03/25 11:47
KGarnett05:8F 03/25 11:49
chieya:在馬英九執政6年,與中國貿易增加兩倍...但是人民生活也沒9F 03/25 11:50
bluebrown:Stands Behind翻成"授權";Propaganda翻成"政治宣傳"11F 03/25 11:50
bluebrown:Sovereignty 主權問題
※ 編輯: onetti          來自:        (03/25 12:00)
onetti:已修改,翻stand behind的時候非常困擾,謝謝b大~14F 03/25 12:01
TOTO:好多gre單字XD15F 03/25 12:20

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