※ 本文為 AaronPA.bbs. 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-04-14 15:00:09
看板 sex
作者 標題 Re: [認真] 為什麼女生也不愛戴套 ??
時間 Mon Apr 14 01:09:54 2014
因為帶套會敏感度下降 搞太久
馬子體力差 會嫌做到後面會痛就算了
沒甚麼特別的感覺啊= =
當然 沒帶套真的是爽度差很多啦
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/sex/M.1397408997.A.A42.html
推 :Practice makes perfect !!1F 04/14 01:11
推 :熟能生巧2F 04/14 01:14
→ :Imaging training3F 04/14 01:14
推 :no pain no gain4F 04/14 01:14
推 :這個月還沒來吧5F 04/14 01:15
推 :handsome is as handsome does6F 04/14 01:17
推 :learn how to learn7F 04/14 01:20
推 :An apple a day keeps the doctor away8F 04/14 01:21
推 :he knows the way of dark.9F 04/14 01:23
→ :Where amazing happens !!10F 04/14 01:23
→ :真的 越來越久 久到女友有點抱怨 她腳開開的快酸死惹...11F 04/14 01:24
推 :Be a man! Do the right thing!12F 04/14 01:29
推 :I came I saw I conquerd13F 04/14 02:05
推 :More capacity, more responsibility.14F 04/14 02:07
推 :you jump i jump15F 04/14 02:16
推 :Local dad needs baby.16F 04/14 02:18
推 :Hasta la vista, baby~17F 04/14 02:21
推 :baby no budy but you18F 04/14 02:21
推 :I need baby has a nice ass19F 04/14 02:24
→ :..........20F 04/14 02:28
→ :尤其是遇到太敏感的女生 每次都覺得自己像是牛郎一樣21F 04/14 02:30
推 :How do you turn this on22F 04/14 02:36
→ :rock on23F 04/14 02:42
推 :One man one pen24F 04/14 02:50
推 :唉同感25F 04/14 03:04
推 :i want play a game26F 04/14 03:07
推 :推文歪掉了XDDD27F 04/14 03:19
推 :over my dead body~28F 04/14 03:25
噓 :I'm just a Sexy boy...Sexy boy29F 04/14 03:35
→ :Foreigner is bigger30F 04/14 03:59
推 :How do you turn this on31F 04/14 05:09
推 :Why so serious?32F 04/14 05:49
推 :I Don't Need Sex, Because The Government Fucks Me Every D33F 04/14 05:50
→ :ay
→ :ay
推 :Stay hungry, stay foolish.35F 04/14 06:21
→ :no pain no game36F 04/14 07:33
推 :no pain no gain....37F 04/14 07:39
推 :How do you do?38F 04/14 08:02
推 :Fire in the hole39F 04/14 08:10
推 :GG ininder40F 04/14 08:13
推 :this are an pen41F 04/14 08:14
推 :this is a book42F 04/14 08:27
推 :just do it43F 04/14 08:31
推 :I'm here...mom...44F 04/14 08:31
推 :I'm your father45F 04/14 08:40
推 :Local dad needs baby XDDDD46F 04/14 08:48
推 :How's everything47F 04/14 09:11
推 :I used to be an adventurer like you48F 04/14 09:15
推 :whosyourdaddy49F 04/14 09:26
推 :No one can't stop DEATH50F 04/14 09:42
→ :For The Horde!
→ :For The Horde!
推 :'cause my body don't lie52F 04/14 09:50
推 :Lannister always pays his debts.53F 04/14 09:52
推 :Over my dead body54F 04/14 10:03
推 :r u ok55F 04/14 10:06
推 :Who is your daddy?56F 04/14 10:08
推 :why so serious?57F 04/14 10:19
推 :Do you smell what the rock is cooking ?58F 04/14 10:28
→ :It's my booooooooom stick59F 04/14 10:31
推 :How do you turn this on60F 04/14 10:36
推 :This kill small.61F 04/14 10:39
推 :Over my dead body62F 04/14 10:40
推 :who's your daddy63F 04/14 10:57
推 :Winter is coming64F 04/14 11:01
推 :Local mom needs penis65F 04/14 11:04
推 :three small ?66F 04/14 11:10
→ :roktar67F 04/14 11:24
推 :how do you turn this on68F 04/14 11:31
推 :Enemy penta kill69F 04/14 11:44
推 :honest work for honest pay70F 04/14 12:26
推 :my blade is yours71F 04/14 12:43
推 :a good beginning is half a battle72F 04/14 12:54
推 :over my dead body73F 04/14 13:10
推 :Oh my god74F 04/14 13:15
推 :you come,you come,you come come come75F 04/14 13:50
推 :Oh shit! That's the wonder of the world!76F 04/14 13:52
推 :who’s your daddy?77F 04/14 14:00
→ :Over my dead body78F 04/14 14:03
推 :My right arm is stronger than my left arm79F 04/14 14:08
推 :Argo fuck yourself80F 04/14 14:12
推 :Rao san xiao ying wen la!!!81F 04/14 14:18
推 :captain teemo is on duty82F 04/14 14:23
推 :What does the fox say?83F 04/14 14:26
推 :Everybody dies.84F 04/14 14:33
推 :It gone85F 04/14 14:38
推 :Minions have spawned86F 04/14 14:50
推 :You complete me87F 04/14 14:51
※ 看板: FW 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 1820