※ 本文為 aesop168.bbs. 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-12-24 17:35:18
作者 標題 [情報] 國家地理雜誌2013攝影得獎名單出來了
時間 Fri Dec 20 16:19:27 2013
People - Winners Gallery - National Geographic Photo Contest 2013 - National Geographic
As a leader in capturing our world through brilliant imagery, National Geographic magazine sets the standard for photographic excellence. Now, we're inviting you to share your vision of the world. Enter for a chance at $10,000 and other prizes! ...
As a leader in capturing our world through brilliant imagery, National Geographic magazine sets the standard for photographic excellence. Now, we're inviting you to share your vision of the world. Enter for a chance at $10,000 and other prizes! ...
Places - Winners Gallery - National Geographic Photo Contest 2013 - National Geographic
As a leader in capturing our world through brilliant imagery, National Geographic magazine sets the standard for photographic excellence. Now, we're inviting you to share your vision of the world. Enter for a chance at $10,000 and other prizes! ...
As a leader in capturing our world through brilliant imagery, National Geographic magazine sets the standard for photographic excellence. Now, we're inviting you to share your vision of the world. Enter for a chance at $10,000 and other prizes! ...
Nature - Winners Gallery - National Geographic Photo Contest 2013 - National Geographic
As a leader in capturing our world through brilliant imagery, National Geographic magazine sets the standard for photographic excellence. Now, we're inviting you to share your vision of the world. Enter for a chance at $10,000 and other prizes! ...
As a leader in capturing our world through brilliant imagery, National Geographic magazine sets the standard for photographic excellence. Now, we're inviting you to share your vision of the world. Enter for a chance at $10,000 and other prizes! ...
今年最大獎獎落Nature組的北極熊 :)
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 :想請教誰知道people組,最後一章拿氣球的男孩,怎麼會1F 12/20 16:35
→ :全身包含衣服都黑的這麼徹底?燻的?修圖的?
→ :全身包含衣服都黑的這麼徹底?燻的?修圖的?
推 :怪了 一直出現要申請會員的視窗3F 12/20 17:09
推 :按左邊的選項, 然後趁畫面還沒跳轉案另外一章圖片!4F 12/20 18:03
→ :就可以繼續看了XD
→ :就可以繼續看了XD
推 :.......我想知道那北極熊的攝影師下一秒怎麼了6F 12/20 19:24
→ :我是點右邊 把跳出來的視窗按X就OK了7F 12/20 19:30
推 :小弟也覺得氣球男孩的亮度不太自然 不過構圖蠻有衝突感的8F 12/20 20:13
→ :那男孩,應該是特別用黑色顏料化妝處理的模特兒.9F 12/21 19:53
→ :就比較沒什麼.
→ :另,那個北極熊是活的嗎?
→ :感覺就.....
→ :就比較沒什麼.
→ :另,那個北極熊是活的嗎?
→ :感覺就.....
※ 看板: FW 文章推薦值: 1 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 746