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※ 本文為 FishKing5566.bbs. 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-11-27 00:23:04
看板 Hate
作者 aisha0318 (It dosen't matter)
標題 [黑特] Thank you all
時間 Tue Nov 26 23:43:03 2013

Thank you all for all clues.

I change my mood to be bright today afternoon after I know who did it.

I feel very peaceful.

And, I just want to say thank you.

For the one who is so immature that didn't know how to be polite.

For the ones who are so gentle that email me for some clues and some warm

words to encourage me.

I didn't care other's gossiping talk.

Human often scare what they didn't know.

It's so called  ignorance.

No matter what the result is.

No matter the end will be good or not.

It doesn't matter.

The harm already caused, while I could make it up to the lowest level.

After all, I already have some confidence to face the truth and

wait the result from friends until tomorrow noon.

Be strong, be tough, and be intelligent.

I always tell myself to be brave, and there is nothing to be afraid.

I didn't do any illegal thing, and the victim won't be me eventually.

People often forget too easily, a lot of things should never be faded away.

Just wait and see the final answer to be confirmed.

If the one I guessed is true, you will be very happy.

Just a little pity that the ID for ptt and a lot of basic personal info

will be deleted, changed, replaced, or recreated.

But maybe it will be a great start to my another ptt journey.

The one who didn't care the justice and personal private matters

will be punished after tomorrow noon.

I believe this simple article is too easy for you to read.

English is not the best language for me,

while it is another communication tool for my job and daily life.

Life is full of challenges, and only try to struggle will get the result.

Even the process was so cruel and painful, never give it up and insist it

until the final second.

The victory is always left for the one who already prepared.

As for the loser, who cares?

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
kokus:you are welcome1F 11/26 23:44
silius:end2F 11/26 23:44
Modeler:維大力3F 11/26 23:44
kerogunpla:嗯嗯  我也這麼覺得4F 11/26 23:45
MadeInChina:跟我想的一樣5F 11/26 23:45
iloveblue:你公蝦6F 11/26 23:45
iloveinhua:http://ppt.cc/poeN7F 11/26 23:46
song042008:瘨Q8F 11/26 23:47
MadeInChina:不對 這ID= =9F 11/26 23:47
iloveinhua:點燃醬爆心中一把火10F 11/26 23:47
wenge321:義大利?11F 11/26 23:48
ooxx1577:看完以後  我搖頭  難怪會噓很慘12F 11/26 23:49
jenny60234:喔。 要結束還廢話一堆 我比較喜歡阿拉伯文 石油大國阿13F 11/26 23:49
yusix:What's your point?14F 11/26 23:49
ll8833:換成英文還是....  呵呵15F 11/26 23:49
iloveinhua:有沒有id英文打錯的八卦16F 11/26 23:49
jenocool:..................17F 11/26 23:50
ooxx1577:不知道一開始說人脈很廣 要告誰 哀~18F 11/26 23:50
dlfly:有一個很可笑的國中文法錯誤19F 11/26 23:50
osair:ㄏㄏ我不會說我看不懂的20F 11/26 23:50
howshaw:= =21F 11/26 23:50
gn01299000:Mom i'm here!22F 11/26 23:50
dlfly:硬要用英文 擺高姿態? 顯得自己厲害? 高高在上?23F 11/26 23:51
howshaw:鳥我也是~24F 11/26 23:51
wenge321:U R 魯蛇~~~~~~25F 11/26 23:52
osair:CC26F 11/26 23:52
howshaw:You're welcome :))27F 11/26 23:52
forgetcry66:TSK28F 11/26 23:52
ooxx1577:XDD  文法的確有錯29F 11/26 23:52
dlfly:看來看去就那幾種句型在變 還有什麼?30F 11/26 23:52
FallRed:沒恨點不劣退嗎32F 11/26 23:53
daisy526e:it doesn't matter33F 11/26 23:53
zxc1114171:英文常用的也就幾種啊~~~~34F 11/26 23:53
dlfly:可是這人用這種態度打這篇就讓人覺得可笑35F 11/26 23:53
iloveinhua:http://ppt.cc/poeN 真的沒人覺得像欸大哭36F 11/26 23:54
ooxx1577:可以玩文法啊啊37F 11/26 23:54
sorrowheaven:Where is your hate point?38F 11/26 23:54
jenny60234:不管中英 一直讓人看得很辛苦也是不簡單39F 11/26 23:54
yusix:iDontcare40F 11/26 23:54
dlfly:還communication tool勒 我看和你溝通的人才衰41F 11/26 23:54
wenge321:邏輯一直在死胡同 沒人惹你 但一直說有人要傷害你???43F 11/26 23:56
ttb: is it good to drink ?44F 11/26 23:56
wenge321:理共蝦45F 11/26 23:56
dlfly:動不動就在polite polite polite 我超擔心你打成police!!46F 11/26 23:56
jenny60234:被害妄想症無誤 (蓋章47F 11/26 23:56
Texiu:ㄏㄏ48F 11/26 23:57
beyuki:是歐 明天下午 妳想的那個人應該正玩得開心吧 嘻嘻49F 11/26 23:57
Modeler:換ID很簡單,換個態度或想法很難,所謂本性難移。50F 11/26 23:57
osair:is it good to drink?XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD51F 11/26 23:58
howshaw:哩拎跨賣啊52F 11/26 23:58
forgetcry66:這裡可以發無恨意聲明文嗎? 批司佛還要發幹文阿?53F 11/26 23:58
hundred0712:樓上XD54F 11/26 23:58
jenny60234:大嬸 千萬別回來念書阿 別浪費資源(揮手55F 11/26 23:58
howshaw:阿6也發火了56F 11/26 23:58
yusix:…我們不是英文環境 打錯情有可原 但還是給噓57F 11/26 23:58
ArtofLife:心中怒得要死,但怕被嗆,裝得一副沒事樣,辛苦你了58F 11/26 23:58
forgetcry66:XD 豪洨0.0\~/  看人崩潰59F 11/26 23:59
zxc1114171:倒數計時:12HR60F 11/26 23:59
jenny60234:都被水桶成這樣了 還說什麼消失61F 11/26 23:59
dlfly:情有可原可以同情 但是這種姿態讓人同不了情 \____/62F 11/27 00:00
cat110211:整篇看完沒恨點耶,貼在這裡當個版?63F 11/27 00:01
howshaw:我覺得這件事根本沒有什麼點可以鬧大...64F 11/27 00:01
DGGXAM1:快開賭盤看啥時會自刪阿阿阿阿阿阿65F 11/27 00:02
forgetcry66:當就可看66F 11/27 00:02
beyuki:呱~~67F 11/27 00:02
howshaw:嗯68F 11/27 00:03
Novaop:最速XX傳說         不就一個想紅的老大嬸69F 11/27 00:03
Modeler:本來想說要去睡了,沒想到還發了一篇…70F 11/27 00:03
kouheii:我知道你很不想被噓  所以我人很好  推妳一下XD71F 11/27 00:03
akaume:原來還沒落幕喔73F 11/27 00:04
kango:公殺小?  英文爛就不要秀了啦   丟臉耶74F 11/27 00:05
neiff:暱稱打成這樣還敢用英文po文真的笑死我了75F 11/27 00:06
devil2816:哀76F 11/27 00:06
tropotato:以浪費空間備份77F 11/27 00:07
critical1016:這篇邏輯一直在打轉 要不要用中文比較能表達您想要的78F 11/27 00:08
williebom:我真的笑翻了 妳的英文怎麼這麼爛阿 還是妳的邏輯思考79F 11/27 00:09
williebom:有問題 不然怎麼一篇文章可以打成這樣XDD
devil2816:http://ppt.cc/poeN我覺得有81F 11/27 00:10
Modeler:搞不好是丟翻譯…82F 11/27 00:10
CO2:   太脆弱83F 11/27 00:10
gn01299000:壓力測試84F 11/27 00:11
terryone11:你真的有問題欸,不懂自省的人大家說再多也沒用,永遠85F 11/27 00:12
critical1016:會不會下篇用日文打!!?            我看不懂日文(抖)87F 11/27 00:12
touma:以為沒人看得懂嗎 換種語言差不多東西 恨點呢88F 11/27 00:12
sometimes02:我記得你喜歡人家噓你,但你真的好煩 你到底想幹嘛啊?89F 11/27 00:12
DGGXAM1:x1    Triple Kill啦~~90F 11/27 00:13
neiff:http://ppt.cc/DNe5 憑你這種程度也敢用英文91F 11/27 00:13
sbee8488:好恐怖...你要逞罰誰??   媽!!我在這兒~92F 11/27 00:13
smonkey:不要PO了又刪,敢PO就不要怕酸囉93F 11/27 00:14
cutty:娘子~快出來拜神!!神般的中英文!94F 11/27 00:14
chun0629:丟給Google翻譯整個無違和......95F 11/27 00:15
IronWolf:阿嬸 妳還是說中文吧96F 11/27 00:15
zxc1114171:到底會先XX 抑或是先劣退 讓我們繼續 看 下 去97F 11/27 00:15
chun0629:不過恨板發感謝文...... 嗯98F 11/27 00:16
snsdwei:母さん!俺はここにいるよ!100F 11/27 00:18
Modeler:先去吃宵夜~101F 11/27 00:18
supee6957:ttb我愛你!!!! 老闆我在這!!102F 11/27 00:19
allenJr:我看得懂英文也懂文法句型喔,你這篇要不要重打過一次?103F 11/27 00:19
nancy7226834:如果你真的不在意 要換id 何苦還要再打一篇...104F 11/27 00:19
chun0629:我難過105F 11/27 00:19
harukamasa:有好心人幫翻譯嗎 好懶得看 囧106F 11/27 00:20
Tacctggaa:早點洗洗睡吧~ 這英文...  嘖嘖!107F 11/27 00:20
neiff:繼續活在自己的世界裡吧108F 11/27 00:20
touma:我在噓妳一次 就算妳打日文我還是看得懂 有本事打韓文109F 11/27 00:20
chun0629:下面有米糕110F 11/27 00:21
Modeler:口口聲聲說不在意…你要自我催眠是你家的事,111F 11/27 00:21
wenge321:38752 有翻譯啦!!112F 11/27 00:21
rickb9l:在黑特你也能被噓到這樣               謀甘丹,金價謀甘丹113F 11/27 00:21
Modeler:但是!你的表現讓人看不出來你一點都不在意啊!114F 11/27 00:21

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