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作者 標題 [外絮] 鄧肯和波波維奇的愛情故事
時間 Sun Jun 23 09:07:31 2013
Duncan and Popovich: A love story
It hasn't always been easy, but for 16 NBA seasons they've made it work
Updated: June 17, 2013, 2:23 PM ET
By Elizabeth Merrill | ESPN.com
A young man with a future as wide as the state of Texas once wandered off on
a trip to Florida. He was wined and dined and saw his face on billboards.
Tiger Woods was there to greet him. "Welcome to Orlando," he said to Tim
Duncan. Woods teed off and launched a shot that disappeared into the sky,
then dropped a few feet from the cup. "It was almost like God dropped the
ball down," a person who was standing next to Duncan said. Duncan is not an
excitable man, but even he thought that was cool. It made the trip even more
廣告牌上自己的臉龐。 Tiger Woods走過來打招呼。“歡迎來到奧蘭多,”他對Tim
Duncan說道。 Woods揚手一揮桿,球瞬間消失在了空中,最終落在了洞口附近。“這
廣告牌上自己的臉龐。 Tiger Woods走過來打招呼。“歡迎來到奧蘭多,”他對Tim
Duncan說道。 Woods揚手一揮桿,球瞬間消失在了空中,最終落在了洞口附近。“這
It was the summer of 2000, and Duncan, future Hall of Famer for the San
Antonio Spurs, was making a free-agent trip to another city. By all accounts,
Duncan was seriously contemplating the Orlando Magic. He was 24 years old,
his eyes were even bigger than they get when he is called for a questionable
foul, and Orlando was wooing him and Grant Hill to change the face of a
的犯規時,他的眼睛還會睜得大大的,而此刻奧蘭多正在極力追求他和Grant Hill來
的犯規時,他的眼睛還會睜得大大的,而此刻奧蘭多正在極力追求他和Grant Hill來
Back in Texas, a man with a gruff exterior and a social-studies-teacher
wardrobe was helpless. Spurs coach Gregg Popovich probably wouldn't have
admitted then that he had really grown attached to that kid. It wasn't just
that Duncan was 7 feet tall and did things so effortlessly. Duncan and
Popovich had become soul mates. They were complete opposites. Popovich was a
connoisseur of fine wine; Duncan drank soda. Duncan played video games;
Popovich barely knew how to turn on a computer.
。他們又是極端的相反,波波維奇是一位紅酒鑑賞家;而 Duncan 喜歡喝碳酸飲料。
。他們又是極端的相反,波波維奇是一位紅酒鑑賞家;而 Duncan 喜歡喝碳酸飲料。
Duncan did not plan a TV show to announce his intentions. He went home to San
Antonio, and the same questions kept floating through his head. What are you
doing? Why would you mess with something so great?
Tim Duncan and Gregg Popovich have won four NBA titles together in 16 years.
Tim Duncan and Gregg Popovich have been together for 16 years, and it's the
greatest love story in sports. They collaborate and lean on each other, win
championships together, then comfortably fade into the anonymity of the NBA's
third-smallest TV market.
It's not a love full of hyperbole or flowery prose. Duncan and Popovich have
this game-day ritual. Popovich takes a seat on the bench alone at halftime,
while the rest of the arena is scrambling or shooting or going for a beer,
and then Duncan plops down near him. They stare at the ground. Usually, they
say nothing. They've been doing this for years, and everyone has different
theories as to why.
"They both are probably thinking the same thing," said New Orleans Pelicans
coach Monty Williams, who played with Duncan his rookie year. "Whatever that
is, I don't know."
“ 他們也許都在想一件事,”曾在菜鳥賽季和鄧肯打球,鵜鶘隊教練Williams 說道
"Pop is old and so is Tim, and they both need to get their rest," former
Spurs guard Brent Barry joked, then offered a more serious explanation.
"You have two sets of eyes on you as you're finishing off the task at hand.
You have the coach, but then you have the coach's first son. Your older
brother. Kind of the man of the house with Dad's car. And Tim is watching
over and kind of quietly assessing what you're doing, and nothing really
needs to be said."
,也是你大哥。就像那種家裡拿著老爹車鑰匙的人。 Tim觀察著一切,安靜地評估你
Duncan and Popovich have won four titles together in 16 years and are in a
tug-of-war with the Miami Heat for No. 5. They are so bonded that Popovich
said earlier this spring that he'll retire when Duncan does.
No player and coach in the history of the NBA, or even the NFL, have been
together longer. New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady, who has teamed
up with Bill Belichick for one of the biggest dynasties in football, was just
a sophomore backup at the University of Michigan when Duncan and Popovich got
together. Phil Jackson was winding down an eight-year run with Michael
Jordan. "I think it speaks to the character of both of them," Jackson said of
Duncan and Popovich's longevity.
愛國者四分衛Tom Brady,曾和 Bill Belichick一起締造了美式足球最偉大的王朝
Their relationship has been called everything from friendship to father-son
to a marriage. Neither is interested in analyzing it, especially now, in the
final push for another ring.
But they're intensely private men anyway, which makes it tough to fill news
cycles in San Antonio. One local TV station was so desperate it recently ran
a slideshow on its website of pets wearing Spurs gear. (The lapdogs and
kittens were more revealing than Popovich.) Just before the NBA Finals
started, the coach was asked to give his first impressions of when he met
Duncan. "He was tall," Popovich said, then walked away.
Perhaps if they opened up more, they would reveal secrets they don't want
anyone to know. Such as that their chemistry makes everything seem easy.
Gregg Popovich is known as a coach who inspires selfless team play.
It has been said that Tim Duncan was so agreeable, so good, that he could've
been coached by anybody. He had long arms, a beautiful bank shot and a
toughness that belied his sinewy frame. There was a purity and genuineness
about him, almost as though he'd been untouched by the entitlements that come
to someone who knows at a young age that he's better than everyone else.
Duncan was. He grew up in the U.S. Virgin Islands. His coach, apparently, was
a chemistry teacher. He might never have gotten noticed had an ex-Wake Forest
player not played against him during an NBA rookie tour of the Caribbean and
had that player's coach not been a constant recruiter, always asking, "Did
you see anybody good?"
注意到,在他 NBA新秀之旅中沒和前維克弗里斯特大學的球員打過球,也沒有教練
注意到,在他 NBA新秀之旅中沒和前維克弗里斯特大學的球員打過球,也沒有教練
Duncan had four schools after him -- Wake Forest, Delaware State, Hartford
and Providence -- and loathed cold weather. It snowed when he visited
Hartford and Providence.
"The recruiting process was not, shall we say, sexy from there," former Wake
Forest coach Dave Odom said.
So Wake Forest it was. Duncan's biggest influence, Odom said, wasn't a coach.
It was his family. He grew up around women, around two older sisters, with a
father who built their house with his own hands. His mom, Ione, was probably
his most passionate supporter. "Good, better, best, never let it rest," she
used to tell Tim. She died before his 14th birthday. When he was projected to
go high in the NBA draft as an underclassman, he stayed to get his degree
because that's what he had promised his mom.
In Duncan's final home game at Wake Forest, the school retired his jersey.
The place was packed, and when Odom addressed the crowd at the end of the
game, Duncan's dad, William, asked whether he could speak. He thanked Wake
Forest for being so nice to his Timmy. He repeated part of the mantra Ione
used to tell her kids.
完畢,在比賽結束後Odom做了致辭,然後鄧肯的父親William問能否講幾句話。 他感
謝維克弗里斯特對他的Timmy是這麼的友好和善。然後他重複了 Ione過去教導孩子的
完畢,在比賽結束後Odom做了致辭,然後鄧肯的父親William問能否講幾句話。 他感
謝維克弗里斯特對他的Timmy是這麼的友好和善。然後他重複了 Ione過去教導孩子的
"And with that," Odom said, "Tim Duncan wrapped his arms over his dad from
behind and didn't let him say anything more."
Duncan, who eventually earned the ho-hum nickname "The Big Fundamental,"
always had simple needs. In the days before the 1997 draft, he was not
consumed with his potential salary or thoughts of landing in a big city. He
just really wanted to live somewhere warm. The Boston Celtics had a 36
percent chance of landing him, and Duncan, according to Odom, wasn't too
thrilled about that.
點的地方生活。波士頓塞爾提克有36%的機會得到他,不過據 Odom所說,鄧肯對此並
點的地方生活。波士頓塞爾提克有36%的機會得到他,不過據 Odom所說,鄧肯對此並
Out in San Antonio, Popovich was in his first season as an NBA head coach,
and things were downright miserable. The Spurs' star, David Robinson, was out
with back and foot injuries. Popovich went 17-47. But his luck was about to
身處聖安東尼奧,波波維奇經歷了第一個NBA主教練的賽季,而一切都糟透了。 馬刺
的明星,David Robinson因為背傷和腳傷缺席了不少比賽。波波維奇打出了17勝47負
的明星,David Robinson因為背傷和腳傷缺席了不少比賽。波波維奇打出了17勝47負
The ping pong balls bounced San Antonio's way that summer, and the Spurs
earned the No. 1 pick. They would get Duncan, and would have Robinson back
the next season. With two 7-foot superstars, they'd be the envy of the NBA.
But Popovich still wanted to do his research. He flew to St. Croix before the
draft to spend a few days with Duncan in his environment.
,Robinson在下賽季也將歸來。有了兩位七尺超級明星,他們是整個 NBA嫉妒的對象
Had the trip gone bad, it probably wouldn't have mattered. The Spurs were
going to draft Duncan regardless, general manager R.C. Buford said. Popovich
went to lay the groundwork. He's big on building relationships. He wants to
know his players outside of the gym.
理R.C. Buford所講的。 波波維奇去做準備工作了,他很善於塑造關係。他想了解他
理R.C. Buford所講的。 波波維奇去做準備工作了,他很善於塑造關係。他想了解他
Duncan and Popovich swam and had long talks. They realized how much they had
in common. It wasn't about Popovich pretending to be knowledgeable about
in-line skating or paintball -- Duncan is so competitive in paintball that
teammates say he used to arm them with crooked guns -- or Duncan pretending
to like subtitled movies. It was deeper than that.
"They have a burning passion to win and win championships," said Phoenix Suns
exec Lon Babby, Duncan's former agent. "That isn't so unusual. What separates
them is the way they go about their business without any distractions,
without any noise.
長Lon Babby說道。“ 這倒沒有很特別,他們真正與眾不同的是,他們在辦事時不會
"They're both blunt, they're both direct. They're singularly focused and not
distracted by the business of the NBA."
“他們都很直率,都是直言不諱的人。他們就是異常地專注,而且不被NBA 是生意所
There's chemistry among Gregg Popovich and his players.
It has been said that Popovich can coach anybody. His teams are selfless and
quiet and consistent and, well, boring to the rest of the NBA. His players
constantly seek his approval, even after they've left San Antonio. One-sixth
of the head-coaching jobs in the NBA next season will be filled by men who
used to play for or coach alongside Popovich.
All of them call him "Pop." They insist he's not the curmudgeon on display in
the media. He can chew a player out at noon and by 6 o'clock is on the phone
with that player, inviting him to a new restaurant in town. Popovich always
insists on picking up the check, no matter how many zeros there are in his
guest's salary. When the team travels to Washington, D.C., Pop will take it
on a trip to the Pentagon.
Years ago, there was a strength and conditioning coach -- an intern,
apparently -- who decided to become a youth minister. The guy didn't have
much money, so imagine his surprise when he received a going-away gift, a
Nissan Pathfinder, courtesy of Popovich. "Pop would probably kill me right
now if he knew I was talking about this," said Cleveland Cavaliers coach Mike
Brown, a former Spurs assistant who witnessed the deed. "He's done a million
things like that."
,”前馬刺助教現克利夫蘭騎士教練Mike Brown,目睹了這件事,“他做了無數這樣
Popovich's need for secrecy is a product of his younger days. He went to the
Air Force Academy, majored in Soviet studies, and underwent intelligence
gathering and processing training. He contemplated a career with the CIA.
But beyond that training, Popovich just doesn't have time, or patience, for
the things he doesn't deem important. He is sentimental and values
friendships. He has love for anyone who competes. When someone doesn't,
that's when Popovich goes off on a rant. The tirade might last only 10
seconds, but it feels like 10 hours. Popovich doesn't discriminate, either.
Brown saw Popovich once rip into a player in front of God, the TV cameras and
the entire team during a game. The player was Duncan.
Mike Brown有一次見到了波波維奇曾在上帝面前,在所有攝影機面前,在全隊面前開
"He calls timeout, grabs a chair, puts it right in front of Tim and just goes
after him," Brown said. "And I'm sitting there thinking, 'OK, I just got
here, this is my first year. I really don't want to move again, but it looks
like we're going to end up moving again. Because I will no longer have a job
after this game.'
“他叫了暫停,抓起一把椅子,放在鄧肯面前,然後衝上去,”Mike Brown講述道,
“我當時坐在哪裡想 '好的,我剛剛到這,這是我的第一年。我實在是不想走了,可
"Your perception is that if you go after your superstar like that in front of
everybody, you think there's going to be a strained relationship between the
coach and the best player. And it was far from it. With the rest of the guys
watching Pop coach the way he did, they knew that, Hey, if you're the
third-best player or the seventh-best player, you'd better be able to take it
because the No. 1 player on the team did, and he took it like a pro."
Duncan takes it because he knows every rant goes a long way with the younger
players. It takes pressure off them. Duncan trusts Popovich. He used to tell
former Spur Bruce Bowen, an ESPN NBA analyst, that Popovich came down on the
players he knew could handle it. "He's not going to show favoritism over
someone," Bowen said.
信任波波維奇。他曾告訴馬刺前隊友,Bruce Bowen,也是 ESPN NBA分析師,波波維
信任波波維奇。他曾告訴馬刺前隊友,Bruce Bowen,也是 ESPN NBA分析師,波波維
Possibly the first guy to consistently get on Popovich's bad side was Monty
Williams. He was a young and rebellious player back in 1997 and often didn't
get why Popovich was always yelling at him. The veterans tried to explain
that it meant Popovich liked him. Williams didn't see it.
也許第一位一直對波波維奇有壞印象的是Monty Williams。追溯到1997年,他很年輕
He made stops at three other teams after San Antonio, injured his knee, and
one day was told by Dr. James Andrews that his playing career was over. Upon
hearing the news, he called two people: his wife and Gregg Popovich. He has
no idea why he felt compelled to call Popovich.
他離開馬刺後又遊走了三支球隊,傷了膝蓋,然後被 James Andrews醫生告知職業生
The coach suggested he come to the Spurs' practices and watch, and he took
notes for three months. Popovich kept giving him more responsibilities. In
2005, he was an intern assistant when the Spurs won their third title. As the
team celebrated, Williams stood off to the side and watched.
Someone grabbed him from behind and gave him a bear hug. It was Popovich.
"You got one," the coach said. He watched Popovich the whole series, how he
was undaunted after a Game 6 loss, when the Spurs were counted out, how he
stayed up all night figuring out how to beat the Detroit Pistons in Game 7.
After the season, Popovich met with Williams and asked what he wanted to do.
He could get into management. He could coach.
Williams looked at him and said, "Pop, I want to be like you."
Popovich nodded and walked away.
"I think the general level of caring that he displays is not normal," said
Atlanta Hawks general manager Danny Ferry, who used to play for Popovich.
"But he cares about the world around him, and he cares about the people he's
with very much."
鷹總經理 Danny Ferry說道,“不過他對身邊的人都很照顧,尤其是那些相處較多的
After every season, Brown says, Popovich thanks Duncan for allowing him to
coach him. They do charity work together. Earlier this year, Popovich and
Duncan helped with a fundraiser to raffle off a custom-made Spurs truck for
the San Antonio food bank. Duncan, who recently opened a custom-car shop in
San Antonio, actually designed the tricked-out truck, which was won by a
single mother who was driving a worn-out minivan from the 1990s.
每過一個賽季, Brown透露道,波波維奇都會感謝鄧肯讓他又執教了一個賽季。他們
實上設計了一輛越野車,最終被一位開著90 年代破爛小型貨車的單身媽媽贏走了。
Popovich is always low-key about his charity work, said Eric Cooper,
president and CEO of the food bank. He won't tell him when or where he'll
visit because he doesn't want cameras there. "If I ever tried to recognize
Pop for an award or something," Cooper said, "I think he would punch me."
關於慈善工作,波波維奇一直很低調,食物銀行的主席兼執行長 Eric Cooper說道。
But he'll put his arm around Cooper and tell him he's doing good work.
Duncan and Popovich did a photo shoot to help promote the fundraiser. Duncan
cracked a joke about Popovich's wardrobe, but for the most part, they were
quiet and rushed to get back to work.
The fact that Duncan can still sprint is impressive. He's 37 now and, before
the 2012-13 season, appeared to be -- like the minivan -- closing in on his
final miles. But he lost 15 pounds in the offseason, which took pressure off
his knees and boosted his production. Duncan averaged 17.8 points and 9.9
rebounds this season, and he has 11.2 rebounds a game during the NBA Finals.
Two years ago, he averaged 13.4 points and 8.9 rebounds.
鄧肯還能飛奔的事實簡直是令人驚嘆。現在他已經37歲了,而在 2012-13賽季前,他
蓋上的壓力,讓他重獲新生。鄧肯本賽季場均17.8分9.9板,而在總決賽中場均 11.2
蓋上的壓力,讓他重獲新生。鄧肯本賽季場均17.8分9.9板,而在總決賽中場均 11.2
Popovich has helped. He has rested Duncan on road trips, occasionally filling
in the lineup with the explanation of Duncan's absence as DNP--Old.
Years ago, sometime after Duncan turned 30, he told his agent he was starting
to worry about when he wouldn't be able to play the game anymore. He was
worried because he loved it so much. He never saw the NBA as a springboard
for a brand or a second career. Duncan left millions on the table in
endorsements, Lon Babby said. He immediately said no to 98 percent of the
offers, and in the 2 percent that seemed to make sense, he'd tell Popovich
about it, then Pop would ask why he's wasting his time with it, and that
would usually be the end of it.
能再打球了。他這麼擔心是因為愛得太深了。他從未想過NBA是第二職業的跳板。 鄧
肯在合同上讓出了幾百萬美金,Lon Babby說道,然後他立刻回絕了98%的出價,而餘
能再打球了。他這麼擔心是因為愛得太深了。他從未想過NBA是第二職業的跳板。 鄧
肯在合同上讓出了幾百萬美金,Lon Babby說道,然後他立刻回絕了98%的出價,而餘
"They bring out the best in each other and complete each other so well," said
former NBA coach P.J. Carlesimo, "that you're tempted to say it's the perfect
relationship. I don't think there is such a thing. But it would be hard to
find one much better."
“他們互相激發出了最好的自己,並不斷地競爭,”前NBA教練 P.J. Carlesimo說道
It's not perfect. In the frustration of Thursday night's 109-93 Spurs loss to
the Heat, Popovich unloaded on Duncan, who took a seat on the scorer's table
while Popovich huddled with the team. By halftime, though, it appeared they
had made up. They sat together on the bench, and Popovich slapped Duncan's
knee. The end of the conversation, without volume, was caught by the ABC
"I'm not mad," Popovich appeared to tell Duncan.
They have been together through 16 playoffs and hundreds of road trips. They
have been through death and now divorce. Popovich, who is 64, has known
Duncan for his entire adult life, before Duncan and his wife, Amy, had two
kids. They were in the middle of the Western Conference finals against
Memphis last month when the San Antonio Express-News broke the story that Tim
and Amy were getting divorced.
分離。64歲的波波維奇透徹地了解鄧肯成年後的生活,就在鄧肯和 妻子Amy擁有
分離。64歲的波波維奇透徹地了解鄧肯成年後的生活,就在鄧肯和 妻子Amy擁有
Duncan was unflappable. He led the Spurs to a 4-0 sweep of the Grizzlies.
He'll deal with his personal life when the season is over. No one knows how
this season will end. Or when Duncan's body will tell him he has had enough
of basketball. When it does, Duncan likely will focus on his cars, and
Popovich will sip his wine.
鄧肯還是鎮定自若。他率領馬刺4-0橫掃灰熊。他會在賽季結束後處理私事。 沒
Sometimes, when Duncan is struggling, he'll go to Popovich's house, late at
night, to talk. Regardless of basketball, that won't end, people close to
them say. That family will remain intact.
"When you talk to Pop," Monty Williams said, "basketball is, especially in
the offseason, like 20 percent of the conversation. I mean, Pop and I are
friends. Just imagine how close he and Tim are.
“當你和波波聊天時,”Monty Williams說道,“尤其是在休賽期,籃球只佔了
"I don't see how the game of basketball will bring an end to that. I think
those guys will be friends until they're dead."
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推 :能不推嘛?27F 06/23 10:03
推 :感動推28F 06/23 10:05
→ :I swear 看文章的時候,腦中一直浮現這首歌30F 06/23 10:07
推 :我比較好奇Stockton和Sloan為何沒有發展出類似情誼31F 06/23 10:08
推 :個性合得來最重要(戀愛無誤!)32F 06/23 10:15
※ 編輯: skymay 來自: (06/23 10:18)推 :重劍無鋒 大巧不功33F 06/23 10:17
→ : 工
→ : 工
推 :推推35F 06/23 10:19
推 :借轉甲板(!?)36F 06/23 10:20
※ ParkerWind:轉錄至看板 Spurs 06/23 10:20推 :大推Pop跟TD37F 06/23 10:23
推 :真愛不死38F 06/23 10:29
推 :好像在看李安的斷背山一樣39F 06/23 10:34
推 :我也愛看有字幕電影><40F 06/23 10:35
推 :溫馨41F 06/23 10:43
推 :已哭42F 06/23 10:44
推 :岳不群和林平之 也是一副交情甚篤的樣子43F 06/23 10:47
推 :感動!!!44F 06/23 10:52
推 :感人~~45F 06/23 10:59
推 :閃文!46F 06/23 11:04
推 :反觀萊里跟他一群抱大腿 的小屁孩+老屁孩47F 06/23 11:06
推 :他們的愛 至死不渝48F 06/23 11:10
推 :好感動49F 06/23 11:18
推 :淚推~~50F 06/23 11:31
推 :a product = 遺物 ? 還是產物?51F 06/23 11:35
推 :好像有字幕的電影 推52F 06/23 11:38
推 :有時候鄧肯十分掙扎,他會在深夜拜訪波波維奇,傾述53F 06/23 11:43
→ :傾述著一切。 Amy在Tim背後,她非常火!
→ :傾述著一切。 Amy在Tim背後,她非常火!
推 :反觀某科專扯大腿55F 06/23 11:51
推 :即便是死忠KG迷,但對TD跟POPO存著無限的尊敬!56F 06/23 11:52
推 :哭了...真的很感人T T57F 06/23 11:52
推 :Q__Q58F 06/23 12:14
推 :真的是最偉大的組合59F 06/23 12:14
推 :溫馨60F 06/23 12:27
推 :怎麼這麼少推?61F 06/23 12:42
推 :62F 06/23 12:49
推 :TD QQ63F 06/23 12:51
推 :XXXXX熱火能從這樣的對手拿下勝利是榮幸64F 06/23 13:03
→ :XX火迷像你們致敬!
→ :XX火迷像你們致敬!
推 :翻譯長文辛苦推66F 06/23 13:10
推 :感人的情誼67F 06/23 13:17
推 :淚推OAQQQQQ68F 06/23 13:33
推 :推69F 06/23 13:36
推 :感人70F 06/23 13:47
推 :QQ71F 06/23 13:59
推 :推72F 06/23 14:07
推 :海軍上將也說過TD是上帝賜給他最棒的禮物73F 06/23 14:16
推 :淚推 不可或缺的存在74F 06/23 14:58
推 :已哭75F 06/23 15:08
推 :QAQ76F 06/23 15:22
推 :已哭77F 06/23 16:19
推 :youth minister 是指牧師神職的工作唷78F 06/23 16:39
推 :已哭 希望最後能有完美的句點79F 06/23 17:12
推 :哭著看完80F 06/23 18:01
推 :Monty的故事超感人的..81F 06/23 19:11