※ 本文為 Andy5438.bbs. 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-02-03 19:46:13
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 Re: [新聞] 餓壞了!海豹大開殺戒 瘋啃五猛鯊
時間 Wed Jan 30 23:53:34 2013
噓 :反正就一句老話台灣相當多數人都不知道啥海狗這東西01/30 22:38
→ :你最好問你的父母輩們都知道不知道這玩意? 看看誰才是阿宅
→ :這種東西就跟動物的品種一樣 有學過才知道 誰跟你孤陋寡聞??
→ :就好像要你講純種狗的130多種品種一樣 一般台灣人沒在養狗誰
→ :會白痴去記這些東西 聽聽就算了 最好是不知道就孤陋寡聞zzZZ
→ :就說了你們有些人宅到搞不清楚一些重點 大家都聽過海豹
→ :但是海狗這種說法根本不算一般人常用的術語
→ : 大師我講重點好了
→ :http://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-tw/海狗
→ :你最好問你的父母輩們都知道不知道這玩意? 看看誰才是阿宅
→ :這種東西就跟動物的品種一樣 有學過才知道 誰跟你孤陋寡聞??
→ :就好像要你講純種狗的130多種品種一樣 一般台灣人沒在養狗誰
→ :會白痴去記這些東西 聽聽就算了 最好是不知道就孤陋寡聞zzZZ
→ :就說了你們有些人宅到搞不清楚一些重點 大家都聽過海豹
→ :但是海狗這種說法根本不算一般人常用的術語
→ : 大師我講重點好了
→ :http://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-tw/海狗
→ :海狗?? 海獅?? 海豹?? 都給你掰就好啦 最好是你最懂01/30 22:52
→ :連WIKI都專業名稱都這麼亂了算了跟宅宅們講再多他們也一個樣
→ :連WIKI都專業名稱都這麼亂了算了跟宅宅們講再多他們也一個樣
1. Phocinae : 這類就是中文俗稱的「海豹」,英文通常稱為「seal」
A Cute Baby Seal Pup - YouTube
Cute, eh? Sadly, in Canada close to 300,000 poor, defenceless baby seal pups (most between 2-WEEKS and 3 months of age) are brutally murdered every year in t...
Cute, eh? Sadly, in Canada close to 300,000 poor, defenceless baby seal pups (most between 2-WEEKS and 3 months of age) are brutally murdered every year in t...
2. Odobenidae:這類就是「海象」,英文的「warlus」
Walrus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The walrus (Odobenus rosmarus) is a large flippered marine mammal with a discontinuous distribution about the North Pole in the Arctic Ocean and subarctic seas of the Northern Hemisphere. The walrus is the only living species in the Odobenidae family and Odobenus genus. This species is subdivided in ...
The walrus (Odobenus rosmarus) is a large flippered marine mammal with a discontinuous distribution about the North Pole in the Arctic Ocean and subarctic seas of the Northern Hemisphere. The walrus is the only living species in the Odobenidae family and Odobenus genus. This species is subdivided in ...
Now there's no excuse: if he can exercise, so can you! :) And if you like this, we have about 500 more for you to check out!!! CLICK HERE
Now there's no excuse: if he can exercise, so can you! :) And if you like this, we have about 500 more for you to check out!!! CLICK HERE
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hI5I0p_Geis (象海豹攻擊汽車)
Elephant Seals: Warning, some graphic images. North of San Simeon, CA. - YouTube On view every winter; mating, jousting and death on the beach. The California Elephant Seals (Bull males, "cows" [females] and cubs) battle to reproduce and ...
3. Otariidae : 這是最容易混淆的,分為
a. Arctocephalinae 是中文的「海狗」、英文的「seadog」、
「fur seal」
b. Otariinae: 是中文的「海獅」、英文的「sealion」
Phocinae科無外耳 尾鰭是直的 在陸地上只能蠕動前進
A Cute Baby Seal Pup - YouTube
Cute, eh? Sadly, in Canada close to 300,000 poor, defenceless baby seal pups (most between 2-WEEKS and 3 months of age) are brutally murdered every year in t...
Cute, eh? Sadly, in Canada close to 300,000 poor, defenceless baby seal pups (most between 2-WEEKS and 3 months of age) are brutally murdered every year in t...
Happy Baby Seal - YouTube
A little seal enjoys some of its first meals, safely watched over by the mother in San Diego Harbor.
A little seal enjoys some of its first meals, safely watched over by the mother in San Diego Harbor.
Seal Feeding at the Ocean World Aquarium - YouTube
Tour Guide Feeding a rescued Seal at the Ocean World Aquarium in Crescent City, California.
Tour Guide Feeding a rescued Seal at the Ocean World Aquarium in Crescent City, California.
Otariidae科有外耳 尾鰭往前折 可以在陸地上奔跑
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DeW2ECnNTY (海狗)
Run Leo, Run! - When Sea Lions Attack (Galapagos Video #1) - YouTube PLEASE RATE - COMMENT - FAVORITE AND SUBSCRIBE! This is the first video of many from my trip to the Galapagos. When watching the footage onboard the ship, th...
Baby fur seal calls for his mom - YouTube
Mom! Come back! Listen as this baby fur seal calls after his mama who waddles away to investigate the latest guests (us!) to Seymour Island in the Galapagos.
Mom! Come back! Listen as this baby fur seal calls after his mama who waddles away to investigate the latest guests (us!) to Seymour Island in the Galapagos.
Sea Lions Live (Full Show) SeaWorld San Diego - YouTube
"Live from Seaworld!" Join the Pinniped comedy-duo Clyde and Seamore, OP Otter and their stagehand buddy, Biff as they perform their own wacky versions of so...
"Live from Seaworld!" Join the Pinniped comedy-duo Clyde and Seamore, OP Otter and their stagehand buddy, Biff as they perform their own wacky versions of so...
アザラシ = Phocinae
オットセイ = Arctocephalina
アシカ = Otariinae
セイウチ = Odobenidae
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※ 編輯: counter 來自: (01/30 23:56)
推 :112出手了1F 01/30 23:54
→ :所以是專業打臉文嗎??2F 01/30 23:56
推 :最好不知道海狗是甚麼東西....3F 01/30 23:56
→ naxxx …
推 :樓上崩潰了5F 01/30 23:57
→ :海象的後肢是像海獅海狗可以前彎行走 海豹後肢不行6F 01/30 23:58
推 :可能也就只有那句老話可以講 XDD7F 01/30 23:58
→ naxxx …
推 :快 老子我雞排在手 naxx快po點專業文9F 01/30 23:59
推 :naxxx 你既然知道GOOGLE能找得到還不趕快去充實知識10F 01/30 23:59
推 :只是幫忙把名詞搞清楚而已 不需要用到太難的東西吧XDDDD11F 01/30 23:59
→ :別人都花時間找資料給你看了 還在那邊酸 你丟不丟臉12F 01/30 23:59
推 :◢▆▅▄▃ 崩╰(〒皿〒)╯潰 ▃▄▅▆◣13F 01/31 00:00
推 :XDDD 認真打臉就是要推14F 01/31 00:01
→ :北極熊吃的那些是海豹嗎?15F 01/31 00:01
→ :上次有人說他是多龍的分身16F 01/31 00:01
推 :鍵盤海豹17F 01/31 00:02
推 :啪啪啪18F 01/31 00:02
→ :海狗海獅很難分 海豹還蠻常上電視的19F 01/31 00:04
推 :naxxx八卦模範生20F 01/31 00:04
推 :人家m屬性你s屬性21F 01/31 00:05
推 :還跳出來被打臉XDDDDDDDDDDDDD22F 01/31 00:08
→ :北極熊吃的是海豹沒錯 不過偶爾也會獵殺海象23F 01/31 00:11
推 :我只認得海狗丸黑黑圓圓的24F 01/31 00:12
→ :海象的牙長這樣應該是挖掘用的吧!能對抗北極熊嗎?25F 01/31 00:13
推 :認真打臉推XDDD PTT學知識26F 01/31 00:15
推 :喔喔喔 最愛看這種認真打臉文了 爽推27F 01/31 00:17
噓 : 好吧!我也沒那麼會,我決定站沒那麼懂那一邊28F 01/31 00:17
推 :naxxx◢▆▅▄▃ 崩╰(〒皿〒)╯潰 ▃▄▅▆◣naxxx29F 01/31 00:24
推 :世界上真有把臉端出去給人打的30F 01/31 00:27
推 :講兩句話就崩潰 也太脆弱了吧31F 01/31 00:31
推 :一度還以為是馬賽克 原來ID真的是XXX32F 01/31 00:31
推 :XDD33F 01/31 00:32
推 :打臉文就是要推 啪啪啪啪!34F 01/31 00:39
推 :naxxx◢▆▅▄▃ 崩╰(〒皿〒)╯潰 ▃▄▅▆◣naxxx35F 01/31 00:40
推 :(σ′▽‵)′▽‵)σ36F 01/31 00:42
推 :naxxx◢▆▅▄▃ 崩╰(〒皿〒)╯潰 ▃▄▅▆◣naxxx37F 01/31 00:50
推 : naxxx = duolon38F 01/31 00:52
推 :naxxx◢▆▅▄▃ 崩╰(〒皿〒)╯潰 ▃▄▅▆◣naxxx39F 01/31 01:09
推 :專業文必推40F 01/31 04:17
推 :naxxx◢▆▅▄▃ 崩╰(〒皿〒)╯潰 ▃▄▅▆◣naxxx41F 01/31 09:40
推 :naxxx◢▆▅▄▃ 崩╰(〒皿〒)╯潰 ▃▄▅▆◣naxxx42F 01/31 09:57
→ :naxxx真丟臉...海狗都不知道
→ :naxxx真丟臉...海狗都不知道
推 :naxxx◢▆▅▄▃ 崩╰(〒皿〒)╯潰 ▃▄▅▆◣naxxx44F 01/31 11:43
→ :連查資料都不會的人回去念國小吧呵呵
→ :連查資料都不會的人回去念國小吧呵呵
推 :海象表演好好笑46F 01/31 12:30
推 :naxxx◢▆▅▄▃ 崩╰(〒皿〒)╯潰 ▃▄▅▆◣naxxx47F 01/31 13:19
推 :還開112的ip來打臉XDDDD48F 01/31 13:24
→ :我愛專業文49F 01/31 21:44
推 :攻擊汽車的好大一隻 真恐怖50F 02/01 06:45
※ 看板: FW 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 1184