※ 本文為 knight30115 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-10-14 16:34:25
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作者 標題 Re: [閒聊] Season 2 的音樂
時間 Sun Oct 14 15:55:16 2012
"League of legends login music "
League of Legends - Season 2 World Championship Login Music
League of Legends World Championship 2012 Login Logon Music Screen With Animation HD HQ Epic Music - YouTube Subscribe me for League of Legends. Home of the Season One Champions and Runners-up, Europe has been a hotbed of competitive League of Legends since launch. ...
"Day 1 break music (10 mins)"
League of Legends World Championship Season 2 "Break Music"
League of Legends World Championship Season 2 "Break Music" [HD] 10 Min version - YouTube Free MP3 download Link: Song Name: Silver Scrapes
"Full version"
League Of Legends 2012 World Championship Theme Song
League Of Legends 2012 World Championship Theme Song - YouTube The theme song of the LOLWC and its playoffs. The song name is called: Danny McCarthy - Silver Scrapes Poor ocelote :(
Danny McCarthy - Silver Scrapes (Dubstep)
Danny McCarthy - Silver Scrapes (Dubstep) - YouTube
Well, I just wanted to make it easier for everybody to find this awesome track, so I decided to upload it here, although there was no upload of this amazing ...
Well, I just wanted to make it easier for everybody to find this awesome track, so I decided to upload it here, although there was no upload of this amazing ...
"Players approach music"
Atmosphere - Firestorm Eyes (League of Legends - Riot World Invitational)
Atmosphere - Firestorm Eyes (League of Legends - Riot World Invitational) - YouTube Atmosphere - Firestorm Eyes - Composer Andrew Britton,David Goldsmith - Album Bold, Beautiful + Building Image by
"Day 2 delay music" :/
League of Legends - Season 2 World Championship End Music
League of Legends - Season 2 World Championship End Music - YouTube This is the official end music for the Season Two World Championship! It starts October 4th! Get ready for some amazing League of Legends action folks and en...
"Intermission Track"
[League of Legends] Riot World Championships Season 2 ~ Intermission Track 1
[League of Legends] Riot World Championships Season 2 ~ Intermission Track 1 - YouTube Unknown music tracks used during the break times / inbetween games. Uploading to see if Youtube will auto-detect the originals.
[League of Legends] Riot World Championships Season 2 ~ Intermission Track 2
[League of Legends] Riot World Championships Season 2 ~ Intermission Track 2 - YouTube Unknown music tracks used during the break times / inbetween games. Uploading to see if Youtube will auto-detect the originals.
[League of Legends] Riot World Championships Season 2 ~ Intermission Track 3
[League of Legends] Riot World Championships Season 2 ~ Intermission Track 3 - YouTube Unknown music tracks used during the break times / inbetween games. Uploading to see if Youtube will auto-detect the originals.
[League of Legends] Riot World Championships Season 2 ~ Intermission Track 4
[League of Legends] Riot World Championships Season 2 ~ Intermission Track 4 - YouTube Unknown music tracks used during the break times / inbetween games. Uploading to see if Youtube will auto-detect the originals.
[League of Legends] Riot World Championships Season 2 ~ Intermission Track 5
[League of Legends] Riot World Championships Season 2 ~ Intermission Track 5 - YouTube Unknown music tracks used during the break times / inbetween games. Uploading to see if Youtube will auto-detect the originals.
[League of Legends] Riot World Championships Season 2 ~ Intermission Track 6
[League of Legends] Riot World Championships Season 2 ~ Intermission Track 6 - YouTube Unknown music tracks used during the break times / inbetween games. Uploading to see if Youtube will auto-detect the originals.
[League of Legends] Riot World Championships Season 2 ~ Intermission Track 7
[League of Legends] Riot World Championships Season 2 ~ Intermission Track 7 - YouTube Unknown music tracks used during the break times / inbetween games. Uploading to see if Youtube will auto-detect the originals.
if you have more music about season 2 please reply thx.
標題 [問題] 選逆命就會遊戲崩潰?? #1F5Rqh3f
推 Exmax1999 :逆命打遊戲王超弱的 因為他是"卡牌大師" 01/18 03:28
推 MotoDawn :樓上比冬之瓜還冷 01/18 03:30
標題 [問題] 排rank會卡住? #1F5Sz8dV
→ MotoDawn :因為你是卡排大師 01/18 04:20
推 Exmax1999 :樓上 上篇說我很冷 這篇抄我梗拿來用 01/18 07:56
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※ 編輯: a1005100 來自: (10/14 15:56)
推 :推推1F 10/14 15:56
推 :推 完整整哩!!2F 10/14 15:56
推 :推3F 10/14 15:56
推 :push4F 10/14 15:57
推 :推推!!!5F 10/14 15:57
推 :我要撥放清單3q6F 10/14 15:57
自己弄不難吧?※ 編輯: a1005100 來自: (10/14 16:04)
→ :好像沒有..是我沒按到嗎8F 10/14 16:21
推 :推喔~~~~~9F 10/14 16:22
( ̄︶ ̄)b KuroYume 說讚!