※ 本文為 nthuhoward 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-08-04 02:14:30
看板 MLB
作者 標題 Re: [閒聊] XD 球童被噓了XD
時間 Thu Aug 2 22:58:00 2012
那就貼一些後續發展吧 XD
那個球童叫Kevin Fennell, 影片上顯示他給了女生Jacki Lynch兩顆球
女生最後還拿到了第五顆 是從牛棚來的
球上寫 "給Kevin電話吧!" XD
A's Ballboy Scores Chick Using Four-Balls Trick
You'd think the Oakland Athletics would plaster embed links of their first attention-worthy event since Canseco pumped McGwire's ass full of inject-a-juice far and wide. Not the case. So, here's an excerpt of the story ... ...
You'd think the Oakland Athletics would plaster embed links of their first attention-worthy event since Canseco pumped McGwire's ass full of inject-a-juice far and wide. Not the case. So, here's an excerpt of the story ... ...
Jacki Lynch And The A's Ballboy In Times Square UPDATED Inside Edition To Air Ballboy/Jacki Exclusive | BustedCoverage – Sports Gossip | Drunk Athletes | Hot Cheerleaders | Football News
We can see our stats going nuts with Internet searches for "Busted Coverage," "bustedcoverage.com," "Jackie Lynch Busted Coverage," "Jacki Lynch," etc. Would someone please tell us we were just on CNN or something big like that. You guys keep asking for more Jacki Lynch and the A's Ballboy. ...
We can see our stats going nuts with Internet searches for "Busted Coverage," "bustedcoverage.com," "Jackie Lynch Busted Coverage," "Jacki Lynch," etc. Would someone please tell us we were just on CNN or something big like that. You guys keep asking for more Jacki Lynch and the A's Ballboy. ...
※ 引述《todd7622 (踏的)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《A1pha ([αλφα])》之銘言:
: : 作者: A1pha ([αλφα]) 看板: Athletics
: : 標題: [轉撥] XD 球童被噓了XD
: : 時間: Fri Aug 20 12:33:34 2010
: : 話說我們的球童Kevin今天負責檔球,
: : 結果檔了兩顆球全都交給同一個正妹~
: : 結果就一直被觀眾噓XD
: : 超好笑的XDXD
: : 正妹後來還給他個香吻QQ
: : 羨慕QQ
: : → A1pha:http://mlb.mlb.com/video/play.jsp?content_id=11164585
Baseball Video Highlights & Clips | TB@OAK: A's ballboy gives two foul balls to woman - Video | MLB.com: Multimedia
8/19/10: The Athletics ballboy gives a foul ball to a young lady who gets another one from him later ...
8/19/10: The Athletics ballboy gives a foul ball to a young lady who gets another one from him later ...
: 隔了快兩年
: 有人知道這兩位有繼續發展下去嗎XD
: 都找不到後續報導XDD
: 我記得ESPN後來有訪問球童
: 那場比賽之後還有要到電話的樣子XD
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 :假公濟私!!!1F 08/02 23:00
推 :太過分了!!2F 08/02 23:00
推 :之前影片有看到,可惡的傢伙XD3F 08/02 23:00
推 :boooooooooooooooooooooooooo4F 08/02 23:00
推 :不過似乎比許多鍵盤把妹高手強上許多5F 08/02 23:01
→ :在台灣球童都女的啊 怎麼把啊6F 08/02 23:02
推 :我也要去當球僮!!!!7F 08/02 23:03
噓 :太爽惹8F 08/02 23:04
→ :眼紅噓 等等補推
推 :
→ :眼紅噓 等等補推
推 :
推 :4顆球把到正妹 magic!11F 08/02 23:08
推 :推 這些去哪找的XD12F 08/02 23:08
推 :主審應該將球僮驅逐出場13F 08/02 23:09
推 :想到另外一個非棒球球星邀請被拒 這個球僮真好14F 08/02 23:11
推 :牛棚還義務支援牽紅線XD15F 08/02 23:12
推 :XDD16F 08/02 23:16
推 :牛棚要記救援成功17F 08/02 23:16
推 :四顆球換兩顆球 這樣算划算嗎18F 08/02 23:17
推 :女生長得有點像娜塔莉波曼19F 08/02 23:18
推 :蠻正的阿20F 08/02 23:23
推 :超爽的 牛棚救援成功 女的很正@@21F 08/02 23:24
推 :牛棚全員記一個SV阿22F 08/02 23:29
噓 :公器私用 笨捨23F 08/02 23:30
→ :可是現在的女友顯示不是她25F 08/02 23:37
→ :這真的該噓啊26F 08/02 23:37
推 :Beth Hilton Taylor : Who's the chick? XDDDD29F 08/02 23:53
推 :booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo30F 08/02 23:55
推 :高手 把的女友都很正31F 08/02 23:58
→ :現任的根本夫妻臉33F 08/03 00:11
推 :有女友還去搭訕,這更扯了!!!34F 08/03 00:16
News - Love in the Outfield - InsideEdition.com
Persistence may have paid off for a love-struck ball boy who kept giving foul baseballs to a girl in the stands. INSIDE EDITION talks to the couple, who are now dating. ...
Persistence may have paid off for a love-struck ball boy who kept giving foul baseballs to a girl in the stands. INSIDE EDITION talks to the couple, who are now dating. ...
推 :有在一起阿!都有專屬t-shirt37F 08/03 00:25
推 :結果大家都去搜了XDDDD38F 08/03 00:26
推 :所以是前女友?39F 08/03 00:27
推 :XD40F 08/03 00:29
推 :滿正的Jacki Lynch43F 08/03 00:31
噓 :羨慕噓44F 08/03 00:35
推 :交往過就淫了...45F 08/03 00:35
→ : 贏
→ : 贏
推 :補推47F 08/03 00:37
推 :人肉到國外去了XDDDDDDDDD48F 08/03 01:32
推 :太過份了 XDDDDDD49F 08/03 02:49
推 :鄉民太強大了...50F 08/03 03:20
推 :Lynch好正51F 08/03 04:01
推 :牛棚還是很幫忙的要電話耶XDXD運動家球員真好!!!52F 08/03 07:59
推 :連國外都可以人肉 XD53F 08/03 08:16
推 :太過分了~~~不過鄉民真的太猛了~人肉到國外去~54F 08/03 08:29
推 :XDDDDDDDDD55F 08/03 08:38
推 :XD57F 08/03 08:43
推 :XD58F 08/03 09:45
推 :出去玩那時女主角好像變瘦了!59F 08/03 10:04
推 :他一定已經__過了60F 08/03 10:49
推 :國外沒有__才奇怪吧...61F 08/03 11:13
推 : 鄉民真強 完完全全搜出來了!!!!62F 08/03 12:34
推 :強!63F 08/03 12:47
推 :到底怎麼人肉的= = 也太強了64F 08/03 13:17
推 :牛棚的第五顆超好笑!XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD65F 08/03 14:25
推 :推.牛棚GOOD JOB!66F 08/03 19:57
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