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※ 本文為 vivianhsu319 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-08-02 09:37:09
看板 T-ara
作者 SonAkali (Soyeon >.^)
標題 Re: [討論] Guilty until proven innocent
時間 Thu Aug  2 02:50:16 2012

標題: Guilty until proven innocent (在證明清白前都視為有罪)
      The lynch mob against T-ara and who is really to blame
是對於Innocent until proven guilty (無罪推定)的相反 藉以反諷各式路人、anti

The fallout from Hwayoung‘s split with T-ara has been nothing short of
cataclysmic, and resulted in an all-out witch hunt against the current T-ara
members. The group has lost endorsement deals, been forced to cancel
concerts, fan cafes have shut down, petitions and groups to have T-ara
disbanded and to uncover the truth behind the scandal have attracted hundreds
of thousands of people, netizens have called for the members to be removed
from their current television shows, a music program director has said he
will no longer contact T-ara, and much more.


失去代言、取消演唱會、fan cafes被迫關掉、各種要求T妞解散或是要求真相的的聯署


In less than a week, T-ara has gone from being one of the most loved groups
in K-Pop to the most reviled and hated. But whatever happened to innocent
until proven guilty, and why are the members of T-ara receiving all the
vitriol instead of their controversial CEO, Kim Kwang Soo?

在短短不到一個禮拜內 妞們從最被喜愛的韓團之一成為最被唾罵、討厭的團體。可是

無罪推定原則呢? 而且為什麼是T妞要承受所有的酸言酸語,而非他們那充滿爭議的社長


The bulk of the anti-T-ara bandwagoning has stemmed from various reports of
bullying — virtually all of which have turned out to be either misconstrued
or completely false. The situation has gotten so bad that anonymous posts on
web forums have been picked up by the media and reported as fact, and
everybody has been so desperate for answers that they’re not stopping to
separate the fiction from the fact


(斷章取義的) 就是完全是假的。情況糟到在論壇上的匿名文章被媒體拿來當作事實般報


A photo of Hyomin accidentally bumping Hwayoung as she raised her arm was
transformed by netizens into “Hyomin pokes Hwayoung in the eye!“. A video
of Hwayoung opening her mouth for Eunjung to put a rice cake in it suddenly
became an attempt at choking by force-feeding, but what netizens failed to
mention was that it was a Japanese game show where you had to put sweets into
someone’s mouth and then try make a sound with your mouth full. As if things
couldn’t get any more far-fetched, a photo of Hwayoung chatting with
INFINITE and SISTAR at the ‘Idol Olympics’ broadcast was somehow turned
into Hwayoung having to sit with them because T-ara wouldn’t speak to her.






There was never any speculation that Hwayoung had been bullied before last
week, yet now all it takes is a photo of her hanging with Bora to serve as
evidence that she’s been ostracized by her own group. Does this selca of
Eunjung and KARA’s Gyuri mean that they too, are victims of bullying?
Anybody can take a photo and fabricate a story around it.




There was even a shocking report that Jiyeon slapped Hwayoung across the face
— a report that literally stemmed from an anonymous forum post from somebody
claiming to be a member of T-ara’s dance team, Yama & Hot Chicks. When the
leader of the dance team came forward to shoot down the false claims, it was
too late. The article was already a most-read story across the web, and the
damage was done



文章早已在網路上大肆流傳,而傷害也造成了。(很多人看了文章就說 喔!一定有排擠


It should take more than some out-of-context photos, anonymous forum posts,
and unsubstantiated stories to convince the world that T-ara is a pack of
evil bullies who tormented and assaulted their bandmate. This is 2012, but
right now people are acting like it’s the 1600s and we’re all at the Salem
witch trials.




The only thing that seems somewhat accurate in all of this drama is that
there was an incident on last week’s Music Bank where Hwayoung was upset for
an as-yet-unknown reason, and refused to go on stage for T-ara’s scheduled
performance. This caused the other members to have to cover for her at the
last minute, and resulted in a mistake being made during the performance.
Some T-ara members were then unprofessional and tweeted their disappointment
over Hwayoung’s actions, which led to them being labelled as bullies. This
information about Music Bank does not confirm that T-ara are bullies, nor
does it confirm that Hwayoung is troublesome. All it confirms is that
Hwayoung refused to perform on Music Bank –which may or may not have been
for a perfectly valid reason– and that the others members disagreed with
that decision.


上禮拜的MB中 小花為了某個"未知的原因"感到非常沮喪而拒絕上台,而有了孝敏代打






Does anybody remember what happened to the Sugababes back in 2009? Keisha
Buchanan was fired from the group amidst claims she was a bully, but fans and
the public still took her side and blamed member Amelle Berrabah for the
entire thing. People adopted a lynch mob mentality, similar to the one we are
currently seeing against T-ara, and eventually their attacks against Amelle
were so vicious that she had a nervous breakdown and had to spend three-weeks
recovering in a treatment facility. Reports that Keisha had been a bully were
never confirmed, the fans eventually calmed down and got over it, and life
went on as usual. If only everyone had behaved more rationally and not jumped
to conclusions, then Amelle’s unfortunate breakdown could have been avoided
all together. (I should know, because I was one of the many people who sent
abusive tweets to Amelle at the time!)







還有十段  崩崩 XD

While everybody is busy blaming T-ara for Hwayoung’s departure, few seem to
be looking at Kim Kwang Soo, who may very well be more responsible for this
entire ordeal than anybody else involved


負責的老金 (很顯然作者不看PTT XD)

In my April article about T-ara’s then-announced member changes, I expressed
my concern over the way Kim Kwang Soo was managing the group. I said that he
was creating an unhealthy environment for the group by encouraging them to
compete against one another and by threatening to fire or replace any members
who didn’t comply. Now that he’s made good on his threats, it’s T-ara who
are being blamed.



它的威脅兌現, 卻是妞們在受責罵。

In the same article, I also took a look at how severely Kim Kwang Soo had
been overworking T-ara. In a nutshell, the group hadn’t had a vacation since
their debut in 2009 and hadn’t received a day off in one year, members were
performing on top of serious injuries, Jiyeon collapsed on stage from
exhaustion, and at times the group’s work load was so heavy that they had 12
schedules in one day.



而臭臉引發網友攻擊(感謝vincex大補充)。 而有時候妞們的工作量大到一天有12個行程


Now picture the kind of stress that would bring on the members of T-ara, and
then remember that Hwayoung was not part of the original T-ara lineup. She
was added to the group in 2010. So Hwayoung was added to a group that was
already successful, a group that had been together for years (if you include
their training days), a group that was being severely overworked in a
high-stress environment, and a group that was encouraged by their CEO to
compete against one another




If any of the unsubstantiated bullying claims are true, or even if Hwayoung
was simply just an ‘outcast’ in T-ara, it’s not hard to see why.



If you need any more proof that Kim Kwang Soo isn’t the greatest CEO on the
planet, then look no further than Nam Gyuri. The idol was a member former CCM
girl group SeeYa, before she left back in 2009 for financial reasons and to
pursue an acting career. What followed was a messy and very public war of
words in which Kim Kwang Soo revealed scandalous information about Gyuri in
the press and claimed that she uncooperative and missed schedules, the
remaining SeeYa members held a press conference and painted Gyuri out to be a
selfish diva, and Gyuri called Kim Kwang Soo “the devil”, denied his
allegations against her and implied that it was part of a smear campaign, and
claimed her former bandmates were cold towards her and spoke behind her back.






There was probably a little truth to both sides of that story, but at the end
of the day, people are going to disagree and have conflicts. It’s a normal
part of life, and it’s happened to everybody



When you’re looking at a Korean girl group, such as T-ara, a CEO is like the
teacher or the parent of the group. The CEO has a responsibility to create a
safe and healthy environment for the group, both at home in the dorm and at
work, and to ensure that any petty issues are taken care of in a proper way
so the dynamic of the group can remain positive and professional. Kim Kwang
Soo appears to have done the exact opposite of that, and if there is any true
disharmony in T-ara, it is he who should be held responsible before both
Hwayoung and T-ara.





As of now, the only real bullies in this whole situation are the netizens.
Take one look at the comments section in a T-ara post on AllKPop right now,
and you’ll either see a hypocritical flood of cruel and mean-spirited
attacks directed at the group and its individual members, or just people
laughing at the group’s current predicament. T-ara is being torn down for
something that nobody even knows if they actually did or not. And if they did
do it, then why did they do it? Not everything in life is black and white.





If it turns out that T-ara truly is just a bunch of evil bullying witches
that tried to choke Hwayoung to death on rice cakes, poke her eyes out with
their fingers, and gang up to destroy her umbrella, then fine — bash ‘em,
hate ‘em, demand their disbandment, and more. But until then, everybody
needs to put their torches and pitchforks down, and wait for a little
something called the truth to come out.




翻完了... 順便講講自己對這件事情的一點小看法吧...


參與/不參與之間的拿捏還是有些生疏,有時候有點不自然的感覺 有時候卻完全晾在


就拿運動會的畫面 花英還大力的揉著嘎的屁屁 難道會有人願意讓自己很討厭的人

揉自己屁股?= = " 碰到我都要拍好幾下了



我只覺得孝英的反推讓這件事情定下了一開始的調調 後面的一切彌補效果都差了...

至於作者說網民才是施暴者 科科意外嗎 一些鄉民的水準從這幾天被捅的就可知大概

一堆看熱鬧的 跟anti 唯恐天下不亂

不過說真的 現階段我根本不在乎老金怎麼樣阿= = 我只希望T-ara能停損


T-ara Fighting! 嘎龍敏花靜冏Q寶 Fighting!

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◆ From:
SonAkali:哇咧這篇值603批幣 哈哈1F 08/02 02:51
SonAkali:          633
Taeja:推3F 08/02 02:57
icq7584:感謝翻譯4F 08/02 02:57
Drogba11:辛苦推   真相出來  金豬滾蛋5F 08/02 03:00
Jacky11305:感謝翻譯 淚推~~ Tara Fighting6F 08/02 03:01
klina:辛苦你了  這篇要推!!!7F 08/02 03:02
acln0816:辛苦用力推!!!8F 08/02 03:03
Drogba11:金豬才是罪魁禍首9F 08/02 03:03
LaoDa5566:推翻譯。女巫說我有說過耶XD(重點錯誤)10F 08/02 03:04
shamalu:推呀!! 死金豬真的很機車。11F 08/02 03:05
pomn:辛苦啊~推12F 08/02 03:05
acln0816:只能說第一印象往往決定了後來的發展!!! 該死的是那頭豬13F 08/02 03:06
vincex:補充龍collapse事件,龍在舞台上臭臉引發網友攻擊14F 08/02 03:08
Drogba11:這件事情之後 T妞每個人一定被標籤 包括花英在內16F 08/02 03:08
vincex:(不是CCM會好好反省,是龍會好好反省)18F 08/02 03:09
ne3zoders:推特在音銀之前耶...這時間點.....= ="...19F 08/02 03:10
she132:辛苦了 推~20F 08/02 03:11
sunwit:問題是怎麼要才能制裁金豬呢21F 08/02 03:12
Drogba11:金豬有錢有勢 怎麼制裁  三峽賽神豬 真的可以找他了22F 08/02 03:13
sunwit:所以代表以後可能有第2.第3個花英囉23F 08/02 03:15
kuramylove:像一群聚集在十七世紀女巫審判的愚民。  嗯...24F 08/02 03:17
Drogba11:機率來說...先例已經開出來了 難說...25F 08/02 03:17
willprince:感謝翻譯,T-ARA FIGHTING!!26F 08/02 03:17
kuramylove:推 世上不是所有的事情都黑白分明的。27F 08/02 03:18
sunwit:別忘了CCM還有Gangkiz.以他之前的行為來說.改栽培別團也有28F 08/02 03:20
Drogba11:金豬今天把局面弄成這樣子 在有更奇怪的事情出現也不意外30F 08/02 03:22
vincex:"改"這個字好像怪怪的,CCM對G團已經算出很多力了...31F 08/02 03:24
DarkSp:辛苦了 感謝翻譯!!32F 08/02 03:32
spalding03:辛苦了 推這篇阿!!33F 08/02 03:46
peter10554:太多假新聞了~誤報也是會形象受損~~媒體根本不CARE真相34F 08/02 03:52
※ 編輯: SonAkali        來自:       (08/02 03:58)
LazyDaDa:未看先推,感謝翻譯!35F 08/02 04:02
gotohikaru:翻譯辛苦啦36F 08/02 04:24
razan:對報導為生的業界來講真相不重要,而在可以用來發稿的價值37F 08/02 04:31
aners:辛苦推38F 08/02 04:42
jsthayabusa:KKS 你到現在有跟T-ara和花英道過歉嗎 你這垃圾39F 08/02 04:42
shockben:   蝴蝶效應40F 08/02 07:32
Joba07:輕鬆一下吧 KKS下台 讓李光洙當 這樣還可以常上Running Man41F 08/02 07:51
vivianhsu319:翻譯推42F 08/02 08:16
ydydydyd:老金曾經為T妞的和諧努力過嗎? 這是看到現在最疑惑的43F 08/02 08:34
littlelinsyu:辛苦翻譯,大推!!!44F 08/02 09:13

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