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※ 本文為 aquar214 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-06-19 14:10:37
看板 NBA
作者 SeungYeon (我愛勝妍)
標題 [外絮] 黃蜂禮拜二將試訓Anthony Davis
時間 Tue Jun 19 13:31:08 2012

Anthony Davis To Work Out For Hornets On Tuesday

黃蜂隊將在美國時間禮拜二單獨試訓本次選秀狀元熱門人選Anthony Davis



但假如沒有什麼意外的話 AD幾乎確定會在28號的選秀會上被第一順位選中

Anthony Davis, the likely No. 1 pick in the 2012 NBA Draft, will conduct a
solo workout with the New Orleans Hornets on Tuesday, the team announced.
Davis will almost certainly be the Hornets' pick when the 2012 NBA Draft
kicks off on June 28, so the workout is mostly a formality.

The Hornets have not officially declared their intentions to select Davis
with the No. 1 pick, but it's all but a foregone conclusion that he will be
the guy. The NBA refuses to let the team with No. 1 pick announce its
selection before the live broadcast of the draft, which explains why the
Hornets have not said anything.

Davis has not conducted any workouts to this point, but his body of work in
college is enough to make him the obvious top pick. The Kentucky star
recently announced his decision to have Wasserman Media Group represent him,
ending the last bit of suspense surrounding his draft status.

NBA Draft 2012: Anthony Davis To Work Out For Hornets On Tuesday - SBNation.com
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◆ From:
pttfft      :http://ppt.cc/DWJo1F 06/19 13:47
Joey818     :他的臉不適合當狀元2F 06/19 13:48
agunlin     :1F太嚇人了本來想按2的QQ3F 06/19 13:49
oicecnir    :他是有終極戰士的血統哦..嘴巴的形狀4F 06/19 13:52
kidjoe      :這牙齒...5F 06/19 13:58
lykewake    :他的圓臉加上大耳垂~看起來好像佛像~6F 06/19 14:00
ogre887     :那維勳表示:7F 06/19 14:00
gaiser      :好...8F 06/19 14:03
woo123woo   :他是人類嗎?9F 06/19 14:03
gaiser      :他牙齒有兩排耶.. 鯊魚喔10F 06/19 14:04

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