作者 標題 [轉載] The most impressive job interview questions
時間 2015年03月11日 Wed. PM 11:46:48
Interviewing for your next job is tough work!
Last year, I published The 1 Thing You Must Do In Every Jo
b Interview. The article received a lot of feedback—some in
support and some in opposition. Interviews have remained a
hot topic for me over the past year, especially as I work to
scale our team at Likeable Local. This year, I thought I’d
ask my friends over at the Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC)
about the 1 most impressive interview question to ask.
The YEC is an invite-only organization comprised of the wo
rld’s most promising young entrepreneurs. I asked these CEO
’s and entrepreneurs what single most impressive interview
questions applicants have asked (or they they wish applicant
s would ask). These are their answers, followed by mine:
1. What New Skills Can I Hope to Learn Here?
This is just my perspective, but I’ve always secretly hop
ed to hear this question. It signifies a few positive things
: the applicant acknowledges they don’t know everything and
it signals both humility and potential. This individual is
actively seeking knowledge and using that as a criteria to j
udge opportunity. They know that skills are important, not j
ust knowledge. – Brian Honigman, BrianHonigman.com
2. How Do You See This Position Evolving in The Next Three
When job applicants ask this question, it means they’re l
ooking for a position where they can blossom long term. They
’re committed to their own career growth and being selectiv
e about only accepting offers from companies that will give
them the framework for that growth. And they’re also tactfu
l and strategic enough to let me know in a polite, subtle wa
y. – Jared Brown, Co-Founder, Hubstaff
3. What Can I Help to Clarify That Would Make Hiring Me an
Easy Decision?
At Launch Academy, we always coach our graduating students
to ask this question at the end of an interview. It shows
that that you’re eager to get the job, you’re amenable to
feedback, you’re confident in your abilities and that you can
clear up any uncertainty. – Dan Pickett, Co-Founder,Launc
h Academy
4. How Can ‘X’ Scenario Move ‘Y’ Idea Forward?
I love when an engineering applicant asks a question about
our business model, or a marketing applicant asks about our
development process. At a small company, holistic thinking
is essential to make a killer product: You have to combine
business needs with technical expertise, and the people who
are interested in both areas often come up with the most
creative solutions – AJ Shankar, CEO, Everlaw, Inc.
5. If You Could Improve One Thing About The Company, What
Would It Be?
Any qualified candidate should be interviewing the prospec
tive employer as much as they are being interviewed. By aski
ng about where the company can improve, the interviewee not
only establishes that the interview process is a two-way str
eet, but may also find out some important information to use
in her decision making. If the answer given is not candid,
there is information in that as well. – Peter Minton, Founder
& President, Minton Law Group, P.C.
6. What’s The Most Frustrating Part of Working Here?
This and other courageous questions demand a thoughtful
response. We encourage questions that require courage to ask
and thoughtfulness to answer. If you can do it in an interview,
you can probably do it with customers. And every day we
need to have courageous — sometimes uncomfortable —
conversations with customers. – Avery Fisher, President, Remedify
7. Who’s Your Ideal Candidate And How Can I Make Myself
More Like Them?
No matter if they’d like to admit it or not, every CEO an
d hiring manager has their picture perfect “ideal” candida
te for the job. If an employee asked this question or someth
ing similar during their interview, it would not only show me
that they’re sincerely interested in the job, but willing
to do whatever it takes to become the best employee possibl
e. –Phil Laboon, President, Eyeflow Internet Marketing
8. How Did You Get Your Start?
When asked this question as a CEO, it shows that the indiv
idual you are interviewing is interested in your past and wh
at you have accomplished up to this point. You want employee
s who buy into you and your idea, so it is imperative that y
ou hire people who are on board with your vision. – Jayna C
ooke, CEO, EVENTup
9. What Is Holding the Company Back?
Every company has immediate challenges that prevent it fro
m achieving it’s full potential. A great employee will iden
tify those bottlenecks, develop a plan to solve them and the
n execute on the strategy. A great candidate will be doing w
hatever she can to start identifying these challenges even b
efore getting the offer. – Sathvik Tantry, Co-Founder and C
EO, FormSwift
10. What Keeps You Up at Night?
I love this question because it demonstrates an adherence
to our culture of challenging everyone while also indicating
that the candidate understands that our existence is always
in flux as a startup. When a candidate shows that she has a
similar feeling and/or the outline of a way to think about
addressing that fear, it goes a long way. – Kofi Kankam, Ch
ief Executive Officer, Admit.me
11. What Concerns/Reservations Do You Have About Me for Th
is Position?
This question shows that the candidate is being thoughtful
about the job, and cares about truly earning the role and e
xcelling if they join the team. It’s also smart because it
allows them to address concerns on the spot and in person.
– John Berkowitz, Co-founder and Chief Revenue Officer, Yod
Those are the 11 favorite interview questions from the YEC
. As for me, my favorite interview question is:
How will the work I’ll be doing contribute to the organiz
ation’s mission?
This article is published in collaboration with LinkedIn.
Publication does not imply endorsement of views by the World
Economic Forum.
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Author: Dave Kerpen is the founder and CEO of Likeable Loc
al, as well as the co-founder and Chairman of Likeable Media
Image: An interviewee answers questions during a job inter
view. REUTERS/Francois Lenoir.
Posted by Dave Kerpen - 09:35All opinions expressed are th
ose of the author. The World Economic Forum Blog is an indep
endent and neutral platform dedicated to generating debate a
round the key topics that shape global, regional and industr
y agendas.
※ 作者: EDGE 時間: 2015-03-11 23:46:48
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