※ 本文為 doracacazin 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-08-26 14:07:47
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [問卦] 有沒有超大型黑頭粉刺的八卦?
時間 Mon Aug 26 01:12:53 2013
Black & White Heads On Nose Part 2 - YouTube
Few days back we uploaded a video, showing you classical case of black and white heads, they were the black heads which were developed over a decade yes over...
Few days back we uploaded a video, showing you classical case of black and white heads, they were the black heads which were developed over a decade yes over...
EWW! Giant snot pulled from man's nose!! Gross - YouTube
This video is not for the faint-of-heart. This man's "irritated" sinus is filled with mucus!!! Gross disgusting fail nose Funny Big snot booger sticky faint ...
This video is not for the faint-of-heart. This man's "irritated" sinus is filled with mucus!!! Gross disgusting fail nose Funny Big snot booger sticky faint ...
Removal operation intestinal worms( parasites) from human - YouTube Operation team remove thousand of intestine worm from poor guy.
hombre con la cabeza agusanada - YouTube
por increible que parezca, este hombre sobrevivio a estas heridas, solo perdio un ojo.
por increible que parezca, este hombre sobrevivio a estas heridas, solo perdio un ojo.
Maggot Therapy (revised) by Jose Elizondo, PA-C - YouTube
The application of larvae on a necrotic diabetic foot ulcer. Several hundred tiny maggots are placed on the wound and removed 24 hours later. You will see ho...
The application of larvae on a necrotic diabetic foot ulcer. Several hundred tiny maggots are placed on the wound and removed 24 hours later. You will see ho...
Improvising in Africa. Warning - GROSS - Smarter Every Day 28 - YouTube READ THE BACKSTORY!!: (It will make much more sense if you read this... it will also get you away form the weird side of ...
Cueterebra (bot fly) - YouTube
Bot fly removal from a young female cat. To respond to some of the comments below: The cat was no harmed during the filming of this video. Before the botfly ...
Bot fly removal from a young female cat. To respond to some of the comments below: The cat was no harmed during the filming of this video. Before the botfly ...
A man's head eaten by maggot till expose its skull. - YouTube A man's head eaten by maggot till expose its skull, viewer discretion is advised.
Maggot Medicine - YouTube
Plenty of words come to mind at the mention of maggots. Gross, disgusting... helpful? Watch as hundreds of maggots are used to clean a woman's open wound.
Plenty of words come to mind at the mention of maggots. Gross, disgusting... helpful? Watch as hundreds of maggots are used to clean a woman's open wound.
眼皮和頭內爬滿了蛆 - YouTube
是福不是禍,是禍躲不過,頭顱重創頭上的傷口達十幾公分,躺在那五天,眼皮和頭內爬滿了蛆,再也沒有比這更噁心的畫面了,不過也還好有這些蛆吃掉腐爛組織,不然應該也是受嚴重感染死亡 國際上很多醫療單位也是會採用昆蟲治療法,利如利用蛆吃掉腐爛組織,或是利用超大螞蟻的顎咬住傷口,再剪掉牠的頭,達到縫合效果
是福不是禍,是禍躲不過,頭顱重創頭上的傷口達十幾公分,躺在那五天,眼皮和頭內爬滿了蛆,再也沒有比這更噁心的畫面了,不過也還好有這些蛆吃掉腐爛組織,不然應該也是受嚴重感染死亡 國際上很多醫療單位也是會採用昆蟲治療法,利如利用蛆吃掉腐爛組織,或是利用超大螞蟻的顎咬住傷口,再剪掉牠的頭,達到縫合效果
Decomposition of a Baby Pig - YouTube
Dr. Jerry Payne's time lapse movie of the decomposition of a baby pig. For a preview of a full length doc on him and his work go to The ...
Dr. Jerry Payne's time lapse movie of the decomposition of a baby pig. For a preview of a full length doc on him and his work go to The ...
Necrotizing Fasciitis - Mrs. Karunawathi needs Your Help ! - YouTube "Karunawathi" is her name. It means "The Compassionate woman" Her full name is Manthrie Dewag...
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◆ From:
推 :五樓長了超大型龜頭粉刺1F 08/26 01:13
推 :5樓龜頭被4X吸2F 08/26 01:13
推 :消夜聞3F 08/26 01:13
→ :完全堵住馬眼4F 08/26 01:13
推 :五樓的龜頭粉刺大到要用吸塵器才吸的出來5F 08/26 01:13
→ :鎧之粉刺6F 08/26 01:14
→ :左邊鎧之黑頭粉刺 右邊超大型黑頭粉刺7F 08/26 01:14
推 :我看是把奶頭誤認為黑頭吧8F 08/26 01:15
→ :樓主可以幫修改嗎9F 08/26 01:15
推 :什麼?胡佛有粉刺?10F 08/26 01:15
→ :跳著看完你腳不會很酸嗎?11F 08/26 01:15
推 :DADA5566:五樓的龜頭粉刺大到要用吸塵器才吸的出來12F 08/26 01:15
→ :是有蒼蠅飛進去死在裡面嗎13F 08/26 01:16
推 :樓下點14F 08/26 01:16
→ :感覺技術有點差..15F 08/26 01:17
推 :幹....那是殺小啦有夠噁....16F 08/26 01:18
推 :看不懂= =17F 08/26 01:18
推 :剛看完修昂的部落格嗎?18F 08/26 01:18
推 :是擠粉刺才對阿!怎麼把我給擠出來了!!19F 08/26 01:19
→ :不敢典20F 08/26 01:19
Black & White Heads On Nose Part 2 - YouTube
Few days back we uploaded a video, showing you classical case of black and white heads, they were the black heads which were developed over a decade yes over...
Few days back we uploaded a video, showing you classical case of black and white heads, they were the black heads which were developed over a decade yes over...
推 :油脂+汙垢 但是要搞到像這樣這麼大顆也真的很詭異22F 08/26 01:20
→ :女型黑頭粉刺表示23F 08/26 01:20
推 :樓上那個還比較恐怖 去洗洗臉壓壓驚24F 08/26 01:22
推 :幹 都很胎哥25F 08/26 01:22
→ :你大概沒看過印度人那個吧!!26F 08/26 01:23
→ :...幹...要出來不出來的 挖一下又縮一下27F 08/26 01:23
推 :挖耳屎 蛆治療的影片也都滿爽的 看著看著會上引28F 08/26 01:24
推 :幹 這粉刺量擠完鼻子大概小一半了....29F 08/26 01:24
推 :太噁了吧QQ 要做噩夢了30F 08/26 01:25
推 :裡面化膿的比較噁心...31F 08/26 01:25
→ :粉刺應該自己擠 才有快感32F 08/26 01:25
推 :都不知道怎養這麼大的33F 08/26 01:26
推 :之前看擠背後那個才銷魂,擠出來的量超過兩個奶油餅34F 08/26 01:27
推 :水管上有更多比這個還噁的35F 08/26 01:27
推 :幹........臉部清潔很難嗎 我只要出油就快崩潰惹= =36F 08/26 01:27
推 :超噁37F 08/26 01:28
→ :雖然我之前也常看這類奇怪的影片 還有蟲= =39F 08/26 01:28
推 :我超後悔點的40F 08/26 01:29
→ :耳屎我看我阿嬤的就夠驚悚了= =41F 08/26 01:29
推 :我好想吐啊 (嘔42F 08/26 01:31
推 :這種的不都開刀嗎@@43F 08/26 01:31
→ :突然想吃車輪餅44F 08/26 01:32
推 :鼻子那個應該是有病吧?45F 08/26 01:32
→ :ごちそうさまでした46F 08/26 01:32
→ :想到以前鼻頭有兩個粉絲 想說先夾其中一個 結果兩個是
→ :相連的 超詭異@@
鼻頭有粉絲是殺毀??@@→ :想到以前鼻頭有兩個粉絲 想說先夾其中一個 結果兩個是
→ :相連的 超詭異@@
推 :可以介紹樓上的粉絲給我認識一下嗎49F 08/26 01:35
推 :我比較好奇為啥耳屎可以積成這樣 照理來說耳屎累積到一定50F 08/26 01:36
→ :程度會被自然排出
→ :程度會被自然排出
推 :噢~~~~~看的好爽52F 08/26 01:37
噓 :噁53F 08/26 01:37
感謝g大!!這就是我說的那個影片!!好懷念啊(?)推 :看得好爽+1XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD55F 08/26 01:39
推 :看得好爽+1XD 有時鼻孑旁邊擠出這超爽的啦56F 08/26 01:40
→ :當然他那種量也太扯了
→ :當然他那種量也太扯了
推 :我之前擠過一顆鼻頭粉刺 那坑洞過了快一年才消...58F 08/26 01:41
推 :結局好爽 好片59F 08/26 01:41
推 :越看越爽60F 08/26 01:42
噓 :這密醫行為了吧 別說沒戴手套 指甲還那麼長 咦..香港!61F 08/26 01:42
→ bouly …
推 :看完耳屎真的覺得好誇張 都流血了欸= =64F 08/26 01:45
→ :我上個月放假太無聊 故意1個禮拜不去角質 後來拔粉刺 爽66F 08/26 01:47
→ :對了借問 粉刺一般都是皮脂分泌 那"黑頭"的成分是啥?68F 08/26 01:49
推 :好嗨啊…69F 08/26 01:49
推 :為什麼我那麼賤的每個都點開= =70F 08/26 01:49
推 :樓上幾個影片都好噁QQ71F 08/26 01:49
e04!我嚇到啦!!推 :黑頭是因為塵土吧?73F 08/26 01:51
推 :一想到八卦版現在有幾千人在看粉刺我就笑了74F 08/26 01:51
→ :應該是皮脂氧化
→ :應該是皮脂氧化
Improvising in Africa. Warning - GROSS - Smarter Every Day 28 - YouTube READ THE BACKSTORY!!: (It will make much more sense if you read this... it will also get you away form the weird side of ...
推 :punk那個超可怕.....崩潰77F 08/26 01:52
→ :蛋白質跟脂肪酸有雜菌滋生也會變色78F 08/26 01:52
Maggot Therapy (revised) by Jose Elizondo, PA-C - YouTube
The application of larvae on a necrotic diabetic foot ulcer. Several hundred tiny maggots are placed on the wound and removed 24 hours later. You will see ho...
The application of larvae on a necrotic diabetic foot ulcer. Several hundred tiny maggots are placed on the wound and removed 24 hours later. You will see ho...
Cueterebra (bot fly) - YouTube
Bot fly removal from a young female cat. To respond to some of the comments below: The cat was no harmed during the filming of this video. Before the botfly ...
Bot fly removal from a young female cat. To respond to some of the comments below: The cat was no harmed during the filming of this video. Before the botfly ...
推 :幹 看到有種入魔的感覺= =82F 08/26 01:53
→ :蛆蛆治療真的太噁了,心臟弱的千萬別看。我看過最噁的是83F 08/26 01:54
→ :有個小朋友的臉上都是蛆蛆,而且他還活著。
→ :有個小朋友的臉上都是蛆蛆,而且他還活著。
推 :我鼻子小黑點阿 夾出來就普通粉刺 所以那黑黑的是黑色素?85F 08/26 01:55
推 :幹 噁爆了 但不知為啥我邊看邊笑XDDDDDDDDDDDD86F 08/26 01:55
推 :wtf87F 08/26 01:55
推 :蛆蛆治療太威了 小蛆蛆變大蛆蛆...88F 08/26 01:56
推 :那隻狗還把身上的寄生蟲吃回去= =89F 08/26 01:57
推 :蛆治療崩潰噁心...90F 08/26 01:57
噓 :幹 剛吃完消夜 賣鬧91F 08/26 01:58
推 :有的是脂肪瘤 超多92F 08/26 01:58
→ :老婆婆的那就是蛆蛆 不知道是自己長還是治療就是了...93F 08/26 01:58
→ :有一陣子我在半夜狂找噁心影片來看,雖然很噁,但看完很
→ :爽。我覺得拔馬蠅幼蟲的影片也很爽,很像拔粉刺(?)
→ :有一陣子我在半夜狂找噁心影片來看,雖然很噁,但看完很
→ :爽。我覺得拔馬蠅幼蟲的影片也很爽,很像拔粉刺(?)
推 :想射96F 08/26 02:00
→ :幹 沒接到
→ :幹 沒接到
推 :超屌98F 08/26 02:02
推 :會推爆嗎99F 08/26 02:02
推 :wtf100F 08/26 02:05
推 :每次看完臉都會麻掉..........101F 08/26 02:05
推 :應該開個噁心版...大家都蠻有實力der...102F 08/26 02:06
推 :有些是在荒郊野外遇難 動彈不得很久才獲救 所以傷口會長103F 08/26 02:06
→ :滿蛆 不過也是因為長蛆所以才不會惡化的更嚴重
→ :滿蛆 不過也是因為長蛆所以才不會惡化的更嚴重
推 :之前台灣也有一個摔到山谷裡一週後獲救 頭皮裡全是蛆105F 08/26 02:07
→ :最大隻的長到跟小指頭一樣
→ :最大隻的長到跟小指頭一樣
推 :猴子好可憐 完全被寄生107F 08/26 02:07
A man's head eaten by maggot till expose its skull. - YouTube A man's head eaten by maggot till expose its skull, viewer discretion is advised.
推 :幹 噁爆了109F 08/26 02:10
推 :..........................快吐了110F 08/26 02:10
推 :好爽 像打怪111F 08/26 02:11
推 :為何我要把自己看到全身發麻的影片112F 08/26 02:12
→ :打錯 粉條啦幹113F 08/26 02:12
推 :真是溫馨114F 08/26 02:13
推 :蛆會吃腐肉幫清創傷口 某方面還算是不錯啦 如果在野外..115F 08/26 02:13
推 :都超噁=.=不想看 感覺自虐116F 08/26 02:14
→ :可憐的猴子117F 08/26 02:14
→ :活人的頭那個Q____Q 還看到頭骨.... 看了好難過119F 08/26 02:15
推 :醫療級蛆蛆很乾淨,據說是無菌狀態下養的,是好蛆蛆120F 08/26 02:15
推 :幹 宵夜文121F 08/26 02:16
→ :擠了好幾條牙膏還擠不完122F 08/26 02:16
推 :幹他X我吐了123F 08/26 02:16
Blurred Lines (Unrated Version) - YouTube
Music video by Robin Thicke performing Blurred Lines. (C) 2013 Star Trak, LLC
Music video by Robin Thicke performing Blurred Lines. (C) 2013 Star Trak, LLC
EWW! Giant snot pulled from man's nose!! Gross - YouTube
This video is not for the faint-of-heart. This man's "irritated" sinus is filled with mucus!!! Gross disgusting fail nose Funny Big snot booger sticky faint ...
This video is not for the faint-of-heart. This man's "irritated" sinus is filled with mucus!!! Gross disgusting fail nose Funny Big snot booger sticky faint ...
推 :超噁心但是不知道為啥看得超爽......好痛苦127F 08/26 02:17
推 :那個腳好誇張= = 傷口好好顧嘛Q__Q128F 08/26 02:19
推 :活人的頭不敢開,裡面是什麼XDD???129F 08/26 02:20
推 :肝臟那個是什麼寄生蟲阿? 也太多了吧130F 08/26 02:20
推 :肝臟那個才可怕...131F 08/26 02:22
推 :感謝原PO文字敘述拯救蒼生不誤入連結 溫馨推!!!!133F 08/26 02:23
推 :肝臟那個到底是怎回事啊!!!!!!!!????????134F 08/26 02:23
推 :幹 睡意全消135F 08/26 02:23
推 :PUNK那個內容是什麼啊 一堆恐怖的還說它恐怖不敢點啊~~~136F 08/26 02:24
→ :我覺得快被檢舉了XDDD138F 08/26 02:25
推 :sujung你說哪個?139F 08/26 02:26
推 :從肝臟取出龍珠是怎樣…140F 08/26 02:27
推 :肝臟那個...透明圓圓的感覺還滿可愛的(疑?)141F 08/26 02:27
Removal operation intestinal worms( parasites) from human - YouTube Operation team remove thousand of intestine worm from poor guy.
噓 :恐怖連結................143F 08/26 02:27
推 :那個透明球是什麼@@144F 08/26 02:28
眼皮和頭內爬滿了蛆 - YouTube
是福不是禍,是禍躲不過,頭顱重創頭上的傷口達十幾公分,躺在那五天,眼皮和頭內爬滿了蛆,再也沒有比這更噁心的畫面了,不過也還好有這些蛆吃掉腐爛組織,不然應該也是受嚴重感染死亡 國際上很多醫療單位也是會採用昆蟲治療法,利如利用蛆吃掉腐爛組織,或是利用超大螞蟻的顎咬住傷口,再剪掉牠的頭,達到縫合效果
是福不是禍,是禍躲不過,頭顱重創頭上的傷口達十幾公分,躺在那五天,眼皮和頭內爬滿了蛆,再也沒有比這更噁心的畫面了,不過也還好有這些蛆吃掉腐爛組織,不然應該也是受嚴重感染死亡 國際上很多醫療單位也是會採用昆蟲治療法,利如利用蛆吃掉腐爛組織,或是利用超大螞蟻的顎咬住傷口,再剪掉牠的頭,達到縫合效果
推 :肛臟那到底是啥鬼 兩大缸寒天= =146F 08/26 02:28
推 :幹...肝臟幾出來的那個好像透明粉圓喔...XD147F 08/26 02:28
→ :噁心又有點上癮 = =148F 08/26 02:28
推 :幫推爆Y149F 08/26 02:29
推 :我好好奇啊 可是我好怕啊 除了鼻屎那個我都好好奇啊~~~~150F 08/26 02:29
→ :肝臟是哪一個 透明球又是哪個
→ :肝臟是哪一個 透明球又是哪個
推 :punk那個千萬別看 我認真的 我起雞皮疙瘩已經快3分鐘152F 08/26 02:30
→ :幹 可是又很有快感....
→ :幹 可是又很有快感....
hombre con la cabeza agusanada - YouTube
por increible que parezca, este hombre sobrevivio a estas heridas, solo perdio un ojo.
por increible que parezca, este hombre sobrevivio a estas heridas, solo perdio un ojo.
推 :punk那個是我認為最恐怖的= =155F 08/26 02:30
推 :我突然有點理解為什麼一堆人搶著當醫生156F 08/26 02:31
→ :阿阿阿阿阿阿阿阿阿阿阿 這個是我的極限 我看不下去...157F 08/26 02:31
推 :坦白說 不怕血的 當醫生真的感覺可以滿足求知欲..158F 08/26 02:31
推 :幹擠粉刺超爽的159F 08/26 02:33
→ :蛆蛆治療畫質好清晰,噁心到炸.............160F 08/26 02:33
→ :其實蛆治療有時候可以把你近幾乎腐爛的四肢救回來161F 08/26 02:33
→ :臨床似乎有這樣的案例
→ :臨床似乎有這樣的案例
推 :胃的感覺還好,感覺是蛔蟲?肝的好像是囊腫(查的)163F 08/26 02:33
推 :胃還是腸子那個我之前有看過 還好 XD164F 08/26 02:34
Lady Gaga - Applause (Official) - YouTube
ARTPOP out 11.11, pre-order now!! Special fan offer here Lady Gaga performing Applause. © 2013 I...
ARTPOP out 11.11, pre-order now!! Special fan offer here Lady Gaga performing Applause. © 2013 I...
推 :PUNK一堆啊 是哪個最恐怖= =166F 08/26 02:35
他在推文說 阿阿阿阿那個,說超出他極限,我已經不敢看了→ :肝臟那個會是寄生蟲嗎?感覺比較想是脂肪啊還是什167F 08/26 02:35
推 :看這影片我全身發癢168F 08/26 02:36
推 :sujung 你看最上面整理 我的一跟四169F 08/26 02:36
推 :肝的個人覺得不可怕 有種特別的氣質170F 08/26 02:36
→ :肝那個 很像寒天晶球之類的...171F 08/26 02:37
推 :就是一跟四不要看的意思172F 08/26 02:37
推 :1光是第一幕就很驚悚...173F 08/26 02:38
→ :肝臟那個會是寄生蟲嗎?感覺比較像脂肪還氣泡之類174F 08/26 02:38
推 :我看了差才真的反胃 超自虐175F 08/26 02:38
→ :是人類的腳喔 WADASHIWAKJ176F 08/26 02:39
推 :幹都好噁喔 突然想打手槍了177F 08/26 02:39
推 :幹 好想幫他擠178F 08/26 02:39
推 :這系列真讚179F 08/26 02:39
→ :硬了!180F 08/26 02:41
推 :肝臟那掉出來的東西好像撥殼奶雞喔~~~181F 08/26 02:41
推 :好噁爛...看完了 我可以自稱勇者嗎182F 08/26 02:42
推 :你是在隔個屁唷,討厭183F 08/26 02:43
推 :該怎麼忘掉這些畫面 求大大184F 08/26 02:43
Maggot Medicine - YouTube
Plenty of words come to mind at the mention of maggots. Gross, disgusting... helpful? Watch as hundreds of maggots are used to clean a woman's open wound.
Plenty of words come to mind at the mention of maggots. Gross, disgusting... helpful? Watch as hundreds of maggots are used to clean a woman's open wound.
推 :你只要去GOOGLE搜尋2 GIRL 1 CUP的影片 你就忘掉了186F 08/26 02:46
推 :全部看完了 擠黑頭粉刺的超爽187F 08/26 02:46
推 :乾深夜噁爛特輯188F 08/26 02:47
推 :其實有些影片沒有蛆幫忙吃腐肉~應該早得敗血症掛點了189F 08/26 02:48
→ :我記得我看過一部更大顆的鼻屎的190F 08/26 02:49
推 :宵夜文191F 08/26 02:50
Decomposition of a Baby Pig - YouTube
Dr. Jerry Payne's time lapse movie of the decomposition of a baby pig. For a preview of a full length doc on him and his work go to The ...
Dr. Jerry Payne's time lapse movie of the decomposition of a baby pig. For a preview of a full length doc on him and his work go to The ...
Necrotizing Fasciitis - Mrs. Karunawathi needs Your Help ! - YouTube "Karunawathi" is her name. It means "The Compassionate woman" Her full name is Manthrie Dewag...
推 :壓驚為什麼是用Lady Gaga新歌的MV啦 XDD194F 08/26 02:51
推 :肝臟的那個影片應該是絛蟲寄生 不曉得是單房性還是多房性195F 08/26 02:52
推 :擠黑頭粉刺一開始畫面有點噁,看到後來有種舒暢感196F 08/26 02:53
推 :那也太大 平常自己鼻子擠出來超爽的!!“197F 08/26 02:53
推 :Lady Gaga 新歌美麗時尚 轉移一下注意力198F 08/26 02:54
推 :看到那些人被蛀的 就覺得自己幸福很多....199F 08/26 02:54
推 :跪求神人解釋肝臟那個是什麼東西200F 08/26 02:56
推 :肝臟究竟怎麼一回事......要怎麼預防這種事發生在自己身上201F 08/26 02:58
要睡了,大家加油...到底要怎麼長出這種鼻屎...推 :最大鼻屎 剛出來真的很像屎... (有醫生在嗎?203F 08/26 03:01
推 :半夜無聊人這麼多 XDD204F 08/26 03:01
推 :我猜他打噴嚏時應該會有"噗~"的聲音205F 08/26 03:07
推 :幹我全看完 好反胃206F 08/26 03:12
推 :半夜看這是想嚇死誰XD207F 08/26 03:20
推 :誰可以跟我說小豬那個 一堆紫色的球球是什麼嗎?208F 08/26 03:25
推 :看得好爽209F 08/26 03:27
→ :沒一個敢點的啦... 看推文就快吐了210F 08/26 03:28
推 :幹超噁211F 08/26 03:30
推 :我覺得這些比鬼片還恐怖212F 08/26 03:31
推 :loveing小豬自然分解的過程學術性不噁心 我只是好奇小球是.213F 08/26 03:33
推 :幹你娘, 第一次看到連結不敢點的.....214F 08/26 03:33
推 :原影片那個是在挖種子嗎? 推文居然爆了XD215F 08/26 03:35
推 :肝臟那個應該是包蟲病216F 08/26 03:40
推 :幹!這篇居然爆了!剛剛看明明才十幾推而已啊...XD217F 08/26 03:46
推 :幹 我竟然每個都看完了....218F 08/26 03:49
→ :幹一個都不敢點219F 08/26 03:54
→ :...我的粉刺原來沒什麼220F 08/26 03:58
噓 :...................................221F 08/26 04:01
推 :反胃..222F 08/26 04:11
推 :><223F 08/26 04:26
推 :我居然無法阻止自己繼續看...真是在練心理素質的224F 08/26 04:32
推 :好噁...可是看完好爽...225F 08/26 04:52
→ :.... 喜歡這種影片的人真的是有特殊癖好.非常人能理解226F 08/26 04:57
推 :應該是覺得一次把一堆髒東西排出體外的感覺很爽227F 08/26 04:59
推 :媽的看註解沒一個想看的229F 08/26 06:57
推 :這篇太噁了230F 08/26 07:01
推 :肝弄出來一顆一顆白白是什麼?231F 08/26 07:06
推 :看了2個影片就頭好痛....@@233F 08/26 07:14
噓 :噁心怒噓234F 08/26 07:17
推 :幹!!!消夜文....235F 08/26 07:21
噓 :幹 看了會上癮236F 08/26 07:27
推 :我看到第四個影片就放棄了,太噁!237F 08/26 07:41
推 :雖然很想看但剛看了太多篇蟲的文 噁心中238F 08/26 07:46
→ :什麼啦!!!!我在吃早餐ㄟ!!!!239F 08/26 08:14
噓 :靠腰喔242F 08/26 09:13
推 :噁243F 08/26 09:14
推 :原po傲嬌魂244F 08/26 09:30
推 :為什麼這麼噁心的文章會爆245F 08/26 09:51
→ :太噁心了..看了難過246F 08/26 10:05
推 :幹 挖耳屎放這麼陽光的音樂做什247F 08/26 10:05
→ :鼻屎那個好噁248F 08/26 10:15
推 :光看描述就覺得噁心~249F 08/26 10:39
噓 :讓我想吐 怒噓= =250F 08/26 10:47
推 :這麼多精彩影片 只有幾個人看到太可惜了 幫高調251F 08/26 10:54
推 :現在快吃午飯了 我好猶豫到底要不要點開來看 = =""252F 08/26 11:36
推 :優文請給M253F 08/26 11:49
※ 編輯: WADASHIWAKJ 來自: (08/26 11:56)推 :邊吃中餐邊看著個..感覺食物味道有點怪怪的254F 08/26 12:14
推 :幹!只看一個久受不了了255F 08/26 12:16
推 :中餐文?256F 08/26 12:18
推 :幹~~我就在吃不下了還看到這篇!257F 08/26 12:20
推 :...這篇在整理三小Orz258F 08/26 12:24
噓 :餓了259F 08/26 12:34
推 :噁.....從粉刺到長蟲 太恐怖了吧? = =a260F 08/26 12:45
推 :看了會上癮261F 08/26 13:27
推 :看完這篇會很想幫老人擠粉刺 P大那個肝臟真的太噁了想吐262F 08/26 13:54
噓 :太噁了幹 78263F 08/26 13:58
4樓 時間: 2013-08-26 12:45:51 (台灣)
08-26 12:45 TW