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※ 本文為 doracacazin 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-10-13 23:32:21
看板 LoL
作者 cat0405 (<ゝω・) 油洗!☆ )))
標題 Re: [外絮] CLG.EU Froggen AMA(翻譯)
時間 Sat Oct 13 23:01:31 2012

CLG.EU Froggen AMA : leagueoflegends
Hey guys n girls and all the lovely anivia players Basically i have 5 hours of freetime so i decided to do an AMA. We are out of season2 and some of... ...



Hi Froggen, first of all i d like to say that it was a blast watching you
guys play, you did your best and you guys were awesome, here's my question if
i may, i kinda was wondering what kinda runes do you use on orianna if it's
possible All Hail CLG Eu

什麼符文嗎?最後就是 CLG.EU 萬歲!

i cant remember, i ran standard ap runes in all matches though

我不記得了欸,應該就跟我平常比賽用的 AP 符文差不多吧。

Hey Froggen,
Hope you and your team are doing alright and getting some rest, I am a huge
fan of you guys. I think you all honestly played some of the best games
League of Legends has ever seen. I will honestly never forget the "longest
day" aka Day 3 - my friends and I streamed from my house and watched all day
hoping to see you guys beat WE. Beyond that, you guys are ALWAYS so positive,
happy and joking around. This is what sets you apart from the other teams
because there is so much comradery between all 5 of you. All of this will
help you guys so much in the long run, and this goes beyond League - it shows
your guys' true character and I respect you guys so deeply for that. CLG.eu
will always be the team I root for and I look forward to seeing you guys in
future tournaments!
That being said, first of all, how are you guys holding up? Do you think you
will stick to your usual competitive picks (Anivia, Karthus, Orianna) or
expand a little bit? What's your opinion on running champions or assassins
like Ahri, Diana, or Evelynn in competitive? It seemed to really catch TPA
off guard when M5 played an assassin mid (Eve). Do you think Galio is a
viable pick mid competitive?

嘿佛根,希望你們都還 OK 並且有充分地放鬆休息,我是你們的大粉絲。我覺得你們都打
出了相當精采的比賽,而且我永遠不會忘記「史上最久的比賽」,也就是第 3 天的賽事。
我和我朋友整天都待在我家看比賽直播,期待看到你們打爆 WE。不過更重要的是,你們總
你們,我真的對你們每個人都感到非常敬佩。我會一直支持著 CLG.EU,並且期待你們在未

展?你覺得像阿璃、黛安娜或伊芙琳這類的刺客角怎麼樣?當時 TPA 看起來被 M5 的中路
Eve 整慘了。另外你覺得中路加里歐可行嗎?

We will try to change the way our team currently plays and we will be more
about early game than just turtle it away and be better in teamfights. The
reason i haven't been playing assasin champions etc is because we have always
been used to have a mid that can control the teamfight,
anivia/karthus/orianna/morgana/galio/kennen we only played ahri who doesnt
have that control but instead snowballs insanely hard. we will be doing some
fun stuff for season3 which might suprise people and I hope it will and I
would love to show it at IPL5 too

力,但她的雪球滾起來會非常可怕。我們在 S3 或許會有令大家驚喜的有趣玩意兒,我希
望也願意在 IPL5 的時候表現給大家看。

Hey Froggen, you are so damn good at landing Anivia Q. How do you predict
where the enemy is going and to hit him? Besides basics like when he's going
for a CS, I feel like there's some next level shit that's going through your
head every time you play her.

嘿佛根,你冰鳥的 Q 根本夭壽神準啊!你是怎麼預測敵人的動向的?除了他們要去吃小兵

look at the opponents movement, usually your opponenets will walk in the same
line through the entire laning phase... thats the weakness of most mids


With how much Orianna got played by everyone in the tournament, do you think
there are going to be any nerfs for her?

球女在這次比賽飛這麼高,你覺得她要被 nerf 了嗎?

as ive been saying a thousand times before orianna buffs were pathetic and no
reason to give her those buffs/changes at all. i used to play orianna before
all those changes/buffs and she was balanced back then and people still
banned it against us. they might give her some slight nerfs but i dont think
they want to change too much about her atm

我之前講過了 N 遍,球女根本就不需要那些 buff 跟改變。在那之前我很常玩球女,那時
她已經夠平衡了,而且對手也會 BAN 她來抵制我們。球女應該會被 nerf 一點,但我不覺

What is your opinion on AP Tristana?

你覺得 AP 砲娘如何?

When she could explode the minions with spells i really liked her.. now she
is more of a snowballer like leblanc and she can get counterpicked too easily
and people will just 1vs2 an ap tristana


How do you feel about TPA winning vs M5?

你對 TPA 贏 M5 有什麼感想?

it was unexpected but im so happy to see stanley play nidalee, thats how tpa
won their first scrims against us, annoying nidalee is annoying

出乎意料,但我很高興能看到史丹立玩 Nid,TPA 就是靠這個第一次贏了跟我們的團練。

Goals for S3?
personal and as a team.

在 S3 對於個人和隊伍的目標?

Be a better cook - also I want people to practise more champions instead of
play random champs in soloq

當一個更好的 cook(這邊指的是啥啊,不會真的是廚師吧?囧)。還有我希望隊員能練習
更多的英雄,而不是在 soloQ 中隨便亂玩。

what do you think you need to improve on for season 3?

你覺得你們在 S3 需要改進什麼?

more versatile champions on every single lane, more aggresive less
predictive, already doing a good job at lvl 1s


If Anivia existed in real life, would you mate with her?


Already did and Annie is my little child <3

已經在一起了唷,安妮就是我們的小孩。 <3

Wickd's champion pool too small?

Wickd 會的英雄是不是太少了?

atm yes. but i think its because he is spamming irelia/jayce because they are
really strong, so he wont get any practise with other champions and then we
have a problem when those 2 will get banned

以他才沒有練其他英雄,不過也因為這樣只要這兩隻被 BAN 我們就麻煩大了。

Are there going to be any roster changes on CLG.eu for season 3?
Is there any champion you wish your teammates could play or would learn?

CLG.EU 在 S3 的陣容會改變嗎?有哪些英雄是你希望隊伍可以出或必須要學的?

No. I love my team and I wouldnt want to play with other players than them atm
I wish wickd would truly learn how to play an AP champion top, but all that
will be fixed for season3 and I think he realized he needs to be able to play
AP champ or atleast semi ap top like singed

不會。我喜歡我的隊伍,目前我不想和其他人一起玩。我希望 Wickd 可以練出一隻 AP 單
上,不過 S3 應該會有大變動。我覺得 Wickd 自己也知道它應該要至少會一隻單上 AP,
或者起碼要像辛吉德這種半 AP 角色。

What did you think of the anivia that took down moscow 5 in the other
semifinals? Was it just alex ich's gragas looking worse than normal, or do
you think the changes to gragas have made it a bad matchup.

你對 M5 被冰鳥打爆有什麼看法?是單純因為 Alex 的酒桶沒有發揮水準嗎?還是之前酒
桶的變動讓他在比賽中變得不 OK?

actually it hurt my soul to see so many missed ultimates and q's from toyz..
i really hope he wont play anivia in the finals because it can cost them the
game against azubu frost cause they will know what to do. I know toyz is
playing a really good vlad and vlad is good against gragas so i dont see why
he wouldnt play vlad... on another note: im really looking forward to
rapidstar vs toyz

其實看到 Toyz 的冰鳥 miss 這麼多大絕和 Q 我還蠻傷心的…我覺得他們在冠亞賽不該再
出冰鳥,因為 Azubu Frost 會知道怎麼對付他。我知道 Toyz 的吸血鬼很強,吸血鬼打酒
桶非常 OK,所以我不知道他為啥不出吸血鬼。另外,我很期待看到 Toyz 跟 rapidstar


what were you thinking when the internet got cut off just when you were about
to win?


at first we were mad about that can even happen, but i respect their decision
and i can kinda understand it. i just hope it will never happen again and
honestly it was a harder kick in the face when i got to know we wouldnt even
finish our match that day cause all of us felt good..


How do you feel about Evelynn as an AP mid? Do you think she can be shut down
easily, or does her ability to roam make it hard for other AP mids to deal
with her?

你覺得伊芙琳當中路 AP 如何?你覺得她很好解決嗎?還是因為她的 roam 能力會讓她變

you can shut her down if you know how to! i know all the brasillians know how
to _^

只要知道方法,就可以很輕鬆地解決她。我很清楚要怎麼打爆 Eve。 ^_^
(brasillians 是什麼意思啊? OTZ)

Pls answer this 2 questions :)
1. Top 5 Ap carrys every MID player must know to play?
2. What are the most common mistakes mid players do in lane that make
difference between good and great player?

1. 中路都應該要會玩的 5 隻 AP 英雄?
2. 哪些最常見的差別可以區分出中路高手和神手?

1. whatever you feel comfortable on, it doesnt even need to be an AP champion
for mid.
2. when to put pressure and when to farm wraiths

1. 選你上手的就好,甚至不一定要是 AP 英雄。
2. 知道何時該給對手施加壓力,還有何時該吃四鬼。


1) I think everyone would like some comments on the recent semi-final match
against AF. How do you guys evaluate yourself in the matches, what could you
have done better, what did you do wrong etc?

1) 我覺得大家應該都會想知道準決賽和 AF 打的感想。你們對自己有什麼評價呢?像是

In general we dont evaluate tournament matches but i feel like these
matches we played against azubu frost/WE made us see we still have a lot to
learn. Not gonna go indept with what we couldve done better, i think one of the
main things is we are bad at keep getting further and further ahead when we win
early game.

一般來說我們不會對比賽做評價,但在和 Azubu Frost 和 WE 打過後,我們發現我們還有

2) What is up with all the cheating thing!! o.O I see reddit posts about it
everywhere but I was at school. Did they cheat, how? Or what?

2) 作弊事件到底是怎麼回事啊? o.O 我在 reddit 上到處都看到這個,可是我當時人在

It was just the minimap behind them they possible looked at, i dont see a
reason to talk about this though, if you research a bit you will get all the
answers you are looking for.


3) HAVE YOU GUYS HAD AN AMAZING TIME OR WHAT?! :D It's so nice to see you
guys being happy and trolly at tourneys, gotta bring that anivia dance out on
the dancefloor. Maybe some karaoke bar one day, yes, CLG.eu boyband 2stronk!

3) 你們玩得超開心的對吧!看到你們耍白目真的很好玩,還有大跳冰鳥舞。改天應該要
來個卡拉 OK,CLG.EU 樂團太屌了!

We did have a good time and we really like the way s2 has been. If we came to
the finals i wouldve considered doing the anivia dance for sure!

我們真的玩得很開心,也很喜歡 S2 世界冠軍賽。如果我們真的有進決賽的話我絕對會毫

4) How is Miguel?

4) Miguel 如何?

He is being Miguel the kupo (nobody understands the kupo part because they
dont know what happened with deman and jatts notes!)

(拍寫這題我整個跨謀,Miguel 是誰? 囧)

5) Does Snoopeh's stare kill if you look at him too long?

5) 如果你一直盯著史努比看的話真的會被他瞪死嗎?

Not if you are lee sin


6) Just laying out an idea here, you and Wickd doing some cool stuff in
Denmark later this year? Maybe for fans, meet-up, danish community stuff or
something :)?

6) 只是一個想法,你和 Wickd 有可能在今年為丹麥來個什麼特別的玩意兒嗎?像是粉絲

I doubt we gonna do anything like that since im not sure what wickd will be
doing and im not that close to any big city, i would possibly do it if there
is a lot of interest for it.

恐怕我們沒辦法做類似的東西,因為我不知道 Wickd 接下來要做什麼,而我住的地方附近

7) The clip from the WE match where you guys catch out Nocturne and kill
everyone to win the game and going 1-1, was that your inner anivia screech
surfacing right there? :D Btw so inspirational to watch that somehow.

7) 在 WE 的夜曲衝向你們的那瞬間,你內心是不是有一隻小冰鳥燃燒了呢?順便一提那場

it was my inner froggen~


What makes a person a successful mid player in soloQ? Is it always buying 1-2
wards when you back to buy or just playing safe mid and farming up for
mid/late game?

在 soloQ 當一個成功的中路玩家的關鍵是什麼?是每次回家的時候都要帶一兩隻眼嗎?還

being able to counterpick or just outroam the opponent, easiest way to win
soloq cause people like to rage at eachother if people go on eachothers lanes

用選角康特對方,或是去別線亂;這是在 soloQ 時最簡單的獲勝方法,因為有別線的人來

What do you think, what could your team have done to win the last game?
What was the Problem in the 2. after your awesome win in the 1. Game?
Will you consider pickin up new Mid Champs on Tourney Level like Eve, maybe
Xerath, longer forgotten Heroes who are strong but underplayed.
Maybe even a Froggen TF? =D
Still congratz for the Games, you rocked !

機會看到你玩 TF? =D


we shouldnt try to do the impossible and we need to have a clue what we
should do after a fast laning.
in the second game we couldnt poke and we basically fell behind on all lanes
vs a snowball comp so its really hard to get back from that, also people
didnt have fast enough reactions
I already do play TF a lot and I love that champion but my team - specially
wickd - doesnt feel comfortable when we are playing that champion

我們應該盡可能地放手去做,並且在 fast laning(抱歉不太確定這是指什麼)後應該理
出個頭緒知道接著該做什麼。在第二場比賽中我們沒辦法 poke,基本上我們全線崩潰,很

我其實有在玩 TF 而且我也很喜歡他,但是我的隊伍,特別是 Wickd,覺得和 TF 一起玩

"I love Anivia"
But I thought Kanade was your waifu? Or do you have 2 waifus?


secretly she is anivia

How do you feel towards all the support CLG.eu has gotten?

對於所有對 CLG.EU 的支持你有什麼感想?

its the most awesome thing in the world. i will definately do my best to
repay all the fans for that awesome support


tits or ass?

ㄋㄟ ㄋㄟ 還是屁屁?

I believe you asked me before in my AMA a couple of months ago ~ the answer
will stay at "both"

你是不是在前幾個月的 AMA 問過問一樣的問題?答案還是一樣,我兩個都要。
(佛根你好貪心唷! >///<)
(發問的鄉民表示他沒問過,不過題目的確是學別人的。 XD)




How my girlfriend feels when I wake up wanting sex.


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◆ From:
Aprildie    :不愧是鳥神,玩成這樣還是覺得Toyz的功力不夠1F 10/13 23:03
Aprildie    :那我知道要怎麼殺掉佛根了,等冰鳥免費周強迫他在旁
Aprildie    :邊看那些人玩冰鳥
gox1117     :\你們都是我的翅膀阿/4F 10/13 23:06
jeffreyshe  :球女又要陷入nerf沒人玩 buff高端op的迴圈惹嗎5F 10/13 23:06
qe70r178rl  :XDDDD6F 10/13 23:08
Dix123      :PUSH熱心7F 10/13 23:08
kducky      :TPA二隊取名叫TAB吧 Taipei Angel Beats 佛根搞不好8F 10/13 23:09
kducky      :跳槽過來(誤
fallengunman:譯得好!10F 10/13 23:10
…靠腰他是說所有巴西人都知道怎麼打爆 Eve 嗎?Whyyyyy? <囧>

charles716  :推翻譯12F 10/13 23:11
petersos80  :巴西魔豆13F 10/13 23:13
? 所以是 Morde 康特 Eve 的意思?

thewid      :知道怎麼打EVE沒有用 因為EVE是殺你隊友..14F 10/13 23:14
zxc15793    :翻譯推XD15F 10/13 23:15
strayway    :fast laning 我想應該是快速的稱線期吧16F 10/13 23:17
strayway    :韓國現在都很快就5人集中推塔 稱線期相當短 不給你農
odin1206    :兩個都要XDDD18F 10/13 23:19
Homeparty   :鳥神不是講假的..19F 10/13 23:19
gagoga      :佛根大概覺得冰鳥Q miss是很神奇的20F 10/13 23:24
CHISN       :佛根不解冰鳥都是指定技,為何還會MISS?21F 10/13 23:25
potionx     :佛根:讓我玩冰鳥早就打暴他們了!22F 10/13 23:26
a127        :佛根表示TOYZ的冰鳥還不到家XDDD 有夠誇張23F 10/13 23:26
就像哈下覺得自己的 Nid 還是比史丹立強一樣。 ww
※ 編輯: cat0405         來自:       (10/13 23:28)
peachteagif :夠了啊..太強就沒冰鳥可以用了24F 10/13 23:30
CKnightalker:HS的Nid真的超強的啊!!!25F 10/13 23:30

※ 看板: Doracacazin 文章推薦值: 1 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 145 
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