※ 本文為 topchris.bbs. 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-03-12 10:36:10
看板 SuperHeroes
作者 標題 [情報] the Flash 全身照 現身
時間 Wed Mar 12 00:36:01 2014
'The Flash' first full body costume photo | Inside TV | EW.com
Ready ... set ... poll! Here's the first full-body photo of The Flash in costume, tell us what you think below. The CW previously unveiled a close-up of The Flash's helmet, but this is the first time we've seen the entire costume. ...
這身裝扮... 跟復仇者版隊長的衣服有得比了= ="
如果要上大螢幕 希望有得換一套... XDDDD
回顧 大頭照
The CW's 'The Flash': First photo in costume | Inside TV | EW.com
Yes, there is a lightning bolt. Here's the first photo of actor Grant Gustin as Barry Allen for the first time dressed as The Flash. For now, The CW and studio Warner Bros. are just revealing the mask. ...
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※ 編輯: REDBLUEr 來自: (03/12 00:37)
推 :糟糕我覺得像sheldon...Orz1F 03/12 00:39
推 :超像XDDDD2F 03/12 00:44
推 :DD走錯棚?3F 03/12 00:51
推 :Sheldon+1XDDDDDDDD4F 03/12 00:52
推 :也有點像 DD5F 03/12 00:56
推 :超醜6F 03/12 01:04
推 :這角度也取的太囧了,照片一回事,影集上動起來另一回事啦7F 03/12 01:05
→ :假面騎士就常常這樣,看設定圖和劇照很糟,實際播出還OK
→ :假面騎士就常常這樣,看設定圖和劇照很糟,實際播出還OK
→ :老實說我覺得當年惡搞的中國隊長還比較好看 XDD9F 03/12 01:10
→ :醜到一個極致...10F 03/12 01:12
推 :希望Arrow S2e20就能看到這樣的flash11F 03/12 02:41
推 :這角度真的超醜...12F 03/12 03:28
推 :改動好大Orz13F 03/12 08:44
→ :希望劇組會先放在Arrow試水溫... XDDD14F 03/12 09:37
※ 看板: CookyCat 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 182