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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2020-07-22 13:26:04
看板 car
作者 caeasonfb (eason)
標題 [新聞] 2020上半年全球召回汽車總數toyota居冠
時間 Wed Jul 22 12:13:22 2020

Vehicle Recalls Top More than 13 Million in First Six Months of 2020, Toyota Leads the Chart
Ford, Volvo, and Fiat Chrysler Automobiles took the second, third and fourth position with 3.9 million, 2.9 million and 1.7 million car recalls respec ...


Vehicle Recalls Top More than 13 Million in First Six Months of 2020, Toyota
Leads the Chart

Safety flaws and other issues have led to the recall of more than 13 million
vehicles globally so far. To date, Toyota is the automaker to have recalled
the most vehicles in 2020, according to a report published by Finbold.

Between January 1 and July 13, 2020, a total of 13,362,759 vehicle units were
recalled to garages around the world for technical checks that mainly related
to safety flaws.

Japanese automaker Toyota issued the most recalls (3.9 million), well ahead
of Ford (2.9 million), and Volvo (2.8 million). Behind the top three and in
descending order were Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (1.7 million), Honda (1.4
million), Kia (244,000), Hyundai (207,000), Nissan (49,220), Mazda (24,000)
and Volkswagen (16,098).




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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/car/M.1595391205.A.E83.html
refgdata: 看ptt車版以為福特馬自達召回第ㄧ勒1F 07/22 12:16
nbarepeat: 負責2F 07/22 12:17
nbarepeat: 超前部署
missile: 因為賣得多,召回也多!看看垃圾菌,想召回都沒車可以召回4F 07/22 12:18
missile: 。
dearjohn: 換作其他廠商當成沒出事就沒事 www6F 07/22 12:18
j401f2: 白痴都知道要看召回率7F 07/22 12:19
yytseng: ptt車版: 福斯作弊不意外;2B1A 摸頭,不肯負責8F 07/22 12:19
inconspicous: 河粉繼續了不起負責,他牌就是暑修9F 07/22 12:19
tonyd: 只有我覺得蠻故意的嗎?QQ10F 07/22 12:19
inconspicous: 然後妥善率繼續抱著自嗨11F 07/22 12:19
Asmark: 福斯全球銷售量跟豐田差不多呀12F 07/22 12:20
neverfly: 明明有列其它廠商召回數,怎麼得到沒出事當沒事的結論?13F 07/22 12:20
hanchueh: Tesla: 014F 07/22 12:21
rrazer: 就說嘛  買車就是要買Mazda  次豪華品牌  平價價格 推15F 07/22 12:21
lucky945: 召回越多越負責好嗎 T酸滾16F 07/22 12:21
z85917131: 妥善高要改口成召回次數高!了不起負責了嗎?17F 07/22 12:25
mmppeegg: 越來越相信有人在車板操作下車文 大家不要中計!18F 07/22 12:26
z85917131: mpeg現在上車還來得及嗎19F 07/22 12:27
mmppeegg: 你有錢當然來得及啊XD20F 07/22 12:28
GooglePlus: 豐田就是有良心21F 07/22 12:29
joe51408: 豐田就是行22F 07/22 12:29
yijin860228: 暑假各種T黑都跑出來 銷量高+後勤好=招回高 懂?23F 07/22 12:30
gino321: 召回 跟 擺爛 二選一24F 07/22 12:31
esienhour: 賣車前應該先調教好,不要急著拼銷量25F 07/22 12:35
geniept: 了不起負責好嗎26F 07/22 12:38
fuhoren: 部分事實27F 07/22 12:38
yichi24: 一台都賣不出去的Luxgen豈不是召回數最少28F 07/22 12:43
aowen: 頭又大叫召回 福特叫上課 懂?29F 07/22 12:46
willie1020: 所以比較想直接上法律課對吧?30F 07/22 12:48
mullis: 這種新聞專騙不懂的人31F 07/22 12:48
amgn997: 負責,了不起32F 07/22 12:49
TonyAsa: 沒性能沒操控只求妥善率的車結果連妥善都沒有 可憐吶33F 07/22 12:50
athraugh: 有召回, 不錯啊34F 07/22 12:52
MKIU: 有些還沒招到的樣子36F 07/22 12:56
MotleyCrue: 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈37F 07/22 12:57
ASAHI5566: 車版最愛的品牌怎可能召回這麼多?38F 07/22 12:57
※ 編輯: caeasonfb ( 臺灣), 07/22/2020 12:59:39
googee002: 看%啊有沒有87%?39F 07/22 13:03
MK47: 靠要 應該沒人想拿這個冠軍吧XDDD40F 07/22 13:05
lwamp: 了不起 負責41F 07/22 13:07
QQ5566: 因為馬自達不召回 車主才去交通部呀42F 07/22 13:07
younggo14: 誰負責、誰擺爛知道了吧43F 07/22 13:12
BIGETC: 特斯拉:ota44F 07/22 13:13
love9: 召回越多越負責 T粉表示欣慰45F 07/22 13:13
Magic0312: 反觀雙福,都叫車主自己開來上課46F 07/22 13:14
gtoselina: 好多T黑,這麼負責的車廠被講成這樣47F 07/22 13:14
LiamTiger: 不管啦 噴水馬自大 難怪你會遲到48F 07/22 13:17
applesck: 豐田的時代早過去了49F 07/22 13:20

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