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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-10-15 10:33:39
看板 MobileComm
作者 omegame (灼眼的粉絲)
標題 [情報] 三星Note4贏得Phonearena相機盲選第一
時間 Tue Oct 14 21:17:08 2014

Samsung Galaxy Note 4 wins our blind camera comparison, iPhone 6 is distant second
Last week we had the chance to review the Samsung Galaxy Note 4, and one of the many things we liked about it was its 16MP camera. Apparently, there's a huge chunk of readers who are impressed by the snapper as well, judging by the results from our blind camera comparison. As you can surely guess, t ...


Last week we had the chance to review the Samsung Galaxy Note 4, and one of
the many things we liked about it was its 16MP camera. Apparently, there's a
huge chunk of readers who are impressed by the snapper as well, judging by
the results from our blind camera comparison. As you can surely guess, the
Samsung Galaxy Note 4 got first place. With nearly 43% of the votes, it ended
up miles ahead of the iPhone 6, which got second place. The latter received a
bit over 22% of all votes.

With a not-so-impressive result of under 12%, the Samsung Galaxy S5 finished
in third place, followed by the year-old Samsung Galaxy Note 3 with 11% of
the votes. Even further behind we have the Sony Xperia Z3, which only 7% of
our readers favored. Last in line, with less than 5% of all votes we have the
LG G3, which didn't do as well as it did in our previous comparisons.

But we're not done here. Our in-depth camera comparison pitting the Note 4
against other high-ends is coming soon, and it will be interesting to see how
well it holds its ground in more challenging shooting scenarios. Stay tuned,
and thanks to all 6179 of you who voted!

上周我們有幸測評了三星Galaxy Note4,以及我們眾多喜愛之一的1600萬圖元的攝像頭。

三星Galaxy Note4以43%得票率的獲得第一,而iPhone6以22%的得票率獲得第二。顯然,


,三星Galaxy Note 4以近43%的得票率拿到第一名。其遠勝於得到第二名的iPhone6。

得票率在12%以下的手機則映象不那麼深刻,三星Galaxy S5以12%的得票率在第三名,其
次是一年前三星Galaxy Note3獲得了11%的得票。得票率更低的索尼Xperia Z3,只得到了
7%的讀者青睞。最後一位,少於5%得票率的LG G3,在我們的比較中做得不那麼好。


Note4 43%
iPhone6 22%
Galaxy S5 12%
Xperia Z3 7%
LG G3 5%

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MobileComm/M.1413292631.A.651.html
tf310244    : 更正一下G4吧1F 10/14 21:22
l11k755013  : LG G4 5% +超過30分心得沒100字,歡樂洗文章???????2F 10/14 21:30
hbk20491    : 不可信 一定又是買3F 10/14 21:36
leo255112   : 三星就是爛   一定是買的4F 10/14 21:44
Z100        : 沒有htc參賽一定是怕了5F 10/14 21:47
※ 編輯: omegame (, 10/14/2014 21:48:04
tangolosss  : 真的 沒有htc 就是怕htc拿第一嘛 自慰比賽 不意外!!6F 10/14 21:48
※ 編輯: omegame (, 10/14/2014 21:50:40
JuiFu617    : 怎麼可能每次note盲測都拿第一?7F 10/14 21:57
newline     : 在htc板po這種文 真是過分  無視中8F 10/14 21:58
assassio    : 三星一堆新聞   好多9F 10/14 22:08
ctotw       : 商務機相機卻最好?拿S5感覺好特別10F 10/14 22:08
ctotw       : LG連車尾燈都看不到 比Z3還差
BadGame     : LG很少有那一個可以拿第一的 主要是平均都不錯吧12F 10/14 22:11
lsj168      : 說真的,這次N4的那根筆及照相真的不錯13F 10/14 22:14
debris      : 還是被哀鳳血虐  有差嗎14F 10/14 22:14
SnowTrance  : 等索尼曲面… hdr變dro不喜歡 16:9更不喜歡15F 10/14 22:15
nching2     : R哥:16F 10/14 22:20
aikolove    :     還是看不到愛鳳的車尾燈17F 10/14 22:22
preattyall  : 可惜了,note4背面貼顆缺角蘋果絕對大賣18F 10/14 22:24
newdash     : 擺脫不了有價無市的現實,出新機也撐不起買氣19F 10/14 22:24
preattyall  : 平民再怎麼努力,遇見不上進貴族照樣只能吃土20F 10/14 22:25
newdash     : 價格真高貴的平民,人在上海看不到有人拿三星高貴機21F 10/14 22:32
banbanzon   : 805版噪點粗會啃輪廓線條 但銳利度高不像烤肉版軟軟22F 10/14 23:03
leo255112   : 比起某牌確實算比較平民啦23F 10/14 23:38
eric112     : 硬要拿一個第一就對了,賣得好比較重要啦24F 10/14 23:57

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