※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-03-13 22:31:08
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作者 標題 [雪兒] Uber 乘車優惠序號
時間 Wed Mar 12 14:21:55 2014
詳細說明請參考官網 https://www.uber.com/cities/taipei
Uber - Taipei
The Uber app connects you with a driver at the tap of a button. Available on iPhone, Android, and at m.uber.com. ...
The Uber app connects you with a driver at the tap of a button. Available on iPhone, Android, and at m.uber.com. ...
下載 APP 後輸入此序號有NTD150乘車優惠。
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