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※ 本文為 Knuckles 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-05-21 05:16:27
看板 Beauty
作者 scarlettC ()
標題 [情報] 妮可基嫚46歲了裝可愛還這麼正..
時間 Mon May 20 11:50:38 2013

《坎城星光》The 66th Annual Cannes Film Festival | Facebook
CANNES, FRANCE - MAY 15:  Nicole Kidman attends the Opening Ceremony and 'The Great Gatsby' Premiere during the 66th Annual Cannes Film Festival at the Theatre Lumiere on May 15, 2013 in Cannes, France.   圖片來源:Getty Images  按讚加入新唐人新聞,獲取更多最新娛樂訊息!  新唐人新聞FB:http://c.ntd.tv/FBNTDNEWS


《坎城星光》The 66th Annual Cannes Film Festival | Facebook
Australian actress and member of the Feature Film Jury Nicole Kidman smiles on May 15, 2013 as she arrives for the screening of the film "The Great Gatsby" ahead of the opening of the 66th edition of the Cannes Film Festival in Cannes.   圖片來源:Getty Images  按讚加入新唐人新聞,獲取更多最新娛樂訊息!  新唐人新聞FB:http://c.ntd.tv/FBNTDNEWS

《坎城星光》The 66th Annual Cannes Film Festival | Facebook
CANNES, FRANCE - MAY 15:  Cindy Crawford attends the Opening Ceremony and 'The Great Gatsby' Premiere during the 66th Annual Cannes Film Festival at the Theatre Lumiere on May 15, 2013 in Cannes, France.   圖片來源:Getty Images  按讚加入新唐人新聞,獲取更多最新娛樂訊息!  新唐人新聞FB:http://c.ntd.tv/FBNTDNEWS

《坎城星光》The 66th Annual Cannes Film Festival | Facebook
Chinese actress Fan Bingbing poses on May 15, 2013 as she arrives for the screening of the film "The Great Gatsby" ahead of the opening of the 66th edition of the Cannes Film Festival in Cannes.  圖片來源:Getty Images  按讚加入新唐人新聞,獲取更多最新娛樂訊息!  新唐人新聞FB:http://c.ntd.tv/FBNTDNEWS

Timeline Photos | Facebook
《巨星丰采》「盲探」登坎城 華仔、鄭秀文齊走紅毯  港星劉德華、鄭秀文和香港導演杜琪峯合作的最新電影《盲探》擠身坎城影展「午夜特別放映」,帥氣不減的華仔和Sammi一同出席了電影首映會。  《盲探》為杜琪峯、韋家輝、劉德華及鄭秀文這群黃金陣容繼《孤男寡女》和《瘦身男女》後,時隔12年再度合作的電影,題材屬懸疑緊張的「福爾摩斯」類型。而為了精準演出電影中「盲探」這個角色,劉德華在拍戲半年前就特別到盲人中心學習,開

《坎城星光》The 66th Annual Cannes Film Festival | Facebook
Taiwanese director and member of the Feature Film Jury Ang Lee smiles as he arrives on stage on May 15, 2013 during the opening of the 66th edition of the Cannes Film Festival in Cannes. Cannes, one of the world's top film festivals, opens on May 15 and will climax on May 26 with awards selected by a jury headed this year by Hollywood legend Steven Spielberg.   圖片來源:Getty Images  按讚加入新唐人新聞,獲取更多最新娛樂訊息!  新唐人新聞FB:http://c.ntd.tv/FBNTDNEWS

《坎城星光》The 66th Annual Cannes Film Festival | Facebook
CANNES, FRANCE - MAY 15:  Actor David Hasselhoff (R) and Hayley Roberts attend the Opening Ceremony and 'The Great Gatsby' Premiere during the 66th Annual Cannes Film Festival at the Theatre Lumiere on May 15, 2013 in Cannes, France.  圖片來源:Getty Images  按讚加入新唐人新聞,獲取更多最新娛樂訊息!  新唐人新聞FB:http://c.ntd.tv/FBNTDNEWS


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bond30422:你不懂海灘遊俠有多帥1F 05/20 12:10
jingjenking:我不行2F 05/20 12:28
CosPlayHeat:交給樓下3F 05/20 12:53
anticat:有李麥克耶~4F 05/20 12:56
tibon:妮可基嫚真的很美5F 05/20 13:53
m6dj942k7:麥克雞塊 妮可基嫚6F 05/20 14:19
Devillian:樓上年紀有一定歲數了...7F 05/20 14:29
andy199113:應該有美容過8F 05/20 14:43
llrjv:夥計!!!9F 05/20 15:05
pasaword:有人暴露出年齡了  噗噗10F 05/20 15:15
m6dj942k7:腦筋急轉彎可是我小時候最喜歡的課外讀物!!家裡有一整套11F 05/20 17:04
pussycat2009:她有承認去進廠鈑烤...12F 05/20 21:26
papatata:辛蒂克勞馥!!!13F 05/20 23:30

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