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※ 本文為 Knuckles 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-03-07 18:02:34
看板 Beauty
作者 MrTen (Ian Curtis)
標題 Re: [正妹] Kate Upton
時間 Wed Mar  7 16:22:37 2012

票選 2012比基尼女郎TOP 1

Kate Upton Banned Super Bowl Commercial - The Southwest Patty Melt at Carl's Jr and Hardee's - YouTube Kate Upton was way too hot for the Super Bowl so they would not allow this one to air. If you look closely, her boob pops out on purpose a few times through ...



瞪眼大賽 看其他地方就輸了
Kate Upton - Sobe Staring Contest - YouTube
Online version of Kate Upton Sobe staring contest. Visit sobe.com to try it.


※ 引述《Durinn (都靈)》之銘言:
: 表特首PO
: 看到八卦板某篇文章推文的連結, 覺得這個美國模特兒整個是我的菜, 超正~
: 所以我跑來表特搜尋, 居然沒人分享過
: Kate Upton
: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U62stubaal4  (八卦板看來的連結)
Kate Upton: Swimsuit Superstar! - YouTube
http://www.Bikini.com Meet voluptuous Kate Upton, the super-hot supermodel that's steaming up the swimsuit world. She's a champion horseback rider - but it's...

: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FcJScBLIEX4  (u2b搜到的, 很可愛!)
: 也有臉書但我不知道是不是本尊
: 補個wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kate_Upton
: 其他資訊就請自己搜尋囉
: 附註: 我迷戀的是美腿+偏圓潤的臉, 絕不是那個一直抖動的果凍 ><

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a0121jacob:推1F 03/07 16:44
EEERRIICC:完全無法抵抗。。。。2F 03/07 16:46
Dorian929:我一秒就輸了....3F 03/07 16:53
shinehuman:蛤? 什麼 是要看對面眼睛喔?4F 03/07 17:00
smboy71:........5F 03/07 17:07
rayser:誰受得了..6F 03/07 17:22
Sarladin:I'm typing this with one hand XDDDDDDDDD7F 03/07 17:30

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