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看板 Baseball
作者 標題 [情報] ESPN大谷交易模擬(有林昱珉)
時間 Thu Jul 20 10:17:42 2023
MLB trade deadline 2023: Hypothetical Ohtani blockbusters
MLB trade deadline 2023: Hypothetical Ohtani blockbusters - ESPN
Does your favorite team have a package that could land Ohtani? Our experts make their best offers -- and we decide which are worth the Angels' time. ...
We asked our MLB experts to play GM for nine teams that could potentially pull o
ff a deal for Ohtani, making their best possible offers to land the two-way supe
rstar, and we enlisted Jeff Passan to decide which proposals are worth the Angel
s' time.
然後由ESPN名記Jeff Passan當評審
Arizona Diamondbacks
Proposed deal: SS Jordan Lawlar, OF Alek Thomas, RHP Slade Cecconi, LHP Yu-Min L
SS Jordan Lawlar 百大NO.8
OF Alek Thomas OPS+86 5HR(前百大)
RHP Slade Cecconi 蛇蛇農場NO.9
LHP 林昱珉 蛇蛇農場NO.10
GM Jeff says ... This is a strong offer -- and I'm still inclined to say no. Whi
le Lawlar is a top-25 prospect, some scouts have doubts that he's the sort of pl
ayer around whom a deal of this magnitude could be built. Lin is a favorite, alr
eady up to Double-A having just turned 20 years old, but Thomas simply hasn't hi
t in 600 big league plate appearances and Cecconi is faltering in Triple-A. If y
ou want to consider shortstops Blaze Alexander and Jansel Luis in the deal, I'd
be a lot more willing to listen.
評審Jeff Passan:這是個強力offer,但我傾向拒絕這包
Jeff Passan:我們可以來談談的包裹
Texas Rangers
Proposed deal: RHP Brock Porter, RHP Jack Leiter, UT Ezequiel Duran, 2B Justin F
oscue, OF Yeison Morrobel
RHP Brock Porter 百大NO.61
RHP Jack Leiter 百大NO.90
UT Ezequiel Duran OPS+130 13HR
2B Justin Foscue 條子農場NO.7
OF Yeison Morrobel 條子農場NO.13
Jeff Passan:夢幻包裹
Los Angeles Dodgers
Proposed deal: RHP Brock Porter, RHP Jack Leiter, UT Ezequiel Duran, 2B Justin F
oscue, OF Yeison Morrobel
C Dalton Rushing 百大NO.47
RHP Gavin Stone 百大NO.49
RHP Emmet Sheehan 百大NO.73
RHP Ryan Pepiot 百大NO.78
RHP Nick Nastrini 躲人農場NO.9
OF Josue De Paula 躲人農場NO.10
GM Jeff says ... Um. Yes. I almost feel bad about this, because the Dodgers woul
d not do this in real life, but you know what? That's cool, because it serves as
a wonderful illustration of how good their farm system actually is. Rushing mig
ht be the best player offered in any deal, and while the O'Hoppe factor exists,
you don't say no to a player with his talent. Even if only two of the pitchers p
an out, the upside is so high -- from Sheehan's fastball to Stone's and Pepiot's
changeups to Nastrini's slider -- that you absolutely bet on any of them. And t
o get De Paula, the 18-year-old who is more than holding his own in full-season
ball, as an add-on?
評審Jeff Passan:這只是在秀躲人農場有多好而已吧XD
Jeff Passan:等你認真再打電話過的包裹
Call back when you're ready to get serious
Baltimore Orioles
Proposed deal: OF/1B Heston Kjerstad, 3B Coby Mayo, LHP Cade Povich, LHP DL Hall
OF/1B Heston Kjerstad 百大NO.36
3B Coby Mayo 百大NO.75
LHP DL Hall 金鶯農場NO.9
LHP Cade Povich 金鶯農場NO.11
Seattle Mariners
Proposed deal: SS Cole Young, CF Jonatan Clase, RHP Emerson Hancock, RHP Darren
SS Cole Young 百大NO.56
CF Jonatan Clase 水兵農場NO.10
RHP Emerson Hancock 水兵農場NO.4
RHP Darren Bowen 低A
San Francisco Giants
Proposed deal: LHP Kyle Harrison, SS Marco Luciano, LHP/DH Reggie Crawford, OF M
ike Yastrzemski
LHP Kyle Harrison 百大NO.11
SS Marco Luciano 百大NO.15
LHP/DH Reggie Crawford 巨人農場NO.9
OF Mike Yastrzemski OPS+115 11HR
Jeff Passan:先生你是不是打錯電話了XD
Sorry, you must have the wrong number
Tampa Bay Rays
Proposed deal: RHP Shane Baz, 2B/3B Curtis Mead, 1B Xavier Isaac, RHP Marcus Joh
RHP Shane Baz IP:40.1 ERA:4.02
2B/3B Curtis Mead 百大NO.32
1B Xavier Isaac 光芒NO.9
RHP Marcus Johnson 光芒NO.28
New York Yankees
Proposed deal: CF Everson Pereira, SS Trey Sweeney, RHP Chase Hampton, RHP Drew
Thorpe, 2B Jared Serna
CF Everson Pereira 洋基農場NO.4
SS Trey Sweeney 洋基農場NO.5
RHP Drew Thorpe 洋基農場NO.6
RHP Chase Hampton 洋基農場NO.24
2B Jared Serna 洋基農場NO.30
New York Mets
Proposed deal: SS Ronny Mauricio, 3B Mark Vientos, C Kevin Parada, RHP Mike Vasi
C Kevin Parada 百大NO.40
SS Ronny Mauricio 百大NO.58
3B Mark Vientos 3A
RHP Mike Vasil 梅子農場NO.8
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: zxc906383 2023-07-20 10:17:42
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1ak9b8hM (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1689819464.A.AD6.html
※ zxc906383:轉錄至看板 MLB 07/20 10:18
推 : 去國聯就沒MVP了1F 07/20 10:19
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 07/20/2023 10:19:26推 : 喂喂..電話壞了QQ2F 07/20 10:19
推 : 打錯電話是怎麼回事XD3F 07/20 10:19
→ : 怎麼覺得那些認真點再打電話的包裹就差不多了5F 07/20 10:20
推 : 巨人那包很不錯 但不覺得巨人肯6F 07/20 10:24
推 : Arte:我通通不接,謝謝7F 07/20 10:27
推 : 洋基剛剛把這個交易推遲了8F 07/20 10:28
推 : 巨人那包很爽啊 兩個百大前段 一個regular9F 07/20 10:28
推 : 躲人出德寶拉~~10F 07/20 10:28
推 : 巨人那包頗讚11F 07/20 10:29
推 : 和洋基三連戰,讓天使老闆再度有錯覺能打進季後賽12F 07/20 10:29
推 : 不想看玉米去那問天13F 07/20 10:30
→ : 這些包都不夠吸引人14F 07/20 10:30
推 : 實際上 下個系列賽打海盜打好 還是有競爭力的15F 07/20 10:31
→ : 這些包差不多吧 只有三個月的大谷耶 甚至還有點多了16F 07/20 10:32
推 : 但是8月開始賽程全部都是硬的...競爭力只有短暫17F 07/20 10:33
→ : 天使別被短暫連勝蒙住了眼睛...季後賽不存在的QQ
→ : 天使別被短暫連勝蒙住了眼睛...季後賽不存在的QQ
推 : 主要傷兵太多了……19F 07/20 10:34
→ : 交易截止日前..能不能保住5成還是個問題20F 07/20 10:34
推 : 趕快賣一賣真的別幻想今年了21F 07/20 10:35
推 : 天使交易大限之後八月賽程打大限之後打勇士、水手、巨22F 07/20 10:35
→ : 人、太鼓、條子、光芒、紅人、梅子、費城人
→ : 人、太鼓、條子、光芒、紅人、梅子、費城人
推 : 響尾蛇那包是預設林昱珉是百大前20新秀了?24F 07/20 10:39
推 : 好奇abc對響尾蛇這包怎麼看25F 07/20 10:39
推 : 我沒啥看法阿 只是看林昱珉被包進來 估計在這些球探眼中26F 07/20 10:43
→ : 他評價大概要有百大前20等級 不然魯蛇這包跟其他也差太
→ : 多
→ : 他評價大概要有百大前20等級 不然魯蛇這包跟其他也差太
→ : 多
→ : 應該是說如果真的想交易,其實call back...以下的包就很29F 07/20 10:45
→ : 值得考慮
→ : 值得考慮
→ : 玉米也包在裡面 這麼看好他31F 07/20 10:48
推 : Jeff Passan也知道道奇根本不可能出那包,當道奇盤子32F 07/20 10:48
推 : 你巨出百大11、15當主菜還被嫌 可臉33F 07/20 10:51
→ : 還有個20轟金手套決選CF鴨嘴司機
→ : 還有個20轟金手套決選CF鴨嘴司機
推 : 天使養投手的歷史...玉米不要過去比較好35F 07/20 10:55
推 : 巨人季末再搶人就好36F 07/20 10:57
→ : 大谷只有本季有爭冠實力的會想all in吧,不然不能續約留
→ : 下來太虧了
→ : 大谷只有本季有爭冠實力的會想all in吧,不然不能續約留
→ : 下來太虧了
→ : 出這麼多換來半年的使用期不划算39F 07/20 10:59
→ : 用半年只有全力要爭冠的會當一場豪賭吧40F 07/20 11:00
→ : 金鶯那個名字真的叫DL?41F 07/20 11:05
推 : 還是慢慢留在天使打好打滿吧42F 07/20 11:11
推 : 林昱珉老了後可跟孫子說:當年,我可是被認為可拿來跟43F 07/20 11:12
→ : 大谷翔交換的選手喔
→ : 大谷翔交換的選手喔
→ : 有放林那是對林的肯定45F 07/20 11:14
→ : 林:我當年是真的不差包的其中之一啦46F 07/20 11:20
→ : 真去天使搞不好可以早日上大聯盟?47F 07/20 11:23
推 : 誰買誰虧 條子出到這麼多還只是可以談談48F 07/20 11:24
推 : 看看接下來十天 天使能拼到哪吧49F 07/20 11:41
推 : 水手那包xdd50F 07/20 11:43
推 : 躲人那包也太扯51F 07/20 11:43
推 : 條子那包把Leiter換成Evan Carter我覺得可以52F 07/20 11:43
→ : 金鳥那包把Povich換成Cowser應該秒換
→ : 金鳥那包把Povich換成Cowser應該秒換
推 : 響尾蛇這包感覺最小XD54F 07/20 12:20
推 : 巨人那包+1……阿道奇那包是要確定捏?到時候翔平不留55F 07/20 12:22
→ : 直接虧爛
→ : 直接虧爛
推 : 道奇總管現在是火人 科科提才會這樣給人靴57F 07/20 12:26
推 : 躲人那個包大概要十年前的躲人才會這樣開58F 07/20 12:38
推 : 換Carter阿靈頓會暴動吧59F 07/20 13:08
→ : 條子如果拿這包換都要叫CY滾了 更別談Carter60F 07/20 13:17
推 : 巨人等季末就好,好不容易農場養起來61F 07/20 14:29
※ 看板: Baseball 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 13
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