※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2024-01-15 13:42:12
看板 Baseball
作者 標題 [分享] 鄧愷威 搭機赴美備戰新球季
時間 Sun Jan 14 21:30:45 2024
轉貼自 鄧愷威臉書專頁
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: thnlkj0665 2024-01-14 21:30:45
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1be-87iD (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1705239047.A.B0D.html
推 : 樓下W...1F 01/14 21:36
推 : B2F 01/14 21:44
推 : 加油!希望今年上去大聯盟投球3F 01/14 21:45
推 : 加油4F 01/14 21:51
推 : 加油~5F 01/14 21:56
推 : 加油6F 01/14 21:59
噓 : WBC戰犯7F 01/14 22:08
推 : 繼續崩8F 01/14 22:12
推 : 加油9F 01/14 22:25
→ : C10F 01/14 22:34
→ : 加油11F 01/14 22:46
噓 : 周玉蔻 邱毅莫忘WBC12F 01/14 22:51
推 : 季中選秀見13F 01/14 23:22
推 : 加油,不用理那些可悲酸民14F 01/14 23:41
推 : 希望今年有機會上MLB15F 01/15 00:11
推 : 加油 不要理可悲國際迷16F 01/15 01:15
推 : 加油17F 01/15 01:30
→ : WBC就是你害的 對不起國家 有多遠滾多遠 不想看到你18F 01/15 01:30
推 : 怎麼快一年了還有人在崩 快笑死19F 01/15 01:32
推 : 加油20F 01/15 01:58
推 : 加油! 希望今年也繼續升級21F 01/15 03:44
→ : 我猜去年就是他最後一次打國際賽了,真爽22F 01/15 03:56
噓 : 七球滿壘,夠屌23F 01/15 05:11
→ : 記得帶卡仔一起回來24F 01/15 07:40
推 : 加油,上大聯盟25F 01/15 07:54
推 : 加油26F 01/15 08:13
推 : 加油!27F 01/15 08:13
推 : 晚了就不要了28F 01/15 08:15
推 : 今年該上了29F 01/15 08:34
推 : 加油!30F 01/15 08:35
推 : WBC實在太印象深刻了31F 01/15 08:54
推 : WBC肯定是投教的鍋,但那種程度的壓力就自爆感覺是警訊32F 01/15 09:22
推 : 雖然WBC真的投不好 不過在美國打拼還是值得鼓勵 就事33F 01/15 09:42
→ : 論事
→ : 論事
推 : 上禮拜在Basepara 有幸近距離看到他牛棚 真的好猛35F 01/15 10:05
推 : WBC鄧根本沒時間調整,不能算他的鍋吧?36F 01/15 10:35
推 : 還在崩.…..多久了37F 01/15 10:48
推 : 要打臉酸民就是站上去大聯盟38F 01/15 12:09
推 : wbc時差都還沒調整好 硬要他上真的母湯39F 01/15 12:39
推 : 快升啦 加油40F 01/15 12:43
→ : 七球滿壘大師的噩夢.....祝.早日上MLB41F 01/15 12:45
推 : Go go!42F 01/15 13:24
※ 看板: Baseball 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 17
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1樓 時間: 2024-01-15 11:07:00 (美國)
01-15 11:07 US
#Epstein #EpsteinList #Epstein Client List Jeffrey Epstein's court files unsealed, Bill Clinton and Prince Andrew emerge as big namesCourt documents with names of people linked to sex offender and disgraced financier Jeffrey Epstein were made public Wednesday (Jan 3). Former US president Bill Clinton, Prince Andrew – a member of the UK's royal family, as well as musician Michael Jackson and famed magician David Copperfield emerged as some of the big names.A New York federal judge had earlier given orders for the release of the files as part of a lawsuit linked to Epstein's associate Ghislaine Maxwell. She has been serving a 20-year jail prison sentence for crimes which she allegedly committed along with Epstein.A total of 943 pages were released by the court. Some of the people named have been accused of wrongdoing and others present on the list are either potential witnesses or those making allegations. Also read: Bill Clinton in list of 200 names linked to Jeffrey Epstein that will be released: ReportNew York Judge Loretta Preska, while giving orders for making the names public, said that many of those who have been named in the lawsuit were already identified in Maxwell's criminal trial and by the media. The judge said that no objection was raised by others over the release of the documents.TRENDING NOW https://www.wionews.com/world/jeffre...ton-emerge-as-big-names-676343