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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2022-09-22 02:11:07
看板 Baseball
作者 zxc906383 (無無)
標題 [情報] Buster Posey 成為巨人隊老闆之一
時間 Thu Sep 22 00:49:19 2022


Today, the #SFGiants announced three-time World Series Champion and seven-time A
ll-Star Buster Posey has become a member of the ownership group. This marks the
first time that a former player has joined the organization as a principal partn
er and member of the Board of Directors.


舊金山巨人今天宣佈,Buster Posey 將成為球隊老闆群之一(第31位)


目前董事長是巨人老闆的兒子Greg Johnson



但Posey 選擇放棄+退休

San Francisco Baseball Associates LLC

Chairman: Greg Johnson

Vice Chairman: Rob Dean

Principal Partners

Arctos Sports Partners

Larry Baer

Aneel Bhusri

Alex Byer

Philip Byer

William Chang

Trina Dean

George Drysdale

Daniel Geller Trust

Philip Halperin

Tori Humphrey

David Jenkins

Charles B. Johnson

Rupert H. Johnson, Jr.

Duane Kurisu

Deborah Magowan

Jeffrey Mallett

Philip D. Morais

Lawrence Nibbi

Nancy Olsen

Buster Posey

Arthur Rock

Daniel Scheinman

David Schnell

John Scully

Scott Seligman

Robert L. Sockolov

Jed Walentas

David S. Wolff

Paul Wythes, Jr.

Jerry Yang

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1ZAq2IEp (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1663778962.A.3B3.html
dacrazy777: 巨人比較需要他來接球1F 09/22 00:50
xo1100: 叫你老闆出來打2F 09/22 00:50
victor87710: 叫你老闆出來打www3F 09/22 00:51
Morning5566: 叫你董A出來打4F 09/22 00:52
Edison1174: 人生勝利組5F 09/22 00:52
a10304025: 可以叫老闆蹲捕嗎6F 09/22 00:52
eapcy: 叫你頭家出來捕7F 09/22 00:54
nakayamayyt: 叫你董A粗來蹲8F 09/22 00:56
super009: 真的超勝利 整個生涯順成這樣9F 09/22 00:57
TrueTears: 叫你老闆出來打10F 09/22 00:57
penchiman: 肥貓缺11F 09/22 01:02
zxvf: 叫你董A出來打wwwwwwww12F 09/22 01:03
stevejack: 叫你老闆出來蹲!13F 09/22 01:04
PaulAllen2: 我本來以為波西會直接當巨人隊總教練了結果當老闆14F 09/22 01:06
slamblock15: 小波有料15F 09/22 01:06
mepass: 波西生涯成就+116F 09/22 01:08
Dimitre: 我記得他也有公司經營 應該不缺2200萬鎂17F 09/22 01:10
sesd:       叫你老闆出來打18F 09/22 01:11
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 09/22/2022 01:13:12
acergame5: 叫你老闆出來改規則19F 09/22 01:13
Drzowy: 有夠帥20F 09/22 01:20
petshopboys: 能當老闆誰還在土裡蹲 哈哈21F 09/22 01:24
cobras638: 波西22F 09/22 01:29
Arjui: 能超越叫你總仔的只有叫你老闆出來打了23F 09/22 01:34
WanYC: 叫你老闆出來蹲24F 09/22 01:35
lostguy: 生涯巨人,連退休都是25F 09/22 01:35
ppony: 最後一個楊致遠?26F 09/22 01:42
eddy12357: 叫你老闆出來打啊27F 09/22 01:42
ppony: William Chang 不知道是誰28F 09/22 01:43
sioprr: Japanese American 姓張?30F 09/22 01:49
KLC24: 叫你董欸出來蹲31F 09/22 01:49
Adam6613: 可能爸爸是華裔美國人媽媽日本人吧32F 09/22 01:51
kano2525: Posey是BodyArmor最早期的投資人之一,BodyArmor賣給可33F 09/22 01:51
kano2525: 口可樂之後他就財富自由了,不差這22M
hexokinase: 好帥 好勝利35F 09/22 02:03
kojo1234: 叫你老闆出來打36F 09/22 02:08

※ 看板: Baseball 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 26 
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