※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2022-04-09 04:21:14
看板 Baseball
作者 標題 [情報] Aaron Judge拒絕7年213.5M延長合約
時間 Sat Apr 9 00:03:18 2022
Brian Cashman says Aaron Judge rejected the team’s offer of a 7-year, $213.5 mi
llion extension that would have begun in 2023. @MLBNetwork @MLB
Jon Morosi
@jonmorosiBrian Cashman says Aaron Judge rejected the team’s offer of a 7-year, $213.5 million extension that would have begun in 2023. @MLBNetwork @MLB
@jonmorosiBrian Cashman says Aaron Judge rejected the team’s offer of a 7-year, $213.5 million extension that would have begun in 2023. @MLBNetwork @MLB
Brian Cashman said the Yankees offered Aaron Judge a seven-year, $213.5 million
extension that would start in 2023. It was declined. He said the sides would try
again after the season. Judge and the Yankees are going to an arbitration for t
his season. Either $17M or $21M.
Pete Abraham
@PeteAbeBrian Cashman said the Yankees offered Aaron Judge a seven-year, $213.5 million extension that would start in 2023. It was declined. He said the sides would try again after the season. Judge and the Yankees are going to an arbitration for this season. Either $17M or $21M.
@PeteAbeBrian Cashman said the Yankees offered Aaron Judge a seven-year, $213.5 million extension that would start in 2023. It was declined. He said the sides would try again after the season. Judge and the Yankees are going to an arbitration for this season. Either $17M or $21M.
球季結束後會嘗試繼續談,今年先薪資仲裁(17M vs 23M)
Interesting that a GM would go public with his offer. Rarely happens.
Pete Abraham
@PeteAbeInteresting that a GM would go public with his offer. Rarely happens.https://twitter.com/peteabe/status/1512451200247021570 …
@PeteAbeInteresting that a GM would go public with his offer. Rarely happens.https://twitter.com/peteabe/status/1512451200247021570 …
Brian Cashman said the Yankees offered Aaron Judge a seven-year, $213.5 million extension that would start in 2023. It was declined. He said the sides would try again after the season. Judge and the Yankees are going to an arbitration for this season. Either $17M or $21M.
Peter Abraham說GM公開報價的狀況很罕見
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推 : Judge是不是季末要穿別隊衣服了1F 04/09 00:03
→ : 太少了啦,他的等級要一年5000萬比照nba看板2F 04/09 00:04
So ultimately Judge turned down eight years at $230.5 or $234.5. Among OFs only
Trout would have a better deal.
Pete Abraham
@PeteAbeSo ultimately Judge turned down eight years at $230.5 or $234.5. Among OFs only Trout would have a better deal.
@PeteAbeSo ultimately Judge turned down eight years at $230.5 or $234.5. Among OFs only Trout would have a better deal.
推 : 不打疫苗也不想留紐約的感覺..應該會想辦法交易他3F 04/09 00:05
→ : 了吧
※ 編輯: polanco ( 臺灣), 04/09/2022 00:05:43→ : 了吧
推 : 這約算有誠意了吧 AAV超過30M長度也給到7年 他FA真的5F 04/09 00:06
→ : 能拿更多嗎?
→ : 能拿更多嗎?
推 : 這約洋基開的很有誠意了吧7F 04/09 00:06
推 : 他這健康程度不錯了吧 結果居然不要8F 04/09 00:06
→ : 還是最後會簽高薪短約?
→ : 還是最後會簽高薪短約?
→ : 考量他的年紀跟健康度 進FA可能也拿不到比這好多少10F 04/09 00:08
→ : 的
※ 編輯: polanco ( 臺灣), 04/09/2022 00:09:56→ : 的
推 : 一年三千不要,笑死12F 04/09 00:10
噓 : 笑死 他去FA 能簽得到比這張更大的約 我跟他姓13F 04/09 00:10
推 : 他今年就30歲了欸...7年這個長度算很有誠意了吧14F 04/09 00:11
→ : 他也對自己太有自信了吧...
→ : 他也對自己太有自信了吧...
推 : 紐約矮湯?16F 04/09 00:12
推 : 30.5不夠?17F 04/09 00:12
→ : 應該不是合約長度或平均年薪問題(?),不然他應該不會再拚18F 04/09 00:12
→ : 一年
→ : 一年
推 : 覺得洋基應該痛下決心 放掉或交易出去 這合約算給有誠意20F 04/09 00:13
噓 : 梁靜茹給了勇氣能簽更多21F 04/09 00:13
推 : 假如不續簽法官 明年自由市場有外野大物嗎?22F 04/09 00:14
→ : 如果需要要在加一些 洋基應該會買單 很明顯法官要的就是要23F 04/09 00:14
→ : 加很多
→ : 加很多
推 : 這價格可以吧 拒絕是怎麼了25F 04/09 00:14
→ : 洋基又不是智障26F 04/09 00:15
→ : 我的感覺是法官陣營吃定洋基必定得留他,畢竟現在打線最穩27F 04/09 00:18
→ : 定的還是法官 農場大物要長出來還要好幾年
→ : 定的還是法官 農場大物要長出來還要好幾年
噓 : 如果他跟Cano一樣想拿10年3億以上.就直接731拿去換百大29F 04/09 00:19
推 : 拿30.5M去外面找FA會不會比較好?30F 04/09 00:19
→ : 除非托天子還是史丹頓能大復活,不然沒法官的打線能看嗎31F 04/09 00:19
推 : 洋基本打定必定要留法官 但如果價碼差太多 洋基也會放 法32F 04/09 00:20
→ : 官30歲了
→ : 官30歲了
推 : nyy德軟?34F 04/09 00:20
推 : 打者成長曲線跟成績預測 洋基出這價差不多了35F 04/09 00:20
推 : 夠好了吧?36F 04/09 00:20
推 : 那就要保證今年健康又打得好了37F 04/09 00:21
→ : 30.5M洋基難道自由市場或用交易找不到人嗎38F 04/09 00:21
→ : 想要簽那種最後可以在洋基退休的約,恐怕需要不只一點運氣39F 04/09 00:21
推 : 還是想要簽哈波那種約?40F 04/09 00:21
→ : 又不是Soto年輕的要死41F 04/09 00:22
推 : 這麼貪喔 要滾快滾42F 04/09 00:22
推 : 他24歲就上大聯盟算早 鱒魚跟Soto都算規格外了43F 04/09 00:22
推 : 覺得平均32M搞不好洋基都會買單 法官要的合約跟洋基能給差44F 04/09 00:22
→ : 距很大
→ : 距很大
→ : 搞不好想跟Cole一樣平均3600啊,然後小氣洋基最多只能346F 04/09 00:23
→ : 200
→ : 200
→ : 角落外野就很尷尬 如果他是中線 多個一兩年還可以48F 04/09 00:24
→ : 剛剛查了一下 預測他今年WAR會來到最高峰明年開始衰退
→ : 剛剛查了一下 預測他今年WAR會來到最高峰明年開始衰退
推 : 重點是他健康的球季沒幾季50F 04/09 00:24
→ : 超肥的約耶51F 04/09 00:26
→ : 我FB去年第二輪還可以撿到哈波 就是因為位置跟成績預測差52F 04/09 00:26
推 : 這季猜打的鳥的話就會乖乖留洋基了XD53F 04/09 00:26
推 : 健康就新人王那季吧,去年有點小痛,然後18-20都有傷病54F 04/09 00:26
→ : 問題
→ : 問題
推 : Harper簽大約時才26歲 法官則再過幾天就滿30了 要比照56F 04/09 00:26
→ : Harper那張根本癡人說夢
→ : Harper那張根本癡人說夢
→ : Stantony在2015簽13yrs/$325M 是說 通澎有這麼大嗎XD58F 04/09 00:27
→ : 而且是25歲時綁的肥約 法官今年30歲
→ : 而且是25歲時綁的肥約 法官今年30歲
推 : Harper均薪比這張便宜多了60F 04/09 00:28
推 : 然後他去年拿MVP 年紀落在巔峰是不會騙人的 沒有*幫助下61F 04/09 00:29
→ : 不要拉倒,這麼好的約還嫌62F 04/09 00:29
→ : 平均年薪3050萬美元63F 04/09 00:30
→ : 這年頭過33之後 大概就只比看誰退步的慢而已64F 04/09 00:30
推 : 是貪還是經紀公司在搞?65F 04/09 00:31
推 : 不知道是嫌太短還是均薪太少66F 04/09 00:33
→ : 安撫球迷的啦67F 04/09 00:33
推 : 感覺很難拿比這張還大張的約68F 04/09 00:34
→ : 31歲WAR有預期達5去FA 長約就3~5年算極限 給到6年不可能69F 04/09 00:34
推 : 洋基七年平均3050萬應該也只是報價 只是可能法官開給洋基70F 04/09 00:34
→ : 報價 就直接破局 價碼差太多
→ : 報價 就直接破局 價碼差太多
推 : 會公布就是因為要給球迷交代啊XD72F 04/09 00:34
→ : 說我們有出一個合理的價錢 大概是這樣
→ : 說我們有出一個合理的價錢 大概是這樣
→ : Cashman應該也很氣吧 雖然嘴巴上講得很好聽74F 04/09 00:35
推 : 應該沒錯是給球迷交代 先打預防針留不住人責任不是在球團75F 04/09 00:36
→ : 身上
→ : 身上
→ : 順便公開處刑一下 畢竟誠意夠了 等等肯定噓聲四起77F 04/09 00:37
推 : 太貪心了吧78F 04/09 00:39
推 : 給球迷交代79F 04/09 00:57
推 : 大都會準備好了80F 04/09 01:04
推 : 原來是貪官啊81F 04/09 01:09
推 : 傻…除了紐約 誰會給你這個多==82F 04/09 01:13
→ : 天使?83F 04/09 01:21
推 : 其實給他長約 大機率後面都是擺爛84F 04/09 02:11
推 : 好扯,這麼肥的約不要,30歲欸,真的貪...85F 04/09 03:54
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