※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2022-03-21 01:30:09
看板 Baseball
作者 標題 [情報] Trevor Story去紅襪 6年140M
時間 Sun Mar 20 22:02:57 2022
Trevor Story has reached an agreement with the Boston #Redsox
Bob Nightengale
@BNightengaleTrevor Story has reached an agreement with the Boston #Redsox
@BNightengaleTrevor Story has reached an agreement with the Boston #Redsox
Jim Bowden ⚾️
@JimBowdenGMConfirmedhttps://twitter.com/BNightengale/status/1505544548721704963 …
Trevor Story has reached an agreement with the Boston #Redsox
@JimBowdenGMConfirmedhttps://twitter.com/BNightengale/status/1505544548721704963 …
Trevor Story has reached an agreement with the Boston #Redsox
Source confirms: Free agent Trevor Story is in agreement with the Red Sox on a
six-year, $140M contract. First: @BNightengale
Ken Rosenthal
@Ken_RosenthalSource confirms: Free agent Trevor Story is in agreement with the Red Sox on a six-year, $140M contract. First: @BNightengale
@Ken_RosenthalSource confirms: Free agent Trevor Story is in agreement with the Red Sox on a six-year, $140M contract. First: @BNightengale
Trevor Story will play 2B for the #RedSox with Xander Bogaerts remaining at SS
Jim Bowden ⚾️
@JimBowdenGMTrevor Story will play 2B for the #RedSox with Xander Bogaerts remaining at SS.
@JimBowdenGMTrevor Story will play 2B for the #RedSox with Xander Bogaerts remaining at SS.
Trevor Story is in agreement with the Red Sox: 6 years, $140M. There is a play
er opt out after year 4. Boston can negate by picking up a 7th-yr option. If s
o the deal is 7-$160M
Joel Sherman
@Joelsherman1Trevor Story is in agreement with the Red Sox: 6 years, $140M. There is a player opt out after year 4. Boston can negate by picking up a 7th-yr option. If so the deal is 7-$160M
@Joelsherman1Trevor Story is in agreement with the Red Sox: 6 years, $140M. There is a player opt out after year 4. Boston can negate by picking up a 7th-yr option. If so the deal is 7-$160M
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1YDpGJap (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1647784979.A.933.html
※ 編輯: Wojnarowski ( 臺灣), 03/20/2022 22:04:05
推 : 超級大約嗎?1F 03/20 22:03
推 : XB改守二壘?2F 03/20 22:04
→ : 是他改守二壘3F 03/20 22:05
推 : 子偉QQ4F 03/20 22:05
推 : 樓上IE?5F 03/20 22:06
→ : 子偉去梅子了喔6F 03/20 22:07
推 : 是預先判斷不能留xb了嗎7F 03/20 22:08
推 : 故事改守二壘8F 03/20 22:08
→ : 子偉都在國聯了還在雲啥?9F 03/20 22:08
推 : 4F的世界線還來得及 空爆台G電 財富自由等著你10F 03/20 22:10
推 : 4F 先跟你說33會停電11F 03/20 22:10
推 : ㄟ不是子偉離開紅襪都多久了12F 03/20 22:13
推 : 4樓是lag幾年阿...13F 03/20 22:13
推 : 還是可惜 這樣紅襪應該也能追Correa吧14F 03/20 22:14
推 : 4FQQ15F 03/20 22:14
推 : 故事守備不是比XB好嗎?16F 03/20 22:14
推 : XB是自己養出來的明星 除非他願意不然一定是新來的換位置17F 03/20 22:16
→ : XB好像好像不讓守位18F 03/20 22:16
推 : 4F趕快歐印航運股當航海王了啊19F 03/20 22:17
→ : 是說大咖的去處Josh都中了20F 03/20 22:17
推 : 二三遊 Story XB Devers 怎麼輸???21F 03/20 22:17
推 : 樓上不要這樣 今年我襪就重建中22F 03/20 22:18
推 : XB要拼明年跳出去FA 不會想換守位23F 03/20 22:19
推 : XB的游擊好像守的不怎麼樣耶XD24F 03/20 22:19
推 : 反正這種事在大聯盟也不是第一次發生了25F 03/20 22:19
推 : IE都沒那麼鴿子26F 03/20 22:20
推 : 神級內野27F 03/20 22:20
推 : 4樓哈哈 你看看你28F 03/20 22:21
噓 : 4樓 鴿子餵了嗎29F 03/20 22:22
→ : 某樓還處在平行時空= =30F 03/20 22:22
推 : 四樓那個年代剛好能歐印海運31F 03/20 22:22
推 : 洋基明年大概倒數第二名了^^32F 03/20 22:23
推 : 以前A肉守備也比丁特好啊 還不是A肉轉33F 03/20 22:23
推 : 故事哥去年跟以前比好像蠻普通的 ,下山不知道會如何34F 03/20 22:23
推 : 趁現在還能出國玩 之後有個東西叫covid 19很恐怖的35F 03/20 22:23
推 : 4樓你那邊還來得及放空俄羅斯股市36F 03/20 22:23
推 : 美東核彈庫37F 03/20 22:24
→ : 6yr/140M38F 03/20 22:24
推 : 居然拿得比Correa多XD39F 03/20 22:24
→ : 而且以OAA來看 去年故事哥跟XB算半斤八兩40F 03/20 22:25
→ : 和Baez價碼一樣41F 03/20 22:25
→ : 均薪Correa高不少啦42F 03/20 22:25
推 : 4f43F 03/20 22:28
→ : 難怪洋基不跟,這約不可能簽的46F 03/20 22:29
推 : 4F你那邊還來的及47F 03/20 22:31
推 : 舒服48F 03/20 22:32
推 : 哇哇哇49F 03/20 22:34
噓 : 盤死50F 03/20 22:35
推 : 4樓空2330 空俄羅斯 買鎳 = 2022人生退休51F 03/20 22:39
※ 編輯: Wojnarowski ( 臺灣), 03/20/2022 22:40:25→ : 故事不是有退化疑慮嗎52F 03/20 22:46
推 : xb55F 03/20 23:18
→ : 4樓會停電喔先準備好56F 03/20 23:40
→ : 有夠盤57F 03/20 23:47
推 : 我相信有時空旅人這件事了==58F 03/20 23:51
推 : 刺激59F 03/20 23:53
推 : 子偉在紅襪已經是兩年前的事了…60F 03/21 00:08
推 : 感覺內野守備會很雷61F 03/21 00:09
推 : 他dWAR每年都是正的 而且有時候還是金手套的等級的數據62F 03/21 00:26
→ : 故事哥下山打擊完全不行63F 03/21 00:41
推 : 哇64F 03/21 00:51
→ : 潘65F 03/21 01:03
推 : 連更全面的納豆下山都修正了,不看好故事66F 03/21 01:07
※ 看板: Baseball 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 57
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