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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2022-03-10 10:44:05
看板 Baseball
作者 polanco (polanco)
標題 [情報] 大聯盟繼續取消比賽 至4/13
時間 Thu Mar 10 07:47:59 2022

MLB has canceled more games, pushing Opening Day to April 14. The players reject
ed MLB’s options, and sent back a counter proposal. That counter was not enough
 to convince owners not to bring down more games.

Evan Drellich
MLB has canceled more games, pushing Opening Day to April 14. The players rejected MLB’s options, and sent back a counter proposal. That counter was not enough to convince owners not to bring down more games.









The MLBPA rejected the league's three offers on an international draft resolutio
n and presented its own, a source tells ESPN.

The proposal: Remove qualifying offer this year. If parties can't agree to int'l
l draft by Nov. 15, QO returns and revert to previous int'l system.

Jeff Passan
The MLBPA rejected the league's three offers on an international draft resolution and presented its own, a source tells ESPN.

The proposal: Remove qualifying offer this year. If parties can't agree to int'll draft by Nov. 15, QO returns and revert to previous int'l system.




Jeff Passan
The international draft became the latest stumbling block in collective-bargaining negotiations. The MLBPA made the last full proposal today, but MLB said it would discuss other issues only if the players agreed to one of three options. They didn't. MLB then canceled games.



底薪:710K起 最後一年漲到780K



Evan Drellich
Source: MLBPA proposal today moved to $65 million on prearbitration pool and $232m, $235m, $240m, $245m, $250m on CBT thresholds over the deal.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1YAJoq5o (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1646869684.A.172.html
es9114ian: 國際球員真的有夠可憐1F 03/10 07:49
gnorimim: 唉不知道要到什麼時候才能開季2F 03/10 07:49
k385476916: 這樣只能看籃球了3F 03/10 07:57
k385476916: 還是希望趕快談好
es9114ian: 等著看後面會不會取消到Jackie Robinson day5F 03/10 08:05
osvaldo4040: 鈴木誠也:6F 03/10 08:11
※ 編輯: polanco ( 臺灣), 03/10/2022 08:22:17
※ 編輯: polanco ( 臺灣), 03/10/2022 08:31:05
※ 編輯: polanco ( 臺灣), 03/10/2022 08:31:38
leoz69927: 能開季都六月了7F 03/10 08:32
ssss06: 本來想說今年中職晚開季沒關係至少還有大聯盟可以看 結果=8F 03/10 08:41
ssss06:  =
fishhy: 該不會搞到像2020年到7月才開幕?10F 03/10 08:45
AAaaron: 讚喔11F 03/10 08:50
add20716: 浪費球員的生涯...12F 03/10 08:50
AisinGioro: 中職晚開季你還有日職可以看啊 3/25就開了13F 03/10 09:03
mibbl0: 結果搞到九月開打就好笑了14F 03/10 09:08
BigHurt: zzz15F 03/10 09:13
japandan: 現在是卡在球員工會要更多錢 但球團老闆不想給!?16F 03/10 09:14
Kitakami: 辦MLB夏令營17F 03/10 09:14
fishhy: 搞到9月打的話,還不如比照NHL整季取消,這樣曼主席還敢18F 03/10 09:21
fishhy: 稱自己是談判高手?
pchunters: 讚啦,還不快來台灣打工20F 03/10 09:30
bagamanslim: 希望各隊可以多一個大聯盟打工名額,不錯吧21F 03/10 09:35
ShaEric63ck: 好無聊22F 03/10 09:45
AllenHuang: 來中職打工吧23F 03/10 10:03
mutzy52000: 爽阿刺阿24F 03/10 10:03
AllenHuang: 中職考慮開放大聯盟球員打工啦25F 03/10 10:04
LIGAGA: 好想看大谷QQ26F 03/10 10:05
edhuang: 持續逼近Jackie Robinson Day中27F 03/10 10:07
asdfg5435: 他們是不是怕大谷破記錄28F 03/10 10:07
audy112: 還在鬧29F 03/10 10:10
arthur8787: 今年賽季要縮水了吧30F 03/10 10:20
※ 編輯: polanco ( 臺灣), 03/10/2022 10:23:57
cool34: 看日職囉~~~31F 03/10 10:27
AZBTPATONY: 過氣運動還搞這個 沒人看囉32F 03/10 10:31
niwinc05: 還好還有中職可以看33F 03/10 10:35

※ 看板: Baseball 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 41 
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