※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-06-30 11:35:27
看板 Baseball
作者 標題 [情報] Trevor Bauer遭警方調查
時間 Wed Jun 30 10:26:19 2021
Following a TMZ report that police in California are investigating Dodgers star
Trevor Bauer for an assault on a woman, Bauer's attorney, Jon Fetterolf, release
d a statement in which he denied the allegations. ESPN has chosen not to name th
e woman even though her attorney did. https://t.co/jdSbmNtQma
@JeffPassanFollowing a TMZ report that police in California are investigating Dodgers star Trevor Bauer for an assault on a woman, Bauer's attorney, Jon Fetterolf, released a statement in which he denied the allegations. ESPN has chosen not to name the woman even though her attorney did.
@JeffPassanFollowing a TMZ report that police in California are investigating Dodgers star Trevor Bauer for an assault on a woman, Bauer's attorney, Jon Fetterolf, released a statement in which he denied the allegations. ESPN has chosen not to name the woman even though her attorney did.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1WszPGe1 (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1625019984.A.A01.html
推 : 偷他的油油來用嗎>''<1F 06/30 10:27
※ 編輯: polanco ( 臺灣), 06/30/2021 10:27:55→ : 告什麼?2F 06/30 10:28
推 : 被告啥?3F 06/30 10:28
推 : Assault on a woman 大家都不看英文的喔4F 06/30 10:29
推 : 歐祖那:5F 06/30 10:29
推 : 跟女網友約跑兩次6F 06/30 10:30
推 : 未合意性交?7F 06/30 10:30
推 : 左轉花錢消災 右轉社會公審8F 06/30 10:30
推 : assault, 比較像動手打人9F 06/30 10:30
推 : 用小頭 assault (x10F 06/30 10:31
※ 編輯: polanco ( 臺灣), 06/30/2021 10:32:10推 : 小頭忘記抹油 太痛了11F 06/30 10:34
→ : 揍女性很嚴重欸12F 06/30 10:35
推 : 窒息性愛&賞巴掌?13F 06/30 10:36
推 : 「女子在訊息中希望被粗暴的對待,包含 」然後就被告暴力14F 06/30 10:36
→ : 了
→ : 了
推 : 鮑爾?16F 06/30 10:37
→ : assault應該是打人吧17F 06/30 10:37
推 : 看Bauer律師的聲明就玩太大然後被越想越不對勁18F 06/30 10:38
推 : 請先看英文好嗎 寫的很清楚啊19F 06/30 10:38
→ : 看BBS就知道為啥一堆人看不了原文。20F 06/30 10:39
推 : 事後越想越不對勁21F 06/30 10:40
推 : 新洛城老大22F 06/30 10:41
→ : 對喔 要變老大接班人了23F 06/30 10:42
推 : 扒衣精神!24F 06/30 10:45
推 : 玩太大?25F 06/30 10:47
推 : 沒抹油被告?26F 06/30 10:47
→ : 原來是LA新老大27F 06/30 10:47
推 : 聽不到啦28F 06/30 10:53
推 : 就女生要求做菜的時候順便賞巴掌和勒脖子,29F 06/30 10:55
→ : 最後腦震盪所以要告包爾
→ : 最後腦震盪所以要告包爾
推 : 外國人懂玩31F 06/30 10:58
推 : YT怎沒拍自己去酒店32F 06/30 10:58
→ : 這圖XDDDD33F 06/30 11:14
※ 看板: Baseball 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 55
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