※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-06-27 04:34:07
看板 Baseball
作者 標題 [情報] Mike Soroka 右腳阿基里斯腱二度撕裂
時間 Sun Jun 27 00:53:20 2021
An MRI was performed, which revealed a complete re-tear of the tendon. Soroka
will require season-ending surgery, which will be scheduled within the week.
Atlanta Braves
@BravesAn MRI was performed, which revealed a complete re-tear of the tendon. Soroka will require season-ending surgery, which will be scheduled within the week.
@BravesAn MRI was performed, which revealed a complete re-tear of the tendon. Soroka will require season-ending surgery, which will be scheduled within the week.
Medical Update on Mike Soroka –
This past Thursday while walking to the clubhouse at Truist Park, Mike Soroka
felt a pop in his right Achilles.
Atlanta Braves
@BravesMedical Update on Mike Soroka –
This past Thursday while walking to the clubhouse at Truist Park, Mike Soroka felt a pop in his right Achilles.
@BravesMedical Update on Mike Soroka –
This past Thursday while walking to the clubhouse at Truist Park, Mike Soroka felt a pop in his right Achilles.
勇士投手Mike Soroka上禮拜在球場走路聽到腳踝一聲聲響,照MRI發現去年受傷的右腳阿
Braves RHP Mike Soroka set for second Achilles procedure
Braves RHP Mike Soroka set for second Achilles procedure | The Atlanta Braves Report | tribuneledgernews.com
Mike Soroka’s injury woes remain ongoing as the Atlanta Braves right-hander will need exploratory surgery on his previously torn Achilles tendon. ...
Mike Soroka’s injury woes remain ongoing as the Atlanta Braves right-hander will need exploratory surgery on his previously torn Achilles tendon. ...
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1Wrrk39i (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1624726403.A.26C.html
→ : 這最快也要明年回來吧1F 06/27 00:54
→ : 是還沒完全好又斷這樣?也太慘2F 06/27 00:55
推 : 完了…3F 06/27 00:57
推 : 不要啊...4F 06/27 00:58
※ 編輯: Wojnarowski ( 臺灣), 06/27/2021 00:58:40推 : 慘......5F 06/27 00:58
推 : 才23歲欸....這樣一直斷不知道什麼時候能回球場6F 06/27 01:01
推 : 這只能掰了吧 搜嘍卡7F 06/27 01:01
推 : 撕了又好 好了又撕8F 06/27 01:02
推 : 真心很難過 上月中開刀時發現他的縫線未若預期被身體9F 06/27 01:04
→ : 吸收掉…..
→ : 吸收掉…..
推 : 身體玻璃化後 幾乎就是一路走下坡了 他還很年輕真可惜11F 06/27 01:05
→ : 幫勇士QQ Kris Medlen、Bruce Beachy12F 06/27 01:08
→ : Brandon
→ : Brandon
推 : 100種傷兵...14F 06/27 01:09
推 : No…15F 06/27 01:10
推 : 要不要請教KD的醫療團隊16F 06/27 01:14
推 : 慘...17F 06/27 01:17
推 : 走一走就斷了....18F 06/27 01:24
推 : 太慘了...希望健康19F 06/27 01:35
推 : 好慘啊索拉卡20F 06/27 01:42
推 : 這個真的悲慘 連日常生活都影響21F 06/27 01:49
推 : oh~soraka~22F 06/27 02:26
→ : 不要啊........23F 06/27 02:27
推 : 慘...24F 06/27 02:50
推 : 真衰…25F 06/27 02:57
推 : 曾經的超級新人 結果痛成這樣26F 06/27 03:28
推 : 走路都能斷 這到底有多脆弱27F 06/27 03:46
※ 看板: Baseball 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 44
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