※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-05-29 18:50:18
看板 Baseball
作者 標題 [情報] 白襪更動飲食區名字讓家屬不滿
時間 Sat May 29 16:48:41 2021
ESPN:Family cries foul after Chicago White Sox change name of food area to hon
or Tony La Russa
Family cries foul after Chicago White Sox change name of food area to honor Tony La Russa
A food area at the home of the Chicago White Sox now is called La Russa's Lounge after being named years ago in honor of a woman who sold beer and hot ...
A food area at the home of the Chicago White Sox now is called La Russa's Lounge after being named years ago in honor of a woman who sold beer and hot ...
芝加哥白襪近期將一個原名為Loretta's Lounge的飲食區
改名成La Russa's Lounge
也就是改成用白襪現任名人堂總教練Tony La Russa為名
原本的Loretta's Lounge是為了紀念一位為白襪服務超過60年的員工-Loretta Micele
對於此次改名,Loretta Micele家屬對於球團並無事先告知,感到相當不滿
目前是會做個Loretta's Lounge牌子的複製品給家屬
並且表示Loretta Micele是白襪很珍貴的一位成員
"Loretta Micele has always been a treasured member of the White Sox family and
a plaque in her honor remains in the space to honor her memory despite the na
me change."
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1WiV_hV2 (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1622278123.A.7C2.html
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 05/29/2021 16:49:34
The White Sox said the change was made after the 2019 season, long before La R
ussa returned for his second stint as manager. The team said no one noticed la
st year because fans couldn't attend games.
"Prior to Tony La Russa becoming manager, a space that had been named after La
Russa for many seasons was relocated to the current area on the 100 level dur
ing the 2020 season," a team statement said
照球團說法,以前球場就有以Tony La Russa命名的區域了
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 05/29/2021 17:50:09
推 : 老闆愛死這個名人堂總仔了 員工家屬還是乖乖吞下去吧1F 05/29 16:50
推 : 這名員工有比總仔尊重棒球嗎2F 05/29 16:52
推 : La Russa怎麼沒有出來喊:尊重員工很重要3F 05/29 16:53
推 : 照球團回應不就是2019到現在都沒通知家屬嗎 真這樣也太4F 05/29 17:02
→ : 扯
我也覺得蠻扯的→ : 扯
The White Sox said the change was made after the 2019 season, long before La R
ussa returned for his second stint as manager. The team said no one noticed la
st year because fans couldn't attend games.
推 : 為什麼要把一個歷史改掉……名人堂知名度還不夠嗎?留6F 05/29 17:06
→ : 一點球場周邊故事不好?
→ : 一點球場周邊故事不好?
推 : 那在更之前那飲食區叫什麼名字?8F 05/29 17:08
推 : 這麼愛La Russa 球場中有更多地方可以命名吧9F 05/29 17:16
→ : 老害還是很有地位的10F 05/29 17:18
推 : 酒駕食堂11F 05/29 17:18
推 : 看到改名La Russa瞬間爆笑12F 05/29 17:23
推 : 舔得這麼凶13F 05/29 17:23
推 : 開酒吧是吧14F 05/29 17:24
推 : 另劃一區就好 何必改名15F 05/29 17:26
"Prior to Tony La Russa becoming manager, a space that had been named after La
Russa for many seasons was relocated to the current area on the 100 level dur
ing the 2020 season," a team statement said
照球團說法,以前球場就有以Tony La Russa命名的區域了
推 : 其實做一個員工雕像站在飲食區門口也不錯啊16F 05/29 17:26
→ : 我襪老闆的偷情照是不是在老頭手上17F 05/29 17:31
推 : 老闆的裸照在總欸手上嗎18F 05/29 17:32
推 : 傳奇總教練放在餐飲區紀念嗎19F 05/29 17:34
推 : 全員申請轉隊中20F 05/29 17:37
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 05/29/2021 17:47:43推 : 奉獻70年結果餐廳不到7年就改名21F 05/29 17:43
推 : 老害22F 05/29 17:44
推 : 這也是潛規則的一種嗎23F 05/29 17:46
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 05/29/2021 17:48:29※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 05/29/2021 17:50:09
推 : 建議更名 芝加哥白拉魯沙24F 05/29 17:59
推 : 賣酒囉25F 05/29 18:01
噓 : 可以直接燒掉嗎26F 05/29 18:14
推 : 球場有這麼多地方可以取名字 球團在想什麼27F 05/29 18:14
※ 看板: Baseball 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 22
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