※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2020-08-18 10:52:17
看板 Baseball
作者 標題 [情報] Clevinger,Plesac事件,隊友揚言退賽
時間 Mon Aug 17 22:23:35 2020
Jeff Passan
News at ESPN:https://es.pn/314Hihi
@jeffpassanIn the team meeting that led to Mike Clevinger and Zach Plesac's demotion, a veteran threatened to opt out if they remained with the Indians. Inside the fallout -- and potentially huge service-time implications -- of Cleveland's decision.
News at ESPN:https://es.pn/314Hihi
In the team meeting that led to Mike Clevinger and Zach Plesac's demotion, a v
eteran threatened to opt out if they remained with the Indians. Inside the fal
lout -- and potentially huge service-time implications -- of Cleveland's decis
在印地安人球隊會議中,一個老將(Oliver Perez)表示,若Plesac跟Clevinger在名單中
ESPN 文章連結:https://reurl.cc/N6jGA9
Sources -- Choices by Mike Clevinger, Zach Plesac to break protocol caused rift within Indians
Pitchers Mike Clevinger and Zach Plesac were scolded by teammates in a meeting Friday as the Indians deal with the fallout from the two breaking proto ...
Pitchers Mike Clevinger and Zach Plesac were scolded by teammates in a meeting Friday as the Indians deal with the fallout from the two breaking proto ...
包含Clevinger, Plesac8/7外出,Plesac 8/8早上回飯店被抓包直接被送回家。但Clevin
除了Perez揚言退賽外,Lindor 也對此事頗有微詞。
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1VEfBgaz (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1597674218.A.93D.html
※ 編輯: DarthVader ( 臺灣), 08/17/2020 22:24:53
推 : 這樣挺尷尬的 球隊氣氛1F 08/17 22:24
→ Zuleta …
推 : 爽 我爽3F 08/17 22:28
推 : 張育成利多?4F 08/17 22:28
推 : Clevinger我躲收5F 08/17 22:28
推 : 感覺會被交易掉6F 08/17 22:30
推 : 看成Clevinger, Please7F 08/17 22:36
推 : 這兩個的確滿白目的8F 08/17 22:40
推 : 利多啊 這樣車輪戰爆掉有機會上丘投球9F 08/17 22:45
推 : 這兩個有實力不怕 安撫好林多就沒事10F 08/17 22:48
推 : 是指上場投球的部份利多?11F 08/17 22:55
→ : 這個培瑞茲快40歲了今年不投也差不多要退休啦12F 08/17 23:00
推 : 柯雷文哲13F 08/17 23:02
推 : 我對Perez的印象大概只有9局那張海盜的全盛= =14F 08/17 23:05
推 : 氣氛僵起來~15F 08/17 23:09
推 : 氣氛起來16F 08/17 23:14
推 : 活該17F 08/17 23:14
推 : 最好多放在下面幾天呵呵18F 08/17 23:21
推 : 本季直接報銷吧19F 08/17 23:22
推 : OP竟然還在投w20F 08/17 23:35
推 : 林董不爽比較怕21F 08/17 23:38
推 : 林董明年就不在笑臉了 生氣沒差啦22F 08/17 23:42
推 : 後年吧?還是我記錯了?23F 08/17 23:43
推 : 看成plastic24F 08/17 23:57
推 : O Perez 18年投的也不錯啦 但畢竟老了25F 08/18 00:03
推 : 柯雷文哲這樣搞真的很糟糕26F 08/18 00:05
推 : 育成直接當先發(?)27F 08/18 00:17
推 : 好吧 那你退賽 這兩位朋友強多了28F 08/18 00:30
推 : 天使勇士缺投手29F 08/18 00:44
→ : 把溥儀哥簽回來 有氣氛的地方不能沒有他30F 08/18 00:57
推 : 柯雷文哲又不乖了31F 08/18 01:06
推 : Perez我記得以前就蠻會出怪聲了32F 08/18 01:29
推 : 這不是怪聲吧 的確是白目隊友啊33F 08/18 06:39
推 : 兩個豬隊友34F 08/18 08:32
推 : 會交易掉嗎35F 08/18 09:34
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